Want To Lose 10 Pounds?



  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Slightly annoyed at my small loss, until I came here and saw that I hit another #10!!! Finally!, But still pretty close to #1 a week, so that's good! (Tho I'd love it to go faster 🤷)

    Good week! Lots of moving. Not quite as good with the dancing and lifting, but I've been busy with the littles and tired LOL.

    I need a really strong week coming up so I canhave a little room to breath on vacation. Will get lots of beach walking there, plan to do light lifting in the gym, and lots of dancing.

    6/26 Wk 1 - 8/14 Wk 8 total -10.6
    Lose #10 Challenge 1 ✔️ 🎉

    8/14 Wk 8 -10/9 Wk 16 total -20
    Lose #10 Challenge 2 ✔️✔️🎉

    10/16 Week 17 -0.4 total -20.4
    10/23 Week 18 -0.4 total -20.8
    10/30 Week 19 -0.6 total -21.4
    11/06 Week 20 -1.4 total -22.8
    11/13 Week 21 -/+0 total -22.8
    11/20 Week 22 +0.4 total -22.4
    11/27 Week 23 -1.4 total -23.8
    12/05 Week 24 +3.2 total -20.6
    12/11 Week 25 -3.2 total -23.8
    12/18 Week 26 -1.6 total -25.4
    12/25 Week 27 -3.0 total -28.4
    01/01 Week 27 +0.4 total -28.0
    01/08 Week 28 -0.8 total -28.8
    01/15 Week 29 +/-0 total -28.8
    01/22 Week 30 -0.8 total -29.6
    01/29 Week 31 -0.6 total -30.2
    Lose #10 Challenge 3 ✔️✔️✔️🎉
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,058 Member
    Down 0.4# this week. ;)
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited January 2021
    Up .08 lbs this week. I've really been struggle these past few weeks. I'm not totally sure why I'm struggling with my eating habits. It's definitely me and between medical items I went through last year plus covid I feel like mentally I needed to take a break from something. Just didn't need for it all to effect my weight. My plan is to get busy and stay busy and clear the weeds out of my head. After all we all know that's where the issue is (I think). I do take a bunch of meds and that could play a part on it. On to a new week.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm down 1.4!!

    I had a really good week from an eating/tracking standpoint. In an effort to get better sleep, I've been experimenting with what/when I eat. I'm back to eating breakfast and trying to get a decent amount of protein early in the day. Then trying not to eat after 8:00pm. I'm also watching added sugar. My sleep has improved but still needs work. I feel like this plan might be helping, so more of the same for the upcoming week to test my theory.

    I'm still not exercising enough. Addressing that this week.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,548 Member
    Mission accomplished. Since 1/1/21 I am down 12#. Back to my goal. Now let's see if I know how to keep it off.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,989 Member
    Good job @whathapnd and @lowbar31!

    I'm up 0.4 pounds since last week, and am still just bouncing around ~3 pounds above my personal target (though still maintaining well under my WW official goal weight).

    With that said, I did a much better job following my plan this week, with the exception of last night. I mostly avoided snacks and alcohol during the week, and I got most of my planned exercise in, in spite of the icy roads this week. If I can just keep with this, I think I will see the scale respond in due time.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,917 Member
    Congrats to Dennis and Emmie! Steve-o, you’re scaring me a bit running in adverse weather. I admire the dedication, but worry about the risk of slipping and falling. (Yeah, that’s what we old guys think about instead of thinking about sex.). 😉

    A good week for me, down 0.8 pounds. As I said in another thread, I’m losing in small chucks so that I can sneak up on my goal weight and it will never hear me coming. There’s a chance I’ll get back to goal before Tom Brady retires in 2028 . . .

    Also, given that we’ve had some snow this week, instead of walking outside along the road, I dusted off the Nordic Track and started working my time back on that. Started at five minutes, and I’m up to twelve this morning.

    05/06/20 wk 1 to 06/24 wk 7 lose 10.6
    Lose #10 Challenge 1 ✔️

    06/24 wk 7 to 09/09 wk 18 lose 20.8
    Lose #10 Challenge 2 ✔️

    09/09/20 wk 18 to 1/13/21 wk 36 lose 30.2
    Lose #10 Challenge 3 ✔️

    1/12 wk 36 to 1/20 wk 37 -0.4 total 30.6
    1/20 wk 37 to 1/27 wk 38 -0.8 total 31.4
    1/27 wk 38 to 2/3 wk 39 -0.8 total 32.2
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,058 Member
    Down 0.4#, 4th week in a row with a loss. :)
    As Charlie said: I admire the dedication, but worry about the risk of slipping and falling. (Yeah, that’s what we old guys think about instead of thinking about sex.).
    I was laughing so much that TOL said "what's so funny". I told her, and she laughed also.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,989 Member
    @crewahl and @Al_Howard: I appreciate the concern, and worry about it myself. In icy/snowy conditions I'll wear Yaktrax or microspikes. They make my shoes heavier (particularly the spikes), but they really do make a big difference when the roads are slippery.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,994 Member
    This is the same post from todays Friday WI post.

    Up .8 from last week. Still struggling. Bassically up around + - 6 lbs since 1/1/21. For what ever reason and there are some I've struggled with attitude, habits, and just about anything that effects my weight.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,989 Member
    I'm up 0.2 pounds this week, and could almost just cut-and-paste my post from last week here. In other words, I'm just floating around ~3 pounds above my personal target, and some days sticking to my plan but other days not doing quite as well as I'd like.

    This week's down-fall was jelly beans. I don't even like jelly beans that much, but I was very snacky. I figured it was better to have those then other things, but one can still sneak in a couple of hundred calories in a very mindless way. For me, a couple of hundred calories apparently makes a big difference.

    On the plus side, I've got maintenance locked. On the negative side, I've got maintenance locked in for a heavier person than I want to be! Ha ha.

  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm down .2.

    It was a good week from an eating and tracking standpoint. Sleep was good with one exception. Snacks were appropriate.

    Goal for the week is more of the same and to get back to getting those steps in!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,058 Member
    Well... Down 1.6#. Now the lowest I've been since 2015. :)
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,994 Member
    Up 2.8 lbs. Still trending uoward.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,917 Member
    Down an unexpected two pounds. I say unexpected because last week I had two days where I didn’t stay with WW “healthy eating range”, so I was hoping for at best a small loss. The only thing different this week is that I’ve walked less and relied more on the Nordic Track for exercise. Guess I’ll keep that up, and see if the larger loss continues.

    05/06/20 wk 1 to 06/24 wk 7 lose 10.6
    Lose #10 Challenge 1 ✔️

    06/24 wk 7 to 09/09 wk 18 lose 20.8
    Lose #10 Challenge 2 ✔️

    09/09/20 wk 18 to 1/13/21 wk 36 lose 30.2
    Lose #10 Challenge 3 ✔️

    1/12 wk 36 to 1/20 wk 37 -0.4 total 30.6
    1/20 wk 37 to 1/27 wk 38 -0.8 total 31.4
    1/27 wk 38 to 2/3 wk 39 -0.8 total 32.2
    2/3 wk 39 to 2/10 wk 40 -2.0 total 34.2

    Current weight as of Wednesday 216.2 against a goal of 180. That’s a loss of 50.4 from my personal restart in February.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm down .6 and really excited about that!

    I ate at a deficit this week, but not at the 500 calorie/day deficit I have my tracker set for. The key here is that I know this because I was a diligent tracker all week.

    I'm excited that I've had eight weeks in a row of losses.* I think this is a record for me. I'm more excited that I've lost 7.2 pounds in eight weeks. And while I know weight loss isn't linear, in not one of those weeks have I felt like I didn't deserve to have a loss. I've eaten at a deficit for eight weeks (not always a full 3500 calorie deficit for the week), and the scale is reflecting my effort.

    Still feeling good about my plan. Sleep was decent this week.

    Have a great weekend!

    *And because I'm superstitious, I've probably jinxed next week's weigh-in! 😊
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,917 Member
    Congratulations, Emmie. Nice to get a pattern of success, isn’t it?

    I’m down 1.2, which I’m pleased about. This is NOT a large loss, but it’s one with a large psychological impact for a couple of reasons.
    • The weigh-in that prompted me to refocus was 2/19/20, so as of 2/17/21 it was effectively fifty-two weeks that I’ve been back on track.
    • In that time I’ve lost 51.8 pounds, which I’m prepared to rationalize as a pound a week.
    • The current weight of 215 puts me at over one hundred pounds below my initial 2008 starting weight of 315.4.
    • I am now 35 pounds from my goal of 180.
    For purposes of this challenge:

    05/06/20 wk 1 to 06/24 wk 7 lose 10.6
    Lose #10 Challenge 1 ✔️

    06/24 wk 7 to 09/09wk 18 lose 20.8
    Lose #10 Challenge 2 ✔️

    09/09/20 wk 18 to 1/13/21 wk 36 lose 30.2
    Lose #10 Challenge 3 ✔️

    1/12 wk 36 to 1/20 wk 37 -0.4 total 30.6
    1/20 wk 37 to 1/27 wk 38 -0.8 total 31.4
    1/27 wk 38 to 2/3 wk 39 -0.8 total 32.2
    2/3 wk 39 to 2/10 wk 40 -2.0 total 34.2
    2/10wk 39 to 2/17wk 41 -1.2 total 35.4
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,989 Member
    I'm down 0.4 pounds this week, so that's a "win," but it really just represents that I'm bouncing around a few pounds above my personal target. For reasons that aren't clear to me (though I'm sure I could provide all sorts of rationalizations), I am not able to get my head fully in the game. I start each day great--I get my exercise in as-planned and I have a reasonable single-portion breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, after dinner the wheels tend to come off. I either start snacking on junk (jelly beans are the current problem), or I "treat" myself to a glass of bourbon (that usually turns into 2-3 drinks) that often precipitates some pita chips to appear, or whatever. I know better, and I have strategies to avoid this. But...the "evil inclination" has been winning these battles.

    So, I guess I pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep starting again!

  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,917 Member
    Steve - you’re a bright guy with with some discipline and some self-control, so you don’t need a KITA or any pontification from me. I’ll just say I get nervous, because my little sojourn in the wilderness started with “I just need to get back on track . . . “

    If my only role in life is as a cautionary tale, I’m okay with that. 😊
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,917 Member
    crewahl wrote: »
    The only thing different this week is that I’ve walked less and relied more on the Nordic Track for exercise.

    So I hypothesized that using the Nordic Track instead of walking contributed to the prior weeks loss. Today I looked at my target heart range for activity per the American Heart Association.

    When I walk, I’m in the target range for my age at about 120 BPM - 75% of my suggested max of 155. When I use the Nordic Track, I’m at about 145, or 92% of max - slightly above the target range. So the Nordic Track is providing a better workout per minute of use than walking. Yes, I walk longer - but I have a hunch that pushing above my target range is not a bad thing.
