

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I love @raleighgirl09 request...I loved watching the flyover, so that got me on a quest to find drone footage of St. Joseph, Michigan. That is where I work and I live 20 minutes south in the small town of Baroda. There are lots of YouTube videos of the lighthouse, as it's pretty popular. I wanted to try to find something that would also show a little of the town. Found this one that's just under 2 minutes and shows both the North & South piers along with the Compass Fountain and a bit of the city. Fun Fact: Silver Beach was named one of the top 25 beaches in America by Trip Advisor. I'm a walking advertisement, aren't I? Hahaha! Hope I add this video correctly...

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi, I've been around reading, but not much to say lately. Here's a few things:

    @TeresaW1020- a wise woman (YOU!) told me not to let one photo define me. Regarding your church video- you do the same. <3

    @Katmary71- I've not been sure about what to say regarding your doctor issues, but I have been thinking of you and praying for you. Keep me updated!

    @AustinRuadhain- how many big scary projects do you have?!

    I got kinda far behind- should have thrown some responses on here a couple days ago...don't mean to skip anything important, but I probably did. :/

    Happy Wednesday!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited June 2020
    Here's a bit of my world. It is nice to think of @trooworld walking at her lake and @raleigh_girl kayaking in the marsh. I get no creds for these photos. Hubs is the gardener.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cherrymajoni, I feel your pain. I can remember how hard it was to keep my daughter in her own room at that age. And even if my husband got up with her she would just cry for me until I had no choice but to get up. Especially since I wasn’t getting any sleep. Good for you for sticking to your 10K steps a day! :)

    @bethanie0825, wahhhoooo that is a fantastic weigh-in!!! I know you did the happy dance! :grin:

    @Katmary71, ohhhh my goodness you just made me laugh so hard! Posting on the wrong thread is something I have totally done before. I hope you at least made some new friends. :D

    @raleighgirl09, Ohhhh my!! Didn’t my post on drinking too much wine have an affect on you? Obviously not! :D Glad that you didn’t end up feeling as sick as I did. Ohhh and I am in Athens, Georgia. Go DAWGS!!! Not that I’m into college football but if you live in this town you seriously can’t avoid it. I do however have three TV’s in my house so I don’t have to watch the game and my DH has earplugs so I don’t have to listen to it either. :grin:

    @vegan4lyfe2012, Ugghhhh sorry that your daughter bailed on saying no to indulgent foods. Devine intervention that she didn’t buy a flavor you liked. ;) You are doing great!

    @trooworld, what a great way to get in your walking and get an awesome reward!! So what was your coffee and how did it feel to be out in public actually sitting and enjoying yourself?

    Hi everyone! Today, was a busy day. I took my mom with me to Walmart. She hasn’t been anywhere but to doctor’s appointments since COVID hit. She was very happy to be able to buy her own stuff and look around. We also went to a couple of thrift stores because I was in search of used jigsaw puzzles but there weren’t any. :'( I came home and had a really good workout. Today was triceps and chest with the dumbbells and some core work. Food and water were good today too. :) My happiest news is that I have an adjustable bed that I bought when I was in furniture sales to help my bad back. Well, the base died and we didn’t think the company would do anything since it was six years old. I tried for several weeks to get used to sleeping flat but my back has hurt every night. Well, we called the company just to see what they could do, and they sent out a repairman who in two minutes resynced the remote and the base started moving. I was sooooo happy!!! I can’t wait to go to bed and get a good night's sleep without back pain. :grin:
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 689 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Here we are - midweek has been just about put into the books! Today has been good on stats: water over and cals under, sleep good, on track for steps and had a good walk for exercise this morning. Sketchy Scale - has me up by 2 pounds over the past few days. I did better two days ago with the first uptick but the new pound today made me really not happy about it and I did get on multiple times....I know. I shouldn't have but I did. Sigh. Well, I entered the higher weight and as the day has progressed, I've been pleased to note that I have not been bugged by it - it just is. I don't know why there would be a gain, it's not as if I have had actions leading to wieght gain so it's a fluctuation of some sort that I don't have an explanation for - that simple. And despite my initial behavior of weighing multiple times when I know it is not helpful, moving past that to marking it into my Fitbit dashboard just laid it to rest. Counting this as a one step backward, two steps forward, which still shows progress in my habit, even if it isn't perfect. We'll see what tomorrow brings from SS and I'll log it in FitBit and report here for my weigh in. And move on with my day.

    @mrmcgrath in Texas and @katmary71 in California - and Cap'n' @TeresaW1020 in Georgia! I thought I read another Cali girl in San Diego and just now in a scroll fest, I couldn't find it again for a shoutout! => Thanks for the checkin - a Marco Polo by state, sorta!
    @cherrymajoni wow, does this ever sound familiar! My eldest had a very similar habit, and that was after months of going to bed just fine. My thoughts are with you - it's hard to feel sleep deprivation! The god news is - one day they are suddenly grown and sleeping like a champ!
    @vegan4lyfe2012 what fantastic footage - it's *gorgeous* there!! Thanks so much for finding and sharing this drone footage! =>
    @Cornanda wow, your hubs has an eye for the flowers and for the pics of them....very nice!! Hey - I can't even recall hw many times I've wandered in, did a little reading but not replying, did that a few times and maybe for a few days and the next thing I know - whamo, many days and pages have ziiiiipped by!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,098 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 What a beautiful place to live! I love that you included the video (I wish I would have thought to do that lol). It's very picturesque.

    @Cornanda Beautiful flowers. You might not get credit for being the gardener but you are a good photographer! ;)

    @TeresaW1020 It was a nice reward! My coffee was very simple: an iced coffee with a little milk and 2 Splendas. How did it feel to be out in public? It felt really weird but nice. It felt weird because I was the only person in this big coffee house that is usually bustling with people lol. But I sat by the window and looked out and watched the traffic go by and it was nice. :) Your mom must have enjoyed getting out, speaking of getting out! :) That's great about your bed, what good customer service!

    @raleighgirl090 I'm the Cali girl in San Diego! :)

    Hello all. Today I have to go to the Toyota dealership to get my oil changed. It's always an ordeal because they can't just do it in 15 minutes like one of those quicky shops, it takes them TWO HOURS. I don't know why. I refuse to go to the quicky shops because twice now, they've done stuff to my car that's almost messed it up and I don't trust them. So, I must deal with the dealership. I usually take the car to the dealership and take the shuttle home and wait for it to be ready and then take the shuttle back, but because of COVID, I'm just going to wait at the dealership for the two hours. :( Wish me luck!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ---
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Thursday, Slimpossibles!
    Here's to all of us taking action towards our goals today!
    Also, while I am thinking of it, thank you for being here. It makes a difference to me to have this group to check in with. So thank you!
    WEDNESDAY: 🟡/🟢
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Monday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ 🟢
    - Weights ⚪
    - Stretch/Yoga 🟢
    - Martial Arts Breathing 🟢
    - Martial Arts - 2+ forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - All-Caught-Up-Project (Scouts) - 🟢 This needed a fair amount of work today.
    - Scary-Behind-Project (Conference) - Do at least ONE item and then CELEBRATE ⚪ After Scouts Project work and grocery shopping, was out of time. Thursday's a new day!
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    THURSDAY Goals
    So far, so good! 🟡/🟢
    Thursday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ ⚪
    - Weights ⚪
    - Stretch/Yoga ⚪
    - Martial Arts Breathing 🟢
    - Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project (Conference) - Do at least ONE item and then CELEBRATE ⚪ After Project #1 work and grocery shopping, was out of time. Thursday's a new day!
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE 🟢

    @trooworld -
    I hope the oil change goes well today. I SO get not wanting to spend time on their shuttle. Just a thought -- could you maybe walk around the block, etc., for some of that time? That's something I have done when waiting on stuff like that. I get in steps, and now with COVID, am also happy to be outside in sun and fresh air.

    @raleighgirl09 -
    And despite my initial behavior of weighing multiple times when I know it is not helpful, moving past that to marking it into my Fitbit dashboard just laid it to rest. Counting this as a one step backward, two steps forward, which still shows progress in my habit, even if it isn't perfect. We'll see what tomorrow brings from SS and I'll log it in FitBit and report here for my weigh in. And move on with my day.
    YAY! Letting the number go and moving on is so sane. And yes, sometimes weight numbers bounce around for mysterious reasons (salt? hormones?). It's all in the average.
    Hey - I can't even recall hw many times I've wandered in, did a little reading but not replying, did that a few times and maybe for a few days and the next thing I know - whamo, many days and pages have ziiiiipped by
    I have this same experience! I always check in here and don't always get a post written -- sometimes my day flies by and occasionally I write one and lose it. I am being super careful not to do that today. crossing fingers
    P.S. The word "whamo" made me smile. :smile:

    Oh, and on the roll call of where are you from -- I am another Texan! I have lived and worked and loved other places -- Florida, Colorado, Arkansas, Alabama (Huntsville! one of the best-educated cities in the U.S., did you know? also a place to go for great German food! and AL has such deep roots as a place for amazing music), Illinois (Chicago, such a great city!), plus lots of time visiting Mississippi, Georgia (Atlanta) and Tennessee. And I am back in Texas now. The one place I have declined a chance to live was Seattle (despite the great arts scene!), as I did not want to go live someplace with such longer periods of little or no sun. One of the things that this means is that I can get into long passionate discussions about barbecue and tacos. Just sayin.

    @TeresaW1020 - I have heard that jigsaw puzzles are now a bigger thing! I hope you and your mom find one.
    HUGE hurray for your getting your bed fixed! If it were me, I'd be wanting double bonus points for calling to ask what they could do. I don't always want to pick up the phone and don't always want to ask for something when it seems unreasonable. Then I do, and find out people want to help!

    @Cornanda - I have 2 biggish volunteer projects going - one Scouts thing, and one a literary conference.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    Ah yes.... I forgot @vegan4lyfe2012 - Michigan is lovely! I grew up near Milwaukee, so I have seen Lake Michigan too.

    @cherrymajoni- I remember those days well. It's challenging to fit in taking care of yourself. Good for you for continuing to work your plan, even when the going is tough! My daughter used to tiptoe in silently and stare at me until I would wake up with a start and practically have a heart attack that someone was standing right next to my bed. :D

    @trooworld- thanks, but Hubs took the photos too! I, too dislike spending time at the car dealer. Hope it was OK.

    @TeresaW1020- a Facebook friend has a group who is mailing their puzzles to each other since they can't find any. Maybe you could get an exchange going at your church? So glad your bed got fixed!

    @raleighgirl09- I know you are going to mind over matter the sketchy scale. I have faith in you! BTW, I am in Jacksonville, FL, so it looks like Teresa, you and me represent the Southeast. Party in the house!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 689 Member
    Week 2 weigh in Thursday (11Jun2020) {mid-June??? How did that happen so fast?!?}
    Previous weight:179.5
    Current weight: 179.2

    TAKIN' IT!! The SS decided to not hold me hostage for both pounds it says I have gained, leaving me with only the one! => I was prepared to get on and see it up or at the very least, the same 2 gained. I had dropped a bit after last week's weigh in, so I'm officially in the green this week!! WooooHOOOOO!! It's been a while since that has happened two weeks in a row! I really do get why @mrmcgrath does an average - I've had weeks where I was hosed on weigh day when the one before had been better! Anyhoo....

    Having a great day doing....kinda doin' nuthin'. Hubs has the car so I did one of my walks to the store for a few things so I can make one of my neighbors some coffee cake. I love to make it (ain't gonna lie, also love to lick the batter) but it's not good for me to have coffee cake lying around so I have to give those things away - and I have a very willing recipient! 78 degrees, breezy and partly cloudy, humidity down...very nice! Stopped at the Salvation Army store and found some cute tops and a cute dress - 2.99 each!! Wow, a great massage to my cheapness bone! I have been missing going to Goodwill, not sure if the one I go to in Raleigh is open yet, I'll have to check. Years ago while losing weight, I started buying my smaller clothers at GW because the price can't be beat and I'd end up pretty much just trading them in and out - if you count me paying when it was out as a trade... :p Anyway - I just never stopped buying clothes there, that's where I get 90% of my outter wear. I can even dress for the office from there - just dry clean the blouses, etc., and it's perfect. When I get this cake out of the oven, I'm going on another walk!a

    Tonight we're going out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary, which was 11May, a month ago! No restaurants open at the time. We were also hoping to celebrate a job offer, as well, but I have not heard from the interview on Monday. Guess I need to be patient because no news means I'm still in the game. At any rate, it will be fun - it's a restaurant I have been wanting to try and with such nice weather and getting a reservation for outside, I think it will be lovely no matter what. I've reviewed the menu and logged what I think is going to happen (crab cakes!). I'm saving calories so eating very light today but also logged some wine to have with dinner. I'm getting out of wine jail tonight but thinking I'm still on parole so only wine at the restaurant, not when I get home.

    @trooworld GOOD LUCK at the dealership! => I flew into San Diego for a meeting some years back and it just so happened to be at sunset. Hands down, best landing view I ever had! The sun was glinting gold on all of the office building windows, the sky was amazingly gorgeous and I was in awe. I bet if I tried to purposefully find a flight to get that just right again, I wouldn't get so lucky - breathtaking!
    @AustinRuadhain wow, you have lived in a great many states! And I did not know all of that about Alabama! Continued success on these scary projects - is getting them chipped away at making them any less scary...?
    @gwamajtw91 I have been in that rocking boat of back and forth! Working now to get to 170 by 11Aug for my birthday - always a great motivating goal type of day! We are both reasonably in range to make our BDay goals!
    Virginia Beach is also a beautiful place! Are you here permantly or has the UK merely loaned you to us for a while? I have never been to that part of the world!
    @Cornanda my hubby grew up in Jacksonville (and subsequently has been fried out on Lynard Skynard!!) and we travel through once or twice a year. I love it and we have tons of family and friends there - and apparently friends I have not met! =>
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mrmcgrath, great weigh-in this week!! I imagine seeing that number was very exciting. :grin:

    @cherrymajoni, wahooo looks at that awesome weigh-in you had this week! Keep it up! :)

    @raleighgirl09, down is down so good job this week! I agree that thrift stores are a great place to look for clothes. I also shop at a resale store called Clothing Mentor. Last year I got a perfect condition London Fog coat $20. Now, I just want to hit the thrift stores for jigsaw puzzles. I need to feed my obsession without paying full price. :grin: How was your anniversary dinner and did you hear from the job yet? Fingers are crossed for you! <3

    @gwamajtw91, I know it’s frustrating to be in an up/down cycle with your weight. Story of my life!! But we don’t give up, do we? Yes, I hope your rec center reopens soon, and in the meantime what are some things you can do to get that scale moving in the right direction? :)

    @Cornanda, I have seen some FB groups that buy and sell their puzzles. I do have one lady at the church that we have exchanged our puzzles. Maybe I should reach out and see who else has a puzzle addiction. How are you doing this week with your goals? Do you have a plan for the weekend? I'm going to make mine as soon as I'm done posting here. :)

    @trooworld, I’m an iced coffee drinker too. At Starbucks, I get it with 2 pumps Toffee Nut and light cream. Soooo good!! I’m sorry that you have to be stuck at the dealership. Did you bring a book? I would probably watch TV on one of my phones and play on social media with the other one. Yeah, I have my phone and the church cell with me all the time. It’s VERY handy when I want to multi-task! ;)

    Good morning! Well, I already mentioned above that I was bummed that the scale didn’t move this week. But at least it didn’t go up, right? I’ve got to dig deeper this week and make some changes. I am still eating too big of dinners. So, the goal this week is to scale back on my portions and try to find lighter substitutes for certain foods. I just don’t want to compromise on taste. Today, I have to take my mom to the doctor, workout, do some housework, and bag up cookies for 75 people who are coming to the church tomorrow morning. We are doing a drive-up for our kids to give them their end of the year Awana awards. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone! Ohhhh and I only bought enough cookies for what I need so I won’t be consuming any. ;)

    Let's make this a great weekend!! I believe in this team and all our amazing abilities!


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,098 Member
    @AustinRuadhain I thought about that but the past couple of days were a heatwave, so it was too hot. It ended up fine: they told me it would take 2-3 hours but it only took 1 hr 15 mins! Which is good because there were several people (mostly employees) that weren't wearing masks, making me feel not very safe. :(

    @Cornanda Well, kudos to you both then! :) I was wondering if it was just this particular dealership that takes forever or if it was all dealerships? I'm glad to know it's not just this one. They told me it would be 2-3 hours but it ended up taking only 1 hr 15 mins, which was a relief!

    @raleighgirl09 Woo hoo! Congrats on the loss!!! Happy Anniversary and I hope you hear from that interview soon, the waiting must be agonizing. That's a great idea to pre-track what you think you are going to get. Thanks re: the dealership...it went fine, despite some people not having masks on grrrr! It sounds like my city showed off the best of its self when you flew in. :) I do love me some sunsets around here.

    @TeresaW1020 It depends on the time of day/temperature out for me. It was blazing hot out so I ordered the iced coffee. That Starbucks drink sounds amazing! I did bring my Kindle and my headphones to keep busy at the dealership. It kept me occupied well enough. LOL...you have two phones? That is definitely multitasking! ;) That was smart to only buy enough cookies for the bags. I'm sorry the scale bummed you out. I hope you have a better week next week.

    Wow, people are having some awesome weigh-ins this week! I'm afraid I had a peek at the scale today and my weigh-in tomorrow is going to be a letdown for you all (me too!). :( The scale is definitely going to reflect my efforts this week, which were...fffffffffffffff.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ---
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @gwamajtw91- Yeah! VA! You are now at the party in the house too! I went up for all of April. Just keep on trying. See what you kind find to tweak.
    @cherrymajoni- Nice loss!
    @TeresaW1020 - weekend plans are good- helped me last weekend!
    @mrmcgrath - Nice loss!
    @raleigh_girl- Love that SS decided to be nice to you. Happy Anniversary!
    @AustinRuadhain - 2 big scary projects is definitely enough
    @trooworld yay! you got released from car dealer prison early!

    Happy Friday everyone. Stick to your plan this weekend!
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    @raleighgirl09 I've been here since I got married in 1991!! I still have my English accent though ;)
    @Cornanda @TeresaW1020 Weekends are my downfall plus what I call the witching hours (4pm - 6pm) where I am hungry but haven't made dinner yet. I usually grab something like chips to hold me over & end up eating WAY more than I need to!! So this week trying to plan better & have things to hand that are better choices (chopped veggies/hummus etc.) instead of a bunch of salty carbs!!
    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • veryhotmails
    veryhotmails Posts: 171 Member
    PW 232.6
    CW 232.4 :/
    The scale doesn't seems to be moving for over a week or so and I still wonder why I have different numbers on the scale within few minutes intervals of checking. This is not encouraging at all but I know there is a room for improvement.
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    A few years ago when I lost all the ‘ baby’ weight I became really intune with my body. It’s amazing how annoyed I was two months ago when I would Plateau. But here we are again and I’m just figuring out my body all over again. Not much of a change. Looking forward to working hard for the next seven days to see at least one lb lost.
    Username: lexabeep
    Weigh-in week: week1
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 142.6
    Todays Weight: 142.2

    6/5 142.6
    6/12 142.2
This discussion has been closed.