

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 682 Member
    mlhopp93 wrote: »
    Username: mlhopp93
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW (5/30/20): 345.0
    Week 1 Check in weight (6/6): 344.0 -1.0

    @mlhopp93 hey, great weigh in!! What a great way to start the month, high five to YOU!! =>
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,135 Member
    I had a great day 💚 Calories came in under, had 125oz water, and made sure I chose healthy foods, but a treat to end the night of a popsicle 😊
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 1 - June 2020 Sunday
    PW 150.8 (68.4kg)
    CW 147 (66.6kg)

    Lost - gone for long walks twice a week for about 8km (5 miles). Plus it's been two weeks since going for morning walks of 3km (2 miles) to water plants at allotment.

    I've just been eating veggies for dinner - maybe with coleslaw but that's it.

    I don't snack at all but sometimes eat a handful of nuts for the crunchy texture.

    Still have bags of chocolate I've brought but not eaten. Not eaten cake this week that helps.

    Trying to not eat hot cross bun for breakfast but Ryvita with cream cheese.

    No napping but actually waking up early and wanting to rise.

    1. Walk every morning to allotment for exercise.
    2. Drink less coffee
    3. Try Yeast Flakes
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 682 Member
    edited June 2020
    Sunday check in

    Up early with coffee and a bit of slouch on the couch time; I really love that in the mornings. => Sketchy Scale got me a bit this morning. I stepped on ohhh-soooo-gingerly and - it was way low. I thought, oh no, I outsketched the scale! So I hopped on. Way (weigh) high. Oh dear....I had done it, I had let the darn thing be in my head before I got on it which is exactly the opposite of the planned behavior. So I waited and then just got on in a regular way and we came to an agreement. After I did that a few times.

    Tomorrow - I vow that I will just step on the thing and be done with it. I mean, this behavior is just crazy town (side bar; I once described hubby and myself as crazy train hurtling toward crazy town and it was a roll of the dice on any given day as to who was which). I am not doing the crazy tomorrow.

    I haven't been a part of the Tiny Habits stuff.....I mean, I want to but in the same kind of way that I want to do crafts and then I actually buy the stuff but never do the craft; I have to make myself walk away from craft ideas now because I know what will happen. Well, anyway, I have decided on a Tiny Habit I will do with my nemesis, Sketchy Scale. And I'm going to completely ignore the fact that it's crazy that I named it and gave it a personality. Whateves. This may not be exactly right because I didn't bother to read the directions or back of the cereal box, I'm just mimicking.
    1. Remind myself that the scale is a thing, a tool - no more and no less
    2. Tell myself something positive about my actions, food and exercise from the day before
    3. Say out loud "the number is data, not a definition of me as a person"
    4. Step on the scale like a regluh Joe - once
    5. Get off the scale with an acceptance of the number and record it in Fitbit
    6. Acknowledge negativity if it snarks up in my brain but then remind myself that this is just a habit thought and I don't have to believe it
    7. Drink coffee

    @apple852hk wowieWOW WOW! Awesome weigh in and reading your actions - I can see how you accomplished that! You must feel awesome and waking up with energy that is sustained and can take you through the day....? PRICELESS
    @vegan4lyfe2012 what a terrific day, I'm so happy for you! I hope you have an amazingly lovely and peaceful Sunday!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012, (((big hugs))) to you! I read your post and felt your frustration and pain. Your mother’s heart hurts for your kids and you would do and say anything to help them. But what do you say to yourself when you are struggling? You beat yourself up. I know! I do the exact same thing. We made this video for the church to show our people what to expect when we go back. Girl, I thought I was looking cute that day but seeing myself on that video looking like a whale depressed me so much! Of course, I didn’t look like a whale but that was my first thought. I have to change the dialog that I say to myself and remind myself of how far I have come and stop focusing on how far I still have to go. Please, be good to yourself and I will do the same. <3

    @trooworld, Yayyyy for buying those PJ’s! Hang them up where you can see them. I understand what your saying though. I have a ton of stuff in my closet that I can’t fit into just yet. But I will!! I know the weigh-in bummed you out and I know that you are going to have a good week and get that number down. Now, go get a big glass of water! :)

    @mrmcgrath, hey fellow Weight Watcher! I think it’s a good idea to double track at times too. Zero-point foods are NOT zero calorie foods. I had to learn that my first go-around on WW. :grin:

    @raleighgirl09, loved reading your post!! How awesome that you go kayaking! I have always thought that it would be so much fun. Being at a healthy weight offers us so much freedom and I want that feeling too! Thanks for inspiring me this morning. After my failure Friday night and yesterday, I needed it. See my post below. 😉 Your tiny habits that you set up for yourself are great!!

    Good morning! Sorry, I was MIA yesterday, but I really wasn’t in any condition to post. I did such a stupid thing Friday night. I had a planned indulgence for dinner that included wine. I had a planned indulgence that I would drink a glass or two in the evening. But my plan turned into reckless abandonment and I ended up drinking the whole bottle, which was one of those big bottles and not the regular size wine bottle. :s All was fine until I went to bed and laid down. The room was spinning, and my stomach was churning. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like death! I spent the whole day doing nothing. You would think that a 54-year-old woman would know better. Yeah, obviously not! Anyway, it’s a new day and I’ve at least learned my lesson for the time being. ;) Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    edited June 2020

    Check In : mrmcgrath
    Day 6/6
    Weigh in : week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 192.2
    Today’s weight: 191

    WW smartpoints 0 points remaining used 11 fitpoints
    WW fitpoints 10 remaining plus weekly point
    Calories: 1456
    Water: over/under: under
    Macros: carbs high
    Exercise:💪🏻 stair climber

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    6423 (Fitbit on charger for 1 hour) counting 7223 steps. 7200 goal steps
    2342 burned calories
    44 active
    72 sleep score
    63 resting heart

    Basic Goals
    Workout minutes: 💪🏻 stair climber
    Complete food diary: 🥗
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): 👎🏼
    Stay below sugar goal: 🍭
    Meet fiber in range:👎🏼
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc.📚, crocheting
    Breathing exercises:👎🏼
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours bed 🛌

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester soon
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

    Don’t let any one weigh-in dictate what I do.
    Choose to do the work.
    Choose to show up & do the actions.
    Don’t give up when you get your first bit of resistance.
    Stick to your habits no matter what. Ignore your ego and avoid complacency.
    Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful
    Don’t hide when weight gain happens. Assume it will. Share your truth, and don’t let your mind tell you no one will understand.
    Make up your mind that you are and will be successful.
    Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. I will need to continuously manage my condition.


    Yesterday was a good day. My calories were not over but I did use some of my earned WW fitpoints. I did make it to gym yesterday for upper body strength and the dreaded stair climber. I want the benefits the climber (lifted rump) but that machine intimidates me and I will only do it when there are few people in the gym. Lol. On a plus, I used a tee post driver last night to stake a leaning tree to a tee post. I was pretty pumped because A month ago, I wouldn’t have been able to that physically.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sounds like you had a great day and WOW on the water! I really need to do better staying hydrated.

    @apple852hk I Started using Nutritional Yeast Flakes when I went dairy free. I don’t use it often but will throw in a dish that is suppose to have a “cheesy” flavor.

    @raleighgirl09 I so related to your scale sketchy scale. I would literally have to position my old scale just right to get an accurate reading. It became a game to see if orb would be way high or way low. I decided my old one would be better off at my kids house and purchased my husband and I a new upgraded model.

    @TeresaW1020 Oh, I have been there and wonder why I do that to myself. But then I remember, it sure was fun the night before. Lol. I hope you are feeling better today.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    So, we didn't have the best week BUT I know we can do much better this week! I plan to give it my all and I hope you will too! :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,913 Member
    @mrmcgrath Welcome to WW! Which plan did you choose? I'm on the green plan.

    @raleighgirl09 Yes that happens to me, too where if I eat too low of cals/points, I'll get ravenous/need more food. I think it's our body's way of balancing things out. :) Wow, you lost 130 lbs, that's incredible! Congratulations!!! I'm sure a lot changed when you lost 130 lbs. I have about 76 more lbs to lose, but I dream about what my life is going to be like and can only imagine some things will change. I hope you have fun kayaking today! :) Thanks re: the loss...those darned noodles! I do love them though... ;) About the Sketchy Scale: would you ever consider buying a new one? I bought this one on Amazon for not much ($34.99) and it's quite reliable: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N1UX8RW/

    @AustinRuadhain Brava on your huge progress on the scary-behind project! Woo hoo! Well done! That must feel good, eh?

    @TeresaW1020 Good idea about the PJs! Yeah I hope I have a good week. I need to drink the heck out of water this week! ;) Oh you must have felt terrible! I've done that though. I hope you had something with potatoes, eggs and hot sauce when you woke up, that's my usual cure.

    Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday! I had a good time yesterday but I did overindulge in the food department. :( We had sushi for lunch and then we were playing a board game (Codenames: Duet) and ordered pizza and loaded tater tots. I am not negative in my WW points for the week, so I'm okay, but I feel slightly guilty. I shouldn't look at foods as "good" and "bad" but there is a part of me that still does that and pizza is still on the "bad" list. I would rank loaded tater tots up there on that list as well lol. I will be whipping myself with a wet noodle all day today. That is not what I would advise a friend to do, but here I am doing it myself. I would advise a friend to start over with the next bite. Today is a new day.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: walk in the neighborhood, 52+ oz of water
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    WEEK 1

    1st Downsizers 0.60%
    2nd Weight No More 0.51%
    3rd Trimstones 0.42%

    1st Downsizers 36.4 lbs
    2nd Weight No More 28.7 lbs
    3rd Trimstones 23.9 lbs

    1st @raleighgirl09 3.03%
    2nd @dymphnadaniels 3.02%
    3rd @Mrsbell8well 2.84%

    1st @dymphnadaniels 9.8 lbs
    2nd @wilsonkellies 5.8 lbs
    3rd @raleighgirl09 5.6%


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited June 2020
    HUGE congratulations to the Slimsters who are on the Fat2Fit and Slimpossibles leaderboards this week: @raleighgirl09 , @lexabeep and @kyfrancik !
    🥳 YAY you guys! 🎉

    @trooworld - Happy Sunday to you, too! And wait - you like Codenames? I love that game!
    Did you know there's a free online version that you can play with remote friends? I just found this out because I googled to make sure I had the game name right.
    I will be whipping myself with a wet noodle all day today. That is not what I would advise a friend to do, but here I am doing it myself. I would advise a friend to start over with the next bite. Today is a new day.
    Great advice!🌅 You are SO right about today being a new day! Calories over days happen, It's all in how we average out. I hope you ENJOYED the pizza and tater tots! 😋 And can now enjoy today's better-for-every-day choices! (Related thought -- my martial arts senior instructor just sent me a note in which he commented that HE is not going to ever give up occasional indulgence. He is the most amazingly fit person and he does eat pizza occasionally!)
    😊 On the subject of Scary Behind Projects -- YES! Thank you! Yes, I am so thrilled about the progress on one of those projects. I am out to get that all into the green today. It's the same game as fitness -- working to make small progress, celebrating it, and finally getting to where I am not a loser for myself in the area of life. ( I just forget, and then start whacking myself with a wet noodle. ) Oh, and I was SO excited -- I have had 3 new requests on that project in the last couple of days, and got those all turned around same day. Maybe getting all caught up with the 2 older items would be better, but it felt like more momentum to get the new stuff turned around pronto. Onwards!

    @mrmcgrath - Hurray for your seeing the payoff of that month of work that has increased your strength! That is SO great! 🥳 💪🏾

    @TeresaW1020 - 👐🏾 Oh, my. I am SO sorry about your rough day yesterday. Yes, you made a not-the-best choice, but it's still no fun to feel sick. Hurray YOU for being back at work today!
    ❤️ And thank you for these words of kindness and wisdom:
    Please, be good to yourself and I will do the same. ❤️

    @raleighgirl09 - All your discussion of Sketchy Scale™️ has me sending you a virtual hug 👐🏾 and smiling with RECOGNITION. 😀
    I have been weighing in on the same gadget for years. It broke once and my husband fixed it. (I love him SO much.)
    Wish me luck on enlightenment, pals!!!!
    Oh, my. I wish you all the best.
    And I love your riff on Tiny Habits with the scale.
    And I SO agree -- you are NOT the number! That number, whatever it is, does NOT define you.
    So if Sketchy Scale™️ says something obnoxious, please do just notice (tank you for sharing, oh brain o' mine) let that thought float on by, like bubbles in a fizzy drink. And remember, if it helps, that there are peeps out in the world that think you are awesome!
    Thank you so much for the post about being your own coach and your own detective. I am SO inspired! And delighted that some of what I share about helps inspire you. I am such a believer that cultivating social connections with people who are up to the same things can help us get better.

    @Apple852k - ZOWIE! All that work on your food choices is and that walking, all of that is really paying off! I am so SO thrilled for you!
    My favorite part:
    No napping but actually waking up early and wanting to rise.
    Oh, and have fun with nutritional yeast! I eat it sprinkled on steamed veggies, and mixed in with salad dressing that I make. 😋

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - 👍🏾 Yippee! So glad you had such a great day!
    😋 Your talk of popsicles reminds me that I just saw a recipe for Homemade Sugar-Free Fruit Pops. Might be up your alley at some point?

    @mlhopp93 - 🤩 WOOHOO! Great weigh-in! 🥳
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited June 2020
    Got in good exercise and did some good weekend time with friends.
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Friday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ 🟢 Did Jenny Ford March & Step videos @Katmary71 - thank you so much for pointing me at Jenny Ford. Truly!
    - Weights 🟢 (Did Popsugar's Get Madonna's Arms video)
    Stretch/Yoga 🟢 Did a Yoga with Adriene session
    Martial Arts Breathing 🟢
    Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts - No... BUT.... I did do work on Scary-Behind-Project #2 ⚪/🟢
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Housecleaning 🟢
    SUNDAY Goals
    So far, so good! 😀
    Sunday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ ⚪
    - Get in cardio before 1 PM so I get to go UP a Fitness Level this week on FitRockr!
    - Weights ⚪
    Stretch/Yoga ⚪
    Martial Arts Breathing ⚪
    Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts - Do at least ONE item from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Housecleaning ⚪
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,781 Member
    wet and rainy weekend here. Food prep down for weekdays and packed away. Buzy weekend here sold our pull behind camper ( we thought it would take awhile) and bought a 5 th wheel all in 24 hrs so it was a great weekend Hope everyone is doing well and staying heathy
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 682 Member
    Sunday check in - report on kayaking around Harker's Island, NC

    I am so incredibly lucky to have grown up in Morehead City, NC (when I had no clue how great it was) and have now kinda come home to roost - at least part time until retirement. Below is a link to a quick video of some of the local coast, and I have been kayaking in all of them over the years - today happened to be Harker's Island. It was about 11 miles to go all the way around the island when you add the creek cruising and following the shore line on the winding and curving part of the backside of the island so we could look at the birds. Lots of Ibis today! Skulking about in the marsh looking for the fishes! =>


    A pic of my kayak resting while we had lunch and then one of the wild looking marsh. Amazingly - I didn't have one thought about a virus, masks, riots or employment during the 4 hours it took to get around the whole thing.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,093 Member
    This week's F2F Challenge is UP!! Feeling cranky? You're going to love this one :wink:

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @raleighgirl09, ohhhhh I love where you live, and thanks for sharing that video. I would love to live near all that water! You have totally inspired me with your kayaking abilities and now I want to make that a goal for myself. I have always thought how much I would love to sit that close to the water and enjoy the beauty of nature. I have a friend at church who actually teaches kayaking right here in town. So, it’s not like I have an excuse not to make it a goal. Right? :grin:

    Good morning! I feel much better today and ready to crush this week with my goals towards better health and fitness. Feeling yucky and regretting my actions from Friday night is not something I want to repeat. :/ Especially if it takes me two days to recover and bounce back. I have a long list of things to do today but first I’m off to workout. :grin:

    Have a great Monday!! <3

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,913 Member
    @AustinRuadhain We just started playing Codenames, but I love it! It's so much fun. Thanks for the link to the online game. We might be having a remote game night this weekend and maybe we can play it with our friends!!! Yes, I enjoyed the pizza and tater tots. It went well with the evening! That's good to know that even your senior instructor has indulgences now and then! You know, you ARE building momentum on your scary project, and it just gets easier and easier! Congrats!

    @raleighgirl09 Thank you for posting the video of the NC coast. My brother lives in SC and is always posting photos he takes of his adventures and it looks beautiful. I don't get there very often but I am due for a trip. It must have been so serene, your kayak trip. I can imagine birds chirping, the smells of saltwater, and the feel of a light cool breeze (or maybe warm?) on my cheeks.

    @TeresaW1020 Go get your goals, girl! :) Crush it!!!

    Good morning everyone! I've got 5 days to get it together. I'm going to make the most of the rest of this week. We've got this, friends!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: walk somewhere, 52+ oz of water
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member

    Check In : mrmcgrath
    Day 6/7
    Weigh in : week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 192.2
    Today’s weight: 190.6

    WW smartpoints 0 points remaining used 4 fitpoints
    WW fitpoints 8 remaining plus weekly point
    Calories: 1260
    Water: over/under: under
    Macros: carbs high
    Exercise: stretching

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    4735 steps : 7200 goal steps
    2.01 miles
    2209 burned calories
    11 active
    84 sleep score
    62 resting heart

    Basic Goals
    Workout minutes: stretching
    Complete food diary: 🥗
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): 👎🏼
    Stay below sugar goal: 👎🏼 need to rethink this. My fruit intake has increased
    Meet fiber in range:👎🏼
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc.📚,
    Breathing exercises:👎🏼
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours bed 🛌

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester soon
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

    Don’t let any one weigh-in dictate what I do.
    Choose to do the work.
    Choose to show up & do the actions.
    Don’t give up when you get your first bit of resistance.
    Stick to your habits no matter what. Ignore your ego and avoid complacency.
    Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful
    Don’t hide when weight gain happens. Assume it will. Share your truth, and don’t let your mind tell you no one will understand.
    Make up your mind that you are and will be successful.
    Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. I will need to continuously manage my condition.


    @trooworld I am on the green plan. I am still trying to figure out the system but so far so good.

    Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day. It I enjoyed spending the time with the kiddos before they head back to school (again). They had to come back this weekend to get some maintenance done on their vehicles.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited June 2020
    SUNDAY: 🟢/🟡
    Got in good exercise and did some good weekend time with friends. Took a break from projects
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Sunday Goals were:
    - Workout: 45 min+ 🟢 Jenny Ford Intermediate Step workout
    - Get in cardio before 1 PM so I get to go UP a Fitness Level this week on FitRockr! 🟢 Done!
    - Weights 🟢 YouTube: PopSugar arms workout
    Stretch/Yoga 🟢 YouTube: Yoga with Adriene
    Martial Arts Breathing 🟢
    Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts - Do at least ONE item from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ❌ Had said I wanted to do this without reality-checking my schedule!
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Housecleaning 🟢
    MONDAY Goals
    So far, so good! 😀
    Monday Goals
    Workout: 45 min+ ⚪
    Weights ⚪
    Stretch/Yoga ⚪
    Martial Arts Breathing ⚪
    Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Martial Arts Vocabulary/Study
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts - Do at least ONE item (stretch goal: 2), and CELEBRATE! ⚪
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Housecleaning ⚪

    @trooworld - Thank you! 💚
    And yes -- You've got this! You did great on water on Sunday, so keep that up! And that walk you are planning is going to help you make the most of this week! 🌊🚶🏿‍♀️👍🏾

    @TeresaW1020 - YAY to your feeling better and YAY to your working out! Which workout were you doing today? You do so many fun ones! 🥳💪🏾
    Oh, and thank you for the inspiringly colorful post! ❤️💜💛💙🧡

    @raleighgirl09 - Oh MY. The pictures are gorgeous. I love kayaking (nice boat!) and that just looks so gorgeous! 🚣🏾‍♀️👍🏾

    @digger61 - SO happy to see you checking in! Hurray to your food prep being done and to your great weekend! 🥳🥳
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,135 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Those fruit pops sound yummy! I'll have to give them a try. Super simple with just blended fruit, but I'll probably add a smidge of agave :smiley:

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, a mom's heart hurts for sure. And yes, I always default to beating myself up for poor food choices. I'm going to work on stopping myself and ask if I would say those things to my children. Cause you know I wouldn't.

    @mrmcgrath I am always thirsty, so 100 ounces a day is my typical average. I was killin' it with the extra 25! I do find that it helps me when I think I'm hungry to drink a fair amount of water first.

    @raleighgirl09 Oh my! That location looks beautiful! I am right on Lake Michigan and we have lots of rivers, tributaries and small lakes but I just can't bring myself to go kayaking. I can swim, but I'm still scared to kayak. Two of my friends are always asking me to go with them and my daughter wants to, too. I think I might be more scared of ending up somewhere that I can't get out of. This is what happens when someone watches too many horror movies! Your place looks so serene and picture-perfect :smile:

    Now…the following paragraph is going to make you go, “Hmmm?” because this chick that loves horror also loves all things Christian. But God knows my heart.

    Back in 2011, I participated in a Bible study by Beth Moore. It’s called Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. I love eschatology (study of end-times) and was thrilled when my church did this study. For years I had been wanting the DVD lessons, but just couldn’t bring myself to pay almost $200 for the Leader’s Pack, which was the only way to get the DVDs. A few months ago, my pastor asked if I would lead a women’s study group. My daughter said she really wanted to do the Daniel study, since I’ve talked about it for years. Guess who found the Leader’s Pack on eBay for $110? You betcha! Hunter wanted to watch the first lesson, so we did last night. Part of it discusses Daniel and his friends not partaking of the King’s food. Beth Moore said she wasn’t condoning any diet, but encouraged people to choose not to eat rich, indulgent foods while doing the study. So, Hunter and I decided that we would choose that as well. Hopefully this means she won’t come home from work with a grocery bag full of chips and candy. The first half of the study is about how we are all living in a “Babylon” of overindulgence and too many choices. I’m praying for this study to help me with both being satisfied with the things I own as well as with simple foods. I don’t want to live in excess.

    I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday! Drink your water and eat your veggies!
  • deadpheonixrising
    deadpheonixrising Posts: 43 Member
    week ? Is this 1 or 2? :# Oops if it's the 2nd
    Previous weight - 136.9
    Current weight - 137.7
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