TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    For those who meal prep and cook ahead:
    I worry about the taste of meat being bad if I microwave it after it has been cooked. With the exception of casseroles, I eat leftover meat cold. What is your opinion on microwaved foods? Or do you heat it back up on the stove?
  • knlizght
    knlizght Posts: 82 Member
    I need to get an air fryer or instant pot, y'all are making me hungry with all this talk of things that you can make. :)

    I love my air fryer ❤️ You really should - it makes the best chips 👌🏼
  • knlizght
    knlizght Posts: 82 Member
    edited September 2020
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    For those who meal prep and cook ahead:
    I worry about the taste of meat being bad if I microwave it after it has been cooked. With the exception of casseroles, I eat leftover meat cold. What is your opinion on microwaved foods? Or do you heat it back up on the stove?

    If it’s cooked properly the 1st time then reheating shouldn’t be a problem - Reheating rice is a lot more ‘high risk’ (rice needs to be cooled quickly if it’s going to be reheated)
    I have a degree in nutrition and exercise science (believe it or not 😂)
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,019 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes walking
    Steps: 18,544
    Water: 115.6

    September Goals:
    • <50g carbs: ✔(42) ✔(32)✔ 39 ✖(89)
    • 12,000+ steps (5 days) ✖✔✔✔
    • 8,000+ steps (2 days) ✔✔✔✔
    • 30 Days of Yoga With Adrienne ✔(Day 11) ✔(Day 12) ✖✖
    • 30 minutes cardio daily ✔✔✔✔
    • Strength 30min/week minimum ✖✖✖✖

  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,019 Member
    edited September 2020
    @brandi_84 thanks! And she is doing well! The dogs totally love her but she is teaching them personal space! I am not worried about her getting hurt, as I am of them getting a nice pat here and there when they annoy her... she's warmed up a lot! And with reheating meat, I think it just has to be cooked and stored properly in the first place. I am constantly heating up leftovers. I have never noticed a big change in taste, either.

    @richmondwriter thank you! They were delicious!

    @DaffyGirl88 you should! I got the air fryer for christmas, but I scored a good deal on the instant pot at Walmart! I am so glad I got it!
  • prehistoricmoongoddess

    Wednesday 16th

    Logged food yes
    Under calories yes
    Exercise yes,

    Steps 10,238
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes walked 2.5 miles after work
    Steps: 10,909
    Water: 161.8

    Stressing a bit this week, the scale has not moved since last Friday's weigh in 😏 I know its better than a gain, but I would take an ounce 🤣

    @brandi_84 I meal prep my lunch and dinner for the week every Sunday and have never had a problem. My husband won't eat what I eat and I find that easier then cooking 2 meals a night.

    @daffy_girl I love my air fryer. I cook my veggies, chicken breast and even salmon in it. I got a instant pot for Christmas but haven't experimented with that kinda scares me lol
  • loraloha22
    loraloha22 Posts: 79 Member
    Logged: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes; walk/jog 30 minutes
    Water: 88oz.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes walked 2.5 miles after work
    Steps: 10,909
    Water: 161.8

    Stressing a bit this week, the scale has not moved since last Friday's weigh in 😏 I know its better than a gain, but I would take an ounce 🤣

    @brandi_84 I meal prep my lunch and dinner for the week every Sunday and have never had a problem. My husband won't eat what I eat and I find that easier then cooking 2 meals a night.

    @daffy_girl I love my air fryer. I cook my veggies, chicken breast and even salmon in it. I got a instant pot for Christmas but haven't experimented with that kinda scares me lol

    You still have a couple of days left for the scale to move. You have already lost 8lbs this month, I believe. It is not unusual to have a maintenance week, here and there. You're doing great!

    My husband doesn't eat what I eat either. Unless it is steak or pizza. I usually have to cook two separate meals. And when I am exhausted I end up going easy and not healthy. I may do a couple of meals and see how I like it and go from there.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    knlizght wrote: »
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    For those who meal prep and cook ahead:
    I worry about the taste of meat being bad if I microwave it after it has been cooked. With the exception of casseroles, I eat leftover meat cold. What is your opinion on microwaved foods? Or do you heat it back up on the stove?

    If it’s cooked properly the 1st time then reheating shouldn’t be a problem - Reheating rice is a lot more ‘high risk’ (rice needs to be cooled quickly if it’s going to be reheated)
    I have a degree in nutrition and exercise science (believe it or not 😂)

    That is awesome that you have a degree in nutrition and exercise science.

    Thank you for the rice tip. My daughter loves rice, but I usually throw out the leftovers and always make it fresh.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    knlizght wrote: »
    Wednesday 16th September
    Tracked: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: 10mins treadmill, 10mins cross trainer
    Steps: 5214
    Water: 2400
    Protein: 158g/160g

    I’ve had a 1:1 with my trainer at the gym today (he made me sweat just looking at him 😉) he wants me to hit a protein goal of 160g everyday so I’m going to include that in my daily post if that’s okay? This accountability is really helping 😃

    If it helps you be more accountable to yourself, yes, please include it in your daily posts. It also helps team memebers see what your doing that is working for you and try it for themeselves.
    Sometimes, having a hot trainer helps with motivation, too. 😉 Seriously, though, I hope having a trainer will help you with reaching your goals.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,684 Member
    Wednesday 16 September
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Water: 88 oz
    Steps 15,283
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,684 Member
    Good morning all!

    I will have to look into one of those. We got my son-in-law either an Instant Pot or Ninja Foodie with an air fryer for Christmas, I can't remember which. I will need to find out and get their opinion. The only thing I've had cooked with it is chicken wings, which came out ok. Anything slathered with hot sauce is good in my book. :D But I love the thought of trying air fried asparagus. Maybe I can get them to cook it for me next time I go down.

    I was supposed to go this weekend for my grandson's 2nd birthday but had to cancel. My daughter was exposed to someone who tested positive at nursing school. Now she can't go to school, my grandson can't go to daycare, and my SIL can't go to work for two weeks while they self-isolate. So far none of them have tested positive (knock on wood). My SIL gets tested weekly as he works in an assisted care facility so that has always been comforting.

    I wish I had a trainer, hot or otherwise. My gym is still closed...

    I just love catching up on everyone's posts and seeing what's going on in your lives. And love the positive feedback and support that everyone always gives. Especially @HASWLRS who always has something positive to say to everyone. What a great group. <3

    Well, coffee break is over and work beckons. Black coffee this week BLECH!!! :/ One more day and I can have pumpkin spice again!

    Happy Thursday everyone!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,684 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    For those who meal prep and cook ahead:
    I worry about the taste of meat being bad if I microwave it after it has been cooked. With the exception of casseroles, I eat leftover meat cold. What is your opinion on microwaved foods? Or do you heat it back up on the stove?

    @brandi_84 I meal prep my work lunches on Sunday. I grill a package of chicken breasts and have them for lunch every day with a salad. Sometimes I reheat them, sometimes eat them cold, sometimes cut them up and put them on my salad. I typically have a salad every night with dinner so when I'm making that I put a Tupperware container out and make them both at once. It's so much easier not to have to wonder "what am I going to have for lunch today?" all the time. Sometimes I dread lunchtime on weekends because I have no plan and no ready-made food. LOL
  • knlizght
    knlizght Posts: 82 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    knlizght wrote: »
    Wednesday 16th September
    Tracked: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: 10mins treadmill, 10mins cross trainer
    Steps: 5214
    Water: 2400
    Protein: 158g/160g

    I’ve had a 1:1 with my trainer at the gym today (he made me sweat just looking at him 😉) he wants me to hit a protein goal of 160g everyday so I’m going to include that in my daily post if that’s okay? This accountability is really helping 😃

    If it helps you be more accountable to yourself, yes, please include it in your daily posts. It also helps team memebers see what your doing that is working for you and try it for themeselves.
    Sometimes, having a hot trainer helps with motivation, too. 😉 Seriously, though, I hope having a trainer will help you with reaching your goals.

    Thanks @brandi_84 😊 I’m hoping so! I’ve joined an academy 8 week challenge at the gym starting in October, so having that accountability will really help give me the kick start I need to lose all the weight (again!🤪)
    I’m a trained fitness instructor as well, I lost nearly 15 stone a few years ago, then studied for my degree, trained as an aerobic instructor and held held classes as a weight loss consultant. Then I got depression and anxiety and the weight crept back on, the more I put on, the more ashamed and embarrassed I felt. So I now weigh more than I did the 1st time round - difference is, I’m now stronger mentally than I’ve ever been and this time I’m doing it for me and not for the adoration of others, I might need reminding every now and again though 🤪 I’m loving this challenge, its so nice to have this support and encouragement - you guys all keep a smile on my face, so thankyou ❤️
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    Richmondwriter MUAC for 9/16:
    Tracked: yes
    Under: no
    Exercised: yes - 40 minutes walking

    I had a horrible day - +427 calories. My mom, who is living with us right now, is very kindly doing a lot of grocery shopping and cooking lately to help out--and she makes some really bad choices due to lack of nutritional awareness. I just told her we need to start eating healthier again, so I need to do more of the shopping and cooking.

    I will work very hard to come in under calories today and tomorrow so that Sat. weigh in is not a fiasco.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,684 Member
    @erikNJ You're not a burden. I did a whole rant on some idjit going to school when she "didn't feel well but didn't think it was COVID" and exposing everyone. NURSING school no less. I don't think she's cut out for that position.

    Anywho...we understand hectic lives, just wanted you to know we noticed your absence. <3
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Date: 9/16
    Username: Murdog3t
    logged food: yes
    under calories: yes
    exercise: yes
    Steps : 2825

    Just for today: KD6, 3000 steps🚶‍♀️, meditation 🧘‍♀️, prayer🧎‍♀️, 20hrs IF, read my bible plan, read chapters 13&14📚 , physical therapy 🏋️‍♀️,

    Yesterday : KD5✅5000 steps🚶‍♀️👎🏻, meditation 🧘‍♀️✅, prayer🧎‍♀️✅, 20hrs IF✅, read my bible plan, read chapters 11&12 📚 ✅, physical therapy 🏋️‍♀️✅, hair cut 💇‍♀️✅
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    This whole team is the bomb always nice things to say and lots of positive encouragements
    Thanks 😊