Downsizers - September 2020 Team Chat



  • TASCascalho
    TASCascalho Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all!

    Weekly weight in!


    Tough week. I have my cheat meals on Fridays so Saturdays I always add a lot of food weight lol.

    Username: TASCascalho
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 185.6 lbs (84.2 Kg)
    CW (Current Weight): 184.9 lbs (83.9 Kg)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 11.2 lbs (5.1 Kg)

    @lindamtuck2018 will need your help please!

    I will go on vacations today and will eat everything I find lol. Will stop weighing myself for 2 weeks. Most likely I will resume my diet on 21st of September and resume sharing my weight on the 25th, Friday.

    Do I need to do something else to pause my contribution here? Please let me know. :smile:

    Thank you!

    Hi all!

    Guess who's back!

    Hope everyone is doing great!

    So vacations are over, two good weeks of eating junk everyday. Felt great emotionally but, physically, felt awful. Was bloated all day, the gigantic carb load made me sleepy and very lazy. In some days I had to take a nap after lunch to get through the day. I think one of the rewards of caring about your health and what you eat is that you start to be aware of the differences between an healthy lifestyle and one where you jeopardize your health and productivity during the day.

    Moving forward, I decided to reboot the plan back to day one and define objectives. After my vacations were over I went diet mode again and managed to loss some "vacations weight" fairly easy.


    Username: TASCascalho
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 184.9 lbs (83.9 Kg)
    CW (Current Weight): 188.7 lbs (85.6 Kg)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 11.2 lbs (5.1 Kg)

    Expected weight gain since the last check in, now its time to get back on track. :)

    The objective is to reach my goal weigh which is 70 Kg by more or less around Christmas, were it will be inevitable to feed on a lot of carbs again. 15 Week program.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: over by 44 calories (so close)
    Exercise: 32 minute walk 3/5
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,889 3/5
    DBF: 1

    Well tomorrow the scales are going to up. This morning I am still up 2.2 pounds and I can’t see that disappearing over night. I can’t seem to focus on dieting right now. I know it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. If you guys have any ideas on how to get my motivation back I am all ears.

    I am leaving for my walk soon and I am going to aim for 40 minutes today!

    Goals for week
    1. Walk at least 30 minutes 5x/week
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. 7,000 steps 5x/week

    I wish I had the answer. This team has been my motivation. I did noon for a little bit last year and the one thing the stuck with me is that everything I do or don’t do is a choice that I actively make. If I gain due to to much salt I know it was really due to me choosing to eat the foods high in sodium. It’s ok to have them but I need to plan and make choices over the next few days to compensate. I am in complete control of my choices.

    I have to say one thing is without checking into the team every day I would have gained all my weight back by now. You are so right about choices. I have to get back to making those choices that got me this far. I know I can put the last 5 weeks behind me. I am going to be in control of what I put in my mouth. Thanks for the advice! I have always been curious about Noom but I think it is pricey. We had a girl doing it a couple of months ago.

    9/19 28,368
    9/20 7,760
    9/21 12,039

    Almost 30k steps! Well done!

    Pw 237.9
    CW 237.0

    Name 28haveitall

    Congrats on the loss!

    Sept 22, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Goal: 2000 steps -- 11,011 steps today

    Amazing steps today! Did you do anything special to increase your steps?

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post August 21
    Yesterday went well. Day 1 of getting rid of the sugar cravings and back to my healthy lifestyle. The kids had cake after my son got home from school and now it is all gone, whew. There was a piece left but I managed to throw it away with their plates and declare the cake gone. I took my son to school, came home and ate lunch and then went for a walk around the neighborhood for an hour. I felt hungry all day from cravings but managed to stick to my meals and healthy snacks.

    Steps 11085

    Goals for today
    Log everything
    No gummy bears/sugar
    Go for a walk

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 22
    Logged Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 118oz
    Exercise 60 min walk

    Another day back on track. I did weigh myself Monday morning to see the damage. 8lbs up in one week, sheesh. This morning I weighed and I've already gone back down 5 though, hopefully the rest falls off as well and I can get back to seeing new numbers again. Had a nice walk during the day after taking my son to school. It's still a little hot during the day but not as bad as it was. Looking forward to having some cooler weather soon.

    I need some of your motivation! Great control in handling that cake. The weight will come off fairly fast. A lot of it was probably water weight. It was cool here for awhile but we are back to the humidity for a few days.

    weigh in day Tuesday
    PW 167
    CW 166.75
    LTD 1.25

    I know it's going slow but at least I'm still losing. Celebrated my niece's 21st over the weekend so I'm sure those mixed drinks didn't help. Getting back on track this week.

    Every little bit counts. They add up over time. Congrats on the loss!

    Thank you Linda.
    I just want to use this opportunity for all the work you are doing here. Reading all the chats and replying to everyone as well as encouraging. God bless you Linda❤👌

    Thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words. When I read this yesterday it brightened my day.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Thursday Weigh Day
    PW: 253.6
    CW: 251.4

    Awesome loss this week!

    azkunk wrote: »
    My post seems to have disappeared 😠

    Steps 9/24= 10,335

    My headache is still lingerIng but better. It also did stop me getting steps in 🤩

    I stepped on the scale today and if ever so briefly flawed under 190. I sure hope I am below that tomorrow. I have my annual PCP appointment and I will be so happy to be below 190 at my appointment.

    I hope your headache fully eases off soon! That is so exciting to see a new decade!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 23
    Tracked Yes
    Under calorie Yes
    Exercise 60 min walk
    Steps 10329

    Great job meeting your daily goals.

    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Sorry I’ve been so MIA. I put out my back and then my whole family got quite sick (just got negative covid tests back today!) and I’ve been in full on binge mode. Can I step out and come back fresh in October?

    I will put you on hold until then. Maybe next Friday you can give me a start weight for October. That way we will get a full week between weigh ins for the October challenge. So glad everyone’s test was negative.

    Sept 24, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Goal: 2000 steps -- 7806 steps today

    Did not get my goal of 6 miles today.. haha... life happens. But did manage to fit in 2 miles and moving a bunch of boxes for a good half hour to an hour. I wish there was a way for me to actually calculate the calories for moving these boxes. I used to own a party store and I have all the left over inventory which I sell online. When I get an order I am having to dig for the supplies in boxes that weigh anywhere from a pound to ten pounds and the boxes are about 20x16x12 inch in piles of 6 to 8 boxes per pile. Today I was moving boxes and moving boxes because I couldn't find a specific product. I had worked up a good sweat moving them and running up and down the stairs.

    You can enter it in mfp and it will calculate it for you. Select cardio under the add exercise and then search moving. It wii pop up.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Hi all!

    Weekly weight in!


    Tough week. I have my cheat meals on Fridays so Saturdays I always add a lot of food weight lol.

    Username: TASCascalho
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 185.6 lbs (84.2 Kg)
    CW (Current Weight): 184.9 lbs (83.9 Kg)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 11.2 lbs (5.1 Kg)

    @lindamtuck2018 will need your help please!

    I will go on vacations today and will eat everything I find lol. Will stop weighing myself for 2 weeks. Most likely I will resume my diet on 21st of September and resume sharing my weight on the 25th, Friday.

    Do I need to do something else to pause my contribution here? Please let me know. :smile:

    Thank you!

    Hi all!

    Guess who's back!

    Hope everyone is doing great!

    So vacations are over, two good weeks of eating junk everyday. Felt great emotionally but, physically, felt awful. Was bloated all day, the gigantic carb load made me sleepy and very lazy. In some days I had to take a nap after lunch to get through the day. I think one of the rewards of caring about your health and what you eat is that you start to be aware of the differences between an healthy lifestyle and one where you jeopardize your health and productivity during the day.

    Moving forward, I decided to reboot the plan back to day one and define objectives. After my vacations were over I went diet mode again and managed to loss some "vacations weight" fairly easy.


    Username: TASCascalho
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 184.9 lbs (83.9 Kg)
    CW (Current Weight): 188.7 lbs (85.6 Kg)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 11.2 lbs (5.1 Kg)

    Expected weight gain since the last check in, now its time to get back on track. :)

    The objective is to reach my goal weigh which is 70 Kg by more or less around Christmas, were it will be inevitable to feed on a lot of carbs again. 15 Week program.

    Welcome back! I hear you on carb bloat! It is a yucky feeling. I am sure your weight will come off fairly fast.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    Weigh ins: Friday
    PW 238.8
    CW 235.4 loss 3.4 lbs :)
    LTD 34 lbs
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 34 minute walk 4/5
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,348 4/5
    DBF: 2

    PW 201.8
    CW 204.8
    LTD 58 pounds

    I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I need to get back to why I chose to go on this journey. My reasons are
    1. Fear of developing heart disease due to diabetes
    2. Wanting to watch my granddaughters grow up and see my great grandkids.
    3. Improved quality of life.

    These are going to be posted on my mirror so I see them every morning when I wake up. I am posting them on the fridge so they are front and centre when I get the urge to overeat/binge. I got this!

    Happy FriYAY!

    Goals for week
    1. Walk at least 30 minutes 5x/week
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. 7,000 steps 5x/week
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Weigh ins: Friday
    PW 238.8
    CW 235.4 loss 3.4 lbs :)
    LTD 34 lbs

    Great job! Those changes are paying off.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    edited September 2020
    I have a question for you all. When I posted my check in I started thinking about my reasons to lose weight. So if you are so inclined

    What are your reasons for losing weight?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    Weigh ins: Friday
    PW 238.8
    CW 235.4 loss 3.4 lbs :)
    LTD 34 lbs

    Great job! Those changes are paying off.

    Thank you <3
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 34 minute walk 4/5
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,348 4/5
    DBF: 2

    PW 201.8
    CW 204.8
    LTD 58 pounds

    I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I need to get back to why I chose to go on this journey. My reasons are
    1. Fear of developing heart disease due to diabetes
    2. Wanting to watch my granddaughters grow up and see my great grandkids.
    3. Improved quality of life.

    These are going to be posted on my mirror so I see them every morning when I wake up. I am posting them on the fridge so they are front and centre when I get the urge to overeat/binge. I got this!

    Happy FriYAY!

    Goals for week
    1. Walk at least 30 minutes 5x/week
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. 7,000 steps 5x/week

    You got this steps everyday= great success in the future :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    I have a question for you all. When I posted my check in I started thinking about my reasons to lose weight. So if you are so inclined

    What are your reasons for losing weight?

    For me tired of being tired and fat ......Wanting to watch my daughter grow up and be a beautiful successful person (she will be 15 next month ...Getting off all meds (type 2 diabetic) I have succeeded to getting off all diabetic meds ... I still take a pill for elevated/high blood pressure...and to fit into my cute smaller clothes ... before having kids I weighed 120lbs.. now I won't ever see that # again but I would be happy seeing 140 again goal is 140 but if I get to 150 I will be over the moon :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Username: azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 191.7
    CW (Current Weight): 189.8
    LTD (Loss to Date): 17.2

    Under 190 and closing in on the 20-lb mark. I started in May and by August I was up and down for a total of around a 2-lb weight loss in 3 months. It was hard for me back then to even imagine hitting 20-lbs. My next mini-goal is 179.9 which I hope to hit by 11/15. I am even looking beyond that to 169.3 by 1/1 which would put me in the overweight BMI category.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    edited September 2020
    Thursday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 34 minute walk 4/5
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,348 4/5
    DBF: 2

    PW 201.8
    CW 204.8
    LTD 58 pounds

    I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I need to get back to why I chose to go on this journey. My reasons are
    1. Fear of developing heart disease due to diabetes
    2. Wanting to watch my granddaughters grow up and see my great grandkids.
    3. Improved quality of life.

    These are going to be posted on my mirror so I see them every morning when I wake up. I am posting them on the fridge so they are front and centre when I get the urge to overeat/binge. I got this!

    Happy FriYAY!

    Goals for week
    1. Walk at least 30 minutes 5x/week
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. 7,000 steps 5x/week

    Hang in there. I love that you are returning to your why. One thing I did while trying to lose weight for vacation a few years ago was to draw a little palm tree (Hawaii trip) between my thumb a index finger everyday. That way, I would see it if I went to eat or I would look at it if I thought of cheating and be reminded of my why. You could do a little heart for your health and love of your granddaughters.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - Fantastic loss! I am impressed how you were able to recognize what needed to be adjusted in your plan and not get discouraged by your previous gain. Great job!

    @TASCascalho - the important part is that you enjoyed your vacations and you got right back on track. I have a feeling that as the changes we make to our lifestyle become more ingrained, our cheats and vacations will become less and less out of control. (Not that you were out of control 😉)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    I have a question for you all. When I posted my check in I started thinking about my reasons to lose weight. So if you are so inclined

    What are your reasons for losing weight?

    1. Get off BP and cholesterol meds and lower my risk of diabetes which runs in my family
    2. Ease stress on my knees and decrease my need for ibuprofen
    3. Keep up with my kids
    4. To feel comfortable in my skin (and clothes)
    5. Set a good example of a healthy life style and body image for my kids ...especially my daughter.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - Fantastic loss! I am impressed how you were able to recognize what needed to be adjusted in your plan and not get discouraged by your previous gain. Great job!

    @TASCascalho - the important part is that you enjoyed your vacations and you got right back on track. I have a feeling that as the changes we make to our lifestyle become more ingrained, our cheats and vacations will become less and less out of control. (Not that you were out of control 😉)

    Thank you so much workouts today suffered due to my hip going out (hate having hip Dysplasia) I did my tone up for 30 minutes and walked 1 mile with Leslie Sansone instead of 3 miles to her party hits ...I am planning on going for a walk outside with my dogs (haven't done that since April 2019 when I 1st fractured my foot ) hopefully I can get more of a burn then :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    I finally got a walk outside ....daughter and one of my dogs (Husky) walked 3 miles ....... :)
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    I have a question for you all. When I posted my check in I started thinking about my reasons to lose weight. So if you are so inclined

    What are your reasons for losing weight?

    To not be in pain all the time. To have the energy to run/play with my kids, especially as they get older. To feel comfortable in my own skin. To be an inspiration to my dad. To enjoy shopping for clothes- buying what I want, not just what fits. I'm sure there are more but these pop in my head now
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 23
    Tracked Yes
    Under calorie Yes
    Exercise 60 min walk
    Steps 10329

    This is suppose to say September 23 lol
This discussion has been closed.