


  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I went for a run last week! It was so damn difficult, but felt sooooooo good afterwards! I will go for runs 3 times a week and following BALG 0 to 5k plan :))

    Having difficulties in my family, I need to take care of grandma, so I will focus on just running 3 times a week for now and not overwhelm myself with much more than that.

    How is everyone doing? :) How was the weekend?
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Good job @human_bean !! Proud of you!! I'm aiming to run 3x this week as well so we can go for it together! Sorry to hear you're having troubles in your family.

    My weekend was great. I took Friday off, and then yesterday was a snow day (I'm a teacher) so I got a 4 day weekend!! I did a lot of writing. I'm writing a novel - it's my first one, and I'm more than half done my first draft. It's been a really exciting process!

  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    @mugginskate Megan, that is so exciting!! Would looove to hear more about your novel. To me it always seems like a crazy improssible thing to write a book of any kind :)))) very cool!

    @violetanderson39 how did your workout go?:))

    @CurvyCalorie Hope you are doing well! :)
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @human_bean I've been struggling... that seems to be the mood on here. But we'll get through it. I've been working on a video memorial for a close friend and it's had my mood very low. But I got out this morning with the hubs... and gonna do an indoor cardio HIIT this afternoon - lots of jump rope and jumping jacks. It's raining and it's too cold to run in that!

    Started tracking again - I can feel the mood lifting! Every time I start over I think "at least I'm STARTING instead of staying stagnant" - SO ... here we go again.

    @mugginskate A novel sounds intense and fun!!! We'll look to hear more about how it's going!
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member

    ooooh, tracking..... I miss it so much! Going for a short tracking first time in month this weekend, hoping to get my mood up as well.

    I am so sorry to hear about your close friend, sending lots of love!

    I started listening to Cookie Rosenblum podcast, I don't love her delivery so much, but she has a lot of amazing tips, especially for someone like me who struggled with an eating disorder, so she talks a lot about how important it is to focus on the positive and what we are doing right. Starting is amazing! :)
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @human_bean Thanks for the podcast recommendation. I'll check it out today while I work!! Always good to have inspiration staying positive. That's what's important after all.

    It's Friday! Wheee!!!! It will be a good weekend, hopefully! Anyone have any fun plans? We have a zoom 'party' for the Chinese New Year! May it be a good one for us all!
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Happy Monday everybody!


    How did the zoom party go??( I still didn't manage to have even a single good zoom party :)))


    I got a walking pad!!! it's only my first day of having it, but I am so damn excited! I think it'll be a convenient way for me to get those 10k steps throughout the day and not before/after work, lately I'm struggling with it

    Have a lovely week everyone!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    @human_bean What is a walking pad?? I've never heard of such a thing!

    My book is set in 1884-1885 and is about a young woman attending a co-ed college in Bristol. It's a romance and focuses on women's rights - especially in education. I'm really excited for when it's finally finished.

    Monday was a holiday in NB, Canada (family day) and today is a snow day. I'm also taking Friday off for an appointment so I literally have a TWO day week at work! I'm so happy!

    My weekend was great. I made a delicious chocolate cake for Valentine's Day. I didn't get much exercise in...but I've set my goals for this week and I'm feeling determined! I've been in such a slump, and I've now gained 10 lbs since Christmas :neutral: I feel really bummed about it. So I'm going to start working hard again and get to my goal weight.

  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    @mugginskate oh, the book sounds exciting, I'm curious how did you decide on the period?
    I'm sure you will get back to your comfortable weight and here to support you!:) why do you think you gained that extra weight in the first place?

    walking pad is an under the desk treadmill, I am loving it sosososo much. I am walking while I am working and I can finally hit my step goals without any difficulties! And it helps me concentrate on studying and working, it's insane. I love love love it!

    I almost lost all of my covid19 weight which was so hard, but super encouraging. I also want to lose the extra weight I've had since changing a job from "running around all day" to "sitting in front of the computer all day".
    At the moment I am not doing any diets, focusing on eating healthy and not overeating, not starving myself, hitting my step goals. In the past I had so many issues maintaining my weight, I would gain it every single time after a diet, so now trying to just change my lifestyle (why is it so damn hard).

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    @human_bean I want a set-up like you! Having a treadmill at my desk would be so helpful! I bet you get to 10K steps in no time.

    I went on to weight watchers for a bit but I can't afford it right now. As a single mom of three, it's just too much. Feeling a bit down in the dumps today about my weight but I know that feeling won't get anything done. I have to get motivated to get up, get out and get fit. I've done it before so I know I can do it again. For me, it's getting rid of a toxic relationship where my bf valued me based on my looks - telling me I have to lose weight or else type stuff. SO, I broke up with him last week. He still has to come get his stuff from my house (which I'm dreading) but oh well. I'm happy to be doing this for me now.

    I've missed checking in with you all. Looking forward to being more active in here <3
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Walking pad sounds good. I have a standing desk... and while I don't get steps in, it's so much better for my concentration. Maybe I'll look into a walking pad!!

    @momofthree9845 sounds like a good move... BFs that value us based on a body aren't good... but definitely not a long term we all fluctuate and change as we age! Sounds like you just lost 100+ lbs of dead weight. I know it's hard...even if for the best. So hang in there!

    @mugginskate the book sounds interesting! I bet writing is intense.

    Doing good here... once the party was over my stress level started dropping. It reminds me that sometimes life isn't smooth!!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Happy March everyone! I've been off the group the past week. I had an intense week at work. But now I'm on March break! I'm hoping to get lots of writing done this week!!

    @momofthree9845 have you ever tried Noom? It's online and I've found it really helpful in the past. I'm using it again now. There are usually promo codes so you can get a cheaper price too. Might be worth checking out the trial.

    @turtlesnakes I gained the weight I think just by being really slack about what I eat and my exercise. It was a bit of a shock. I'd avoided the scale for a while. But it is slowly going down now that I'm paying more attention. I chose the period because I love the Victorian era. I also chose it because of the date the co-ed school in Bristol opened, which was 1876. My heroine goes to the school 8 years after its been opened. I've been off writing for about 2 weeks now and really need to get back to it!!! I tried to yesterday, but felt really discouraged and directionless. Writing is hard!

    Sending encouragement to everyone as we journey together!! Best of luck this week!

  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning friends,

    I haven’t been reaching my goals so I made a simple one for this week - track everything!

    Good news is I’ve stayed away from the toxic ex. He’s picking his stuff up in one week so I’m happy about that.

    Now I’m doing this for me and my health!