Mission Slimpossible - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,574 Member
    @GretchenReine Glad quarantine is over for you! I hope you're back into routine soon.

    @SammyDee2015 I like your idea of putting the calories on the jar and how you evaluated your behavior and made changes. I think ultimately that's how we "win" this, instead of beating ourselves up we learn from it and move on.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Glad you were able to post, it's always good to know you're here!

    @TeresaW1020 Glad you get to spend time with your favorite one, hope he isn't too tempted by the decorations!

    @buniphuphu You're doing amazing with your swimming, I don't know if you read your feed but I always picture Dory the fish when I see how much you're doing. Keep swimming!

    @TwistedSassette Hope you had a great time tonight, the foodie event sounds fun!

    @adhmrh Hope you were early getting up early! OK, that was bad but I had to say it.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,574 Member
    Monday check-in
    Exercise- arm cardio, core, stretching, pelvic tilts
    Calories- under

    I didn't resist the Diet Pepsi! Things ended up stressful with my boyfriend's situation so I only watched half of the whole-food plant-based gut health seminar today that's going on this week. Not much else going on, my produce box came and I ordered too much stuff so I have some meal planning to do. Take care gang and keep up the great work!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,905 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I must have missed the torn rotator cuff post, that sounds painful! I wish you a speedy recovery.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes it does keep me out of the kitchen to keep busy with sewing: I don't want to eat WHILE sewing because I don't want to get crumbs or food on my fabric, and it also distracts me from thinking about food LOL! Probably similar to you and your puzzles. I hope you enjoy the time with the 3 year old.

    @anido1 I am on WW+, I think everyone on WW is now on WW+, it's an upgrade to the plan. I haven't explored much about it but what I've seen looks really helpful.

    @TwistedSassette I admire your determination to exercise since you couldn't swim. <3

    @adhmrh I love getting off work early. Enjoy the day! Congrats on having a better day and being in the zone!!! I understand not being a sewing fan: it can be very frustrating! (I'm in a frustrating part of my sewing project right now) Have a great day.

    @Katmary71 Hopefully you can watch the rest of the seminar later? Did they record it for later?

    @GretchenReine It helps me to come here, too. I hope your week gets better. <3 (((( skinny vibes )))) for tomorrow's weigh-in!

    Hello all. I had pizza for dinner last night but it was HEALTHYish pizza: it was the 2-ingredient dough pizza that is lower in cals/fat/WW points than regular pizza. The crust is made of 1 cup self-rising flour and 1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, that's it! It really hits the spot when I'm craving pizza.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: ----
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited November 2020
    @trooworld - Hurray for your healthy dinner choice! Your pizza sounds like a delicious choice that works for you in all the ways! Double hurray for your great food tracking day. If you were to do only one thing for your health in a given day, for me that might be the most impactful thing to do. Your mileage may vary. Anyway, HURRAY!

    Happy Tuesday to you, too! And hurray to quarantine being over.
    I so get the worry about weigh-in day. I was having a pretty blue morning here, and found these comments of yours a super great reminder:
    What I can control is me and what I do. That being said, I will make sure I go to the gym after work today. Tomorrow is weigh-in day and, quite frankly, I'm petrified of what the scale is going to say. I'm fairly certain it's going to choke, sputter and die as it begs me to get off of it...but you know what I mean. All I can do is weigh in and get back in control of life...the parts that I can control.

    I am sorry that your boyfriend's situation was being stressful. I hope things calm down.
    Before I forget - since you are interested in gut health -- have you taken a look at the work of gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz? He wrote a book called Fiber Fueled. Here's a link to Rich Roll's interview with Dr. Bulsiewicz, which got me interested.

    Hurray to you in-the-zone day yesterday! I hope today is going well!

    Just so ya know -- I am inspired by your post about kicking your metabolism into higher gear with all that exercise over the weekend. I wanna do that too, this week!

    Woohoo! Great weigh-in!
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Tuesday check in- drama is all about the cookies. Still.
    I tried the water, Then I tried a tbsp of peanut butter, then a mountain of it in a second scoop.... then just felt mad as hell and ripped that freaking mask off the jar at 12:34am and lunged. Mowed through six before sanity kicked in. So six less cookies than the night before, but a huge dollop of peanut butter added. 🙄
    This morning I realized I what I forgot... I get ‘hangry’ for carbs sometimes. So tonight I will try a fruit & a tab of peanut butter before going to bed. The mask is back on, but I will put them on my hubby’s night stand tonight ( since he is a light sleeper) .🤞

    Promise, I am not crazy. Just trying to remain accountable as I work to getting back on track. And I will - because it’s okay in this space to be open about our challenges - and I will gain strength from your honest posts too 🙏

    As for why I bake them at all... for almost 25 years Hubby & I have kept up on doing a certain requested task for each other that would remind us daily that we DO adore eachother- even when maybe not seeing eye to eye.

    Mine is baking his favorite cookie for his daily lunch & snacking, his is daily cleaning up any free range hen droppings from our sidewalk and porch.

    I KNOW I got the better deal.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 189.3
    Today's weight: 192
    LTD: 33 lbs
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,609 Member
    @GretchenReine You are so right. It's easy to forget that everyone else has their own struggles. Sometimes they make it look so easy, but we're only seeing it from the outside! Control what you can. Do what you can. And be kind to yourself.

    @SammyDee2015 I'm glad that you were able to step back this morning and come up with a new plan. I feel like that's what this journey is about - knowing ourselves, our weaknesses, and what we need to succeed. If that means putting the cookies on hubby's night stand, then that's ok!

    @Cornanda Thanks for the suggestion. I have a bunch of those 30-day challenges saved on my phone, I really like the idea. But I usually find that I do them for a day or two and then either forget about it entirely, or give up! Might be time to give it another crack!

    @Jactop I agree, quality sleep and quantity of sleep make a huge difference. Definitely a cause-and-effect relationship there. One of my goals is to get more sleep and I'm gradually getting better at going to bed on time, though I still struggle with getting out of bed in the morning. I don't think I'll ever be a morning person!!
    The foodie market was, well...disappointing. Gotta give them full marks for marketing though. It was advertised as a fun family affair, with food & dessert stalls, retail stalls, music - bring a chair or picnic rug, they said. We arrive and find they've set up in the back corner of the carpark, which is not paved so the ground is covered in burrs (not fun for a two year old who falls down a lot). There were about 6 food stalls and one dessert stall. No retail stalls. The music was one speaker playing from an iPod. We didn't stay long! I bought a pack of jerky for my hubby (AU$12 for 100 grams, mind you!) and a "cheesecake on a stick" from the dessert stall for myself - which was half a slice of a vanilla cheesecake from The Cheesecake Shop, served in a cardboard plate with a wooden stick stuck in the end, but you still had to eat it with a spoon. And they'd run out of strawberries already. And water. By 6pm. The whole event was a hot mess!! Everyone I've spoken to who went said the same thing - just disappointing considering how it was advertised!

    At least I wasn't tempted by a lot of naughty foods though. I ate the cheesecake but felt sick afterwards. I made it fit in my calories for the day as I did quite a lot of exercise! We went to the pool, I rode my stationary bike, I did some strength work on my arms, and I did some yoga.

    Tonight is the final deciding match in the State of Origin (state level representative rugby league competition in Australia - it's a huge deal) so I'll be having a few drinks with my sister and we'll be eating nachos. I don't expect to have a deficit today! I also have my periodic medical for work this morning - wish me luck! It includes a functional assessment (which I know has things like planks and a wall sit, as well as stepping on and off a box for a few minutes etc.). I think I will do better than last time (well, I was 30 weeks pregnant last time so I hope I do better now!) and I think I will do better than they'll expect me to. It's frustrating because none of it is even relevant to my role - I don't know why an accountant who sits at a desk all day needs to be able to plank for two minutes, but regardless we all have to do it. Oh, and we don't get to have a copy of the report at the end, either!

    Day 56: Tuesday 17 November
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 37/56
    2. 20 mins exercise: Yes - 32/56
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 30/56
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @buniphuphu Great loss this week!! I do encourage you to post more. Accountability is one of the things that I find really helps me stay on track. :)

    @anido1 Great weigh-in this week!! B)

    @adhmrh Love your new avatar pic!! <3 How is the earlier to bed, earlier to rising going for you? :grin:

    @Katmary71 My favorite little boy didn’t bother the decorations that much. It was the dog’s toys and the constant need to see how they tasted that kept me on my toes. :D Did the Diet Pepsi cause you any ill effects? Sorry that things are stressful for your boyfriend.

    @GretchenReine Well, even if the scale does sputter a little bit you know why and you know what you need to do to get it to go back down. Take care of yourself!! Make yourself a priority and you do that through making a commitment to yourself and to your health. You got this! <3

    @trooworld I had pizza casserole tonight with no crust. It was so good that I ate way too much of it. I wonder if you can make 2-ingredient dough with almond flour? That would cut the carbs for me. I like Fathead dough but it’s soooo fattening. :#

    @SammyDee2015 OK, I get why you make your hubby the cookies and it is very sweet of you to do so. If the mask isn’t going to stop you then you need a new plan. Maybe you can make them for your hubby and then put them ALL into those little individual snack bags for him to take for lunch and then you tell yourself that those cookies aren’t yours to eat. Next, find something to replace the cookies with something you will like that will fit your eating plan. The fruit and a little peanut butter if that will help. For me, I can’t have my favorite peanut butter in the house or I will eat it all. And yes you got the better deal having him clean up chicken droppings. :grin:

    @Cornanda, Thank you! I love decorating the house for Christmas, which is funny because the rest of the year my house is very minimalist, and less is more for me. But not in sparkle season! :D We are sooo much alike that we make something for a party that we tell ourselves is for everyone but really, it’s for us. I’ve been on Pinterest looking at recipes for my upcoming Christmas party and just today I realized I was looking at things that I want and not necessarily things that everyone else will want to eat. When will we learn! :s

    @Jactop OK, you know why you had the gain and how to fix it. Make this a better week and that number will for sure go back down. :)

    @TwistedSassette The Picadillo was very good! I highly recommend you give it a try. Well, that is too bad about the foodies’ market! But like you said at least you weren’t that tempted. I am sure you do much better with your functional assessment. That is weird why you have to do it. I suppose it’s an insurance thing? :/

    Hi Team! Well, today was a long one with my little three-year-old buddy hanging out with me from 9 am to 2 pm. I watched a lot of little kid's TV, played with trucks, repeatedly took dog toys out his mouth, and listened as he talked non-stop. He is a very sweet boy. Since I will never get to be a grandma, I get so much joy in being able to spend time with my friend’s kids and of course the kids at church. <3 I didn’t work out today but my eating was all Keto. I did eat too much dinner and drank too much coffee today. Tomorrow, I’m going to lunch with my children’s pastor to talk about church stuff so hopefully, we will pick a place where I can behave. If not I might just skip dinner. I don’t want a gain the week before Thanksgiving!

    NEW YEAR CHALLENGE: 45 Days until January 1st
    1. Fast Clean: I’m fasting for 18 hours today
    2. Workout: Took today off
    3. Eat on plan: I ate on plan but had too much for dinner. I really need to continue to work on portion control.
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I think keeping up with a 3 yr old is definitely exercise. :smile: Thanks, the pic is from hubby's retirement luncheon. The earlier to bed and earlier rising is working good. I have gotten home early enough to get in a workout before dinner.

    @AustinRuadhain i love to drink water, but sure hate to retain it. You are doing awesome staying green!!!

    @trooworld pizza sounds really yummy!! Some days just call for pizza. Good thing there are healthy versions!!

    @Katmary71 that made me smile. I was early getting up early!! :smile:

    Today was a good day. Managed to get home and get a workout in before dinner. Tomorrow is a long day!! But thats ok. I will stay on track.

    Tuesday checkin:
    -log every bite: yes
    -6,000 steps: yes
    -30 mins of exercise: yes
    -drink 96oz water: yes
    -spend time in Bible study and prayer: yes
    -no sugar: yes
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,574 Member
    @GretchenReine Did you make it to the gym? Good luck with the weigh-in! I agree, coming here does put things into perspective, I feel the same, often times it feels like you're the only one going through struggles when it's something we all deal with at times.

    @trooworld I have to try that recipe one of these days! Access to the speakers expires at the end of the day, kind of frustrating!

    @Cornanda OK, that's pretty funny that you stuck all the tempting food in your husband's lunch. How did he like it? Good willpower!

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you for the link! I ALMOST clicked it, I'll check it out as soon as I post this!

    @Jactop I hope you get your sleep schedule straightened out, lack of sleep definitely makes cravings worse.

    @TwistedSassette Good luck with your assessment, I'm sure you'll do great! Doesn't sound like it makes any sense with your position but I hope you rock it!

    @TeresaW1020 No immediate bad affects from the Diet Pepsi yesterday, though I'm also being weak with coffee too and using sweetener. Sounds like a fun day with the little one.

    @SammyDee2015 Oh man, I've done that with the peanut butter jar more than once! You will definitely get back on track, it's normal to have weak moments but it's how you respond that matters the most.

    @adhmrh Heck yeah, you hit all your goals for the day, way to go!

    Tuesday check-in
    Exercise- arm cardio, arm resistance bands, stretching, core
    Calories- under

    Not feeling too hot, it's rainy and it's making me feel a lot worse. I definitely didn't miss increased pain with the weather!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    @TeresaW1020 what is pizza casserole? That sounds interesting.

    @TwisterSassette it's too bad they don't give you the results of your assessment. It would be fun to compare from year to year. You'll rock it. Its surprising how much regular activity improves our strength and endurance.

    Tuesday check in:
    Sleep was better but still short of my target.

    1. No sugar ✖ Did great all day then caved after supper.

    2. Hydrate earlier in the day ✔

    3. 30 min of activity per day ✔
    60 min outdoors on stationary bike.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,905 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thanks! I agree, tracking is probably the most important thing to do.

    @SammyDee2015 I admire how hard you are working on this challenge. I know you will get control. Would it help to pre-plan 2 cookies into your day so that you have something to look forward to and know you are going to have them, so maybe you wouldn't go overboard? This would allow you to have cookies without guilt. That's sweet, why you make them. I LOVE love! <3 You did get the better deal. ;)

    @Cornanda I've made those bagels and love them! I've heard they are really good made in an air fryer but haven't tried that yet. You can make all sorts of good things out of the 2-ingredient dough: biscuits, breadsticks, cinnamon rolls even! Great job at the family birthday, congrats! That's very insightful to realize the dip is for YOU and now you know!

    @Jactop I hear you about not getting enough sleep: I sleep so poorly, I'm sure it affects my weight loss journey. I'm glad exercise helps you, I hope you can get back to good sleep soon.

    @TwistedSassette that's too bad about the foodie market, what a shame! I hope you have fun with your sister. That's crazy you have to do that assessment considering your job! Good luck with it!

    @TeresaW1020 I don't think so, unless you try adding 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder and 1/2 tsp of salt to the mix then it might work. It would be worth trying! When I was on Keto, I loved Fathead dough too. Here is another pizza crust recipe that we really liked when on Keto (it uses almond flour): https://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/low-carb-magic-mozzarella-dough/ Sounds like you kept busy with the toddler...did he stay out of the Christmas decorations?

    @adhmrh Yes! Exactly, some days you just need pizza in your life! LOL Congrats on a good day. I hope yesterday was just as good.

    @Katmary71 Yes, it's totally worth trying the dough. If you find it too sticky, just add a little more flour. That IS frustrating that the access to the speakers expires that soon, what a shame! I hope you feel better soon. <3

    @GabiV125 CONGRATS!!! Woo hoo! WTG!

    Hello all. I find myself struggling a bit. I seem to be sabotaging myself for some reason: yesterday, for breakfast, instead of what I planned (yogurt and blueberries), I had CHICKEN POT PIE leftover from dinner the other night. :( I know that isn't healthy and it made me go way over my points for the day. I also didn't drink enough water: I drank about an 8 oz glass and that's it. Why am I doing this to myself??? Ugh.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: ----
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 25% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Wednesday check in-🤗 no cookie drama today. But I am gonna see if I can take the option away entirely and have the hubby take them to work and put in his office desk drawer or locker ... or truck. Just until I get this nite waking issue under control.
    Next on my hit list is making almost everyday a Cardio day. Treadmill was cranky and won’t start ( basement too cold?) so I did a Jillian Michaels workout - just in case I can’t get the thing going later today.

    Hope everyone finds a laugh or a chuckle in the day today!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Tuesday Check-in
    🟢Food on plan, weighed, logged
    🟢Calories in Green
    🟢Workout - 50 min/6 days - Jenny Ford Live Step Combo, Leslie Sansone Brisk Walk
    🟢Breathing Exercises
    🟢Martial Arts forms - 2/day
    I was extra happy about the day. I stayed on track food-wise, and came in well under after getting n some solid, sweaty workout time. I also pulled out a box of green tea and am making sure to hydrate more.

    What a great day you had yesterday!

    You sound like totally the adoring grandma! I have had a couple of bonus grandmas in my life, and have loved and appreciated them so much. So yay, you, for being that for that adorable little boy! And, ah, the age of everything going in the mouth, what a fun one!
    Your pizza casserole sounds like a brilliant idea.
    Hey, I came across a website with a bunch of what look like fun keto recipes. If you want some inspiration, here's the link: https://www.staysnatched.com/category/keto-recipes/

    I am so sorry the food market was not more fun. I hope that the rugby match was fun, and that results were satisfactory! And good luck with the functional assessment -- holding a plank for 2 minutes is a test many of us would be challenged by. Me, for sure!

    How great that you are taking the number on the scale as a reminder and a nudge to look at what you might adjust. I hope you made your earlier bedtime last night!

    :smile: This was a good lesson to learn. I was honest with myself and I took care of the problem.
    Boom! You inspire me so often. And yes, sometimes a dish just has to get out of the house. (At my house, it becomes chicken feed!)

    You have all my sympathies. Some of us (I am one) have to be careful about trigger foods, and oh, my, peanut butter is one for me, too. I ate way too much pb in September after a super stressful couple of weeks. You are not crazy. It's just a thing for some people. We all have our things to manage. Oh, and you DID get the good deal as regards cleaning up chicken droppings!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,009 Member
    @jactop @sammyd2015
    Seems like several of us are having trouble sleeping these days. Maybe we should start an insomnia night meet up?

    What terrible advertising- so disappointing. You go with those wall sits and planks!

    A day with a 3 year old sounds challenging and fun.

    He didn’t complain one bit! He eats well overall and can tolerate a junk food binge better than I can.

    Yay for you! Must feel great!

    *hand slaps head* We’ve all been there- we have a plan, we don’t keep it, we don’t know why. Just keep picking yourself up and dusting off and starting again.

    Good work on the cookie problem. Now tell your treadmill to shape up!

    Solid sweaty work out! Go you!

This discussion has been closed.