New to group

I'm new to this group so here goes. I'm 74 yrs. young and weigh 250.At one time I lost 100 lbs. using MFP .My sister and I were each others support but we fizzled out. We both gained it back. I'm ready to have another chance to lose . I hope I can inspire others as you inspire me. My goal is to drink more water and track my food everyday.


  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim i admire your commitment to your parents. My mom had Alzheimer's disease and my siblings and I tried our best to keep her at home for a couple of years. Even a few days of 24/7 care is exhausting.

    Take care of yourself while you care for them. Rowing is fun. Enjoy!

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    I'm 55. I've gone from 215 to 184 so far. My age seems to have killed my metabolism so it's taking forever.
  • 1961Fowler
    1961Fowler Posts: 12 Member
    new to group. 59, 5’3, 181. Determined to dedicate 2021 to me. excited to be inspired by all your stories
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    I've been on MFP for while, inconsistent with tracking that I need to work on. I'm 57 and would like to lose about 25 lbs. Last year I did the Fast Metabolism Diet and lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks but right around the holidays, I went a little crazy and gained it all back.

    It is a very unsustainable way to eat although I did learn some things. What I did like about it was I just had to eat a certain way and did'nt have to track. I would like to just get to eating what I want in order to finally lose these 25 lbs so tracking is necessary. I'm currently doing a combo of IF and carb cycling.

    I'm also on meds that affect my hunger signals by making me feel hungry all the time which doesn't help. I also think I have a sugar/chocolate addiction. I do workout at least 3-5 times a week, spin, kickboxing, body pump and yoga once a week.

    Looking forward for the support of the group!
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    Edit to the above - it took me 6 months to lose 10 pounds, not 6 weeks. If only it would have been that easy!
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    I lost my husband almost 4 years ago. I also lost myself. In June I weighed 166 lbs and decided I was going to recreate myself. I’m now 136 lbs and wanting to lose another 5-10 lbs. I’m eating better and I feel better, physically. I now need to work on my mental state. I’m starting yoga this weekend. I think it will help in all areas as I need to tone up. Nice to meet all of you

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Hi, all. I'm Ann, age 65, lost 50+ pounds back in 2015, now mostly maintaining (but have been super-slowly (re-) losing a few vanity pounds in maintenance for about a year, at around a pound a month +/-. Now around 125 pounds, at 5'5".

    I'm a widow (since 1998), vegetarian (since 1974), stage 3 (advanced) breast cancer survivor (since 2000), hypothyroid (also since 2000), retired (since 2006) from an IT career at a university, and live alone, no longer any pets (but lots of houseplants). No children, siblings, parents.

    I'm an on-water rower (reluctant machine rower in Winter), do some visual journaling and other misbegotten no-rules mixed media stuff, make jewelry, and am fruitlessly trying (in fits and starts) to teach myself to play bluegrass banjo in my old age.

    I live in Telluride, Co and we have a great bluegrass festival every year- except 2020 of course. Congrats on trying to learn an instrument. I took up piano about 10 years ago, but don't make enough time to play. Here is to great things in 2021!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Hi, all. I'm Ann, age 65, lost 50+ pounds back in 2015, now mostly maintaining (but have been super-slowly (re-) losing a few vanity pounds in maintenance for about a year, at around a pound a month +/-. Now around 125 pounds, at 5'5".

    I'm a widow (since 1998), vegetarian (since 1974), stage 3 (advanced) breast cancer survivor (since 2000), hypothyroid (also since 2000), retired (since 2006) from an IT career at a university, and live alone, no longer any pets (but lots of houseplants). No children, siblings, parents.

    I'm an on-water rower (reluctant machine rower in Winter), do some visual journaling and other misbegotten no-rules mixed media stuff, make jewelry, and am fruitlessly trying (in fits and starts) to teach myself to play bluegrass banjo in my old age.

    I live in Telluride, Co and we have a great bluegrass festival every year- except 2020 of course. Congrats on trying to learn an instrument. I took up piano about 10 years ago, but don't make enough time to play. Here is to great things in 2021!

    With apologies to other readers for the digression: I'm a newgrass-type bluegrass fan. The Telluride festival is kind of the pinnacle for that sort of thing! Sadly, I've never been, but I have several recordings from there, as well as seeing videos. I hear you on the "time to play": It's one of the reasons for my poor banjo progress. Well, in my case more like not giving it the priority, because strictly speaking I probably have time, I'm just spending it juggling multiple fun hobbies, not mastering any. 😆