This January “I Will...”. NEWCOMERS, begin here!



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Oh btw @SummerSkier

    Seriously when I have an onerous task like that....15 Mins a day Time❣️
    Works like a charm - if you begin in Feb, not April 13th 😂🤣😂🤣 like we do - actually Hubby does lol

    I’m using 15 mins a day right now for problematic yet critical prescription transfer....😳😳😳😳😳

    The thing is that it really does not take me all that long to do them. Once I start I might as well finish. And since I should get money back of some amount then I will do them the first week in Feb. I could do them NOW but I like to give everyone until the end of Jan for documentation. If I had to pay yeah it would be April for me also,....

    But I agree with you on the 15 min per day. My latest effort was my updated credit card. Mine expires 2/21 so I got a replacement with new pin and expiration of 2/26 but SAME #. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to update some things with JUST a new expiration date. I have been working for 2 days now on the toll tag ROFLOL... yesterday after being on hold for 10 minutes I think I got the next avail person but it hung up. Today I managed to talk to a person who gave me the correct procedure and transferred me. I got almost ALL the way there and BOOM. dial tone. Well tomorrow is another day and it is their website which is screwed up and they know it and already say no late charges for issues.

    BTW, I sincerely hope that you or anyone else here are not upset that I "un"friended you a while back. You are very active on the boards but not active on the newsfeed. I typically only keep "friends" who are active there just because it's hard for me to keep up otherwise and I like to participate there. My friend list is very small...



    Thanks @SummerSkier
    I cannot lie. It hurt. The MFP messages line is just below the bottom edge of my phone screen, so I chanced a few day kates to see a question you asked. So I answered it- and was deleted with no “Hey Maddie - do you like to chat on the newsfeed? I would have said “not much as I have an active non-MFP social media life. You coulda then explained you prefer active newsfeed folks, and I woulda said @cool no problem at all. And I’m glad we’ll see each other in our common groups!”

    It’s a small thing. I appreciate your message. You are an inspiration to me, Summer. And I am fine not being newsfeed friends- just wish I’d known why..,

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    4️⃣ days left in January. Still time to make a some progress!
    Let’s make the MOST of the next 4️⃣ days!

    I Created my 16-Day Plan, begun Jan 16...
    Goal: improve some food choices which should take off the pound.
    Status: calories definitely down, sugars down, sodium is coming down, steps are increasing Pleased❣️

    As of Day 12:
    🌟Calories 2K.....🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰|🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰|🥰🥰
    🌟Steps > 7K.......🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰|🥰🥰🥰
    Sugars in range....🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰|🥰⛔️🥰
    🌟Sat Fat in range🥰🥰🥰🥰😘|🥰⛔️😘
    🌟Fiber in DR.......🥰🥰🥰⛔️🥰|😘😘⛔️

    Much better!!
    🌟Sodium inrange...⛔️⛔️😘😘😘|🥰🥰⛔️

    Must Improve:
    🌟Protein in DR.......😘⛔️😘🥰⛔️|🥰🥰⛔️

    Jan 16-20: 24 🥰. 6😘 5⛔️
    Jan 21-25: 26 🥰. 4😘 5⛔️
    Jan 26-30. 12🥰. 2😘 0
    Jan 31-Feb 4

    🥰= perfect, nailed it
    😘= in pretty good range - definite improvement, but keep working on it
    = out of range. Focus on this tomorrow. Make a plan

    🌟=Monthly averages are great
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    Good morning! Doing pretty good with getting up! I've been waking up early almost every day before alarm, but yesterday was a bit ridiculous with a 0430 wake up time. <rolling my eyes>

    Today, I'm going fabric shopping with my mom for a bit. I haven't been spending enough time with her and I need to find a way to get better at that. We have a very complicated history and tend to be very touchy with each other. We haven't lived in the same state in over 30 years and now after my stepdad passed, we moved her up here to our state and neighborhood last March. I have an opportunity to try to build a better relationship with her now, but at 60 years old, and her being 77, I don't see either of our personalities changing much. Can anyone relate? If so, any advice? It seems I get so angry or hurt by the things she says about my life, my kids or grandkids, I then don't go by her for another week and I don't know how to handle that differently.

    Anyhow, I'm going to try to have a nice day and steer our conversations to stay more positive and see how that works! LOL I never give up or quit!

    Up with alarm: 🌞 Up before alarm goes off: 😎

    1/23: 😎
    1/24: 😎
    1/25: 😎
    1/26: 😎
    1/27: 😎
    1/28: 🌞

    January Goal:
    1. My goal for this month (This January I will..."): I will work on consistently getting out of bed by 7:00 a.m.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal I will set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier than my normal wake-up time. When I consistently get up at that earlier time, I will set the alarm to go off earlier by 30 minute increments until I am consistently getting up by 7:00 a.m.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I plug my phone in at night, I will check that the alarm is set.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) Daily
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? I will place a checkmark for that day in my daily planner habit tracker.
    6. What help would you like from us? Ideally, you could show up every morning with Starbucks and ring my doorbell... but I will settle for you just being your wonderful encouraging selves. :mrgreen:
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of January/February? I will be waking up at 7:00 without the alarm and will be enjoying more hours in each day!

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I can suggest that you look for common interests with your mom to do versus just time together shopping etc. Are there family recipes which are favorites of yours which she can share secrets? Have you gone thru old photos together or perhaps mapped your family tree? I always tried to get my Mom to tell me stories about growing up and her life and what she was proud of the most etc... Get her to talk about HERSELF to steer clear of old hurts and wounds.

    Of course my Mom had BiPolar all her adult life and the last 10 yrs her dementia was really bad. I blame that on all the meds for the BP they gave her. Esp the lithium.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    Good morning! Doing pretty good with getting up! I've been waking up early almost every day before alarm, but yesterday was a bit ridiculous with a 0430 wake up time. <rolling my eyes>

    Today, I'm going fabric shopping with my mom for a bit. I haven't been spending enough time with her and I need to find a way to get better at that. We have a very complicated history and tend to be very touchy with each other. We haven't lived in the same state in over 30 years and now after my stepdad passed, we moved her up here to our state and neighborhood last March. I have an opportunity to try to build a better relationship with her now, but at 60 years old, and her being 77, I don't see either of our personalities changing much. Can anyone relate? If so, any advice? It seems I get so angry or hurt by the things she says about my life, my kids or grandkids, I then don't go by her for another week and I don't know how to handle that differently.

    Anyhow, I'm going to try to have a nice day and steer our conversations to stay more positive and see how that works! LOL I never give up or quit!

    Up with alarm: 🌞 Up before alarm goes off: 😎

    1/23: 😎
    1/24: 😎
    1/25: 😎
    1/26: 😎
    1/27: 😎
    1/28: 🌞

    January Goal:
    1. My goal for this month (This January I will..."): I will work on consistently getting out of bed by 7:00 a.m.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal I will set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier than my normal wake-up time. When I consistently get up at that earlier time, I will set the alarm to go off earlier by 30 minute increments until I am consistently getting up by 7:00 a.m.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I plug my phone in at night, I will check that the alarm is set.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) Daily
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? I will place a checkmark for that day in my daily planner habit tracker.
    6. What help would you like from us? Ideally, you could show up every morning with Starbucks and ring my doorbell... but I will settle for you just being your wonderful encouraging selves. :mrgreen:
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of January/February? I will be waking up at 7:00 without the alarm and will be enjoying more hours in each day!

    My mom died 23 years ago, a year younger than my current age. I’ve realized how much we missed out on for various reasons.

    I decided not to have this happen with my dad. When he makes a comment about something or someone dear to me, I tell myself: he’s human, lost 2 wives & had a gf move away to another state to be with her kids & has a great attitude about life. I actively let the little stuff go & tell him all the time how grateful I am to have had him as a dad & how much I love him. Changing the subject when dangerous areas pop up works well, too.

    He never calls - anyone. That hurt my feelings for years. Now, I call him. Frequently. As @summerskier said, asking about his life, his younger years, his parents/grandparents is are Great Topics for us both. ❤️

    I’d give anything to have an hour with my mom now, so I call him & spend the hour with him while I have him!

    @SummerSkier Very sorry to hear what your mom (and you) went through. This is the second time tonight I’ve read of devastating effects of lithium. And I have another friend whose Mom suffered as well (both cases were kidney damage) 😢
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    Gosh it's almost Feb! I have already started thinking about my decluttering approach and also what habit I want to work on.. but not quite decided yet.

    Hope everyone is finishing the month STRONG!!!

    1/1 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/2 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/3 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/4 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/5 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/6 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/7 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F NA 🌟, B x
    1/8 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/9 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/10 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/11 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/12 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/13 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/14 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/15 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/16 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/17 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/18 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/19 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/20 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/21 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/22 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/23 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/24 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/25 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/26 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/27 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
    1/28 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟 F 🌟, B 🌟
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,784 Member
    @PackerFanInGB would a sewing project with your mom work - like a quilt or something. Also watching old movies she likes to get conversations going.

    4 weeks through January and my carb challenge is going strong. I made it hard for myself this week by making brownies, but I made my husband happy, and I learned that I can still use willpower.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @SummerSkier I LOVE your flower picture <3 The great angle really shows sky contrast! I am SO jealous (I may have said this before?!) but I want your weather. Can't believe you're enjoying flowers while we're seeing LOTS of white outside, but no petals. Congrats on so many consecutive days of stars. That is impressive!

    @PackerFanInGB I know what you mean about your relationship with your mom. I think a lot has to do with personality differences, previous experiences, and how different people perceive things. In the past, I was hard on myself and had self-doubts, so when I heard a criticism, I would take it inside as if it were true and let it affect my feelings about myself. I've since learned that that's their view and just because they say something doesn't make it true. Once I found my own truth, it became easier to separate the words from the feelings. I hope you had a great day shopping with your mom. Fabric shopping is ALWAYS fun!! What are you planning to make?

    @MadisonMolly2017 I like the way you "grade" your actions. It shows dedication to progress, not perfection. Your dad is probably unable to reach out to people, so it probably means a lot to him that you reach out to him. And finding out about his past may open your eyes to things he can't put into words.

    I can't see any other posts right now so I will check them out later. 2 more days, folks! It's almost February and I'm ready to start some seeds indoors :) It's way too early but I can't help it. I gathered some Bird'sFoot Trefoil seeds from the roadside midtrip home from Albuqueque last summer and I'm ready to plant it in remembrance of all the wonderful road trips I used to be able to make.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,800 Member
    @nebslp my morning glories from last year are STILL alive... (remind you of a John Travolta song?!!). I would not even think of starting seeds here until late Feb early Mar... You must be jonesing very badly.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    💃 🕺 stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive 💃 🕺
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Hey y'all, I hadn't actually realized how long that it has been, but it has been several weeks that I had posted 😲 😪. Besides other things that have kept grabbing at my attention, and my feeling of general health and well being slip sliding at times this month, I have really been putting a major effort into going to sleep much earlier (again) AND that means this time I actually committed to staying off the computer (and most other screen time also) in the evening to accomplish that.

    I only get on MFP on the shared desktop, so I'm having to figure out when to get on earlier in the day. And also attempting to actually remember to log on earlier when I could have, as my habit has been to get on (mostly really) late in the evening when it became quiet and I could pay attention to what I was reading/ posting.
    If I don't do it earlier in the day, then I can miss the opportunity that day.

    So far I have not given in to getting online later in the evening. But then I miss posting 😥. But at least I've been getting more sleep 😴 (except last night after finishing the kitchen, I really needed some down time before sleeping, so I chose to color instead of getting online, which was better because I went to sleep earlier than I would have otherwise, and got to chill out a bit. I had not colored much at all for several weeks either.

    I will read all the posts since my last log in right after I post. But I can not possibly reply to everyone. There are many pages to read! I was excited to see how active the January I Will has been, but sad that I have missed them. But I will read for sure. But I don't want to risk not catching up with my posting now.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Paper Tiger 🐯 = file cabinet/ old papers
    🌿🐯🌳 = hidden papers (such as found on book shelves or in drawers/closets)
    📄📬 = new paper and/ or mail
    🧩📚 = stuff
    💻📱 = digital

    January 1st: 🧩📚. 6 items including puzzles, a game, a book etc to be given away/donated.
    January 2nd: 🐯, 📄📬. The chair pile was decluttered, with only two small folders remaining
    January 3: 💻📱 email
    January 4: 📄📬
    January 5: 📬
    January 6: 📄📬
    January 7: 📄📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 paper on bookshelf in bedroom
    January 8: 📄📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 starting a little bit on one category of sentimental paper
    January 9: 📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 paper that was hiding in a binder on bookshelf in bedroom.
    January 11: 🌿🐯🌳 finding miscellaneous papers anywhere that I could spot them.
    January 12: 📄📬
    January 13: 📄📬
    January 14: 📄📬
    January 15: 🐯 older papers
    January 19: 📄📬
    January 20: 📄📬
    January 21: 📄📬, 🐯 more miscellaneous papers
    January 22: 📄📬
    January 25: 📄📬
    January 26: 📄📬
    January 28: 📄📬
    January 29: 📄📬, 🐯 some sentimental papers

    I had temporarily lost my ambition for the file cabinet kind of papers including what little remains of the 'chair pile'. Only a few pieces of mail that came in that needed a bit of decision making were placed on the 'chair pile' for me to consider whether to file or not. Several others were immediately filed since the file drawer is easily accessible now. I will start again in the file cabinet corner in February. In the meanwhile I have been continuing to maintain. It hasn't been necessary to maintain every day as some days there is no new mail or paper entering our home. Or so little that I will combine both days the second day without leaving it on the table overnight... 😁 .

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Thank you all for the great suggestions regarding my mom. I think it's a great idea to ask questions about when she was young and watch some old movies together. I do try to steer conversations away from my kids/grands when she begins to criticize, but I think maybe coming up with a phrase to tell myself might be helpful since she doesn't always stop right away. We did have a nice time fabric shopping the other day. We have decided to make lap quilts and donate them to nursing homes. That way she can sew and use up some fabric, and I can learn from her at the same time since I'm a beginner. Plus, we think it might be nice for some of the residents to pick out a nice colorful warm lap quilt. I'll bring some fabric over to her house and work on her spare sewing machine while she works on hers. Maybe we can turn on an old movie while we sew? I'm hoping this will give us a nonconfrontational common ground. I absolutely don't want regrets, so I really want to repair the relationship. Again, I appreciate your support and ideas!

    I'm really excited for the February Declutterfest. I'm going to have to head on over to that thread next to see where we are with that.

    I've been doing well with getting up earlier than I had been. I find I get a lot more done when I don't sleep so late. I'm actually able to fall asleep earlier now also. Just a matter of turning my clock around I think.

    Can you believe it's February already tomorrow? Holy smokes! Where does time go? Sure didn't go by this fast when I was working, that's for sure... :mrgreen:

    Up with alarm: 🌞 Up before alarm goes off: 😎

    1/23: 😎
    1/24: 😎
    1/25: 😎
    1/26: 😎
    1/27: 😎
    1/28: 🌞
    1/29: 😎
    1/30: 😎
    1/31: 🌞

    January Goal:
    1. My goal for this month (This January I will..."): I will work on consistently getting out of bed by 7:00 a.m.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal I will set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier than my normal wake-up time. When I consistently get up at that earlier time, I will set the alarm to go off earlier by 30 minute increments until I am consistently getting up by 7:00 a.m.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I plug my phone in at night, I will check that the alarm is set.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) Daily
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? I will place a checkmark for that day in my daily planner habit tracker.
    6. What help would you like from us? Ideally, you could show up every morning with Starbucks and ring my doorbell... but I will settle for you just being your wonderful encouraging selves. :mrgreen:
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of January/February? I will be waking up at 7:00 without the alarm and will be enjoying more hours in each day!


  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @PackerFanInGB Your sewing project with your mom sounds so fun! And doing service to others always makes for positive feelings. Congrats on following your early bird schedule. Retirement is a real adjustment, but it sounds like you're getting things figured out :)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @texasgardnr Good job with keeping up with the papers. That helps keep the overwhelmed feeling away. I'm not quite there yet, but hey, it's Declutterfest month (almost), so look out!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,784 Member
    Hi all!

    I’m sticking a fork 🍴 in it and calling this month done. 🤣

    What does success look like to you at the end of January? I will be down 2-3 pounds (I’m up after holiday indulgence), have fewer headaches, and have better control of my sugar intake.

    January 1 - net carbs 107g 🎖
    January 2 - net carbs 81g 🎖
    January 3 - net carbs 82g 🎖
    January 4 - net carbs 76g 🎖
    January 5 - net carbs 81g 🎖
    January 6 - net carbs 85g 🎖
    January 7- net carbs 65g 🤩🎖
    January 8 - net carbs 94g 🎖
    January 9 - net carbs 69g 🎖
    January 10 - net carbs 98g🎖
    January 11 - net carbs 100g🎖
    January 12 - net carbs 104g 🎖
    January 13 - net carbs 81g 🎖
    January 14 - net carbs 75g 🎖
    January 15 - net carbs 95g 🎖
    January 16 - net carbs 66g 🤩🎖
    January 17 - net carbs 64g 🤩🎖
    January 18 - net carbs 64g 🤩🎖
    January 19 - net carbs 76g 🎖
    January 20 - net carbs 77g 🎖
    January 21 - net carbs 81g 🎖
    January 22 - net carbs 87g 🎖
    January 23 - net carbs 81g 🎖
    January 24 - net carbs 85g 🎖
    January 25 - net carbs 81g🎖
    January 26 - net carbs 74g 🎖
    January 27 - net carbs 93g 🎖
    January 28 - net carbs 66g 🎖🤩
    January 29 - net carbs 62g 🎖🤩
    January 30 - net carbs 79g 🎖
    January 31 - net carbs 78g 🎖

    So I not down on the weight, but I’ve definitely got my sugar intake under better control. I didn’t have a recordable headache, much less one that lasted for days like they often do. 🤩 I’ll be continuing this goal next month and tightening it down to under 100 net carbs- which I managed most days this month.

    @PackerFanInGB , the lap quilts sound like the perfect project. I’m teaching my daughter to sew and it’s been nice. I gave her some cute fabric I knew she’d love and the promise of walking her through a project. I was thinking an apron, but she wanted a button down shirt. 😜

    @texasgardnr , you have inspired me to get on board the decluttering train.

    @SummerSkier , thanks so much for sharing your lovely photos. I may not always comment, but I always appreciate them.

    Finished January tracker:
  • SuperMotivated56
    SuperMotivated56 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm thrilled to share with you that today marks 5 weeks that I've completed of my new habit. You asked how I was feeling - a lot more in control, more mindful of my snacking and more motivated than ever before to continue with positive changes.

    It has been a pleasure sharing in your journeys with you too over the course of January and I look forward to encouraging you further as you each celebrate your own ongoing successes.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Paper Tiger 🐯 = file cabinet/ old papers
    🌿🐯🌳 = hidden papers (such as found on book shelves or in drawers/closets)
    📄📬 = new paper and/ or mail
    🧩📚 = stuff
    💻📱 = digital

    January 1st: 🧩📚. 6 items including puzzles, a game, a book etc to be given away/donated.
    January 2nd: 🐯, 📄📬. The chair pile was decluttered, with only two small folders remaining
    January 3: 💻📱 email
    January 4: 📄📬
    January 5: 📬
    January 6: 📄📬
    January 7: 📄📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 paper on bookshelf in bedroom
    January 8: 📄📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 starting a little bit on one category of sentimental paper
    January 9: 📬 and 🌿🐯🌳 paper that was hiding in a binder on bookshelf in bedroom.
    January 11: 🌿🐯🌳 finding miscellaneous papers anywhere that I could spot them.
    January 12: 📄📬
    January 13: 📄📬
    January 14: 📄📬
    January 15: 🐯 older papers
    January 19: 📄📬
    January 20: 📄📬
    January 21: 📄📬, 🐯 more miscellaneous papers
    January 22: 📄📬
    January 25: 📄📬
    January 26: 📄📬
    January 28: 📄📬
    January 29: 📄📬, 🐯 some sentimental papers
    January 30: 📄📬

    🤠🌺 Looking forward to February!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,995 Member
    I'm thrilled to share with you that today marks 5 weeks that I've completed of my new habit. You asked how I was feeling - a lot more in control, more mindful of my snacking and more motivated than ever before to continue with positive changes.

    It has been a pleasure sharing in your journeys with you too over the course of January and I look forward to encouraging you further as you each celebrate your own ongoing successes.

    I’m thrilled with your reflection of your growth in just a short while. Baby Habits Work🎉😍