2021: Think Positively for a Better Year!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member

    This was one of the things my vet suggested for our Tuffy. This would probably be him. Or he'd just tear the whole thing apart.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    Maryanne, thanks for the Jackie Lawson Advent Calendar and game. It looks beautiful and entertaining.

    This morning I went with a friend to our local Costco to stock up on supplies for Christmas baking. I don’t have a membership but she does and has told me many times that she’s happy to take me anytime I want to go. I was able to get most of the things on my list, plus a few things that weren’t on the list, of course. Overall I did pretty well sticking to my list. Now I just need to find the energy to actually do the baking, lol!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Maryanne, thanks for the Jackie Lawson Advent Calendar and game. It looks beautiful and entertaining.

    This morning I went with a friend to our local Costco to stock up on supplies for Christmas baking. I don’t have a membership but she does and has told me many times that she’s happy to take me anytime I want to go. I was able to get most of the things on my list, plus a few things that weren’t on the list, of course. Overall I did pretty well sticking to my list. Now I just need to find the energy to actually do the baking, lol!

    I'm glad you didn't have to report on a ton of shortages!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    For $35 to his PAC you, too, can have this:

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    We were away a few days to celebrate BIL’s 80th birthday. It’s a long drive to NJ but DH really wanted to be with his brother for the birthday. And they were so happy we made the trip down. The ride home was 8 hours but it was worth it to be with family. It was a nice surprise to get the Advent calendar. I’ve already made the puzzles and played games.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    We were away a few days to celebrate BIL’s 80th birthday. It’s a long drive to NJ but DH really wanted to be with his brother for the birthday. And they were so happy we made the trip down. The ride home was 8 hours but it was worth it to be with family. It was a nice surprise to get the Advent calendar. I’ve already made the puzzles and played games.

    I'm so glad you were able to get to see family. I don't know if I'll see any this Thanksgiving, with my baby brother's wife having recently had cancer surgery and my other brother annoyed with the world at the moment.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I raced from chore to chore yesterday and am doing the same today. I'm determined to check off as much as possible before clients start in with their year end emergencies!

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    Yesterday we were invited to what was originally planned to be a Friendsgiving brunch, but the time was changed to mid-afternoon and became more of a Happy Hour gathering. Either way, it was fun and a nice time to share with our friends.

    I’m both happy and sad for one couple who have been looking for a new home. Happy because they finally found one that they are very happy with, and sad because it is in Reston, VA. Their daughter and her family live in DC and they have decided that they want to live close to them to be able to be more a part of their grandchildren’s lives. I totally understand, but we will really miss them. They’ve been looking for several months, which was difficult since they live here, but every time they visited their daughter, they also looked at houses. My friend was in DC 2 weeks ago because her daughter attended the G20 meetings in Rome, so Grandma’s help was needed for the grandkids while she was gone. While the kids were in school and daycare, she was able to house hunt, and this time she found a house that was nearly perfect for them. She made an offer and wrote a check on the spot and the offer was accepted. Her husband flew up last week to be present for the inspection, and they are set to close on it the day before Thanksgiving. Their house here will be listed for sale probably before the end of this week. It’s a beautiful, fully updated home, so I expect it to sell immediately. I’ll be surprised if they are still here in January.

    Today I am baking an apple crumb pie for DH to take to a church gathering tonight. Otherwise, I’m just taking it easy for the rest of the day.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    That’s bittersweet about your friend moving to be near her grandchildren. One of my sisters did that a couple of years ago. It was harder for her daughters to visit her with the kids sports schedules, even though the drive was just 3 hours.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Pam - I'm sorry your friend is moving. A hard choice for them to make for sure.

    (Apple crumb pie sounds great!)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I took my first Boniva (monthly osteoporosis drug) this morning. My stomach is mildly upset but nothing major. Crossing my fingers here that this works.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    The pie turned out pretty good, though I think I should have partially blind baked the pie crust before adding the filling. The crust was a bit soggy. I can bake any cake with confidence, but pies are truly my nemesis. At least it looked pretty and tasted good.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I totally lost yesterday. I took my first dose of Boniva Monday morning. Was fine except for a little bit of an upset stomach until about 3:30 am when I started to feel miserable. I don't usually get side effects so I was unpleasantly surprised. I'm a lot better today so hopefully I can et some work done!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    Is Boniva a daily pill? Did you eat something before taking it? Many meds have that warning because they are hard on the stomach. Maybe your system will adjust after you take it for a while. If it’s not better by the time you finish that batch, maybe the doctor can try a different drug.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member
    I was just reading side effects of Boniva. There’s quite a list of proper way to take it. To list a few items, it said take it when you get up with a full glass of plain water. Take it 60 minutes before any food or other medication.Swallow it whole and remain sitting upright for 60 minutes. I see it’s monthly. The website says to mark your calendar and take it on the same day of the month. It also lists foods and meds that can interact if taken too close together. There’s my librarian background showing up researching your medication.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member
    Boniva is a once a month pill. It is in the bisphosphenate category, which is known to be very hard on the stomach. Usually you are instructed to remain upright for at least half an hour after taking it, to help alleviate some of the side effects. Fosamax is another drug in this same category. I took Fosamax for about 11 years (it was a weekly dosing schedule then) and was fortunate not to have any side effects, but it made my bones extremely hard. I began to have minor breaks, like shin splints and breaking small bones in my foot and ankle, at just about the time that all the reports started surfacing about people who were on this drug suffering sudden breaks of their femurs. I took myself off the drug immediately. For a few years I remained in osteopenia, but when I slipped back into osteoporosis my doctor prescribed me the twice yearly Prolia injections, which is a different category of drug. I’m much happier with this drug. I’ve never had any side effects from it, and it seems to be making a big difference in my results. It is expensive, but Medicare pays for it, as long as I go to an infusion center to get the shot. If you continue to have such a severe reaction to the drug, that might be grounds for your doctor to switch you to Prolia, which IMO, is a better choice.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    WHOA! What happened to this website?

    Thanks for all the input! I followed the instructions and, in fact, didn't eat for hours after taking it. Supposedly, the symptoms decrease over time. I'll try it at least one more month since I got a 3-month supply.

    Here's the story I got from my endo --

    She told me you only take any drug in the bisphosphenate (SP?) category 5 years before taking a break.

    I decided to try this first because according to her Prolia means 6 month appointments for life since you can never stop taking it (unlike the bisphosphenate drugs, it's impact dissipates shortly after you stop taking it).

    Time will tell!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member

    Thanks for the breadcrumbs to find our group posts. I hate these IT “improvements “. More likely, they’re job security. Thank goodness for trading emails so we could find each other. I wonder if Pam can figure the website out with your link. I was totally lost.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member

    I’m not having any issues accessing this thread, but it looks weird. Maybe they figured out that we are all seniors and need the bigger font, lol?

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member

    It's a little less weird than it was, I think, when Helene and I were stumbling around.

    I haven't tried eating anything yet today. Everything I ate yesterday turned my stomach. Heh, I see a diet drug here (just kidding).

    Slight chance of a little snow tonight has DH scurrying to move the snow blower up front in the garage.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member

    We start the trip south on Wednesday. We originally planned to spend several days in SC , have Thanksgiving dinner with my sister and brother and then continue on to FL. My oldest sister lives in FL and she’s been fighting cancer for the last year or so. She recently entered Hospice care at home. My sisters went down to visit with her last week. They told me she’s very weak, in pain and pretty much bedridden. They don’t think she has much time left. We make a few overnight stops along the way because we’re not able to drive more than 400 miles a day. Even with that, we’ll be paying a price for the drive in aches and pains. We normally spend about a week at my brother’s to break up the drive. We decided to skip Thanksgiving and continue on to FL to my sister’s home. wWe’ll only spend the night at my brother’s and continue the drive the next day. I don’t know if we’ll see my SC sister this trip. She’s about 20 miles from my brother but if she doesn’t come by his house before morning, we’ll have to catch her on the return trip. We’ll get to Okeechobee a week from Sunday. She knows we’re coming. I’m hoping she has the strength to hold on for a final visit. Whichever way it goes, it will be a sad trip. She’s 82 and there are 5 of us. It’s amazing that we’ve had this many years together.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,953 Member

    Helene, I’m so sorry that your sister is so ill. It’s a blessing that you’ll get to have some time with her, so hopefully that will make the aches and pains from the trip worth it. I’m sorry you won’t get to have the Thanksgiving you had planned, but of course, time with your sister is more important this year.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member

    Helene - I'm so very sorry about your sister! Someone asked me a question the other day which essentially boiled down to why are they trying to get "her" able to have hospice at home? I sort of thought "who wouldn't want hospice at home if they could"? I hope you do get some time.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,852 Member

    I spoke to my sister tonight. She knows I’m coming to see her and is happy about it. I hope we have good weather next week for travel. DH said we should delay going if there’s snow.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member

    I really, really hope you don't get snow so that you can get this time together!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I love this line from an article about Josh Hawley:

    To Hawley’s mind, presumably, the men (and the smattering of women) who breached the U.S. Capitol that day, where legislators huddled in fear for their lives, represented the sort of masculinity he now says will be his signature issue. Hmmmm: Why is it that the guys who look as though they’ve never so much as pushed a lawn mower are always the ones who want to saddle up and save the womenfolk?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I made the mistake of looking to see if there's a listing for my family home. The bank sold it to a "flipper" and yes, they've already got it listed. My mother and sister are turning over in their graves. They just ripped out all the rhododendrons and azaleas in the front. As DH says, it took 30 or 40 years or more for those plants to grow to that size. They also took out a mature pine tree. Nothing but dirt in front of and beside the house now. They didn't even replant anything. They also did NOT replace the disgusting, aging sidewalk.


  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,670 Member
    I think looking at that made me a little homesick - think I'm going to make BBQ for dinner to have with Amish potato salad.