Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,976 Member
    Yes, I will share what is working. Also, I will respond to some messages from last week, when I check back, a little later. Want to get in a short treadmill walk. :):)
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    What did you gain from being a member of the team?

    What can we do to make the team better?

    Hi. Just answering the above questions.

    1) I think I have gained support, resources and friends! What I really like is that we always get supported even if we are off course or stuck. I like that we share and pool our resources such as recipes, giving advice and suggestions to each other. I think we learn a lot from each other and can use this for our own journeys. I think we develop friendships here that are deeper than we often see on the main page (which is also a hoot) , but we learn more about each other here. It feels safe to share things here.

    2) Good question! I wonder if we could have a question and answer page. I know some people ask for advice and suggestions, but I wonder if others are too shy to ask for help or advice? Maybe we could have some fun get to know you activities too. I think we eventually share things, but if it were more incorporated into things it might be good. Challenges are fun too. I like the step challenge and how it's incorporated into our daily check in. I'm not sure what other challenges might be also incorporated.
    Overall, I think it's just great though!
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    edited January 2021
    We start the February challenge on Sunday so it would be great if you could gives us some feedback on our team. Here’s a couple of questions but any input is appreciated.

    What did you gain from being a member of the team?

    What can we do to make the team better?

    What did you gain from being a member of the team?
    Since joining the team I can echo the similar sentiments that other team members have expressed in the sense of you feel supported here, even if you aren't losing as you hoped to be, there is encouragement and a non judgemental approach which is refreshing.

    Granted, I want to do well for team stats and myself but, I know that even in the duration of flipping around the same pounds for a good few months of last year, the support was and is still there. Within the last month the scale finally turned a corner, I am apprehensive about whether it will stay with the consistent losses by changing my meal plan schedule next week. I'm still in the mindset to succeed I just hope those numbers keep going the right way as it feels good to be getting closer to the 240's and not dancing within the 250's. Either way, I know you will all still be cheering me on and I will with your weight loss goal journeys too.

    What can we do to make the team better?
    I echo what another member said, is there any activities as a team that we could do that would bring us closer together in getting to know one another? I think it's easy to get lost in the sea of content of all the comments and notifications.. the usability of MFP could be better in that sense amongst other things but, that's not an issue to be fixed by the group.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,779 Member
    Weight - 60.8 on 29.01.2021

    Glad to see you back!

    PW: 222.0
    CW: 219.0 (Loss 3 lbs)
    LTD 50 lb loss :)

    Look at you go! 50 pounds is amazing!

    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    username: Piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 213.3
    CW (Current Weight): 213
    LTD (Loss to Date): 35.5 lost to date

    Back to 213 - really I couldn't have done any better - 5lbs in January, I'm very proud after just constant gaining these past sixish months. I ordered an apartment bike for home exercise as we're bound into our third lockdown and hope that I'll find joy in it - it's still too cold to go running and I need to move again, I'm noticing all these little pains and annoyances with my underused body if that makes sense!

    Congrats on your loss and an awesome month! An exercise bike sounds like a worthwhile investment. I think our bodies are like machines and like to complain if both overused or underused.

    Hi everyone! My name is Heather and I'm coming to you from another F2F team. I'm excited to get to know you all!

    I'm 41, and I live in Edmonton, Canada. I just adopted a 8-week old kitten last weekend, so I'm learning how to be a cat-mom. I'm so tired this week!! LOL I've been overweight most of my life and have done the yo-yo up and down thing on diets that weren't sustainable for me. Since I started working from home in March, I decided if ever there was a time to do something about my health, this was it. I'm doing it the slow and steady way, and started by just making small but realistic changes in my life. It all started with not drinking pop at home. Since December, I've been struggling with my motivation. Happily I've kept hovering around the same weight, but I'm really hoping I can get that motivation back and get back to it.

    Please add me as a friend!

    Username: heatherbluebell
    Weigh-in: Thursdays
    CW: 362.4
    LTD: 77.6

    Welcome to the team! You have an awesome loss to date. Making those small changes make a big difference in our weight loss efforts. I hope that as a team we can help you find your motivation again. We have a step challenge that @Megan_smartiepants1970 will tell you about. Fun Fact: I was posted in Edmonton back in 1982 when I was in the military.

    Happy Saturday!!

    Hope you are all doing well and ready to start a new month. I’m glad to come in this week with a loss but a bit disappointed that it was better earlier on. I managed to get down to 195 this week kept it there for 3 days then up a lb this morning. Argh! Oh well it’s ok I just gotta keep on pushing forward.

    Here are my measurements this week.

    Previous / Current

    Chest - 108 / 107.4
    Waist - 106.6 / 106
    Hip - 110 / 109.2
    Thigh - 58.8 / 58.2
    Calf - 37.4 / 36.8
    Arm - 32 / 31.4
    Body fat mass - 43.9 / 43.4

    Let’s see how those change as I continue my strength training.


    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Weigh in week: 4
    Previous Weight: 198.2
    Current weight: 196.4


    Sunday - 12,479
    Monday - 14,725
    Tuesday - 18,761
    Wednesday - 13,197
    Thursday - 19,831
    Friday - 13,241

    Saturday - coming 🔜

    Nice loss! As for the pound, those scales make no sense sometimes. This morning I am down 1.4 pounds from yesterday and we had pizza last night. I give up trying to figure them out. You are making really good progress on those measurements. Your strength training is paying off.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,779 Member
    Friday’s Check In
    Steps: 4,615 ✅
    Tracked: ✅
    Sleep: ❌
    Water: ✅
    Healthy snacks: ❌

    Well last night we had pizza and I am so proud of myself. I believe it was @iradi8 who earlier in the week had said in their check in they had a couple of slices of pizza. I was so amazed at that because it is one of my trigger foods. Well last night you inspired me to not over eat or binge on leftover pizza at night. Thank you! There is actually leftover pizza in in the fridge.

    I got some really good news yesterday. I phoned and asked to be put on a cancellation list for my emg. They called me and I am going on Monday. One step closer to getting back to going for walks again and no pain. I am off grocery shopping and will check in for Saturday weights later!

    Hope you are having a great weekend.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    User: cesse47
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    Previous weight: 297.0
    Current weight: 296.4

    STEPS -- 3000 each day this past week

    Got my 1st covid shot yesterday afternoon. a bit of a sore arm ... really tired. I'll probably head back to bed shortly. As a whiny pants about shots (the needles!!), I have to say it was virtually painless. Thank goodness I didn't whimper and whine like I normally do. LOL

    Have a great day Y'all!!! :)
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    pw 169.8
    cw 170.8
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @Tazaria87 I'd like to hear what works for you. My daughter is expecting a baby in July and they are moving my 3 year old grandson to a toddler bed soon. He already wakes up at night so they are really concerned it will be a BIG challenge.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I just got the Renpho scale and it is really fascinating. My metabolic rate is 2 years older than I am, so that gives me a goal, for sure. The sad part - I weigh 2 more pounds on this scale than my old scale. I thought my old one was a good scale - boohoo. I will be going with the new scale, though, and I'm sure I'll adjust...might keep the old one around when I need a pick-me-up haha.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @Sripalbhansali - Glad you got the account straightened out and are back!
    @heatherbluebell Welcome to the team! Good luck with the new kitten, I was just thinking this morning that I really miss having a cat. As a current mom of 3 cat-haters, it will be a while before I get to have one again but they are lovely!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,270 Member
    The February 2021 Team Chat is now open! Please continue today's weigh-ins here, and go start the introductions for a new month on:
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    363days wrote: »
    @Tazaria87 I'd like to hear what works for you. My daughter is expecting a baby in July and they are moving my 3 year old grandson to a toddler bed soon. He already wakes up at night so they are really concerned it will be a BIG challenge.

    We went through the same thing with my son at that age. He'd come out of his room all night long. I found him playing in the litter box one night, sigh. He'd also just get up and turn his light on and play all night. For him though, I ended up hooking his lamp up to a 24hr timer. His lamp would turn on around bedtime and after I left his room he was allowed to play for a little bit. When the lamp turned off it was time to sleep. It helped for him because it gave him a tiny bit of freedom and I think going to sleep felt more like his idea vs being told he had to? He got used to going to sleep when the light went out and he stopped waking us up at night.

    I tried doing this with my daughter but she screamed at the lamp light for me to turn it off. She can't stand lights on in her room at night for some reason. We are going to try a bedtime chart- I made a princess themed one cuz she's super into them right now and her new bed/bedding is princess themed as well. If she stays in her room then she gets to add a princess sticker to the chart- when all the boxes are full I told her I'd buy her a new princess dress. She got some of them for christmas and wants more. We will see if it works!
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    PW 189.2
    CW 186.2
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 83.8lbs
    LTD 136.8 lbs

    Steps for 1/29 6290
    All my steps came from a 5 and a half hour shopping trip to 6 different stores. Between that and not getting any sleep the night before due to my daughter, I ended up parking on the couch when I got home and couldn't make myself get up to get the rest of my steps in.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @Tazaria87 OMG that is hysterical about your son playing ni the cat box and I will definitely share that story with my daughter - it's good to chuckle during those toddler times. I like the idea of the lamp, and I can see how it could make him feel like a "big boy" getting in bed when the lamp is off. He has night lights so the trip to the bed would not be in the dark. Hmm I can see how it would be tough to come up with an idea for your daughter. Maybe a timer light in the hall?
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I already have an update on the scale. It must have been adjusting because now the weight is almost the same as my old scale. That's better
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi beautiful people. How is everyone doing? I squeeze a bit of time to write here my steps.

    I was thinking to do some zumba everyday when I am arriving home even though I arrive exhausted and ready to go to bed even.

    Would you do sport then or before starting the day? Though, my days start at 5 in the morning so it will probably mean starting at 4 instead. Ideas?

    STEPS @Megan_smartiepants1970

    9 January 2021-> 7.497 steps
    10 January 2021->6.841 steps
    11 January 2021-> 20.473 steps
    12 January 2021->12.000 steps
    13 January 2021->14.662 steps
    14 January 2021-> 10.864 steps
    15 January 2021-> 10.814 steps
    16 January 2021-> 10.258 steps
    17 January 2021-> 12.167 steps
    18 January 2021-> 10.405 steps
    19 January 2021-> 7.579 steps
    20 January 2021-> 10.763 steps
    21 January 2021-> 11.587 steps
    22 January 2021-> 7.098 steps
    23 January 2021-> 7.747 steps
    24 January 2021-> 7.608 steps
    25 January 2021-> 13. 246 steps
    26 January 2021-> 7.116 steps
    27 January 2021-> 12.747 steps
    28 January 2021-> 14.131 steps
    29 January 2021-> 10.722 steps
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    363days wrote: »
    @Tazaria87 OMG that is hysterical about your son playing ni the cat box and I will definitely share that story with my daughter - it's good to chuckle during those toddler times. I like the idea of the lamp, and I can see how it could make him feel like a "big boy" getting in bed when the lamp is off. He has night lights so the trip to the bed would not be in the dark. Hmm I can see how it would be tough to come up with an idea for your daughter. Maybe a timer light in the hall?

    She won't sleep with the door open lol
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 893 Member
    Steps 1/29: 14,343
This discussion has been closed.