Downsizers - March 2021 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    We have a new member heading our way ....Please welcome @carmenduncan9575 :)

    Welcome to the team
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Hopefully your medications and extra water help. You will be so glad with your hip injection. I would rest for 24 hours at least if you can. It will be all worth it in the end.

    A second interview sounds very promising.

    Inspite of a stressful day you stuck to your menu and got your water in. I am glad your menu prep helped you stay on track. I hope your pool opens I am still patiently waiting.

    Nice loss!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    Workday check-in March 1
    ✔️Up by 6:20
    ✔️Follow daily menu
    ✔️Check-in w/F2F

    Today was another stressful workday. I forgot I had some tasks I had to do yesterday, so instead of meditating, when I got up, I went straight to work so I could get those things done before I started training at 8. The rest of my day was very busy. I ate my lunch, but didn’t have my water or snacks during the day. I had a headache after work, so I made sure I had my water and snacks throughout the evening. I am feeling a bit better, so that’s good.

    Overall, my plan really helped me through my stressful day. After I was done work, I was so thankful I was so organized I didn’t need to think about supper. I just, did. 😊

    In other good news, our gov announced a few more things opening up, and although it wasn't clear, I think the pools are reopening!! I really hope they are. My morning swims were so fabulous. I haven't been able to go since November. I hope to get an email from YMCA tomorrow letting me know we can start signing up for swim times!

    It sounds like you are putting in place some great ideas that are working for you. I know the feeling of missing the meditation! That happens to me at least once, weekly, and I feel a little off. Thanks for the encouuragement on the interview today!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @carmenduncan9575 Glad you have joined us!
    To the Downsizer steppers - Wow you guys did a lot of walking!! I know it is extremely cold in some of your locations so my hat's off to you.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    ✅Steps 5,494

    Check in Monday
    ✅Steps 3,037

    Yesterday was a bust for me. I felt awful all day and I slept on and off. I need optimally 8 hours of sleep to function. I have been having trouble falling asleep and my sleep deficit is adding up. I did manage to get just over 7 hours last night. Yesterday my doctor has prescribed a sleeping pill for me to take when needed. Hopefully, I can get back to my normal 8 hours and be able to function properly during the day.

    I am going to do my best to get a walk in today. I have an X-ray this morning and I have to take my granddaughter to physio. I have to wait for her in the car so I am going to do some laps around the parking lot if it is not too icy. If not I will do it later when I get home.

    Have a terrific day!
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post March 1
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 118oz
    Steps 9070
    Exercise 24min Inc Dance Fit

    I had my nieces for the middle part of the day yesterday. I ended up doing my workout while the baby watched and her sister napped again. The baby looks at me like I'm crazy but that's ok haha. She just turned 4 months.

    Today is my daughter's birthday and she turned 3. While we can't have a big party or anything, we are having immediate family over tonight for a celebration. I just pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and they are cooling. I've already calculated the calories and fully intend on having one. I'm not sure if or when I'm going to get a workout in today. My brother got called into work so I have my nieces all day today and am also trying to get ready for the party. If anything, at least my steps should be up from being so busy!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Just a quick reminder of the people I am missing steps from

    @Piqueaboo 2/26 & 2/27
    @iradi8 2/25 & 2/27
    @heatherbluebell 2/27
    @dutchrower -2/23-2/27

    26.02 - 17 031
    27.02 - 17 857
    28.02 - 13 905
    01.03 - 11 197
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    Steps 3/1: 16,796
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Piqueaboo, 34 and I live in Paris. I've been trying to lose weight since I was 9 and my grandfather explained that it would be easier to find a husband if I wasn't so fat - the rest is history! I have around 75lbs to lost overall (30 gone so far) and it's been quite challenging during COVID, but I'm refusing to give up and constantly trying to improve, even if I fail (a lot!).

    Daily goals:
    • Sleep 7+ hours
    • Exercise in some way for 30 minutes
    • 9000+ steps per day
    • Log everything and stick to my calories
    • Drink 2+ litres of water

    Weekly goals:
    • Run 3x per week
    • Keep the alcohol under control
    • Have 2-3 vegan/vegetarian days per week
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Everyone congratulate

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Monday, 3/1

    Check in daily:
    Water (90oz):✅ (123 oz)
    Steps (9K):
    Macros (P-105/ C-115/ F-40): ✅✅❌
    Exercise 30 min of brisk walking 3x /wk: ✅❔❔

    The weight readjusted and I am where I should be. Yesterday was a good day. I talked to the health coach and her advice was to make protein my priority. So, if I am over protein and below on the others, I will consider it a win. That said, my fat was just a little over yesterday.

    I had my shot today and that went well. Not bad at all. They attempted to redraw my labs but the tech blew the vein on the first attempt and I swear she hit a nerve with the second attempt. I had instant intense pain that shot up to my shoulder and down to my wrist. It brought tears to my eyes. Needless to say, I did not let her try a third time.

    My appointment took MUCH longer than I expected it because the NP who gave me the injection had a student with her. By the time I was out of there, I was upset with the lab draw and HUNGRY. I so wanted to go to McDonalds for an egg mcmuffin and hash brown but I didn't. I went to Starbucks for an americano and I did not get any food. I came back home and had an early lunch.

    The NP made it clear that I needed to rest today and tomorrow and not to push my steps like I usually do. So, I am changing my goal to wo minute walk only 3 times instead of 5 this week.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    edited March 2021
    Congrats @lelbarou and @littleflutterby for making TWOTERVILLE...Congrats @azkunk for getting under 175..Congrats @TheresaM787 for losing 10+ lbs ....Congrats @azkunk, @888Angie888 and @draby2011 for losing 30+ lbs .....Congrats @lindamtuck2018 for losing 40+ lbs...Congrats @lelbarou for losing 50+ lbs. Congrats @Beautyofdreams and @littleflutterby for losing +70 lbs and @Tazaria87 for losing 140+ lbs ........AMAZING JOB EVERYONE ....So proud of all of you !!!!!!!!! :):):)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    PW: 201.1
    CW: 200.8
    LTD: 51.8 pounds (SW 252.6)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    I see that I've made the 50+ pounds lost list:) I see it on the scale. I see it written on here. So, why oh why don't I feel like I've lost that much? I don't really see it in the mirror. How is that even possible? Of course, my clothes are looser. Sometimes, I see a little glimpse.

    By the way, I have an NSV this week. I discovered that I can cross my legs with no effort, and it is comfortable!

    Thanks, everyone, for being here:)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    So many breakthroughs and milestones! Congratulations @lelbarouand , @littleflutterby , @TheresaM787 , @888Angie888 , @draby2011 , @lindamtuck2018 , @iradi8 , @Beautyofdreams and @Tazaria87 !

    @iradi8 - sounds like the perfect week away with your family. I completely understand how you are feeling. I have lost over 32 lbs which is over 15% of my bodyweight and I am not "seeing" it either. I have some pictures that I took around 186 and again around 175 for my trainer and I do not see ANY difference. Yes, I am in smaller jeans and I feel better. I just wish I looked better. I am hoping when I get the rower, my body will change more with the increased exercise.

    @Piqueaboo - what a terrible thing to tell a 9 year old :'( Great job on your weight loss so far. You will meet your goal.

    @Tazaria87 - Happy Birthday to your daughter, enjoy the party.

    @lindamtuck2018 - I hope the sleeping pill does the trick tonight.

    @363days - how did your second interview go?

    @lcfa5317 - nice loss

    @heatherbluebell - great job staying on track yesterday despite the stress. I hope the pool opens soon!
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