Downsizers - March 2021 Team Chat



  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @rlaskey2 Good luck - yes, I cannot believe how interviewing has changed. Even the job titles have changed - there are so many online helps for behavioral questions, etc, in every line of work, that has helped me a lot.
    @lelbarou @iradi8 You ladies are kicking it and I appreciate your support!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I made an appointment for March 12 regarding hormone testing. This is something I've contemplated for years and haven't done it. I don't know if we will just talk, or actually do some testing that day. I feel like I'm making excuses to myself but I've been telling myself to rule things out and then grab that ball that is in my court and run with it. It feels like I'm taking action and that feels really good. Meanwhile, I've been tracking my calories this week and I've been below or at maintenance and have gained a little. I haven't used the online tracker cause I like seeing it on paper, but I miss having it broken out with protein, etc., so I think I'm going to try to do both.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,612 Member
    Good Morning Dazzling Downsizers.... Not much to report from me other than I have to go do labs this morning ...I see my GP next week ....Still waiting for my insurance to approve my hernia surgery (I hate the waiting game) ...Will be walking with my daughter and Aspen the husky when I get back .... :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,570 Member
    Check in Monday
    ✅Steps 6,470

    I don’t think I will be taking a sleeping pill tonight. Yes, I technically got enough sleep but I feel like I need another 8 hours and I have a hangover. Also, I got up in middle of the night and ate. My eating hasn’t been great this week and as a result my daily calorie average is over maintenance. We all know that means I have a gain in my future.

    It’s beautiful here today so I am going to do one of my mini walks outdoors. I have a ton of housework to catch up on as I have done none the last few days. At least I will burn a few of those extra calories doing that.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 887 Member
    Steps 3/2: 18,599
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Hi Friends,

    I have decided to make a change and switch teams. Some stressors were just getting to me and not wanting me to participate in here. I have been umming and ahhing for about a week, about whether to keep going, switch teams or leave the group entirely.

    I realised that leaving F2F would be a terrible idea. I have been doing so well and I don't want to lose any progress that I've made. And that's happened to me many times over the years. I also know that I can't stay here.

    My recovery is paramount in my life- and I need to keep my abstinence and sense of peace of mind. I know that no one makes the decision for me to relapse or give up on my recovery, but I also know that if I am in a place that makes me feel uncomfortable, I have to do something about it. I can't get into it, but it's just time for me to move.

    So from the bottom of my heart- to the lovely Downsizers, thankyou for the last 4 months. I couldn't have lost the 50+ lbs that I did without you guys! Especially to Linda and Megan for doing such a wonderful, usually thankless job. And thankyou for giving me the opportunity to be of service.

    If you want to keep in touch, please do! If course, with my very poor health and full-time studies, I am not here as often as I would like to be, but I would still love to keep in touch with you :)

    All the best.


    @littleflutterby - You need to do what’s best for you. Good luck on your continued success, you are doing great!
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @megansmartie_pants1970 3/1 60 minutes strength training moderate intensity. 3/2 no exercise, in hospital. 3/3 60 minutes walking 3.5 miles at 0 incline.

    @iradi8 your vacation sounds wonderful and congratulations on being able to incorporate exercise with your family time.

    @azkunk so sorry that the labs were painful I hope the cortisone helps you. I can never see a difference either in my photos despite being 50 pounds lighter than the first pictures. Maybe we just lose our weight evenly so it's harder to tell.

    @363days I am certain that you interviewed better than you think. That was also so great that you helped that young man with his resume.

    @lelbarou the morning job you will be starting sounds fantastic and I hope it turns into a full time job for you. Congratulations on your weight loss and your steps.

    @heatherbluebell be kind to yourself and keep thinking positive thoughts then have a private talk with your boss. Is there anything that you can delegate to make your job easier or meal prep?

    @rlaskey2 wishing you luck in the new job market. Keep thinking positive thoughts.

    @lindamtuck2018 congratulations on your steps and your weight loss. Is there anything that you can do to improve your sleep like taking a bath or shower before sleeping to reduce stress or reading a book or magazine?

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 hope you get your surgery soon and your daily walks are truly inspirational. Thank you for all that you do for this group.

    @littleflutterby take care of yourself and congratulations on your weight loss. Wishing you continuing success on your health journey.

    @Tazaria87 your daughter's birthday party sounded like a lot of fun! It is truly inspirational how you manage to stay within calories and combine fitness with your daily activity. Wishing your parents success on MFP.

    Sorry that I did not check in to the thread. I had a 4 hour iron infusion on 3/1 and had a sever e reaction to it which put me in the hospital that night and most of yesterday. They put me on ivs and I gained over 9 pounds in the time that I was there. On the positive side my blood pressure is back to normal from ultra low and this is the first time in months that I haven't blacked out in the morning.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Oh my goodness! I'm so very, very sorry! This sounds like a very difficult ordeal! I'm glad you are better now and that you don't have anymore blackouts! However, the reaction sounds just terrible! Really, so very sorry. (((HUGS))) We are here for you!
    You are just AWESOME! 💓💓💓💓
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,612 Member
    @Beautyofdreams ....Thank you I also hope I get the surgery soon..I hate the waiting game .... What an awful ordeal for you ...glad you are better :) ...When you get a chance I need steps for 2/28 ...Thank you :)
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @megan_smartiepants1970 2/28 3.5 miles in 61 minutes at 0 incline on treadmill.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Tuesday, 3/2

    Check in daily:
    Water (90oz):
    Steps (9K):
    Macros (P-105/ C-115/ F-40):✅❌✅
    Exercise 30 min brisk walking 5x /wk: ✅❔❔

    Carbs were only a little high yesterday. Steps were low but that was not my choice. Today my scale was a new low and two people noticed my weight loss at work.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Good evening all.
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 my step total today for 3/3 was 7585....I’m happy with that number. I made sure to get a good walk in at work today 🙃
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Steps = 11,237
    Calories - under
    Good day!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @red1185 - sleep hygiene is import, going to bed before falling asleep on the couch sounds like a good start

    @rlaskey2 - hope your Fitbit holds out for bit longer. Did you weigh with the other scale later in the day?

    @lcfa5317 - nice steps and great job on not making brownies

    @heatherbluebell -sorry that you had such a bad day. When does your boss get back?

    @Z10Rtza - 0.5kg is still a loss, hang in there and it will start to fall off.

    @lelbarou - that is so exciting! Good luck with the interview.

    @363days - the interview probably went better than you are giving yourself credit for. Role playing the interview for next time is a great idea. My fingers are crossed for you 🍀 Nice win with the young recruit. It must feel good to help people all of the time.

    @Tazaria87 - Sounds like a nice day

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - I hate insurance companies. I hope you hear something soon.

    @lindamtuck2018 - I’ve never taken a sleeping pill but I’ve heard they can make you feel that way. Hope you sleep better tonight.

    @Beautyofdreams - I’m sorry that you went through all of that but glad you are feeling better.

    @missGYST - nice loss! I hate when the scale pops up on weight-in day
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    2/28 Steps 10,005
    3/1 Steps 7,265
    3/2 Steps 10,601
This discussion has been closed.