Mission Slimpossible - May 2021 Team Chat



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!
    I always like the prospect of waking up to a brand new day. We have a clean slate and it's up to us to do something great with it. I always start out really well but then make some dumb choice and almost sabotage the whole day. I am going to be more intentional today.
    I went for that walk at the mall yesterday and went to the library to do some reading and writing. I made some hamburger patties up and my hubby cooked on the grill. They were delicious. I will probably have a patty with a salad today for one of my meals. I will hit that mall again today because it's too hot to walk outside. Let's go get it!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm glad you found the revival helpful. And that's great that going back to the office will help you. For me, I'm not looking forward to going back because of the vending machines, the cafe, and the stuff people bring in. Since I'm not vegan, I can eat any and all of these things, and these items are a real pitfall. I hope the visit with the surgeon goes well! Hugs to you! <3

    @TeresaW1020 I love jellyfish, too! I did not track my lunch before I ate it, I should have! I usually pre-track all my meals but since I wasn't sure what I was going to get, I didn't track lunch that day. I can't wait to see your puzzle when it's done!

    @TwistedSassette True! Oh dear about the football bet lol. I'd have a hard time of staying out of those, too! Way to get in your steps! Those are good goals for today. I can see why you are concerned about your BIL. How is your sister taking all of this? Get it off your chest, better that than eating over it, right?

    @laurelfit57 Your salads sound great and healthy. Yay for a shopping day with Mom and not getting a blizzard!

    @krea4 Welcome back, Kath! <3

    Hi all. I had a frustrating day yesterday, I spent a good portion of it calling companies about a home repair we need and at first, I was calling the wrong type of company. When I realized the correct type, I had trouble finding someone that would do the job (it's a small job). I'm still on the hunt today. The good news is that I didn't eat over it.

    50 Day Commitment:
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 4/27:223.1
    Check in weight (5/4/2021): 222.7
    Check in weight (5/11/2021):223.3
    Check in weight (5/18/2021):224.7
    Check in weight (5/25):22225.3

    The creep is starting again! June just has to be better. I commit to making more of an effort to staying in calorie and doing some form of exercise daily for the whole month of June. I have a wedding to attend at the end of July! I would like to fit into a dress I already have rather than need to get a new one! We shall see.

    Happy Hump Day all!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,130 Member
    You have another member joining your team .......Please welcome @Lulu_jo :)
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 130.3
    My pink eye cleared out and I’m borderline terrified for next month. June is the busiest month at work and after the year we had I’m exhausted starting it, so we’ll see how I will crawl from it.
    It’s cicadas season here - the 17 year brood- with sidewalks covered and so much noise, I couldn’t talk on the phone. The only little blessing is that my dog is not interested.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    Hey @krea4 Welcome back Kath!

    @laurelfit57 Your plan sounds good and that's a great idea with the salads too, to add your own dressing so you're in control.

    @askewcr Acting intentionally is definitely a noble pursuit! Having the burger pattie with salad is a nice idea :smile:

    @trooworld Thanks for the supportive words! Somehow my sister seems fine, though I have encouraged her to talk to a counsellor too, even if only to find out how she can best support her husband through it.
    Sorry about the home repair debacle! It's hard to find people to do small jobs isn't it! I hope you find a solution soon.

    @leonadixon Sending hugs :heart:

    @Lulu_jo Welcome!!
    Yesterday was not great for me.
    I did ok until I got home from work. Hubby was feeling tired so he decided that we'd order food instead of cook food we already have, so that's always high calorie and high sodium. My sister came for a visit which was nice, but meant no time for exercise. I still finished the day with a deficit, but I feel sluggish and yuck.

    I did not do well with my goals for yesterday, though I did only eat one Kit Kat so that's a win.
    My goals for today are:
    1. 7,000 steps
    2. Do not overindulge at morning tea
    3. Work out and meditate in the evening

    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome back @krea4 !
    @askewcr I so whole heartedly agree with you, I love mornings when every thing is planned out and all possibilities are in front of you!
    @trooworld glad you figured out before hand before you hired the wrong person for the job. It seems that anything to do with any type of home renovations or landscaping is booked so far out, glad for them, but not for those needing their services!
    @leonadixon hmmm.... this last week seems to be more of a huge leap than a creep😂
    welcome @Lulu_jo !
    @GabiV125 I had to look up what cicadas were, google said they only come out every 17 years, is that true!? So glad your dog isn't interested!
    @TwistedSassette I am always amazed at how incredibly high the sodium content is in take out food! I'm glad you were able to visit with your sister, that is important:)!
    @TeresaW1020 I have to tell you I am so glad I copied your Weight Goal Title.
    It was announced here that within about six weeks our restrictions should be loosened up enough that we can go on a road trip to see my brother and his family that we havent' seen in almost 2 years! I really do need to get back in to my summer clothes! I was out running around today and didn't think it was going to take me as long as it did so I didn't pack a snack. About 3 p.m. I was going through Walmart, hungry, when I was thinking I should buy a little snack, but I just kept thinking "Keep your eye on the prize!". I resisted and made it home for some fruit and cottage cheese, so I thank you for that @teresaw2010 !!
    I did my morning work out and dog training:)

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keep my eye on the prize!

    Track & Eat Within Macro Ranges
    No snacking after 8
    No unplanned sugar
    No junk snacks
    Exercise 5 x weekly
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    Hey all! I just signed up for June, my first challenge. I started my journey January 15th, 2021 at 277lbs. I just hit 50lbs lost. Yay! Really looking forward to this challenge, as my weight loss has started to slow a bit. I have 68 more pounds to lose and my goal is to get there by the end of the year (117lbs total).
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @leonadixon It sounds like you have a good plan to get the creep to stop. Good luck and good focus!

    @GabiV125 I'm glad your pink eye is gone. That's painful.

    @TwistedSassette That's a good idea for your sister to talk to someone. I'm sure she's got a lot she's not saying. It's super hard to find someone to do this job, we want someone licensed and insured, and apparently, that's asking a lot! Thanks. You are amazing, you ate takeout, and your sister visited and you still managed a deficit! Woo hoo! And you only ate one Kit Kat??? You rock!

    @laurelfit57 That's true, that's a good point. Yeah, it's super tough right now to get help. That's great you are going to see your brother and his family.

    @Lulo_jo Welcome and congrats on your 50 lb loss, that's fantastic! What has been the number one thing that helped you to get to a 50 lb weight loss?

    Hi all. Not much going on here. The ground beef we were supposed to use for dinner last night was bad. Normally that would mean we would order delivery food but last night, we decided to make a 2-ingredient dough pizza instead. What a victory!

    50 Day Commitment:
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    I love that quote about it being a slow process but quitting won't speed it up! I will ponder that one today. It's so true and if we can grasp it, we won't give up on this journey. I have another graduation celebration today and I'm trying to make my plan not to sabotage myself. I can do it! I can do it!
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    @trooworld I think all the times I've tried before I was too restrictive on what I was eating and would give up a few weeks in. This time I'm sticking to my calorie goal but still enjoying the foods I like with some healthy modifications... For example making my own personal sized pizza at home. I also found that I love lifting. It's made huge changes in my body already.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,130 Member
    Another new member heading your way .. Please welcome @katiefoley8725 :)
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    PW 4/27:223.1
    Check in weight (5/4/2021): 222.7
    Check in weight (5/11/2021):223.3
    Check in weight (5/18/2021):224.7
    Check in weight (5/25):22225.3

    The creep is starting again! June just has to be better. I commit to making more of an effort to staying in calorie and doing some form of exercise daily for the whole month of June. I have a wedding to attend at the end of July! I would like to fit into a dress I already have rather than need to get a new one! We shall see.

    Happy Hump Day all!

    :lol: I didn't realize there were so many "2"s! @broncobuddee this should be 225.3 in case you didn't catch my craziness!
  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for letting me join this group 💕
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - glad you are back on here and feeling better. Hope you got the OK on your shoulder!

    @TeresaW1020 - can't wait to see your puzzle!

    @TwistedSassette - that does not sound good about your BIL. Your sister is lucky to have you supporting her.

    A warm welcome New Members!

    @laurelfit57 - I'd love to have a day of shopping and a blizzard at 93! Sounds great!

    @askewcr - I can still hear a smile in all of your posts and it brightens my day.

    @trooworld- did you find someone for your home repair? Kudos to you for inventing suppers and skipping take out two nights in a row!

    @leonadixon - there are waaaaaaaaaaaay too many 2s in your weight this week- typo! I know you can stop the creep and fit into that dress.

    @GabiV125 - I'm glad the pink eye is gone and will be thinking of you as you make your way through a busy month at work. I hear that people are eating the cicadas for protein.... maybe you could have a grill out this weekend?

    @Lulu_jo - Congrats on losing 50!

    Well, I cut up all the veggies earlier this week, then promptly forgot about them. When I remembered, I moved them to eye level in the fridge. I'm about to go make a nice stir fry for lunch. Yesterday, I procrastinated, missed my cardio work out. I tried to make up for it by swimming in the evening. I did some laps and water walking and then some floating to relax. I enjoyed it! Overall, I'm pleased with what I was able to improve this week and that is what I will build on next week.

    We are not doing much for the long weekend, so I don't anticipate any big pitfalls. We will grill out a bit. As long as I don't turn that into a celebration feast, it will be fine.

    Anyone have any events they need to stay strong for this weekend?

    I'm wishing you all {{{SKINNY VIBES}}}}} ....and I could use some for my weigh in tomorrow if you wouldn't mind.


  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    @GabiV125 - I'm glad the pink eye is gone and will be thinking of you as you make your way through a busy month at work. I hear that people are eating the cicadas for protein.... maybe you could have a grill out this weekend?

    Thank you for the kind support Lisa, but I’ll pass in the protein suggestion 😁. There are plenty of supplies though- bleh 🤢.
    See the picture I took last night under a tree, 2ft from the sidewalk.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette KitKats are soooo tasty! I would have a hard time staying out of them too. Good job on getting in your 7000 steps! Yeah, I can see how you are very concerned about your BIL and your sister. Hopefully, he won’t spiral out of control and stay on his meds. I will keep you all in my prayers. <3

    @laurelfit57 Yes!! We are going to hit our goal this year and celebrate maintenance together! Please take any ideas that will work for you. I certainly didn’t invent them! :D That is awesome that you took your mom shopping and resisted a Blizzard. You go, girl!!! And yes it’s true about the 17-year cicadas. I had to deal with them years ago when I lived in Texas. Terrifying!! :#

    @krea4 Hey, welcome back Kath!! It’s great to have you back on the team. :)

    @leonadixon Having a goal to be in the dress in July is a good way to help you stay mindful. Why don’t you take a picture of the dress and put it in your kitchen or somewhere that you will see often. :)

    @GabiV125 Ugghhh where do you live? I hate the cicadas and I’ve been worried they are going to show up here in GA but so far I haven’t seen or heard them. Fingers are crossed!! :#

    @Lulu_jo Welcome to the team!! Congrats on losing 50 pounds! That is incredible and with determination and commitment to yourself you will get the rest of the weight off. :)

    @trooworld Good job on making the pizza instead of ordering out! Have you ever made calzones with 2-ingredient dough? I’m thinking of trying that with Fathead. Could be fun! ;)

    @katiefoley8725 Welcome to the team! Just jump right in and make yourself at home. We will move over to our June thread in the next couple of days and everyone will post introductions so you can get to know us better and we can get to know you. :)

    @Cornanda Mmmm I love a good stir-fry! I discovered G Hughes sauces which are sugar-free and so tasty. I love the teriyaki and sweet chili sauces. Have you tried them? He also has really good BBQ and a wing sauce too. I don't have any plans this weekend so being good with my eating shouldn't be a problem. :)

    Hi Team! I was so busy yesterday that I totally forgot to come here and post! Today I went to my staff meeting and got both buildings clean, so I don’t have to go in tomorrow. I’ve been researching and listening to a lot of podcasts with this guy Marty Kendall about something he calls Data-Driven Fasting. It’s all about testing blood sugar to determine when to eat. It’s a whole thing and you can look it up if you’re interested. There is a 30-day challenge that costs $37 that starts on June 5th. I figure if nothing else it will keep me mindful for an entire month on my eating and I just might learn something really interesting about my body. Tonight, I’m eating Mexican for dinner tomorrow with my ladies Bible study. I’m going to try to behave since I have a weigh-in in the morning! :)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    @GabiV125 ---- :# I would not eat those. :# That is a mess for sure!

    @TeresaW1020 - thanks for the reminder about those sauces. I think I tried them many moons ago and it's time to check it out again.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @Lulu_jo Wow, congrats on your success so far! That's amazing! I love that you've done it in such a sustainable way too, still enjoying the foods you like - that means you're really making lifestyle changes which is what I'm definitely aiming for myself!

    @trooworld Look at all your green ticks adding up, how great is that! We totally would have ordered delivery food if the meat was bad too lol. Good on you for making a better choice!

    @Katie43210 Welcome aboard!

    @Cornanda Sounds like you've had a much better week, I'm glad to hear it. That's a great approach, building on a solid foundation each week. Go you!!

    @GabiV125 OMG!! That is whooooole lot of cicadas! We have a mouse plague in our state at the moment which is bad enough. Makes you wonder what's going on in the world doesn't it!

    @TeresaW1020 That's interesting about the data-driven fasting. I feel like you'd need a constant glucose monitor or your fingertips would be very sore! Let us know how it works out for you.
    Well, I overindulged a little bit at the morning tea, but not as bad as it could have been. Bigger problem eating the leftover scones in the afternoon. But still I had a deficit (thanks to the Turbo Fire video I did) so I can't complain too much. I know I can do better than this, it's frustrating when I sabotage myself.

    I did get all the steps in, and meditated for a few minutes before bed, so all in all it wasn't a bad day. I didn't even eat any Kit Kats lol.

    My goals for today are:
    1. 7,000 steps
    2. Work out and meditate in the evening
    3. Eat two serves of fruit
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Finally caught up on reading all the posts. I was a little behind.

    Welcome to all the newbies. It's always nice to add some new members to the great group we already have.

    @Cornanda and @GabiV125 you could have a new weightloss strategy there. The thought of eating cicadas made my stomach churn and the visual really brought it home 🤢

    Like many others I've been struggling and need to reset. I've been riding my stationary bike almost daily since the start of Covid and I think the repetition is doing some damage. It took falling off my bike (my real one, not stationary) to notice how out of wack my body is. I've been doing lots of stretching, foam rolling and some light strength training so hopefully that will be enough to make up for the cardio I'm no longer able to do. On the bright side I haven't gained any weight (yet).
This discussion has been closed.