What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Ugh, I started two books and had to stop because of cussing. One of them isn't touted as Christian fiction and it's a rather strange fantasy, but book one was clean so I was giving book two a try and it wasn't long before the cuss word popped up. The other book is the first in that series I mentioned before where all three books were free: MCFARLANE'S LANTERN by Kylie Casper. About a third of the way in there was a cuss word - boo, since the book was pretty good. I might try book two and see if she stays clean in it.

    I finished book one in the BLEEKER STREET INQUIRY AGENCY series by Jen Turano. Now to wait for the library to get book two. Oh, I got my library card today and set up my library, Hoopla, and Overdrive accounts. Didn't find anything on my wish list though. I looked up that Jody Hedlund book which Hoopla had, now I just need to get it using my Kindle.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Kim - do you have the hoopla application on your kindle? It should be fairly easy, but it won't turn into a kindle book on hoopla, but on libby's application of overdrive. I also sent you the link on SP that shows how to request books for your overdrive library to order. My library is good about it, but I know that all libraries are different. I think they have bought all of but 2 of the books I have requested there.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I saw that, Connie. I'm able to request or recommend books on my Overdrive, just two a month though, and I think they've only purchased one that I recommended! I have Libby on my phone, but because everything else I use is Android I can't download it on my Kindles or my computer.

    I finished the Chris Walley book. What a very strange ending. He basically had two endings, the first one you could end it there and everyone lives happily ever after, or you could read on and find that everything pretty much blows up, but as it turns out this is the end of that period where satan is let out of the pit to war with the saints and then Jesus returns and sets up a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. I'm not sure on his ending though, it almost sounded like everything starts all over again and the main character of this story gets to start a new world! I don't think so! There were a few things in this last book that I scrunched my face up at, not sure where he got his ideas from since he seemed to try to be staying biblical. I didn't like this last book as much as the first two.

    I read some more in COME BACK TO ME, so good!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Copied from SP post:
    Last night I finished PLOT TWIST by Bethany Turner (her new release). It was good, and really had a plot twist.

    I also finished:
    OFF THE GRID CHRISTMAS by Mary Ellen Porter (LI suspense) l
    HIS SECOND CHANCE by Liz Isaacson (Ivory Peaks Romance #2) - her newest, I always check out her KU books as they come available.
    THE AMETHYST HEART by Penelope Stokes (family drama) This book is about the great-grandmother retelling the family story. It was good. I usually pick up one of her books a month or so from hoopla.

    SHORT STRAW BRIDE by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - It is one of her older books, and I picked it up on hoopla audio. I am enjoying it.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    UGGGH Rant here! I love Harry Kraus, MD's medical suspense, but I do NOT like ANY of the characters in this book. NONE! NO, NOT A SINGLE ONE. Why do I keep listening? Because I usually really enjoy his books.
    PERFECT by Harry Kraus, MD (medical suspense). I show that I had already read this book and I really liked it, but I don't remember anything from it. If I had, I wouldn't have re-read.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Maybe you have a gremlin in your tablet that is reading your books! I hate when I love an author but am not impressed with the story. This is funny though, I am really struggling to like COME BACK TO ME. I think the whole Tree of Life connection is making it a bit creepy for me. God took away man's access to the tree so that man would not live forever - what, did God mess up and allowed some seeds to be left behind? or water tainted by the life-giving whatever? Just don't like that she used that as her premise. But, it is interesting if I take that away from the story.

    I'm re-reading THE BLADES OF AKTAR series and am on book four now. Really enjoying this re-read. Some Calvinism coming through but not very strongly.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    THE KING’S SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE by Carol Moncado (royal) - typical. I always enjoy her books.
    DANCING IN THE RAIN by Marion Ueckermann (romance novella) - I had this novella in my kindle for a long time. I read it last night. So sad that she is gone, but knowing she is with Jesus is consolation.
    PERFECT by Harry Kraus, MD (medical suspense) - I don't know why I gave this good ratings last time, and I don't know why I don't remember reading it.
    DEADLY CONNECTION by Lenora Worth (LI suspense)
    EXPLOSIVE SITUATION by Terri Reed (LI suspense)

    TRACKING A KIDNAPPER by Valerie Hansen (LI suspense)
    SUNRISE ON THE BATTERY by Beth Webb Hart (family drama) - I had never read one of her books and hoopla audio has several. I decided to give it a try. I can't say that I am too crazy about it at this point. Will I listen to more by her? Maybe, we will see how this goes. It definitely has Christian flavor, but only the mother is seeking at this point. He husband is slightly interested (avid reader and is reading Bible and CS Lewis).

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Still working on COME BACK TO ME by Jodi Hedlund; and finished book three in THE BLADES OF AKTAR. Love this series.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    TRACKING A KIDNAPPER by Valerie Hansen (LI suspense)
    SCENE OF THE CRIME by Sharon Dunn (LI suspense) - same series as above. I think I have now read them all, but somewhat out of order.
    SUNRISE ON THE BATTERY by Beth Webb Hart (family drama) - I guess I really didn't like the characters in this book, either. They really needed to get their noses out of the air, but I did like the story of redemption. Yes, I will probably listen to more of her books, but not today.

    WHERE DO I GO by Neta Jackson (Yada Yada House Of Hope series). I read the Yada Yada Prayer Group series many years ago and when I saw this on hoopla audio I decided to start this series. I am not really liking the husband in the story, but I don't think I am supposed to....another rich guy with his nose in the air. I didn't get very far before it kicked off for the night.

    Ready to start:
    NO JOURNEY TOO FAR by Carrie Turansky (historical) - This is her newest and the ebook that I will start sometime today. I really enjoyed the first in the series, so am expecting this to be good, as well.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    I finished the first two books in the SHELTER TRILOGY series by Robin Merrill - SHELTER and DANIEL. I started the third right before bed - REVIVAL.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited June 2021
    I am really enjoying this series by Neta Jackson. I am considering going back and re-reading the first series. I am currently on book #3, Who Do I Lean On. The books don't really end, so it's good to have access to the whole series. It has been many years since I read the first series, and I don't really remember much about it, except it had deep spiritual aspects of prayer. It was before I joined SP and started keeping track of my books in 2017.

    I looked for the Yada Yada series on my library sites and couldn't find in a format I like. They do have most of them on Internet Archives, so I may go that direction. I need to think about it and get through the ton of books I have already out from the library.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited June 2021
    I loved the Yada Yada Prayer Group series! I finished REVIVAL - the last book in the SHELTER series. I enjoyed this series. It's the kind that's hard to put down and really makes you think.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    I'm almost done with the last book in the Hope House series. I totally have loved this series. There is some slang in it, but the spiritual depth of the series makes up for it. When I get through some of these other books, I will go back and re-read the Yada Yada Prayer Group series. I don't know if I really even read all of them. I may have just just read the first 3 or 4.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I am on the last book in my re-read of THE BLADES OF ACKTAR. Very good series. Not always theologically correct, but it's a passing statement rather than much ado made of it.

    Still working on COME BACK TO ME. I have to read that one so I do that later in the evening, my last book. Just struggling with the stops and starts as she tries to "teach" or give explanations in the midst of the story. I've just started skipping those parts (explaining the Tree of Life and how it could be the source of the healing water). I am just past the part where she is in the Convent and has gotten her beatings and the guy she's been seeing when she's gone back in time saves her life. Sometimes she doesn't act real bright! It's a good thing Christina was there to talk her out of doing something stupid! LOL!

    I ended my KU subscription. The six month deal ran out and it was going to cost me $9.99 a month and that's too much. I'll see if I can find another deal at some point. I haven't been getting very many books over the past two or three weeks so I'll have to keep an eye on it and see if books I want to read come in. Having my library card should help now.

    Have a blessed day.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Kim - They always have a deal going on if you pre-purchase KU. It is 40% off if you do a 2 year subscription, I think. That's what I usually do. If you leave KU for a while, you can pick it up on a free promo again, soon. Also, have you tried internet archive? Cindy told us about it a LONG time ago. It has a lot of old books on it, and will easily read to you on your computer. It doesn't work as well on my phone or tablet, but I haven't tried them in a long time. That is how I will re-read/read the Yada Yada series.

    FULL STEAM AHEAD by Karen Witemeyer (historical)

    NO JOURNEY TOO FAR by Carrie Turansky (historical) - book 2 in the series. Very good about the orphans that were sent from England to Canada. This is after they are older.

    I will probably start YOU WERE ALWAYS MINE by Nicole Baart tonight at bedtime.
  • bigwimp10021
    bigwimp10021 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all; I just joined another my new name Chocoholic. I have been doing a lot of reading lately for our summer reading program at our library. I read The Blessings of Brokenness by Charles Stanley,Summer Bird Blue by Akemmi Dawn Bowman, More Than a Miracle Katleeen Eagle,and The Kew Gardens Girls by Posy Lovell and Hope by Dr. David Jeremiah. Most of the books were not Christian though. Now I am reading Booked for Death by Victoria Gilbert. I have a bunch on the Kindle I have to read yet too. The library gave us a list of different kinds of books we could choose from. I have 3 or 4 left. After you finish a book you can write a review of it and turn it in there or via the Internet which is what we do. At the end of the month they draw for gift baskets. It goes through August.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Good morning "Bigwimp". It is so good to see you here! That sounds like a fun challenge through your library. That made me think about the reading challenge that we have been doing on sparkpeople. I guess I need to make another post for the monthly challenge here, too. I will also go ahead and make a monthly list.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I forgot all about that monthly challenge - I have a list on my desktop though. INSPIRING THE MOUNTAIN MAN - Alaska, is this month's book! Better hop to it, only have today and tomorrow to get it done! I think I will do a Revolutionary War one for July's book - I'm sure I have one somewhere in the 8,000 books I have on my Kindle! I've only read about a third of them, so I should be good! Hmmm, wonder if it can be the founding of a fantasy nation??? LOL!

    I read some more in COME BACK TO ME. Wow, she is a bit more seductive in this one. I think I am going to just skip to the end and see how it turns out, I have to skip through too many paragraphs because of blush moments.

    I read some in COURT OF SWANS by Melanie Dickerson. These are fairy tale re-tellings but without the fantasy. It's weird reading about seven brothers who are supposed to become swans and the sister silently knits nettle sweaters for them in a setting where none of that happens. The brothers in this story are imprisoned by an enemy for murder and treason - even the 10 year old, and the sister is knitting them sweaters to keep them warm. Just not the same.

    I went ahead and just got KU again at the regular price. If I find a deal I can take it (they did that the last time and just finished out my month at the regular price). The three books I downloaded through it more than pay the price for the month. One is a book I read before UNSEELIE UNCOLLARD by Kimberly Rogers, a fantasy, and another is ARCHER by Camille Elliot, this is a regency-type story. Takes place in the time of King Richard and England and France are at war. The Heroine of the story is basically tossed out of her home by her new step-mother to be and she decides that she is going to go her own way rather than the way her father chose for her. Those are the ones that I read a bit from last night.

    I need to catch up on my June list though! The monthly reading list is something we did at SP, and it sounds like Connie is going to bring that back for us here. We keep a list of what we read over the month with title, author, short description (fantasy, Amish, Regency, contemp. rom, non-fiction, etc...) and then your rating, 1-5 (5 being the best). Would love to see what y'all are reading and how you have enjoyed it.

    God bless.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Kim - Here is the link for prepaid. They will start when your current plan runs out. https://amazon.com/kindle-dbs/hz/subscribe/ku/KUPlans
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    YOU WERE ALWAYS MINE Nicole Baart (family drama). The book was very good, but I kept waiting for the Christian influence to happen and it didn't. I checked it online and it is not listed as Christian fiction, even though it showed in hoopla as CF. It had a lot of drinking, but nothing otherwise objectionable that I caught. I will probably read (or listen to) more of her books, but will check to see if they are actually CF prior to reading, so I am prepared.

    Still reading NO JOURNEY TOO FAR by Carrie Turansky (historical). I am really enjoying this one as well.

    Up next:
    Along a Storied Trail by Ann H. Gabhart - about a packhorse librarian in Kentucky. I have read a couple about the packhorse libraries and this sounds good. I may change my mind, but this is my current "up next" audiobook
    Killer Insight by Virginia Vaughan (LI susp) I always enjoy the Love Inspired books, and this one is a Carol Award Finalist, so it should be good.