What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Kim - I agree with HER SECRET SONG. I didn't think it was one of her best. Actually, I was rather disappointed in that entire series.

    I am reading ROMANCE UNDER WRAPS by Claire O'Sullivan (suspense) KU. It is pretty good. The author puts a lot of the reviews for it on MeWe, so I decided to go ahead and try it. It is about a con-woman that has lost her past memory. She remembers from the time she woke up from a coma (a few years ago), but nothing prior. Right now she is working as a Nurse Practitioner, but has no training - everything is forged.

    I am also hoping to get through BREATH OF HEAVEN by Alana Terry (family drama) today, so the series can all go on July's book list. We will see. I have about 90 pages left.

    I am listening to THE CONFESSION by Robert Whitlow (legal), but I don't think I will get it finished today. We will see, we will see.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    ROMANCE UNDER WRAPS by Claire O'Sullivan (suspense) KU
    BREATH OF HEAVEN by Alana Terry (family drama) - glad to have that series finished. I really didn't like the endings to any of them...the outcomes were just alluded to. I don't regret reading them, but NOT ON HOOPLA. Now, if I check out another ebook on hoopla, I will check how long the chapters are.
    THE CONFESSION by Robert Whitlow (legal) - good

    DUST by Kara Swanson (Peter Pan) hoopla - Heirs of Neverland series. I didn't know if I wanted to actually read this series, but heard good things about it. I don't really see any Christian influence, but it is good. I have the next checked out as well, so we will see.

    I think I will start on INJUSTICE FOR ALL by Robin Caroll (suspense) for an ebook. This will be my August read.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Hi all - I am needing to do a "buddy challenge" for the facebook book challenge I am doing. I am going to closely watch what you guys are reading and try to pick up one of your books.

    I am almost finished with DUST by Kara Swanson. Again, it is considered Christian Fiction, but other than it being clean, I haven't found a Christian influence. I am fairly sure I will go to the next one because I don't think this one is going to really end.

    I am reading INJUSTICE FOR ALL by Robin Caroll (suspense). I kept starting and stopping it so much with "stuff" going on that I kind of got lost. I will probably back it up a bit to catch anything I missed. So far, it is good and starting to get exciting.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I think I read DUST, but I will have to go back and see. I know that I read two books not that long ago with the Peter Pan theme and the plot of this books sounds familiar.

    I'm finished HER SECRET SONG by Mary Conealy (sometimes I see it with two n's, as on Hoopla). I really enjoyed this series. Ursula had some attitude problems at times, but the guys in this story are incredibly patient, although Mitch needed a thump in the head now and again!

    I am re-reading BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick (through Hoopla) and quite enjoying it again.

    I'm also reading the last book that fiinnaallyy came out by K M Shea, TRIAL OF MAGIC. This is a spin-off of her fairy tale series and a character shows up in each of the stories, Angelique, who is an enchantress in training. Only problem is, her mentor is captured by the evil mages and his power is stolen to accomplish their evil deeds. In her series THE FAIRY TALE ENCHANTRESS the other stories are revisited from her point of view and she is searching for her mentor and teacher throughout. It has gotten a bit old though, waiting for him to be rescued. I think everything resolves in this one.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick - that sound like something I could "buddy read". I checked it out on libby (hoopla was awful on the last ebook I tried). Just let me know what you think at the end, and I will give my "thoughts" when I finish. One or two sentences are fine...

    I'm listening to SHADOW right now. I looked it up on Amazon and they are not noted there as Christian fiction, although on Avid Readers, many have mentioned them. One lady asked the other day if they were Christian fiction and the moderator (who is STRICT) said that she was currently reading them and that the author is Christian and she would recommend them.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Currently listening to FLIRTING WITH DANGER by Wendy Davy. I started it last night before bed and promptly fell asleep. I backed it up a chapter and when I turn it back on, I will decide if I backed it up far enough. It seemed like it was going to be pretty good.

    Reading: ME AND THE SWEET SNOWSTORM by Jessie Gussman (rom/com) - light and short. They are trapped by a snowstorm in a small cabin right now, but I'm sure it will wind up with a laugh or two at the end.

    I don't know if anyone noticed, but right now I have about 13 KU books checked out. I'm sure that it is a glitch, but on the facebook group I belong to, someone mentioned it.
  • bigwimp10021
    bigwimp10021 Posts: 88 Member
    I read The House at Sandalwood by Virginia Coffman an old gothic suspense story. Also read The Sign of the Golden Goose by Janet Loise Roberts another old one. Read Finding Love Again by Shelley Galloway; an Avalon romance. Read The Satapur Moonstone by Sujata Masset it is a Perveen Mistry novel about an Indian woman in India. She is sent to the palace to help decide the princes place of education since the maharanis disagree on where he should go to school. The norther-in-law wants him to stay and be educated by the tutor while his mother wants him to go to England. Also read Aunt Dimity Down Under a very weird story about a woman who speaks to her dead aunt via the woman's journal and her trip to New Zealand to find the brother of these two twin older neighbors of hers before they die.
    Also read Murder by Fireworks by Susan Bernhardt a mystery.
    Reading Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey, Becoming Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn; a biography. And another old gothic mystery which I do not have with me. I will put it in when I am finished.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Oh, sounds like fun. I'll work on BAMBOO AND LACE tonight!

    BIGWIMP, sounds like you are doing some interesting reading!

    I started a non-fiction today, THE WAY OF HOLINESS by Phoebe Palmer. It's a very old book, first published in 1849! So far it has been very good. It kind of reads like the story of a woman who discovers that walking in holiness is real! I also got WITH CHRIST IN THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER by Andrew Murray. I want to spend more time with stories like these during the day and save my fiction for when I go to bed.

    Still working on the K M Shea ending to her series. It repeats quite a bit from another of her fairy tale books, which all of the books in this story have done, but this one more so. I felt like I was re-reading the other book! Made this one drag a bit. I'm at the crux of all of the stories right now - if she can't save her mentor, well, I'll just be very disappointed.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick - I am really enjoying this. Her books are written with a "different voice" than the books today. I had only read one of her (at the time) contemporary books.
    HEART ON THE LINE by Karen Witemeyer (historical). I am enjoying this books. This is one of the ones about the all women's community and definitely has some funny moments, but mystery abounds. These poor men coming into the town!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Kim - As I was on the search for freebies for tomorrow, I ran into two series that are fairy tale/fantasy and I thought about you. I don't know if they will still be free tomorrow, so I thought I would put the links here. They are individual books, but I am linking the series links so you will see all of the books on each.

    A Twist of Adventure (5 book series) by Kendra E. Ardnek (Author)
    The Bookania Quests (6 book series) by Kendra E. Ardnek (Author) , Brooke Younger (Illustrator)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Thanks, Connie. I went ahead and got all of the first series and the first one of the second series. We'll see how they are!

    Reading BAMBOO AND LACE and almost done with the K M Shea book.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Still working on Bamboo and Lace. Really enjoying it. I read the first story CINDER EDDY by Kendra E Ardnek. It was very good and very short. A prince is treated like a slave after his mother and then his father dies and his step-mother and step brothers take over. When a princess is kidnapped and the prize is marrying her if they can find her, his brother's take off. When he realizes he is free, Eddy takes off too, but half heartedly is looking for the princess. The moral of the story is how he wins her over the others.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,330 Member
    edited August 2021
    Looks like I haven't been here in a while. I've been busy on a multi day job with early mornings and long days. I'm still reading NEARLY by Deborah Raney.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited August 2021
    Cindy - Take care of yourself with all of the travel and hours!

    I finished:
    BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick - I enjoyed it!
    HEART ON THE LINE by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - I always enjoy her books.
    THE WIDOWS OF CHAMPAGNE by Renee Ryan (WW2- LI) - I didn't realize this was by Love Inspired until I started on it. It must be one of their new longer ones. It was very good.

    LOVE UNEXPECTED by Jody Hedlund (historical) - not too far into it, but so far, so good. About a lighthouse keeper.
    TO RIGHT A WRONG by Robin Caroll (suspense) KU - I'm not too far into this one, either. I'm sure it will be good, though.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,330 Member
    Thanks, Connie. I'm just about finished with NEARLY by Deborah Raney. Maybe I'm see if I can find BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I couldn't find it on Amazon, Cindy, but I got BAMBOO AND LACE through Hoopla. I thought I had it in my Kindle and am sad that I don't! This is a re-read for me. I'm half-way through with it. Was interrupted a bit last night when Wade wanted to watch TV in the bedroom, so didn't get very far.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    THE HOPE OF HER HEART by Liz Isaacson (Christmas) KU
    THE ICE SWAN by J’Nell Ciesielski (historical) - I'm not too far into it, but will be turning it back on pretty soon to listen to in bed.

    TO RIGHT A WRONG by Robin Caroll (suspense) KU - It was very good, but my brain was fried. I had to back it up a couple of times because too much "stuff" was in my mind for me to comprehend the book.
    MEETING UP WITH THE BOOKWORM by Elizabeth Kirke (rom com) KU - too short 3.5*
    MEETING UP WITH THE IT GUY by Mila Sweet (rom com) KU - too short 3.5* - I checked out 6 books in this series, but I'm not sure I am going to read all of them. They are just too short to really be developed well.
    LOVE UNEXPECTED by Jody Hedlund (historical) - good. I will check into some of the others in the series. I'm pretty sure I will find them on one of the library sites.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited August 2021
    INSIGHT by Deborah Raney is free today...May be just today. https://tinyurl.com/3brvpt3t

    I had a lot of doubts about THE ICE SWAN by J’Nell Ciesielski (historical). I just wasn't really crazy about it, but decided to listen for more than a few minutes at a time when going to bed. I turned it on yesterday morning and listened while getting ready for church, then finished it last night. I think that I just didn't give myself long enough to get into it. It was pretty good. She isn't my favorite author, but I think this was probably her best book.

    PROVENANCE by Carla Laureano - I am not very far into this one, but it is starting out very good. It is her newest book and I found it on hoopla audio, but I realized that it is also available on KU. It is about a lady that was raised in foster homes and owns a restoration company in California. She returns from a European buying trip and finds a letter telling her that her grandmother (that she knew nothing about) had left her property to her. It was right on the line of being reverted to the county. I think there will be some romance between her and the mayor. He is trying to get her to keep the property when she really needs to sell to fund her company in California.
    RUN AGROUND by Christy Barritt (Lantern Beach Mayday #1) KU - Her newest Lantern Beach series. It takes place on a yacht. I think it will be very good, too.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I have INSIGHT and I have RUN AGROUND. I want to get to that Christy Barritt one though but am trying to get through the last little bit of BAMBOO AND LACE - phew, I read and read and read and that line on the bottom doesn't seem to move! LOL! I do like it though. At times she seems to be a bit more "frank" than I'm comfortable with - nothing bad, just more than I think some people would talk about or be as open about.

    I'm working on the Ronie Kendig book for my monthly read, DISCARDED HEROES series, the first book. Right now there isn't much in it that isn't dark or sad or bringing any kind of joyful relief to the story, so I just read a few chapters and then go on to something else less heavy.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,330 Member
    Thank you, Connie, for mentioning the free Deborah Raney book. I just downloaded INSIGHT. 🙂