What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited August 2021
    Kim - I wasn't uncomfortable in PRETENSE, but I cringed at the girl not being able to look men in the eyes. I really didn't like her dad! There was a little bit that was frank, but not uncomfortable for me. It was all handled with a Christian outlook, anyway. I did notice the difference in writing from 20 years ago, and today!

    I have pretty much given up Ronie Kendig. They are just a bit too heavy for me to enjoy.

    STRAND OF DECEPTION by Robin Caroll (suspense) - I had this one, and wanted to finish out the series, but I think there is another novella that I didn't get. I need to see if I can find it.

    PROVENANCE by Carla Laureano - I really liked this one. There were a couple of places where each of them had a single beer, then went to soda or water. Not for me, but not a deal-breaker unless it is a Christian drinking to excess (but it makes me cringe).

    I haven't started my next audiobook yet. I will probably do that here in a few minutes. I'm not sure which one, yet.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I finished THE DASHING DUKE AND TWO SISTERS by Hedley Hunt - a regency romance. This was cute and a bit different from a lot of the regency stories. The sisters are sometimes close and sometimes not and one Duke is vying for them, but he has a dark secret! It was good, and clean.

    I also finished POISON KISS: A TWIST OF SLEEPING BEAUTY by Kendra Ardnek. This was a twist of Puss and Boots and Sleeping Beauty, throwing in a lady in a tower as well. They are cute. This one was harder to stay interested in than the first one was. I'm on to the third one, RED AS SNOW.

    I'm still working on DISCARDED HEROES by Ronie Kendig. Most of the way through this one. Phew, took the wife awhile to figure out she didn't have all the answers and probably acted to swiftly in kicking her husband out! I don't know, you vow to God to stay with him until death parts you, and you listen to your brother, knowing your brother hasn't ever liked him, and kick him out when in a fight with a guy she gets in the way and gets socked in the face by her husband. He has PTSD but is still doing clandestine missions; and she is doing really stupid stuff that could get her and her unborn child killed!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Kim - I didn't find your monthly book list. Are you going to post for July?

    YOURS IS THE NIGHT by Amanda *kitten* - This is one I am having a hard time staying with. It is in WW1 Europe. I'm about 1/3 though it, but I keep losing my place and have to go back a few pages. It is one that I probably need to really get involved actually reading before I turn on the text-to-voice.
    THE CRYPOGRAPHER'S DILEMMA by Johnnie Alexander. This one I really am enjoying. I didn't want to quit listening last night. I kept re-setting the sleep timer and grabbed a Bluetooth headset to listen so I didn't wake Bill.

    I don't usually like to read/listen to two historical fiction books at the same time, but that's what is happening.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Oh, I thought I had, I'll do that after I'm done here!

    Still working on the same stories!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited August 2021
    Whoa - I just re-read my post and they change the name on the author of YOURS IS THE NIGHT by Amanda D y k e s. I don't know what the point is, but maybe because of the name. I did finish it, but wasn't overly impressed. I really liked the other books that I have read by her.

    I finished:
    SWEET AFTERNOONS by Jessie Gussman (Blueberry Beach) KU - It was pretty good. I have enjoyed this series.
    A DOCTOR SECOND CHANCE FOR THE RANCHER by Dobi Daniels (romance) KU - This was a new-to-me author that was recommended. NOPE, I probably won't do any more. It was very short, no time for development of the story, and unnecessary steam at the end.

    LOVE AND THE SILVER LINING by Tammy L Gray (romance) - So far this is very good. The last book that I read by her had some inappropriate language, but I haven't noticed it so far in this one. There is some drinking, but it is not being "justified" as a good or normal thing at this point.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,331 Member
    edited August 2021
    Yes, Connie. I learned from poking around the site that anything the MFP app considers swearing is changed to *kitten*.
    Odd that they did it to her name... must not be the greatest algorithm.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Oh, I like that they fix cussing, just a wee bit touchy on what that means!

    I finished RED AS SNOW BY Kendra ?. It's part of that fairy tale series of short and short short stories. This was a short short re-telling of Snow White. I'm not sure where the Red as Snow comes in because there wasn't anything red in the story - unless it was the apple!

    I also finished the Ronie Kendig story, DISCARDED HEROES and moved on to the second book in the series (which I've had forever), just can't remember the name right now. So far it's good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    LOVE AND THE SILVER LINING by Tammy L Gray (romance) - I really liked this one. I don't think that there is anything that would really make anyone uncomfortable.
    THE CRYPTOGRAPHER’S DILEMMA by Johnnie Alexander (WW2 era FBI) - Good!!

    THE WALNUT CREEK WISH by Wanda Brunstetter (Amish-ish) - This has an "English" couple with some marital issues that moves to Walnut Creek and befriends an older Amish couple. So far, I am enjoying it.
    BLIND DATE WITH A BILLIONAIRE REALITY STAR by Evangeline Kelly (romance) KU - This is pretty good. It is light and easy. I expected it to be funny like some of the other in the series, but I am enjoying it.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I am working on SWIFT again since I recently got NOMAD cheap or free (who can remember a week ago???) I'm enjoying it as much the second time around as I did the first. It takes place in Cornwall and it's about Piskey's and Faery's, and the elusive Spriggan! It's a light fantasy.

    I'm also reading RUN AGROUND by Christy Barritt. So far so good.

    And the second book in the DISCARDED HEROES series by Ronie Kendig.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Currently I am reading:
    HOSTILE INTENT by Lynette Eason (suspense) - Oh, starting with a bang! I'm about 1/3 though it and it's very good.
    BEYOND THE TIDES by Liz Johnson (romance) - I will start this tonight before bed.

    BLIND DATE WITH A BILLIONAIRE REALITY STAR by Evangeline Kelly (romance) - good
    BLIND DATE WITH MY BILLIONAIRE PROTECTOR by Evangeline Kelly (romance) - I really liked this one. Just light and easy to read.
    THE WALNUT CREEK WISH by Wanda Brunstetter (Amish-ish) - pretty good. I have a few Amish books checked out again, and they still aren't my favorite. In this one the main couple was not Amish, so it really wasn't that Amish.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I saw a couple of books at Christian Book Finds this morning. I didn't have the Dee Henderson one that was on sale, and there was a Christy Barritt one as well. The Dee Henderson was THREADS OF SUSPICION and the Christy Barritt was THE TREBLE WITH MURDER.
    CORAL MOON AND SUBMERGED are both $1.99. I have Submerged, but not Coral Moon, her's a little scarier than I like.

    I finished SWIFT by R J Anderson and am moving on to NOMAD, which I have on my Kindle and not through Hoopla, so I can listen to it! Woohoo!

    I read some more in the Christy Barritt one I am working on but struggling to get into it. It's the one where they are on a short term cruise ship and Jimmie James (or something like that) is the captain.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I am currently listening to BEYOND THE TIDES by Liz Johnson (romance).and reading SAPPHIRE SENTIMENTS by Valerie Comer (romance).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I am on the third book in the RJ Anderson series, TORCH. I've really enjoyed them. They are YA fantasy, probably more for the older youth. The main character is 17 years old but has a ton of responsibility.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Currently listening to HUCKLEBERRY HARVEST by Jennifer Beckstrand (Amish). This series makes me smile.

    Currently reading the anthology LOVE, LAUGHTER, AND HAPPILY EVER AFTER. I really don't know why I bought this one, but it was just 99 cents. I haven't found any of the stories that I would say we're really good. They aren't bad, just okay. I will finish the anthology, but may take a break from it. I'm on book 7 of 20. Some authors usually write Christian fiction, but these have no Christian content at this point, but they have been clean (but a little steam). And - the laughter is what drew me to it. With the current stress, I wanted a laugh. So far, I have smiled a couple of times, but that's it.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Currently listening to TO WRITE A WRONG by Jen Turano. I always get a smile out of her books. I'm about half way through it.

    I am sitting at 50% in the anthology, too. I am taking a break from it right now. I don't know what I will read, but I have some I know will be good, so they will take priority.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Oh, I wanted to read that Jen Turano book. So glad it is out! I really liked the first book in this series so am excited for this one. She's just a good writer.

    I am reading a really good series - The Narrow Gate series. I'm on book four right now. It is a dystopian story of a world after nuclear war. There is a town that is ruled by a very evil man and if you become an orphan (a stray) you become the least of his slaves in his "house". Kara's mother dies and she must escape the city into the deadly wilderness to save herself from that fate, but Kara is resourceful and she survives. The first book is AFTER THE FALL. There are people in the story who know some of the Word, and they know that if you do right you can find the narrow road; and as the story goes along Kara works to do the right thing and learns that it has to be more than doing right, it has to do with trusting in God too. I've just really enjoyed it. The stories are short and it goes quickly.

    I'm also still working on the non-fiction THE WAY OF HOLINESS, written in the late 1800's. Very good.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    TO WRITE A WRONG by Jen Turano (historical) libby - I always enjoy her books. This was no exception.
    An Amish Schoolroom anthology
    A CLASS FOR LAUREL by Amy Clipston (Amish)
    A LESSON ON LOVE by Kathleen Fuller (Amish)
    WENDY'S TWENTY REASONS by Shelley Shepard Gray - These were pretty short and typical Amish stories.

    Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After Collection (Clean) - I am now reading book #18 of 20. I am very tired of it, the books aren't great, but I am determined that I am going to finish since I actually spent real money on them.....not much, obviously, but not a freebie.
    OUT OF THE STORM by Jody Hedlund (historical)

    Kim, I don't know if you noticed the free reads on Hoopla this month. I only checked the audio, but got a Jody Hedlund book that I read earlier this month, and a couple of LM Montgomery books. I never read them as a kid, but my Mom got me started on them when I was in my 30's. She and Dad went to Prince Edward Island and went to the house in the Anne Of Green Gables series. She bought me a boxed set there, and it started me reading them. Even before kindles, I could get them free online and they would sync into my Palm Pilot. Wow, that dates me!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    I loved the movies of Anne of Green Gables but never read the books. I usually check the books on my wish list with Hoopla. I found the book Swift on there and the second book was on sale for cheap and I ended up just buying the third book because I really liked the first two books.

    I really enjoyed the series that I read Janean Worth, the NARROW GATE series. I finished the four books that are out, not sure she will continue this series, but it easily could be because she left a loose end. It's about a world after the Fall (which is also symbolic of our relationship with Jesus). You live in a very wicked place until you make up your mind that you are going to search for the narrow road which leads to the narrow gate. Only those who truly want to find it by living a life doing right and trusting God will find the road. It takes until book three before they realize that trusting God is was makes you want to do what is right - no matter the cost. Just a really good and easy reading story. Kind of a Pilgrim's Progress sort of vibe.

    I'm reading two or three other books as well, one by Tracey Higley, THE QUEEN'S HANDMAID or something like that. It brings in the other stories that she wrote on the wonders of the world. I'm enjoying it as well.
    A fantasy called DAWN OF WONDER where a boy is seeking to grow strong so he can mete out justice on the evil men who kidnapped and then killed his best friend (a girl). (I have a feeling they didn't sacrifice her and he's going to find her alive somewhere).
    There's probably something else I'm reading as well... LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited August 2021
    HEARTS MADE WHOLE by Jody Hedlund (historical) - Another in the lighthouse series. I am enjoying these books.

    SHOW ME A STAND-IN HUSBAND by Alexa Verde (romance) KU - I have enjoyed these Cowboy Crossing books. Some are by Jessie Gussman and some by Alexa Verde. They are light and easy to read/
    HEARTLAND JOY by Jessie Gussman (Christmas romance) KU - A new Christmas series by her.
    LAKE HOUSE BEGINNINGS by Sage Parker (sisters) - I thought I might have found a new author to enjoy...not so much. I have a couple more by her that I got free, but I'm not sure when or if I will read. I can't say why I didn't enjoy the book, but it just didn't appeal.

    I don't know what ebook I will start today, I have a bunch checked out on KU and one from the library - too many books, too little time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,333 Member
    Still working on the same books.