What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    SPRINGTIME LOVE AT THE HOMESTEAD INN: COUNTRY BOY & CITY GIRL ROMANCE by Kimberly Krey (romance) KU - a bit too much steam. I turned in the rest of the series without reading.
    BECOMING PRINCESS OLIVIA by Lisa Prysock (royalty) - Not bad, but not Carol Moncado.
    NIGHT WATCH by Susan Sleeman (suspense) - I love her books. I accidently missed the book before this one, though. I read this one, then checked the other one out on KU. On her independently published books, she puts them wide for a certain time frame, then they go on KU. This one I picked up on libby.
    A NOBLE GROOM by Jody Hedlund (historical) - I have been enjoying her books and hoopla has a bunch on audio.

    DEADFALL by Patricia Rushford (suspense) - This series is good, but it is different. It kind of shows that the police are really pursuing a suspect and then all of a sudden something comes up and they kind of abandon one person to go on another wild goose chase.
    NIGHT MOVES by Susan Sleeman (suspense) - very good! And now I am doing two of the same genre, again.

  • bigwimp10021
    bigwimp10021 Posts: 91 Member
    I finished Falcons Island today and still reading the others. I might have to Amazon about the books since I cannot get them back.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    bigwimp10021 - I've always found Amazon's customer service to be very helpful and would encourage you to call them. Let us know what you find out.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    @bigwimp10021 - Are you having issues with your kindle not showing your books? I know that a lot of people are having that problem, including me. I have found that if my books don't load that totally powering down my kindle and waiting a minute or so, then restarting has corrected the issue. It has happened to me a few times this week specifically, and a group I am on in facebook I have seen several people mention the same issue.

    DEADFALL by Patricia Rushford (suspense) - I'm a little over half way through.
    COLORS OF TRUTH by Tamera Alexander (historical) KU - This is the book that her publisher wanted her to change due to political correctness and not historical accuracy. She self published, so I couldn't get the book from the libraries and I refused to purchase it. It just came out in KU. It is very good, but 479 pages, so it is taking a while.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I hadn't thought about restarting the Kindle. That just might solve the problem.

    I hate the whole "political correctness" thing! Glad she chose to self publish and will look that book up. Thanks for the info, Connie.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Oh wow, I've been having to do that too, Connie, and wondered if my Kindle was going bad. Then I tried it on another kindle, and it had the same problem. Every time I go into my library of books I have to restart my Kindle.
    Amazon is really going downhill if you ask me. Their customer service is pitiful any more as well. If you call they will talk to you politely but they never dealt with the issue I called about (getting my Prime orders five to seven days after the order rather than the two or three I'm supposed to get them in). I recently saw that one of my orders was shipped the next day after I ordered it but I wasn't getting it for another five days! What's up with that??? I chatted first and they told me I was nuts (well, not in those words, but they kept saying, two day shipping, not two day delivery! Well, in the 10 years I've had Prime, until this year, I've gotten my packages in two or three days - delivered! They wouldn't listen, so I called. Oh my, she says, I'll let the managers know and we'll figure it out. Nice, but fruitless. Nothing was ever done about it. Now, you can't e-mail them, you can only chat or have them call you - and if you choose to chat you have to make it past the robot somehow before you can talk to a real person. Not the Amazon I used to know and love.

    I'm still working on the third book in the Sci-fi futuristic story. I finished BLUEBEARD AND THE OUTLAW, a Robin Hood retelling, by Tara Grayce. Very good.
    I started THE DESERT PRINCESS by Melanie Cellier, an Aladdin re-tell.
    I started RESCUE by Janean Worth. This series isn't as good as her first one, there is also some theology that I can't agree with but she doesn't make but a mention of it and then moves on, so I ignore it.
    Still working on TO WRITE A WRONG by Jen Turano. I am struggling to get into this one. She's been interviewing this guy forever and it is soooo boring! I need to just get past it and into the meat of the story!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I should probably say that Amazon customer service was good in the past. I haven't needed to contact them in a long time and might be surprised by how they've become. I have noticed that two-day shipping takes longer than it used to. Maybe part of the problem is that they have no real competition.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Wow, Carole. You were up early or late. Are you in the storm path from Ida?

    Happy Birthday, Kim and Carole.

    SET IN STONE by David James Warren (speculative) cloud - will be glad when the series continues! I am enjoying it, but of course it always leaves you knowing something big is about to happen.
    DEADFALL by Patricia Rushford (suspense) - Well, now I need to try to get the next in the series. I can't find it anywhere except hoopla ebook, so I guess I will have to read most of it...I can use voice-over if the chapters are longer. It quits at the end of every chapter on hoopla.

    IF IT RAINS by Jennifer Wright (historical- Dust Bowl) - Just getting started on it. I'm not 100% sure if I will finish by the end of the day, so may wind up on my September list. We will see.
    COLORS OF TRUTH by Tamera Alexander (historical) - This is a very good book. I should finish it today. It is more of a priority than the other one.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I know that when we first moved here I wasn't getting my packages like I used to, but then again, they were delivering packages in travel trailers, Budget vans, etc... They have regular trucks and guys now. I think part of it is Covid and their inability to get some of their inventory in a timely manner as well as having trouble hiring people to stock the shelves and load the trucks, etc... People can make more money staying home so lots of places (around us at least) are struggling to stay open because they can't get people to work. I'm sure that must affect Amazon in all their different locations - so, I haven't really made much of it - unfortunately the guy who owns Amazon is part of the reason that the world is in the mess it is in - a woke socialist! You're right about the competition as well. I can still get things cheaper and faster through them, but I check to make sure that the price is cheaper than Wal-mart or Sam's. Yeah Sam's Club, they are now doing shipping so we don't have to go an hour and a half away to shop there, they will ship our order to us!

    Still reading the same things.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, it was one of those nights where I went to sleep early, but woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go right back to sleep. I checked our group, then read a little and that did the trick.

    As the storm moves northeast, the outer bands are bringing much-needed rain to our area. No winds, just gentle rain so far. Of course, that could change over these two days.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited August 2021
    I guess I am lucky since I get my Amazon orders quickly and easily, AND I order a lot from them. Of course we live in the greater Kansas City area with more than one Amazon facility, and the orders are actually delivered by Amazon. I have had Amazon Prime for years, partially because I thought my husband would enjoy the movies, etc. He wouldn't use them except when we camped.
    I would download all that I could on my ipad and we would use it for TV. We learned early in our camping career to not mess with a TV since we stayed mainly in state parks, national parks and COE campgrounds that do not have cable available. Now, Bill has enjoyed binge watching old series. I don't know how many times he has watched Andy Griffith. Right now he is going back and forth between Andy Griffith and McCloud.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Andy Griffith (or Griffin as Mom likes to say) is Mom's go to show in the evenings. I go to bed at 8 when Andy comes on and she watches two of those and then Gomer Pyle. I've seen them so many times I'm not that interested any more.

    I ordered something today that is a prime and it's going to take a week for me to get it! I just don't understand. I looked at an order the other day and it was shipped out the next day but was going to take UPS five days to get to me! What's up with that??? Talking to Amazon is useless any more. I hope that it's the Covid and people finding it hard to find workers (UPS included) but I just don't know.

    I found quite a few books I didn't have on sale at Christian Book Finds today:https://christianbookfinds.com/blog/huge-sale-christian-fiction

    I am really enjoying the third book in the Rachel Rossano series I started awhile ago. This one is RUMPLED RHETT, a re-tell of Rumplestiltskin. The miller finagles a way for him to marry his daughter, but he knows something is up. Rhett is a huntsman, a man who takes on jobs for the Barons who are in charge of certain areas of the country. In the winter he goes to this quiet town and lays low, but they are the ones who are working some kind of scam on him and he just has to be patient and see where they are going to take it. I got quite into it then remembered that I still had TO WRITE A WRONG on Hoopla, so I went over there and read that one for awhile.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    COLORS OF TRUTH by Tamera Alexander - I really enjoyed it.
    IF IT RAINS by Jennifer Wright - very good. Takes place during the dust bowl.
    ON HUMMINGBIRD WINGS by Lauraine Smelling - one of her older contemporary novels- another really good book
    GLIMMER IN THE DARKNESS (suspense) by Robin Patchen - good. Book1 in series

    TIDES OF DUPLICITY by Robin Patchen (suspense) - just getting started on it.
    CAPTURED BY LOVE by Jody Hedlund (historical) - maybe it is just me, but this one just doesn't hold my interest as much as the last few I have read.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Woohoo, BAMBOO AND LACE by Lori Wick was just $1.99 yesterday. Not sure if it's still that price, but I've read it twice and really enjoyed it.

    I'm reading SECRETS IN THE MIST by Morgan Busse. I paid more than I like to, but I really like her stories and this one hasn't disappointed. They have a mild Christian message in them and this one has been very mild so far, but it's there. It's a steam-punk type story, very similar to a Jeff Wheeler story about sky island living for the rich and the poor have to live on the mountains to escape the poisonous mist in the valleys.

    Read some more of THE DESERT PRINCESS by Melanie Cellier as well.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I think if you enjoy a particular author, it's worth paying a little more for their books. After all, it's all about what we enjoy!

    I just finished the Love Inspired story FINDING THE ROAD HOME by Tina Radcliffe and really enjoyed it. I loved how the romantic leads started as friends and grew steadily from there without the usual antagonism, lack of communication, etc. Lots of appealing supporting characters and more to look forward to in the series.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited September 2021
    I have really enjoyed reading Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense books! I read several a month through the library. I hate it when libby has something that I want to read and it isn't available to read on kindle, though. I checked out one the other day that wasn't and when I checked the series, only the first one was kindle available.

    FINDING HER COWBOY by April Murdock (romance) - fairly short. I should get through it soon.
    A WORTHY PURSUIT by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - Pretty good, but not holding my interest as much as the last one. Maybe I should switch authors between books.

    TO WIN HER HEART by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - Her books are usually light-hearted and fun.
    TIDES OF DUPLICITY by Robin Patchen (suspense) - The next one is on my kindle awaiting me. I am not sure if I will do it this month, or if I will wait until October when the next one comes out.
    CAPTURED BY LOVE by Jody Hedlund (historical) - Good, but not as good as some of her others.
    THE CRADLE CONSPIRACY by Christy Barritt (LI suspense) - Typical LI suspense, but good.

    After talking about Amazon and their customer service, I have to vent! I called them about what was happening on my fire with everything just disappearing. He walked me through a process (took him 45 minutes because he kept taking me to the wrong place), anyway I finally think that is fixed, then spent and hour and 15 minutes trying to figure out why some things wouldn't delete from the screen. I had 23 books that wouldn't do anything except mark read/unread. Couldn't delete books or archive. Some of them I hadn't read, some I had. He finally just disappeared - didn't hang up, but disappeared. I was fed up! I ate lunch, got some things done and called back. I got a young lady that fixed my problem in less than 5 minutes!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I finished the Morgan Busse book SECRETS IN THE MIST, very good. It's kind of a steam-punk meets the living dead! LOL! I don't like living dead stories, but in this one the mist contains spores that kill a person, but then take over their body. They can only live in the mist so if someone goes into the mist they kill them. There are people who go into the mist with protection, to find artifacts and bring them out, they are called Divers, and the heroine of the story becomes a diver. The hero needs to find something in his ancestral home that could stop the mist. The ending is a bit of a shocker, and there is a pretty sad spot as well. Can't wait for book two!

    I started the next book in the Villian's Ever After series, by Nina Clare - THE STEPSISTER AND THE SLIPPER. Can't image the stepsister in this story getting nice! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    CRY IN THE WILDERNESS by Rebecca Hartt (suspense) - very good! I really liked the first two in the series when they were released, too!
    A WORTHY PURSUIT by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - Still working on this one, mainly at bedtime.

    SEASONED GRACE by Melissa Wardwell (Independence Islands #14) KU - Pretty good. The newest in the series.
    HEARTLAND CHEER by Jessie Gussman (Christmas) KU - I have gotten to where I enjoy her books. They are always just easy reads.
    INVITATION TO THE BALL by Autumn Macarthur (romance) - I had this book and it worked well with the monthly challenge (written in a foreign country). It was short, but good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited September 2021
    FAR FROM HERE by Nicole Baart - well, I'm almost 2 hours into it and it is okay. At this point, I don't even know how to categorize it...drama, I guess. On Amazon, it says romance and mystery/suspense as well as just plain Christian fiction. The husband goes missing in Alaska.

    Sugar Creek Amish Mysteries:
    BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE by Nancy Mehl (Amish mystery)
    WHERE HOPE DWELLS by Elizabeth Ludwig (Amish cozy)
    THE BUGGY BEFORE THE HORSE by Tricia Goyer (Amish cozy) These were pretty good. I checked the first two out before the end of August to assure I got all of my loans in from hoopla. I checked out the third when I finished the second one. There is one more on hoopla, but it is book #25 and that doesn't interest me very much. If more of them come up, I will read them but I'm not going all the way to the last book (compilation of shorter stories). This is a Guideposts series.

    CRY IN THE WILDERNESS by Rebecca Hartt (suspense) - Very good!
    LAST TASTE OF FREEDOM by Lisa Phiilips (suspense) KU - Whew, intense, but good!
    DANGEROUS TIDINGS by Dana Mentink (LI Suspense)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I was waiting for Mom to get her shot so finished reading a very short story, a Rapunzel re-tell but set in the time of Belteshazzar. It even had the tower of Babel in it! A young girl was born when it should have been the seventh son so they said she was cursed. The king wants her fed to the dragon so her curse will fall on it. The kindly youngest prince sees her goodness and he and a prophet of the Lord figure out a way that will kill the dragon but keep the princess alive. Short and sweet. HERE WE GO AGAIN by Kendra Ardnek.