What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I am reading MY UNREASONABLE BOSS by Evangeline Kelly (rom) KU. She doesn't write many book anymore, but I always enjoy when one is released. This is just a workplace romance, but good.

    I am listening to THE BRITISH BOOKSELLERS by Kristy Cambron (hist./dual timeline). This is a bit heavier and takes more concentration. I've been working on so much business stuff that light and easy works better right now.

    Cindy - I have enjoyed the Misty Beller books that I have read, but haven't read a one in a long time.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited April 24
    I finished book 4 in the Misty M. Beller series, BROTHERS OF SAPPHIRE RANCH - EARNING THE MOUNTAIN MAN'S TRUST. I have to wait until November for the next one to be published. (Book 5 of 6)

    I just bought KNITTING - Book 4 in the Robin Merrill NEW BEGINNINGS series I was reading a while back.
    .49 after credits
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I finished THE OUTCAST OF CHIVASSO: A Novella of the Waldensians (Witnesses of the Light) by D. J. Speckhals. Although a novella, it had a strong Christian message. Each chapter begins with a verse. It takes place in the 1400's when the Catholic Church was persecuting anyone who wasn't a Catholic. The Christians in this story are called Waldensians or Vallenese. A traveling preacher from the Waldensians finds a little orphan girl in a barn, nearly starved. The woman who is supposed to be watching over her does nothing for her. He wants to help her, but the city she is from absolutely hates and kills those they call heretics. The Lord leads him to the one man who can help him. It's very good.

    Listened to a book on David Livingstone, from his journals. Oh my!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I have been catching up on Jessie Gussman's books. She releases one every 3 weeks and I was 2 behind.
    A COWBOY’S GENTLE TOUCH by Jessie Gussman (rom) YouTube

    A COWBOY'S CALM STRENGTH by Jessie Gussman (rom) YouTube
    A NOBLE SCHEME by Roseanna M White
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I finished the biography on Corrie TenBoom, so good!
    NO TURNING BACK about Herbert Grings in Africa, also very good.
    MARY SLESSOR OF CALABAR by W P Livingstone. I've been reading several about her, just love her story.
    A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi... by David Livingstone. This one is a little bit harder to wade through so I am reading a bit then going on to something else.

    I am reading two fiction stories, just a few minutes each. WINGS OF WAR by Tara Grayce, a continuation of another series by her that I've read twice! And ABANDONED SHORES which is the third book in this series. It has a pretty good Christian message, although the main character, a new Christian under horrible conditions, is having trouble being surrendered to God. This is a dystopian type story.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited May 1
    I'm reading AN ANCHOR ON HER HEART by Patricia Lee. I'm having a hard time getting into it, so haven't read very far
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I had to change to my phone. My tablet kept blanking out on me...hmm

    I just started LETHAL LEGACY by Carol J Post (LIS).

    Finished: A NOBLE SCHEME by Roseanna M White (hist). It was good, but I liked the first in the series better.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    edited May 1
    I think I read A Noble Scheme and really liked it. I also read the next book in line.

    Almost done with my MARY SLESSOR in Calabar biography. This one has a lot more information than the others and doesn't hold back on the darker side of what she faced daily working with the cannibals in Africa.
    Still working on the other books mentioned earlier. I was able to download from Hoopla again (used up last months) so have downloaded two more biographies - Louis Zampirini and Florence Young.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    This Mary Slessor books just keeps going on and on. I am very close to the end this time! LOL!
    I did finish ABANDONED SHORE, a companion novel to another series I was reading. It threw me at first because it didn't have any of the characters from the first books in it! Despite that, it was very good. It isn't until the end that the main character finally surrenders to the Lord and finds her courage!

    Still working on another fantasy. I love the series this is spawned from, but this one isn't as good to me and it's taking me awhile to get into it. I don't want to read fiction for very long in the evening, I want the non-fiction to be what takes up most of my reading time and helps me to go deeper with the Lord.

    I'll start the two bios from Hoopla this evening!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited May 3
    I finished AN ANCHOR ON HER HEART (Mended Hearts 1) by Patricia Lee. It got better as it went on, so I decided to give book 2, LOVE CALLS HER HOME, a try. Just downloaded that from KU
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I'm quite a ways through the Louis Zamparini story. There is just one hint that this will eventually have a Christian bent and that is when he tells God that he will follow Him if He gets him out of his horrible situation (being in a lifeboat, lost at sea, for 31 days). He is now in a Japanese prison camp, since they are the ones that "saved" them. It is an exciting story. He was part of the track team that went to the Berlin Olympics!

    I started another missionary bio last night - FLORENCE YOUNG. I'm just at the beginning of her life story and she has moved a number of times from England to New Zealand to Australia and back to New Zealand! I believe that her mission field will be the Solomon Islands!

    I'm also reading a fantasy.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    Currently I am reading ROOM FOR LOVE by Marguerite Martin Gray (Suamalie Islands #6) . This is part of the series set in the fictional Suamalie Islands in the South Pacific. I have read the first 5, so downloaded several more. They are light and easy.

    I will be starting NIGHT FALLS ON PREDICAMENT AVENUE by Jaime Jo Wright in audiobook. It will be very spooky and anything but light. I love her books, but probably won't read right before bed. I love how they are so spooky, but always resolve in a non-spooky way.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I've read just one by her, Connie, and you are so right, they are spooky. I have a couple others by her but haven't found the courage to read them! LOL!

    One of the fantasies that I am reading, the spin-off of the series I absolutely loved, isn't nearly as good. There was one very juvenile scene when the guys were getting shots during their preparations for being in the aeroforce - way TMI! I get a chapter or two read and am bored so go on to something else. So disappointing.

    The other fantasy I started is probably a no-go as well. Much of it is about the power of this goddess. It's by an author I thought was Christian and offered by a publisher that publishes Christian fantasy, but so far there's been nothing Christian about it, and it doesn't appear to be heading in that direction.

    I started WILLIAM BOOTH through Libby last night, very good! Also still working on FLORENCE YOUNG. Will get back to Louis Zamparini as well, but not enjoying that one as much as the other two.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I am almost done with the WILLIAM BOOTH biography. Some things I can't say I agree with - when he did a wedding they would vow to be faithful to the Salvation Army as well as to the Lord - hmmm? What if God called them to something different? I'm still working on FLORENCE YOUNG and quite enjoying it. Haven't gone back to Louis Zamparini yet.

    Read bits and pieces from three or four fantasies last night as well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I loved the Jaime Jo Wright book. I did choose light reading for before bed, though.
    Currently I am reading THE ROADS WE FOLLOW by Nicole Deese (rom). It is about a famous singer and her family, and the journal of another lady that was in her original group. It has some romance (daughter), but I think I would call it women's fiction. It is very good.

    I am listening to a book by a debut author. I'm not far into it, but it is very good as well. SECONDARY TARGET by Angela Carlisle (susp)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I finished the William Booth biography. I didn't like how the Army was everything. When his son took control he moved every one of his siblings to a new place. Several weren't happy about this and resigned from the Army - and lost their relationship with their father! If you weren't dedicated to the Salvation Army he had no room for you in his life!

    Reading still about Florence Young in the Solomon Islands, another very dangerous place for a missionary to be in the 1800's!

    I finished WINGS OF WAR the fantasy spin-off I was reading. It ended better than it began.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I am reading a set of Amish novellas. They came up in libby a few times and I kept delaying. I finally thought that I had better just check it out and read it. I am on the last novella. They are okay, but nothing special.
    Amish Love Letters - libby
    LOVE LETTER COURTSHIP by Shelley Shepard Gray (Amish)
    S.W.A.K. by Charlotte Hubbard (Amish)
    WRONG VALENTINE'S by Rosalind Lauer (Amish)

    I just finished
    SET IN STONE by Kimberley Woodhouse (hist) - this is the second book in her series about the bone wars and women paleontologists. It was very good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I finished the FLORENCE YOUNG biography. Probably a 4 out of 5. She was in the Solomon Island and lost quite a few loved ones to the violence of the tribes in that area!

    I finished the Louis Zamparini story. He did give his heart to Jesus in the Japanese prison camp. Oh my, what a horrific place to be!

    I am reading an Amish Suspense series by Ashley Emma, book two, AMISH UNDER FIRE. I have most of the books in this series, but they are also on KU.

    I've started a couple of fantasy but haven't gone back to them.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,703 Member
    I started THE GARDEN GIRLS by Jessica R Patch. This is one of the longer Love Inspired books. It started out scary and creepy! I have heard it is really good, but maybe not at bedtime!

    I am also reading a secular book that is supposed to be clean. It is for a kindle challenge that I didn't do because it had to be from a certain list. It is cute so far..a Cinderella retelling with "fairy dust". We will see. If it gets objectionable, I will page through it and read the ending. A MIDNIGHT KISS ON EVER AFTER STREET by Jaimie Admans.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I'm almost finished with the FLORENCE YOUNG biography. I did finish the Louis Zamparini one, it was just alright! The Florence Young one is interesting. A lot like the other China Inland Missionaries I've read. Many of them had to flee during the Boxer Rebellion and then when WWII happened they had to leave because of the brutality of the Japanese as they flooded into China. Several had adopted children. She and two other women worked together and together they mothered this little orphan girl whom they adopted.

    Not sure who I will go to next, but I sure am enjoying these stories.