


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - I hope that the little time of peace and beauty made those long days more bearable. Sounds like a nice resort. We had a Brandon and Bill just! I was a little worried, but it was just what I needed, and he did too.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited April 2022
    Glad you enjoyed your time in Branson. From your previous mentions of time spent there, it definitely sounds like a place I'd like to check out.

    I'm home now; getting ready to start a 3- day job here. I was supposed to have the next 5 days off, but ended up booking this job for a commencement address while I was in California. What can I say? I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - at least you will be local for the last-minute job. I'm glad to see that you are home.

    Branson is a beautiful place full of music. We were not as active as we used to be, but still had fun. We love Silver Dollar City, and the wholesome atmosphere there (as well as Christian influences throughout). This time we were going to just go into the park to the first level and thought that Bill could handle that fairly well. On the way into the park, I asked him again if he wanted to rent a electric scooter and he decided that it might be for the best. That way we were able to get through the entrie park much easier and with less stress for both of us.

    Our favorite day to go to Silver Dollar City is Sunday because we always enjoy going to church there. When we checked the weather, we decided to go on Saturday instead. We went to an "Old Time Gospel" show on Sunday morning, instead. We then went on a nice long drive by the dam and Table Rock Lake, then through the country to see the dogwood and redbud trees. The one thing that we didn't do was go to another show. We wanted to, but nothing that we wanted to see was available for Sunday through the discounted ticket outlet we use. I think that some of the main shows we enjoy take the day off on Sunday since so many people go home that day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I'm so glad you are in a safe place.

    Have been quite busy this week! Phew! Went to the doctor this morning, 6 month visit. I'm going to go ahead and try the Emgality for my headaches and see if it's as good as the Aimovig. I had a coupon for the Aimovig and only paid $5.00 a month, but the Emgality is quite a bit more. I noticed that I had quite a bit of money in our HSA, so I will use that to get the Emgality. All the other meds she had to offer I had either tried and they didn't work, I'm on now and they don't work for my headaches, or it wouldn't work with my sinus arrhythmia. I really do need something though because I've had two migraines and two or three sinus headaches this week - they wear me out! Usually the Tylenol and caffeine works, but I need to take the migraine med with those to kick out the migraine and it makes me sleepy. Both my parents were prone to headaches, so having so many isn't a surprise!

    We have a beautiful day today, although it's a bit chilly for me, in the mid 60's. Because of the headache I probably won't go outside to walk today but do some laps around the house.

    I hope y'all have an awesome day. God bless, love ya
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - hope you find something that works for the headaches. I have really been blessed to not be plagued with them.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I'm going to give the Emgality a try since there isn't anything else (cheaper) that I haven't already tried. I haven't been using my HSA card so I am going to just pay for this with what is in there. I think I can do three months and then skip a month since that worked with the Aimovig.

    Beautiful day, so will take a walk in just a few minutes when I finish here. I'll try to keep on walking inside as well.

    I got a Vitamix 5300 at Sam's Club, a $70 savings from them and had a smoothie made in it this morning for breakfast - so much better than the smoothies I've made in my blender. No hunks of frozen stuff left behind, just smooth and airy! Yum! So grateful we found the deal. Here's the link for it:

    Hope y'all have a wonderful day.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Well, since I won't do smoothies, and don't eat fruit, the vitamix would be a total waste of money 😀 I'm glad you are getting something that will work for you, though.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I want to try and do a black bean hummus in it. My other blender would not have been able to handle that load. I'd also like to try and do some grains in it as well and make oat flour and rice flour and see if they work better than the coconut flour. I know oats soak up a lot of liquid, but maybe the rice flour would work well. I know it works good for when you fry or saute something, it makes the coating crisper! Yum.

    The garden is in and looking good. We got the plants a week ago and Wade has been working on raised beds or putting things in our containers. We got a bunch of blueberry bushes, a blackberry and some veggies. So far everything but the zucchini looks good. It perked up after being watered a little bit but this morning they are kind of just hanging around (literally).

    Hope y'all have an awesome day.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I would love to have home grown veggies if I didn't have to take care of them! I have done some gardening and a lot of canning and freezing, but it was an awfully lot of work and it is much easier to buy.... I had a garden for a few years, but my Dad and in-laws always had huge gardens so I was always putting up veggies. My FIL was taking me through his garden and asking me what all of the plants were. I named all of them correctly except one (really shocked him that I actually knew gardening). The one that I didn't know made him laugh -PEANUTS. It was their garden on their river property and it was the first and only time he every planted them. He thought the soil might be good for it since it had a lot of silt. It didn't work out like he thought.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2022
    All I'm comfortable growing is my one raised bed of strawberries. I don't have the time or patience for weeding and don't really have a good space that gets enough full sunlight
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    It has been a lot of work and Wade still has to prepare another bed for the okra which I didn't realize grows rather large, and the zucchini. I'd bought extra because the first ones didn't look like they were going to make it, but they are now, so we will have a lot of zucchini! We are just looking at these days and the food shortages that have already happened, and knowing Wade is going to retire soon - it just seemed smart to provide for ourselves in this small way. We have a friend who is raising chickens and she gives us eggs every week. She also wants to raise chickens that can be used for the cook pot! We have a small stash of veggies and canned meats just in case as well. I don't trust the "big guy" in Washington to take care of us, especially if we don't believe like he does.

    Haven't been walking much, just a few laps around the house every couple of hours. My right leg hasn't been acting right and even when I walk it doesn't work itself out. My NP wasn't much help, just suggested that I have therapy, which I really can't do very easily living where I live - and I wouldn't want to live any closer to a town than we already do, this world is going nuts with lawlessness!

    Well, that was cheery! LOL! I am having a good day, got some chores done and my work on the computer, so a bit productive at least.

    Have a blessed day, y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - If you are doing the gardening to supplement the grocery store, that is amazing and they will taste so much better. I think that you will be surprised at the cost and work if you decide to can the produce (which is the best way to do it). The jars and flats get expensive, it is really hard on your good stove, and my parents always used a camp stove on the back porch for canning. Grazing off the garden and freezing the extras are my preferred way, but again, frozen food doesn't stay as good as the canned does.

    I have a friend that pastors a church that is on 26 acres and the church has a large garden. The people in the church work in the garden and are allowed to take home the produce. The real reason for the garden is community outreach. On Saturdays, they go out into the community with the produce. They introduce themselves as from the church and let them know that they have extra tomatoes, or zucchini,
    or peppers and leave them with a flyer from the church and a bag of produce. It has been a real ice-breaker!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Whew- summer seems to have arrived. It is HOT! I hate to turn on the air, but probably will have to this afternoon. It got really hot in the house yesterday, but we made it through. Now, I have the house all opened up and fans going. I am keeping an eye on the temps and when the outside temps get to the same degree as the house, I will close the house and see how long it is comfortable.

    Yesterday I worked on the decks most of the afternoon. I had one chair, a small table and a planter that had to be painted, then I swept, moved some worn out stuff to the side yard to await trash removal, washed down the table (whoever decided on a glass topped table for the patio?) and put on the new cushions. I need to give the one chair another coat of paint before moving it back to the deck. It is looking a lot better, but the yard still needs a lot of work and we need to repair the railing on the deck. My BIL went and picked up the wood for it yesterday. My next deck project is the one off of the bedroom. I got rid of an old glider yesterday, but need to paint the table and chairs on it and get rid of some stuff that is trying to grow underneath it. Never ending. Today, I have muscles that I forgot about! And my hands are so sore that I am not playing the piano - that is unusual!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, Connie, I feel for you with the pain in your hands. Have you tried compression gloves? I don't like the kind that come up over the second knuckle, but the shorter ones work great! Here's what I got:

    We've been chilly for the past three days, and the wind has been really strong. It sounds like it's quieted down a bit though, so maybe it will be able to warm up soon.

    Was able to get some banking stuff done yesterday to close out some of Mom's things. Each thing down feels really good. We have some paperwork to get out to all the beneficiaries on a couple other investments and then we should be almost done! Sigh, she really planned to provide for her boys, that's not the sigh, that is a Praise the Lord, the sigh is for all the work and thinking and figuring out that we are having to do to get it all done. Phew!

    Connie, I think that as small as our garden is right now we will be eating most of what we harvest this year. We want to see how it goes and if we are even able to do a larger garden - and to see what we really want to eat. Some of the things we planted are really too late in the season, like romaine lettuce and spinach. The spinach hasn't grown at all, although the romaine has had some growth. Figuring out how much water stuff needs is also part of our learning curve. So far the blueberries are looking really good, and the tomato and blackberry plant are doing really well as well - oh, and the okra is hanging in there pretty good too. Okra is something that Trim Healthy Mama uses in a lot of their recipes and helps with weight loss. I put it in my smoothies. It actually is pretty tasteless when you add it to stuff, but it does leave a slightly slimy or slick feel to the food and drink you put it in. I guess it makes the smoothie smoother! Sounds better than slimy! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm working out of town this week. Sunday and Monday were pretty normal days. Yesterday I worked 7am-8pm and tonight will probably go longer. Thursday I think I'm done at 6, so that won't be a bad day. I fly home Friday and have Saturday off. I'll put out my hummingbird feeders out on Saturday - I hope I didn't miss them; this is a little late for me (and for them!)
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Well, I thought I had today off, but woke up to two messages asking, "Where are you?" Some miscommunication there, but I went in to work about 90 minutes later. My lovely husband picked up pizza for dinner (I was so hungry. ) I got some invoicing done and my hummingbird feeders put out this evening when I got home, so I accomplished a little bit today. I ended the day at just over 8,000 steps.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, Cindy, that is a lot of steps. I feel like I've had a really good day when I get around 3,000 or more steps a day!

    I am getting back on the rowing machine this afternoon. Allergies have really knocked me down the last few days. I'm going to try for four minutes again today. My doctor suggested starting at 2 and slowly working my way up to more so my knees won't hurt. When they do start hurting I try to move them into a different position to see if that helps and often it does so I can go a little bit longer. The rowing works my arms and my legs, but if I don't sit up perfectly straight it hurts my back! Sigh - I'm falling apart!

    Voted today, the second time in my life! We are from a small community so there was just us when we got there and then another lady came in while we were there. I'm sure as the day goes on it will get busier. Sure hope these folks can do something to either stop the gushing blood the dems have produced in this country or slow it down enough so that if a Republican wins the election in 24 he can maybe do something to bring it back! It won't come back fully, in these last days America isn't even mentioned in the Bible, so we aren't very strong to affect anything going on before Jesus returns. It doesn't matter what happens in this country, we have to remain faithful to God!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Only got about 5 minutes on the rower yesterday. I was struggling to get that much, just had trouble catching my breath. I slowed down, but that didn't seem to help - allergy induced asthma is what I was diagnosed with by my allergy doc several years ago, so I just go with that. I haven't seen an allergy doctor for probably 8 years now though, so who knows.

    Not much else going on. Going to go check the garden and see if it needs some water! God bless.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Today is day 6 of a 6-day job downtown. I need to get out tomorrow and clear out my strawberry bed. The plants look tall and there are many, many blossoms. This is the 2nd year of these plants and I'm hoping for a bumper crop of strawberries this year.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Totally exhausted after company for 4 days. Bill's sister and her hubby (legally blind and beginning Alzheimer's) were here. It was a bit stressful, but I really enjoyed the visit. She has more hard to handle issues than I do, so it makes me realize how blessed that I am. I have the house back together, so have crashed for the evening.