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  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thanks, Carole. Bill took me out to lunch - which was great progress for him, and a treat for me. I also ate lots of cookies. That was my birthday gift to myself. A day that I could eat as many cookies as I wanted. I got a cash from my Mom, Bill and my BIL, so I need to find something I really want.

    Tomorrow is the oral surgery, so may not be on much. I'm sure it won't be bad, but I dread it because Bill just isn't up to preparing meals, washing dishes, etc. I will be so glad when our new dishwasher gets here!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Unlimited cookies...what a great birthday present to yourself, Connie! Everyone in my family decided several years ago that money or Amazon gift certificates was the most desirable of gifts. Makes shopping lots easier and everyone could get exactly what they wanted.

    Yesterday was busy - cooked a meal for a family in our church and worked on family business relating to Dwight's family farm in north Georgia. There's nowhere I have to be today, so I am taking it easy.

    Connie, I hope your oral surgery went well and that you are resting comfortably by now. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    The surgery really wasn't bad, but the pain afterward really surprised me. I have had teeth pulled before, but I guess all of the other work involved really made my jaw mad! They have me on prescription Ibuprofen and it didn't phase it. Today the pain isn't intense, but there is definitely swelling.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I always hate having stuff done to my teeth. It's usually the numbing shots that cause me the most pain - they give you about 10 of them in different places and they hurt worse (for me) than the gaping hole they leave after taking out the tooth! LOL!

    Rainy here today. Woke up with one of those weather front headaches, but not very strong - praise the Lord! I didn't have to take the migraine meds so am not super fatigued. Woohoo!

    Carole, that wood piece sounds pretty. Can you take a picture of it for us and post it here. I'd love to see it! What are you going to put on it? Boy, am I nosy!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Connie, I hope you're feeling much better two days later. Kim, I'm with you on the after effects of those pain shots.

    We had a gentle rain all day Friday and now it's beautifully sunny. Some, but not all, leaves are beginning to turn. We have two big sugar maples in our front yard on either side of a short walk leading to the street. One is still green and the other is shedding leaves quickly. So you can see grass on one side of the walk and the other has a deep carpet of leaves. I'm hoping the lawn mower will shred them.

    Kim, I had thought about sharing a picture of the furniture and will do so soon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am much better, but am thankful for mask mandates for church- it hid the bruising and swelling! No one could see my "hound-dog" jowls (at least on one side).

    We really haven't seen a lot of falling leaves or color, yet. It is time that it will start.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm just glad when the numbing wears off and I can move my mouth again. I always bite my cheeks or inside my lips when they numb me! Glad you are doing better, Connie!

    Oh, I love seeing the changing leaves in Fall. We have some of that here now, although the trees in our yard are pretty much evergreen. We have a huge magnolia and several pine trees. The magnolia leaves drop in the Spring, and I can't remember when the cones drop - we don't like the cones. Mom used to go out and rake those, but she won't be able to do that any more. We have had a lot of rain the last three days so no walking outside for me. I may try to do some in the house, but am feeling tired, so I may not risk it.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,455 Member
    Heading to Orlando today for work. I packed workout clothes and my bathing suit - going to get in some exercise. Hopefully I didn't just guarantee I'll have no time off!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Orlando sounds wonderful right now! Hope that you can enjoy a bit of time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    OOO, going to Florida just as the weather is starting to get cooler! Hope you have some free time to enjoy it! Be careful!

    Went to a birthday party on Saturday and then we had our first service in the new building on Sunday. Was a very nice weekend of fellowship with the body!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Bill hurt his back and just sat around all day on Saturday. Every time he got up he complained about how bad it hurt. I gave him as much tylenol as I could and a Naproxin, although I hate for him to take them. He didn't feel like going to church yesterday morning and I didn't want to go off and leave him. I was kind of worried about a UTI, but he got to feeling much better by the afternoon.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I sometimes wonder if my lower back pain is all from my SI joints or from my kidneys at times - but I'm pretty sure it's from my SI joints. I am hoping that tomorrow when I see the doctor for my feet she will do a complete blood work so I know where I stand with my cholesterol and my kidneys. It's been more than a year since I've had that done and I used to have it done every six months.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    That reminds me of before I had my lower back surgery, Kim. My back was in such bad shape that I didn't even realize that I had a UTI until they did the pre-surgery bloodwork. I had to go on heavy antibiotics before the surgery, and it still wasn't gone when they actually did the surgery. The doctor said that as many post surgery antibiotics as they were pumping into me, that they weren't worried at that point.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    Oh man, that's terrible. Mine, lately, is mostly from standing too long without moving around so I'm pretty sure that it's not my kidneys. There were times when they would just ache in that same area and I had no idea why. I am trying to give my kidneys help by drinking cranberry juice every day as well as taking the cranberry supplement. It sure has helped in keeping me asleep all night long, no more 2:30 journeys to the bathroom. My swelling is pretty much gone so there wasn't really anything for her to check there, but she said that the walking that I have been doing probably helped a lot in bringing that down. She did the bloodwork to check my kidneys but because I forgot to fast she'll do the cholesterol in December when we bring Mom in. Her scale shows two pounds lower than my scale does. I wasn't sure from the last time I was there so I've just been taking two pounds off of what my scale says and sure enough, it really is two pounds, so I'll just keep doing like I've been doing. Yippee.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Oh - cranberry supplements! I hadn't thought about those. Bill isn't crazy about too much cranberry except cran-apple (no sugar). It really doesn't have that much cranberry in it. Cranberry is so good for the kidneys. Actually any berry is good for the kidneys and can delay CKD. I have been feeding him strawberries fairly often, but that isn't a daily thing. I will check amazon for the cranberry.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I use the Azo cranberry supplement, Connie. I take one in the morning and one in the evening. Wade got me some cranberry grape when he went out this morning. The cranberry alone builds up acid in my tummy so this should be milder and both the cranberry and grape are helpful. A friend told me yesterday that a friend of hers asked her doctor about it and he said that if she can't tolerate the cranberry grape would do just as good! Go figure!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    I stayed up late last night and watched the Virginia election results. It remains to be seen if this has any effect on the national situation, but I'm thrilled for Virginia and feel hopeful for the first time since last year's election. It could be a big first step toward changing the nation's direction. I like Youngkin, of course, but I also like the lieutenant governor - a conservative black woman, a Christian, and Marine veteran who is proud of America.

    Dwight had his first appointment with a urologist here and it went well. The doctor has a great sense of humor and I really liked him. He said Dwight seems to be doing fine, so his primary care doctor can continue to prescribe his meds and Dwight only needs to come back when he has a problem. That's great, because the trip greatly tired him out.

    The leaves are beautiful here and temperatures are cooler, so I'm loving it.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hoping that all goes well with the continued care for Dwight. It is so difficult to change doctors.

    Bill just found out this week that his doctor is leaving the practice. He was the managing physician in the practice, and I am sure he is going on to bigger and better things since he is a young doctor. He has been so good with Bill that I just pray that his next doctor will be as compassionate. We chose a doctor that he went to last year after his time in the hospital and ICU because of the huge blood clot and blockage in his groin. Bill couldn't get into his Primary Care, so saw this Doctor that had just moved to the practice. We liked him then, so hopefully he will be good with Bill. If not, there are other doctors, and his cardiologist will help us find a new one.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Connie, we took a big step up in doctors when we moved here. Dwight really likes his Primary Care doctor, and specialist referrals are made through his office. Everything is then tracked through one portal. Back in Atlanta, Dwight was on his own to find specialists and none of them coordinated with the other.

    It's rough when a doctor you like leaves a practice, but I'm encouraged that you both liked the other doctor last year. Let us know how that turns out.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Just wanted to share what I've been consumed with for the past couple of weeks. My church enjoys doing fundraisers to help lower its building fund debt and I've been impressed at how creative they can be. The building is on the campus of Milligan University, a Christian liberal arts college, and we hold a quilt show every October in conjunction with Milligan's homecoming. People bring quilts of all types and age for this display, many of which are family heirlooms, and we had over 150 quilts this year. This picture shows how they are spread out over the pews, and it's quite impressive. I'm new at all this, but enjoy helping very much.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Here's a picture of the outside, where we draped a few quilts over the railing.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Carole - I have seen pictures of this church with the quilts on facebook a couple of years ago. It is such a beautiful church, and with all of those beautiful quilts, oh my! I love quilts, but am not patient enough to fool with them. My mother does embroidered quilt blocks and sets them together, but takes them to actually have them quilted. They are beautiful, though. She even made special ones that we had in our camper.

    I used to love to sew, and was good at it, but haven't done more than mending or a small pillow in years. Now, I am wanting to do a quilt, but I am sure it won't happen.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I tried quilting by hand once, I barely got a baby doll blanket done! I'm afraid of sewing machines, so that was a hobby that quickly went out the window! I love the falling block quilts. Mom had a SIL who made one and I loved it. I made a crocheted one for someone years ago. Thank you for the pictures - they give me a very peaceful and happy feeling!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member

    I had the best time with a small group of ladies from my church yesterday! We went to an area about an hour away, halfway between here and Ashville. Many of the leaves were past their peak, but the mountain vistas were incredible. We talked, ate lunch at a coffee shop, toured an art gallery, then walked to this beautiful waterfall. It was a little over half a mile from where we parked and not too steep. The lady on the bottom left wearing a black hat is one of my favorite people. She's 79 and very active. Lives on Roan Mountain in an area with no Internet, cable or phone service; has a one-mile walk to her mailbox. Does organic gardening and raises goats. Just a fun lady!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member

    Wow! What a beautiful waterfall. Sounds like a wonderful day. I hope that I am that active when I am 79, but I still want my internet and cell-phone.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    I opened this discussion and there was your picture - breathtaking. Where do you live in TN? We lived near Crab Orchard which is between Knoxville and Crossville on the plateau. I hadn't heard of Roan Mountain, but we were pretty much in the same position when we lived (what we called the mountain) on the mountain - no electricity, no running water, no mail service - and it wasn't long before we figured out how to function without those things or have those things in a different way. We had to go to town for our mail though. It was an awesome time of growth.

    Downpours of rain last night and then lots of warmth here today!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,455 Member
    That is a beautiful picture. It's dreary here today - Rain this afternoon, with a high of 42.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    This has been kind of a hard day, today. It isn't surprising, but difficult nonetheless. Bill had an appointment with his neurologist and she officially diagnosed Alzheimer's. She did prescribe a medication to hopefully delay further symptoms. Bill will be 84 on Wednesday and his mother died at 85 with Alzheimer's, but she had it for several years.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,985 Member
    Oh, Connie, I'm so sorry! I hope that if you choose the medication route it will slow the progression. Y'all are in my prayers. Remember, this isn't a surprise to the Lord and you are in His hand!

    My knee is still painful and a bit swollen. I looked it up on WebMD this morning and there is something called Chondromalacia Patella which comes from having had an injury to the cartilage beneath the patella - which I had when I fell and landed on my knees in a parking lot. All of the things they described are things that I struggle with (kneeling, grinding, sitting and standing from a sitting position and getting up stairs). I'm not sure why it is so severe right now, but because there is arthritis in there I am thinking it is a flair up, maybe from my walking on somewhat uneven ground. I may have to do my walking inside where it's perfectly flat. I'll wait until the pain and swelling subside though. Otherwise we are doing well. Wade is having a prostate biopsy today and we would appreciate your prayers for that. His brother had prostate cancer so they are being extra careful with Wade. Thank you!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,071 Member
    Praying for Wade. Bill went through prostate cancer several years ago. He had radiation seed implants, but I don't know if they offer that anymore. It worked great and has had no problems since. Hopefully there is no problem for Wade, His doctor wanted to do 40 days of radiation, but we read about it and about the seeds and decided that there was less chance for problems with the seeds, and it was done at one treatment. We knew several people who had it and changed doctors to find one that did the process.

    Bill started on the new meds yesterday. There are some side effects that I am praying he does not have. The doctor talked about them at our last visit, but she really didn't want to start Bill on them until she saw him again in 6 months to see if the cognitive issues continued to worsen without them.