


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Cindy - it is really good to see you back again. We had totally said no to the vaccine, but have just ran sacred after so many of our friends have passed away from covid. We also have had friends that have gotten Covid after the vaccination and had very mild symptoms (even those with highly compromised health). With Bill's compromised health, the vaccine is seeming like the lesser of two evils. Nothing is set in stone at this point, but leaning that direction.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Cindy, you've been greatly missed! Glad to see you here again. Thanks for sharing that link. This is the first I've heard about the possible side effects he talks about. The media never shares opposing thoughts. It's certainly hard to know what's best because the government twists everything around to fit their narrative and what they want to accomplish. It's all so political and about power and profits. Dwight and I got our vaccines back in January, trusting that would be best because of our age and all of Dwight's medical problems.

    Connie, has your doctor made a recommendation one way or the other, especially for Bill? I would rather hear more thoughts from actual doctors than the government or medical groups that are politically biased.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    It's so frustrating that you can't get the information that you need to make informed decisions. What I've read is that the vaccination isn't as good as the natural immunity and there is a B cell with having had Covid that isn't in the vaccine and it lies dormant until a Covid virus tries to attack your body, then it comes alive and forms the antibodies that you need. I heard on the news today that Fauci was asked about natural immunity and he brushed it off saying he didn't know about that! And this is the guy they are looking to for medical advice??? I sure hope that it will help with the variants because that's why I got it, to boost my antibodies to keep me safer from it. I know I can get Covid but that with the vaccination I shouldn't die from it. The variants are so potent and people are dying so quickly once they get it, I felt like we should get more protection. I'll be rather sad to find out we did this and aren't even protected.

    So glad to see you again, Cindy. We've missed you!

    Got my first shot today! LOL! Feeling tired again today so hard to tell if the vaccine is affecting me!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Bill's doctor just has rolled his eyes at Bill when he told him that he wasn't getting it. He recommends it, but knows Bill. I think he will get it when he is more mobile.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    Okay, what the Israeli study shows is that those with natural immunity, after about a year, start to lose the strength of the antibodies. The shot gives them a boost to protect against the new variants. Those who've had Covid and the shot have a better chance of not getting or being safe from the more dangerous side effects of the new variants. Because we are 16 months out from having had Covid, we went ahead so that we will be better protected. We really didn't want to get the shot, but the variants are so much stronger than the original that we felt like it would be wise to be protected. I don't trust the government, they aren't forthcoming on information or are lying about what they do know, but doing my own research felt like this was a better choice than not trusting and then coming down with the newer versions. Enough people have gotten the vaccination that it appears to be safe, although we do not know the long term affects of it, the short term brings protection. That's why we went ahead and got it - that doesn't mean I am suggesting anyone else get it - you have to do what you believe the Lord is telling you to do - He knows you better than even your doctor! LOL!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I haven't used any of my Hoopla reads for September, so I had fun selecting four books before the month ends tonight. All were Christmas reads. Hopefully I'll have time to read them.

    Beth is taking me to a local apple festival in the morning. I'm excited for my first fall in the mountains and am looking forward to tomorrow's outing. From what I saw on the festival's website, they might have more crafts & food than apples, but we shall see. Trips with Beth are fun no matter what!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Oh, an apple festival sounds like fun. There is one fairly close to us, but I don't think that Bill could do the walking - and I don't need the apple cider donuts that I know I would buy! They are so addicting.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    We had a strawberry festival in my hometown of Kirtland, Ohio. Huge event in our little town. I was watching the news with the 15,000 illegal aliens under that bridge and when there were 5,000 left it dawned on me that that was the number of people in my town!

    I need to put pumpkin puree on my shopping list. Love having that in the fall!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    The apple festival was so much fun! I was right in that it was mainly crafts and food, but they did have one big apple tent. We only spent two hours there, but it was long enough to see almost everything. I bought a fall wall hanging for $15, which I thought was a good price. When we came to a local wood craft display, I fell in love with a handmade primitive wall unit with two shelves and two small drawers at the top. I've been looking for something like that for my living room in a walk-through area between the kitchen and den. Had bookmarked several pages online, but never loved anything enough to hit the buy button. When I saw this piece of furniture at the festival, I knew it was exactly what I wanted - and Beth surprised me by buying it for me. So it was an incredible morning!

    Connie, it was late last night when I got on here, so I'm a little late for your birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day and want to hear all about it. Best birthday wishes and God's blessings on you during the coming year. You are a special friend, Connie.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Thanks, Carole. Bill took me out to lunch - which was great progress for him, and a treat for me. I also ate lots of cookies. That was my birthday gift to myself. A day that I could eat as many cookies as I wanted. I got a cash from my Mom, Bill and my BIL, so I need to find something I really want.

    Tomorrow is the oral surgery, so may not be on much. I'm sure it won't be bad, but I dread it because Bill just isn't up to preparing meals, washing dishes, etc. I will be so glad when our new dishwasher gets here!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Unlimited cookies...what a great birthday present to yourself, Connie! Everyone in my family decided several years ago that money or Amazon gift certificates was the most desirable of gifts. Makes shopping lots easier and everyone could get exactly what they wanted.

    Yesterday was busy - cooked a meal for a family in our church and worked on family business relating to Dwight's family farm in north Georgia. There's nowhere I have to be today, so I am taking it easy.

    Connie, I hope your oral surgery went well and that you are resting comfortably by now. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    The surgery really wasn't bad, but the pain afterward really surprised me. I have had teeth pulled before, but I guess all of the other work involved really made my jaw mad! They have me on prescription Ibuprofen and it didn't phase it. Today the pain isn't intense, but there is definitely swelling.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I always hate having stuff done to my teeth. It's usually the numbing shots that cause me the most pain - they give you about 10 of them in different places and they hurt worse (for me) than the gaping hole they leave after taking out the tooth! LOL!

    Rainy here today. Woke up with one of those weather front headaches, but not very strong - praise the Lord! I didn't have to take the migraine meds so am not super fatigued. Woohoo!

    Carole, that wood piece sounds pretty. Can you take a picture of it for us and post it here. I'd love to see it! What are you going to put on it? Boy, am I nosy!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, I hope you're feeling much better two days later. Kim, I'm with you on the after effects of those pain shots.

    We had a gentle rain all day Friday and now it's beautifully sunny. Some, but not all, leaves are beginning to turn. We have two big sugar maples in our front yard on either side of a short walk leading to the street. One is still green and the other is shedding leaves quickly. So you can see grass on one side of the walk and the other has a deep carpet of leaves. I'm hoping the lawn mower will shred them.

    Kim, I had thought about sharing a picture of the furniture and will do so soon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    I am much better, but am thankful for mask mandates for church- it hid the bruising and swelling! No one could see my "hound-dog" jowls (at least on one side).

    We really haven't seen a lot of falling leaves or color, yet. It is time that it will start.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    I'm just glad when the numbing wears off and I can move my mouth again. I always bite my cheeks or inside my lips when they numb me! Glad you are doing better, Connie!

    Oh, I love seeing the changing leaves in Fall. We have some of that here now, although the trees in our yard are pretty much evergreen. We have a huge magnolia and several pine trees. The magnolia leaves drop in the Spring, and I can't remember when the cones drop - we don't like the cones. Mom used to go out and rake those, but she won't be able to do that any more. We have had a lot of rain the last three days so no walking outside for me. I may try to do some in the house, but am feeling tired, so I may not risk it.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Heading to Orlando today for work. I packed workout clothes and my bathing suit - going to get in some exercise. Hopefully I didn't just guarantee I'll have no time off!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Orlando sounds wonderful right now! Hope that you can enjoy a bit of time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,336 Member
    OOO, going to Florida just as the weather is starting to get cooler! Hope you have some free time to enjoy it! Be careful!

    Went to a birthday party on Saturday and then we had our first service in the new building on Sunday. Was a very nice weekend of fellowship with the body!