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The only medication they offered mom were anti-depressants. She said, "I'm not depressed!" So she didn't want to take it, and I wouldn't have let her. I went on some for a few months to help with my pain and after I was weaned off of them I had these brain zaps for several months afterwards - not fun. I still get them every now and again several years after being off of it. It won't slow the progression and would sedate her instead, and she definitely doesn't need that with her balance issues.
Beautiful day today, sunny but chilly. No walking yet. When I am able to walk again I will probably just walk the house.
Not much else going on with me. Have a great day.0 -
I am so totally exhausted today! Bill had an "accident" during the night and I got up to a total mess in the bed, in the bathroom, and everywhere. And he just expected me to clean it all up. I have washed the sheets 3 times trying to get the stains out of them. I can't use bleach due to the colors, so.... I was crying (VERY rare for me) and Bill couldn't understand the problem. He didn't see any of it. He can just sit and expect everything to get done for him, and it gets done, so why not? I am TIRED!
Sorry - I just had to vent. Now back to washing the mattress cover for the 3rd time. Thank goodness I have a good one and it didn't get to the mattress. I don't know when I will get the bed put back together. I don't know if this came from the dinner out yesterday, or if it is a side effect of the new medication. Hopefully just from eating out.0 -
Oh Connie. My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry to hear of Bill's diagnosis and the issues you might be having with the new medication. Know that you both are in my prayers.0
Thanks Cindy - Just keep him in your prayers when you think about it. So far, the accident hasn't happened again, so probably just a one time thing. I am back to being my normal self and I can get through this.0
You are in my prayers, Connie. So far we haven't had anything like that happen with Mom, and for that I am very thankful! We are talking about having home health care come in but aren't even sure there is such a thing in our area! When I tried to find home physical therapy there wasn't anything like that, so I hope that Morehead City is large enough to have home help. The only thing I don't like about that is that if they aren't happy with our home they could take her out of it, and we definitely don't want that to happen, but if she needs more care than we are giving her now, we are going to need help!
We took Mom to see an eye doc today. He lasered her lenses from when she had cataract surgery 20 years ago. The lenses can tend to get hazy over time and we are hoping that this will solve her seeing problems! She'll go to another eye doctor on the 2nd of Dec. to talk about having her lids lifted. Her previous eye doctor wanted her to do it and her new eye doctor mentioned getting it done as well. On one eye it covers about half of her eye. We are very concerned about the anesthesia they will use to do it (it will be like when you have an endoscopy or colonoscopy, that state where you can speak but have no idea what is going on.) I think she'll be alright with that, but she reacted so strongly when she had her hip replaced that any kind of anesthesia is concerning to us.
Well, it's time for me to get my dinner - a smoothie and veggie straws!0 -
Kim - I totally understand the worry over anesthesia. Bill needs a knee replacement and I don't want him to have to go through it, and the anesthesia. The Anesthesiologist at the hospital (when Bill had the toe amputated) told us that they used the type of anesthesia that they use on colonoscopies and that it did not impair cognitive skills like other ones. I didn't see any further impairment at the time, but his skills have really declined since the last 6 month visit with the neurologist. I think they were so gradual that I didn't even realize it. We are keeping your mom and you guys in our prayers that you know the best thing for her.0
(I miss the banner on the SP site...)
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! May you enjoy His blessings today and through the holidays.
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Hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We had a nice, peaceful dinner. We will be eating leftovers until we go out of town on Sunday....thank goodness for freezers!
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Important Prayer Request!
Just hopping on to ask for prayer. Kim's mom fell and broke her hip yesterday and is having surgery this morning. Prayer for quick healing, doctor's, nurses and all of her care givers, peace and strength for Kim and Wade.0 -
Mom broke her hip Saturday morning at 6 AM. We took her to the emergency room and she was in a room by 3:15. They did the surgery Sunday morning around 10 AM and this morning they had her sitting and standing up. She couldn't put any weight on that leg because of the pain, so no walking yet. She is ready for discharge and to go to a rehab center, but so far of the two we chose, they haven't let us know if they have a bed for her. We can't bring her home, we can't do for her everything she will need to have done until she rehabs, so right now we are in a holding pattern. The gals at the hospital are doing what they can to find a bed for her. We would like for it to be at the rehab center attached to the hospital. There she will get three hours of rehab a day, at a skilled nursing facility she would get 1 hour five days a week, which is what she had for her other hip and she never gained full strength and movement in that leg. We have been contemplating just keeping her in a wheel chair but will wait until after she rehabs to make that decision. I stayed with her the first night and Wade stayed with her the second night so I could get a good night's sleep. We found that with us there, every move we made woke her up and she was asking us to do something for her every few minutes. We will all get more rest if she is by herself - and the nursing staff at this hospital is awesome! It's weird not having her here - the house is sooo quiet! Thank you, Connie for putting up the post for prayer. We believe that we have a miracle in Mom surviving three falls that caused fractures or breaks - some people her age don't survive one, often because they are alone or they lie there too long without help - she lives with us so we know almost immediately that she's fallen and get her to the hospital.
My knee is feeling a little bit better although there are moments where it goes out or gives me a shot of pain. All of this happening has put it on the back burner. My other knee is aching because it's had to "carry the weight".
Other than that we are doing very well and trusting God through all of this!0 -
Mom is still doing really well. We were there this morning when therapy came in and she was able to take a couple of steps, very small ones. They put on the shoe to her shorter leg and that seemed to help. Her right leg is about two or three centimeters shorter than the left leg. She has a lift in that shoe but they didn't use it yesterday and that made moving very difficult. So glad we thought of it for today. The doctor from the rehab center attached to the hospital will have to evaluate Mom before they can accept her and he hasn't done that yet so we are still in a holding pattern there. Wade and I are both exhausted!0
Connie and Kim, you are both going through such difficult times now. I always lift you up in my prayers, but even more so now. Connie, Bill is going to say and do things from time to time that will hurt you, but remember that's not the real Bill. He is blessed to have you by his side. And Kim, I've been in a similar situation with both my grandmother and mom. I'm praying that your mom will get into the hospital's rehab, because length of therapy is so very important.
Praying for strength, wisdom, comfort, physical rest, and so much more for both of you.0 -
I couldn't say it any better than Carole did. My prayers are with you both.1
Cindy, are you close to where the school shooting took place?0
Oh yes... so tragic. It's maybe 30ish minutes from here. I got my haircut yesterday and my stylist was telling me that it happened at her niece's school. The girl who got shot in the neck was standing next to her niece and she was able to rush her out of the building and into her car. She took her to a walk-in clinic (she must've called ahead) where they had an ambulance waiting to take the girl to the hospital. She survived thankfully.0
I thought there were safeguards in place to keep guns out of schools, but maybe not. This is such a tragedy, and seems deliberate on the teen's part. I guess there's a lot more to come out about it. School shootings, Christmas parades - where will it all end?!0
We had a really good trip. I had some time with my mom, which we both needed. She is doing fairly well. We just sat around a visited, we didn't even leave the house, so it was a nice long visit.
The Christmas lights at Silver Dollar City were phenomenal! We had a 70 degree day there and couldn't have asked for better weather for a Christmas festival. We saw a musical and several shorter shows while in the park and they were all very good, but the lights!!!! I rented an electric cart for Bill and he did pretty good in the park. We were able to get through the whole park that way. We will definitely do that again! The Christmas tree is synced to music and more lights around the square. It is quite a show. The tree is 8 stories tall and has 340,000 lights on it.
Sample video of tree - entire tree "show" is about 10 minutes long, so this is not the entire thing.
And here is a clip of the lights and parade....still just a small sampling.
https://youtu.be/74QpXR0gZC80 -
Wow, that looks awesome, Connie. I loved that the tree had a Christian message - absolutely beautiful. So glad you were able to find a way for Bill to get through the whole park, that's awesome.
Mom is recovering well. She had a little bit of confusion yesterday but was doing better today. The room change is what confused her but I think we were able to help her understand and there weren't any questions today. We are working on getting the house ready for her, and ourselves as well.
We are enjoying unseasonable warmth here the past couple of days, woohoo!0 -
Kim - A part of the reason that we enjoy Silver Dollar City so much is that they are Christian owned, and the Christian message is fairly prevalent in the park, no matter what festival. They have a church service every Sunday (usually 3) plus hymn sings 3 or 4 times a day, gospel quartets for most days, a Southern Gospel festival, a Young Christians festival, and most groups on the park do some gospel music.0
I noticed the themes of a Christian Christmas on the tree. When the Nativity scene with the moving characters came up, that was quite moving! It's hard to find Christian anything nowadays.
I sent a note to my NP this morning about possibly seeing someone for my knee. I don't know when a doctor can see me, but if it's after the first of the year I may skip it - that's just too long. I'll rest it as much as possible and continue to lift it up before the Lord. He already has the answer! I also need to get a hearing test. I have trouble hearing if there is noise in the background. It's funny, I usually have the tv quieter than Wade likes it and I can hear it just fine, actually better than when it is loud. But if someone says something to me from another room, I have no idea what they said. If Wade just starts talking to me while the tv or music is on, I can't understand what he is saying, I have to put my attention fully on him to get the words to make sense. Mom is always saying something to me as I am passing through or from another room. Poor lady, I keep telling her to say stuff again because she can't think about me not hearing it when she is thinking about what she wants to say. We get a giggle out of it now and again.
I hope y'all have a really good day. Lunch time!!!0 -
Spent time with Mom during her therapy sessions today. Learned a lot for taking care of her when she gets home - phew! She did really well, praise the Lord.1
Will they do home physical therapy for a couple of weeks when she gets home? They did both times that my Dad broke hips. The home therapists were great to teach Mom on care for my Dad. When Bill had his knee replacement, the home therapist was AMAZING. I didn't want her to pass him on to outbound therapy, but was glad that he was able.0
Do you know when your Mom will get to come home, Kim? I'm so glad that she is responding well to the therapy.0
The storms that did so much damage came across east Tennessee this afternoon, but we mainly had some high winds at first, then a gentle rain for a few hours. Beth and Daniel took me to pick out a tree, and we made some great new traditions. This is the first time I've had a live tree since the early years of our marriage and I love it. How have you decorated, Connie, Kim and Cindy? Any traditions that you cherish?0
Carole - I have my tree up and a few decorations around the house. We don't do outdoor decorations. I used to try to get Bill to put a few lights on the stair/porch railings but he just wasn't interested. Now, he just isn't able.
The storms didn't come through our area, but there was one close to my Mom, but luckily it didn't hit the ground and no damage occurred. Her neighbor is military and keeps a close eye on the weather and always calls her to tell her to get to a safe place.
They did go through the area where I was raised (about 7 miles from home) and destroyed an Amazon warehouse. So far they have found 6 casualties and are still searching. My cousin reports on a news website and had more pictures than most of the news stations. He also showed homes destroyed, etc. It was really sad, but not nearly as bad as Kentucky. I read yesterday that the tornado was probably on the ground for 235 miles, and if so broke a record. So much devastation and loss.0 -
Tornados scare me, Connie. They're devastating, give no real warning, and there's not much you can do. I'm fortunate to have never experienced one, although a few did come fairly close in the Atlanta area. One once hit a railway yard and carried boxcars long distances.
I enjoyed church this morning. I've never been in a church that was so caring and supportive of each other, shut-ins, and those in need within the city. Most people know me because I play the piano, which is a great ice breaker, but I'm enjoying doing things behind the scenes - like visiting sick and shut-ins. I don't talk in front of people like Beth, a gift she gets from Dwight, but I'm a good listener.
We don't do outside lights either, Connie. My family never had them when I was growing up and I've never wanted them. It's fun to ride around and look at them, though.0 -
Hi, at last! It's been rather busy with Mom in rehab. Carole, her tentative date for release is this Tuesday. She improves every day. We are wanting to get her home because she has more times of confusion being in the hospital than she does at home. It will be a lot of work, but my neighbor (my Pastor's wife, and Mom's best friend) will come over and give me a hand whenever I need the help. She's been awesome cooking meals, going to visit when Wade and I aren't able, or taking me when her husband can't go with her.
Oh dear, my husband loves to decorate for Christmas so there are lights on our fence and around two of the trees. He did our Pastor's fence as well. So beautiful. Several houses where we live have decorated so it's so pretty to go through our little section of the Hwy and see all the houses lit up. Our lawyer who did the closing on our house lives across the street and we like to think we are in competition with him for the best decorations. His are all in white and he has the white trees and deer throughout his yard. We have colored lights. My tree is mostly decorated. The lights look so pretty I didn't want to add a lot of stuff. I put a few of my glass and glittery icicles on the tree, but that just made it look weird, so I might add a couple more and then put up the "Christian" decoration (nativity scene, Jesus is the Reason, etc...)
Hopefully I can be more consistent now that we are at the end of this hospital stay. We'll have lots of doctor's appointments to take care of though... Love y'all.
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I would like to ask for prayer for Bill's daughters. Their mother passed away today. They have been very close to her and this is going to be a difficult time for them. She was a very nice lady and raised two special ladies.0
Will do, Connie!
Mom is doing really well. The things I need to do for her are difficult physically, but she is so patient and uncomplaining, even when I have to try to figure out how to do something. She is getting around really well and already doing things she wasn't ready to do in the hospital (like putting weight on the leg that had the broken hip - yeah, Mom!)
Have an awesome day, y'all!0 -
Whew- I have never seen weather like just came through KC. It was all straight line winds, but we have had gusts up to 60MPH all day long, and just had about an hour of intense rain, hail (luckily that missed us) and 80MPH gusts. As of now, it doesn't appear that we had any damage, but there are over 150000 without power in the Kansas City area right now. The news reporter was at the downtown airport (industrial, and mostly private planes now, but used to be the main airport) and while he was reporting, the wind blew the roof off one of the hangers right behind him. They caught it on camera. They told him to get out of there and take cover!0