


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Spent time with Mom during her therapy sessions today. Learned a lot for taking care of her when she gets home - phew! She did really well, praise the Lord.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Will they do home physical therapy for a couple of weeks when she gets home? They did both times that my Dad broke hips. The home therapists were great to teach Mom on care for my Dad. When Bill had his knee replacement, the home therapist was AMAZING. I didn't want her to pass him on to outbound therapy, but was glad that he was able.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Do you know when your Mom will get to come home, Kim? I'm so glad that she is responding well to the therapy.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    The storms that did so much damage came across east Tennessee this afternoon, but we mainly had some high winds at first, then a gentle rain for a few hours. Beth and Daniel took me to pick out a tree, and we made some great new traditions. This is the first time I've had a live tree since the early years of our marriage and I love it. How have you decorated, Connie, Kim and Cindy? Any traditions that you cherish?
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I have my tree up and a few decorations around the house. We don't do outdoor decorations. I used to try to get Bill to put a few lights on the stair/porch railings but he just wasn't interested. Now, he just isn't able.

    The storms didn't come through our area, but there was one close to my Mom, but luckily it didn't hit the ground and no damage occurred. Her neighbor is military and keeps a close eye on the weather and always calls her to tell her to get to a safe place.

    They did go through the area where I was raised (about 7 miles from home) and destroyed an Amazon warehouse. So far they have found 6 casualties and are still searching. My cousin reports on a news website and had more pictures than most of the news stations. He also showed homes destroyed, etc. It was really sad, but not nearly as bad as Kentucky. I read yesterday that the tornado was probably on the ground for 235 miles, and if so broke a record. So much devastation and loss.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    edited December 2021
    Tornados scare me, Connie. They're devastating, give no real warning, and there's not much you can do. I'm fortunate to have never experienced one, although a few did come fairly close in the Atlanta area. One once hit a railway yard and carried boxcars long distances.

    I enjoyed church this morning. I've never been in a church that was so caring and supportive of each other, shut-ins, and those in need within the city. Most people know me because I play the piano, which is a great ice breaker, but I'm enjoying doing things behind the scenes - like visiting sick and shut-ins. I don't talk in front of people like Beth, a gift she gets from Dwight, but I'm a good listener.

    We don't do outside lights either, Connie. My family never had them when I was growing up and I've never wanted them. It's fun to ride around and look at them, though.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Hi, at last! It's been rather busy with Mom in rehab. Carole, her tentative date for release is this Tuesday. She improves every day. We are wanting to get her home because she has more times of confusion being in the hospital than she does at home. It will be a lot of work, but my neighbor (my Pastor's wife, and Mom's best friend) will come over and give me a hand whenever I need the help. She's been awesome cooking meals, going to visit when Wade and I aren't able, or taking me when her husband can't go with her.

    Oh dear, my husband loves to decorate for Christmas so there are lights on our fence and around two of the trees. He did our Pastor's fence as well. So beautiful. Several houses where we live have decorated so it's so pretty to go through our little section of the Hwy and see all the houses lit up. Our lawyer who did the closing on our house lives across the street and we like to think we are in competition with him for the best decorations. His are all in white and he has the white trees and deer throughout his yard. We have colored lights. My tree is mostly decorated. The lights look so pretty I didn't want to add a lot of stuff. I put a few of my glass and glittery icicles on the tree, but that just made it look weird, so I might add a couple more and then put up the "Christian" decoration (nativity scene, Jesus is the Reason, etc...)

    Hopefully I can be more consistent now that we are at the end of this hospital stay. We'll have lots of doctor's appointments to take care of though... Love y'all.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I would like to ask for prayer for Bill's daughters. Their mother passed away today. They have been very close to her and this is going to be a difficult time for them. She was a very nice lady and raised two special ladies.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Will do, Connie!

    Mom is doing really well. The things I need to do for her are difficult physically, but she is so patient and uncomplaining, even when I have to try to figure out how to do something. She is getting around really well and already doing things she wasn't ready to do in the hospital (like putting weight on the leg that had the broken hip - yeah, Mom!)

    Have an awesome day, y'all!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Whew- I have never seen weather like just came through KC. It was all straight line winds, but we have had gusts up to 60MPH all day long, and just had about an hour of intense rain, hail (luckily that missed us) and 80MPH gusts. As of now, it doesn't appear that we had any damage, but there are over 150000 without power in the Kansas City area right now. The news reporter was at the downtown airport (industrial, and mostly private planes now, but used to be the main airport) and while he was reporting, the wind blew the roof off one of the hangers right behind him. They caught it on camera. They told him to get out of there and take cover!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Wow, that would be scary! Praise the Lord we haven't had anything like that in our area - it wears itself out before it gets to the coast!

    I am so grateful for the help that my friend gives me at this time. She is helping me with Mom and meals and is a lifesaver! Praise the Lord.

    I hope y'all have an awesome day and are enjoying the Christmas lights and music and just anticipating the birthday of our Savior! Love you
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I wish I could see all the lights on your street, Kim. Wade must have a ball putting them up. There's just something magical about Christmas lights; makes me think about Jesus being the Light of the World. I had the chance to ride with a church group to see a light display in Asheville, but decided not to go because I had so much going on that day. And I'm so glad your Mom is home and doing better, Kim. You said she was patient and uncomplaining. Well, I think that goes for both of you!

    How are Bill's daughters doing, Connie? It's especially hard to lose a loved one during the holiday season. You've always seemed close to them, so their loss affects you also. And I'm thankful you had no damage from all the rough weather we've had lately.

    We are so very blessed to be here in Johnson City. Our new home, being close to Beth & Daniel, and our new church family - only God could have brought this about. I've been plenty busy during the Christmas season, but nothing like in the past. A few days ago, our pastor asked me to play for the Christmas Eve service and I almost lost it! This has always been one of my favorite services to play for, and it's also been a special time with Beth. That I would have the same opportunity here... well, there's just no words. Another blessing from God.

    Stay close. I love you all so much!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I've got a crazy question for you. Is there a secret art to making cookies that I don't know about? A small group of ladies that I'm friends with planned a cookie exchange - making enough to take to shut-ins and maybe have a few for ourselves. Granted, it's been a real long time since I made cookies, like maybe when Beth was a teenager. But how difficult could it be, I thought? I didn't dare use a store-bought refrigerated roll, so I went for the pre-packaged Betty Crocker mixes where you mainly add egg and butter. Without going into details, I wisely threw the first batch out. I made two more flavors which, while not great, they were good enough to take. Bottom line, I took the last batch out of the oven at 2:00 am this morning.

    As of now, I don't plan to make more cookies for a good while. I even asked Beth about it and her reply was that "cookies are complex." Well, that didn't help a lot! So if you have any advice, please share.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I am a cookie eater, not a cookie baker! Actually, I have done cake mix cookies the last several times that I have made them. They are just easy, and you can even buy canned frosting and frost them or make sandwich cookies out of them. I made red velvet cookies and sandwiched them with cream cheese icing and that was the biggest hit.

    1 box cake mix (any flavor)
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup oil

    Add in what ever you want - if you want. Sprinkles, chocolate chips (or butterscotch, cherry, white chocolate), nuts, raisins etc.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    So you can make cookies from cake mix? I love your ideas. I'm not crazy about chocolate chips, but I love butterscotch, white chocolate, nuts, etc. Your red velvet cookies would be a hit anywhere! That would be great when I need to take something out. Also, I think there's a sugar-free cake mix that would work great for us. Thanks for the ideas, Connie.

    I'm having a lazy Saturday, very enjoyable. I'm trying to watch a couple of Christmas movies that are quickly filling up my DVR, then also address some Christmas cards. Our church has a drop-off box where we can leave them for everyone. What slows me down is that I can't just sign our names, but try to write a short note.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I had all of my Christmas Cards ready for our drop box at church tomorrow, as well as gifts for a couple special people and the pastor. I got a call a few minutes ago that COVID and the Flu have been rampant in the church and they cancelled services tomorrow. There are 6 members with COVID, then their households (including the pastor) would take a chunk out of our small congregation. I don't know who all have the flu, but was told there were also several with the old fashioned flu.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hi ladies. It's been busy here - two new babies born this year in our family. Between that and how busy I got with work, I've barely had time for anything.

    I'm in a reading slump these days. I can't remember the last time I picked up a book.

    As far as cookies, I don't often make them since I had to go gluten free, but I've had the best success with peanut butter cookies (4 ingredients I think - no flour). My chocolate chip cookies - usually from scratch, using the recipe off the Nestle chocolate chip bag, usually turn out okay, but mostly flat. My daughter's are better (more thick and chewy) and she uses the Alton Brown recipe, which uses cake flour instead of regular.
    Also, I tried the Betty Crocker cookie mix a couple of steroids ago when I made sugar cookie with my granddaughters. They turned out okay, but I learned you can't refrigerate them for later. I had to throw one batch out. They became rock hard!

    My prayers go out to all of you and your families for a peaceful Christmas.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    edited December 2021
    🤦‍♀️ ... "a couple of steroids ago" ... good grief... that was supposed to be a couple of weeks ago. What an odd auto correct.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I was wondering if you had to be on steroids because of gluten....thought that was odd. What a funny auto-correct.

    And Cindy - just so you know, you can go back and edit posts now without an issue. I know that used to bother you about this application. Just click on the three little dots on the upper right corner of the post and it takes you to the edit or delete options.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Cookies! The only cookie I make well are my great grandmother's cookies, we even call them Grandma Cookies. They are a molasses/cardamum cookie with dates and raisins and if I feel industrious chopped nuts too. Sooo good. My grandmother used to make them every Christmas. She made hers with powdered sugar glaze and sprinkles, but Wade's family found those too sweet so I don't do that with them any more.

    Mom is doing well. She had her first appointment with an orthopedist and he was very pleased with how well she is doing. I thought she had broken the hip socket, but he showed us the x-rays and she broke the ball, so there is a post with the ball on top, in just the right place! He was very pleased with her incision too, at first he couldn't find it, it had healed so well!

    Praying for you and your families. Carole, I'll try to add a picture of how pretty it is around our house!