


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Add my prayers to Connie's. We went through a similar situation with my father-in-law years ago and it can be challenging navigating through the options.

    It's so cold here today - the high is only 14 degrees. I have errands to run, but put them off until tomorrow. I also think I'm going to skip my exercise class for the same reason.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    It's finally in the 20s here - which is much better than single digits. I mentioned in the 'healthy' thread that I cleaned out my closet and have a bunch of things to donate. Hoping to drop those off today. Why do I hang on to so much?

    Making soup for dinner. Trying to cut out sugar again but my lovely husband bought a huge container of peanut m&ms and they just call to me at night. (Sigh) 😕
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    edited January 2022
    Wade didn't really use the watch so offered it to me. I like having my texts and calls at hand. I carry my phone all over the house with me and this makes it so that I can just leave it near my chair and go where I want to without worrying about it. I took a call the other day from it and it worked really well. I don't like texting very much on it because you have to write out what you want to say in this box, and it doesn't always interpret my writing into the correct letter, and I forget to space so it ends up all one word! LOL! I do need to do a different face. I chose to do one with one of my pictures on it and it will only allow one item on it, so right now I have my steps there. I'll pick a different face that lets me see my heart rate as well.

    I really liked my Amazfit watch. I had a face that let me see my steps, heartrate, calories burned, and even the weather (if I stayed synced to my app on my phone). The watch also tracked my sleep for me which I really needed. This watch does that too. I haven't figured it out yet, but eventually I think I will.

    I did weigh this morning and was the same weight. I need to cut out that snack in the evening! At least I finished off the bag of pita chips! LOL! Now I have to try a resist the peanut butter cookies Wade made today! You're invited to come over for some cookies, Connie! I know it's a bit of a drive, but I also know how much you love your cookies! heehee
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited January 2022
    I'm on my way, Kim! I have been cheating big time today, so it works....

    Does your watch have voice texts? It seems to me like that would be the easiest way.

    Cindy: I have a container of those here, too! I can usually stay away from them, but the Hershey Hugs are my weakness.

    It was beautiful yesterday, today in the 40's, but cloudy. Snow coming in after midnight with significant accumulation. AARG, again!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I do NOT like snow! This was our first snowfall of the year that was over an inch. We got about 4 inches and it is just ugly outside. It is supposed to start warming up a bit tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure that I want to get Bill out in this mess for church. It always seems that the bad weather comes on Saturdays or Sunday.

    I am ready for spring!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I think it does, but I have to set it up! I've just been reading the message on my watch when it comes in then grabbing my phone to write the return message unless it's short!

    Praise the Lord, we didn't get below the 50's during the day and the 40's at night. Rain and wind but nothing more - yeah coastal living! Loved looking at the snow everyone else got on the tube though! LOL!

    Hurry, Connie, only a few cookies left! :)
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    No significant snow here, but it's been in the single digits every morning for the last 3 days. Right now, I would trade a little snow for 20 degrees.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Finally our 4 inches of snow are starting to melt. It was a beautiful winter day, today. Bill had a doctor's appointment and it was even nice going there.

    Bill's primary care doctor left the practice and we had to go with a new PC. Bill saw this doctor one other time when he had to have a follow-up visit after hospital stay in 2020. We really liked him today. He was thorough, very good with Bill, and very compassionate. He also didn't roll his eyes at me when I told him that I had looked a couple of things up online about possible care for Bill. He totally agreed on one item, and called in a prescription. The other item, he said that he knew some that had good luck with it and as many that didn't. He also said that it was cost prohibitive and wasn't covered by insurances.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Well isn't it nice when you run into that kind of doctor? And isn't it sad that so often it isn't the case?

    Glad your snow is melting, Connie. It's still cold here but at least it's in the 30s for the next couple of days. I skipped my exercise class last night. 🙁 No good reason - just didn't feel like leaving the house. I must find the motivation to exercise again.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    WooHoo. Got Bill's bloodwork back and it was stable. That is such an answer to prayer, and hopefully this new medication will help the kidneys, since that is his main overall health concern (besides the Alzheimer's).

    After two beautiful days, it is turning so cold again. It is going down to 5 degrees tonight and supposed to be a high tomorrow of 12 degrees (with a minus windchill).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Praise the Lord that things worked out well for Bill. I hope this med takes care of the problems.

    Sorry I haven't been on. I get on the computer for a few minutes a day now rather than my two hours before! Mom is slipping pretty quickly and we are hard pressed to give her the care she needs every day. Our priority is to keep her safe and do all we can to keep her healthy, and that's hard on our aging bodies. Your prayers are very much appreciated.

    We didn't get the ice that they said we would get, but then the day isn't over yet! It's still slightly above freezing here, so we may not see it - that would be a huge blessing!

    Not much else going on with us, just trying to make it through each day by the grace of God!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Glad to hear Bill's bloodwork was good. Praying he's doing well on his new medication. We're getting 2-4 inches of snow here today. Time to go help out and plow the road.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Such a BEAUTIFUL winter day, today! It was over 50 degrees with bright sunshine. Finally all of the snow (except a bit from the plows in the cul-de-sac) is gone! That snow in the cul-de-sac will be there for a long time!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Boy, it got chilly here last night, but today was so much better.

    Mom is in the hospital. I just talked to the doctor and they are going to try and get her back to a "good day" where she is able to communicate and respond at least a 1/3 of the time. She was also able to use her walker until she got sick. They are going to try and help us get her into long term care right from the hospital. This is all just so sad. I miss Mom even though she is right beside me, she isn't Mom anymore. It breaks my heart to watch her go through this. I turn to tell her something and realize she can't respond like she used to and I have to just turn around and let it go. Please pray that the right place for her opens up and she can get the medical as well as the mental help she needs. There's just too much we can't do at home that she needs! Your prayers are so appreciated.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - Praying for you and your Mom. I know how difficult this is for you. It is probably better insurance wise that she enter long-term care from the hospital. That is what they told us when my Dad was in the hospital the last time. They were trying to get him to good enough health that he could leave the hospital, but told Mom that she couldn't take care of him anymore, and for insurance purposes that she needed to make that choice prior to his release.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Thanks for that information, Connie. They've done some more tests on her. The lesions on her liver appear to be cancer because her CEA is elevated, but we aren't going to do any testing to know for sure. We wouldn't do anything about it if it were, the treatments for cancer would probably take her life anyway, she is far too weak to go through that and mentally not able to handle it, either the tests to find our or the treatment. She's been having a lot of headaches as well and had an MRI yesterday so hopefully we will find out today if the cancer has moved to her brain or if she's had a mild stroke. We visited yesterday and she was more coherent than she has been in a while. Still not always making sense, but I could at least converse with her in spurts, and she was able to give me answers that made sense. Praise the Lord for that. Still haven't heard from the two long term care places we would like for her to go to, but the care coordinator at the hospital is also looking for a place in New Bern (an hour and 15 minutes away). Our pastor and his wife are visiting today. Mom was asking for her the other day, she is like a lifeline to Mom. It's amazing to watch her relate to Mom and Mom respond. She is getting very good care right now and we hope that they will be able to move her right into long term care - we would have to just put her in her bed and care from her there because we can't keep moving her around the house safely. Even from her bed to the potty chair right beside the bed was taking its toll on us.

    Brrr, it is so cold here. We are expecting a dusting of snow tomorrow. How long 'til Spring???

    Reading in spurts. I really need to write down what I've read so I can do my monthly list!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Oh Kim, I hate to hear about the liver lesions. We are praying for all of you. God still has his hand on her.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Agreeing with Connie that God has his hand on your mom's life. Praying for peace for both of you.

    It's finally warming up here after more than a week of temperatures not getting above near single digits (and going below zero at night). Now we have a snowstorm to look forward to. They're forecasting between 8 and 14 inches of snow in my area between Tuesday and Wednesday. Going to fill up the gas tank tonight and stop by the grocery store for a few essentials. Hoping to make my exercise class tonight and planning on reading (finally!) while it snows all day Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Good luck through the snow! They are saying on most networks that we should get between 6-12 inches of snow, but one says 6-17 inches. It has not been really cold here, though. We have to be thankful for that. It is supposed to get down to zero one night this week and I am really dreading it!

    It is supposed to start snowing on Tuesday night at 9pm and snow through Thursday morning. I picked up groceries this morning, so we should be okay to just set this out. I have been having WalMart deliver groceries for the last few weeks, and decided to just go ahead and pay the yearly fee for the service. It was really nice when it was so cold and yucky. When I did the order for today, I saw that it was supposed to be 60 degrees, so I didn't want to have to tip the driver and wanted a reason to get out and about a little.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    They've lessened our forecast from 8-14" down to 6-11". I think that's because they're expecting more of it to be rain first, then turning to about later than they originally thought. 11" is still a lot of snow!