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It has been a lot of work and Wade still has to prepare another bed for the okra which I didn't realize grows rather large, and the zucchini. I'd bought extra because the first ones didn't look like they were going to make it, but they are now, so we will have a lot of zucchini! We are just looking at these days and the food shortages that have already happened, and knowing Wade is going to retire soon - it just seemed smart to provide for ourselves in this small way. We have a friend who is raising chickens and she gives us eggs every week. She also wants to raise chickens that can be used for the cook pot! We have a small stash of veggies and canned meats just in case as well. I don't trust the "big guy" in Washington to take care of us, especially if we don't believe like he does.
Haven't been walking much, just a few laps around the house every couple of hours. My right leg hasn't been acting right and even when I walk it doesn't work itself out. My NP wasn't much help, just suggested that I have therapy, which I really can't do very easily living where I live - and I wouldn't want to live any closer to a town than we already do, this world is going nuts with lawlessness!
Well, that was cheery! LOL! I am having a good day, got some chores done and my work on the computer, so a bit productive at least.
Have a blessed day, y'all.0 -
Kim - If you are doing the gardening to supplement the grocery store, that is amazing and they will taste so much better. I think that you will be surprised at the cost and work if you decide to can the produce (which is the best way to do it). The jars and flats get expensive, it is really hard on your good stove, and my parents always used a camp stove on the back porch for canning. Grazing off the garden and freezing the extras are my preferred way, but again, frozen food doesn't stay as good as the canned does.
I have a friend that pastors a church that is on 26 acres and the church has a large garden. The people in the church work in the garden and are allowed to take home the produce. The real reason for the garden is community outreach. On Saturdays, they go out into the community with the produce. They introduce themselves as from the church and let them know that they have extra tomatoes, or zucchini,
or peppers and leave them with a flyer from the church and a bag of produce. It has been a real ice-breaker!0 -
Whew- summer seems to have arrived. It is HOT! I hate to turn on the air, but probably will have to this afternoon. It got really hot in the house yesterday, but we made it through. Now, I have the house all opened up and fans going. I am keeping an eye on the temps and when the outside temps get to the same degree as the house, I will close the house and see how long it is comfortable.
Yesterday I worked on the decks most of the afternoon. I had one chair, a small table and a planter that had to be painted, then I swept, moved some worn out stuff to the side yard to await trash removal, washed down the table (whoever decided on a glass topped table for the patio?) and put on the new cushions. I need to give the one chair another coat of paint before moving it back to the deck. It is looking a lot better, but the yard still needs a lot of work and we need to repair the railing on the deck. My BIL went and picked up the wood for it yesterday. My next deck project is the one off of the bedroom. I got rid of an old glider yesterday, but need to paint the table and chairs on it and get rid of some stuff that is trying to grow underneath it. Never ending. Today, I have muscles that I forgot about! And my hands are so sore that I am not playing the piano - that is unusual!0 -
Oh, Connie, I feel for you with the pain in your hands. Have you tried compression gloves? I don't like the kind that come up over the second knuckle, but the shorter ones work great! Here's what I got: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZO4WW7Q
We've been chilly for the past three days, and the wind has been really strong. It sounds like it's quieted down a bit though, so maybe it will be able to warm up soon.
Was able to get some banking stuff done yesterday to close out some of Mom's things. Each thing down feels really good. We have some paperwork to get out to all the beneficiaries on a couple other investments and then we should be almost done! Sigh, she really planned to provide for her boys, that's not the sigh, that is a Praise the Lord, the sigh is for all the work and thinking and figuring out that we are having to do to get it all done. Phew!
Connie, I think that as small as our garden is right now we will be eating most of what we harvest this year. We want to see how it goes and if we are even able to do a larger garden - and to see what we really want to eat. Some of the things we planted are really too late in the season, like romaine lettuce and spinach. The spinach hasn't grown at all, although the romaine has had some growth. Figuring out how much water stuff needs is also part of our learning curve. So far the blueberries are looking really good, and the tomato and blackberry plant are doing really well as well - oh, and the okra is hanging in there pretty good too. Okra is something that Trim Healthy Mama uses in a lot of their recipes and helps with weight loss. I put it in my smoothies. It actually is pretty tasteless when you add it to stuff, but it does leave a slightly slimy or slick feel to the food and drink you put it in. I guess it makes the smoothie smoother! Sounds better than slimy! LOL!
Love y'all.0 -
I'm working out of town this week. Sunday and Monday were pretty normal days. Yesterday I worked 7am-8pm and tonight will probably go longer. Thursday I think I'm done at 6, so that won't be a bad day. I fly home Friday and have Saturday off. I'll put out my hummingbird feeders out on Saturday - I hope I didn't miss them; this is a little late for me (and for them!)0
Well, I thought I had today off, but woke up to two messages asking, "Where are you?" Some miscommunication there, but I went in to work about 90 minutes later. My lovely husband picked up pizza for dinner (I was so hungry. ) I got some invoicing done and my hummingbird feeders put out this evening when I got home, so I accomplished a little bit today. I ended the day at just over 8,000 steps.0
Wow, Cindy, that is a lot of steps. I feel like I've had a really good day when I get around 3,000 or more steps a day!
I am getting back on the rowing machine this afternoon. Allergies have really knocked me down the last few days. I'm going to try for four minutes again today. My doctor suggested starting at 2 and slowly working my way up to more so my knees won't hurt. When they do start hurting I try to move them into a different position to see if that helps and often it does so I can go a little bit longer. The rowing works my arms and my legs, but if I don't sit up perfectly straight it hurts my back! Sigh - I'm falling apart!
Voted today, the second time in my life! We are from a small community so there was just us when we got there and then another lady came in while we were there. I'm sure as the day goes on it will get busier. Sure hope these folks can do something to either stop the gushing blood the dems have produced in this country or slow it down enough so that if a Republican wins the election in 24 he can maybe do something to bring it back! It won't come back fully, in these last days America isn't even mentioned in the Bible, so we aren't very strong to affect anything going on before Jesus returns. It doesn't matter what happens in this country, we have to remain faithful to God!
Love y'all.0 -
Only got about 5 minutes on the rower yesterday. I was struggling to get that much, just had trouble catching my breath. I slowed down, but that didn't seem to help - allergy induced asthma is what I was diagnosed with by my allergy doc several years ago, so I just go with that. I haven't seen an allergy doctor for probably 8 years now though, so who knows.
Not much else going on. Going to go check the garden and see if it needs some water! God bless.0 -
Today is day 6 of a 6-day job downtown. I need to get out tomorrow and clear out my strawberry bed. The plants look tall and there are many, many blossoms. This is the 2nd year of these plants and I'm hoping for a bumper crop of strawberries this year.0
Totally exhausted after company for 4 days. Bill's sister and her hubby (legally blind and beginning Alzheimer's) were here. It was a bit stressful, but I really enjoyed the visit. She has more hard to handle issues than I do, so it makes me realize how blessed that I am. I have the house back together, so have crashed for the evening.0
Amazing how we can get tired so much more easily the older we get. I was opening my protein drink this morning and ended up with it all over my arm, shirt and the arm of my chair. I have no idea how I fumbled it, but my senior hands don't always work like I want them to! I think part of it is slower reflexes. I had a doozy of a headache this morning but praise the Lord it went away quickly once I got my meds in me and was able to get some things done this morning. I've got just a few things in the wash and will hang them out since it's too hot to use the dryer. Hate using the washer with so little in it, but both of the shirts that I can wear with the skirt I want to wear for Sunday needed washing! It's a skirt I don't wear often, has a funky hem line, but I only have three other skirts that I wear over and over, so I thought I'd try something different, and it's colors are very specific too - and I just happen to have a nice t-shirt that matches the blue/green in the skirt!
So hot lately. Yep, we are having summer heat at the end of May. A couple weeks ago I was dragging out my sweatshirts and now I don't seem to have any clothes cool enough - LOL! I try to get done what I need to get done in the morning and the afternoon I just sit quiet. I watered the plants this morning and then had trouble catching my breath when I was heading back into the house. That's happening a lot more lately. I really need to find an ear, nose, throat doctor who can give me a hearing test and probably another allergy test to see where I stand now. I would love to do another food sensitivity test as well, but am going to try a digestive enzyme capsule before each meal before I go that direction. Boy, I hit menopause and fell apart! But I keep on plugging away! LOL!
Love y'all. Have an awesome weekend.0 -
It was in the 40's here this morning. I had to turn the furnace on for a while to warm up the house...in MAY! Of course, I am glad that I don't live in Colorado with all of the snow.0
I couldn't believe all that snow in Colorado and I'm sitting in my air-conditioned house sweating! LOL!
The garden is looking really good. Flowers on all the zucchini, all except the one I drowned yesterday. We transplanted it from one of the holes in the bricks we've used to do a raised bed. We ran out of pots so planted a few plants in the brick's holes. This one was getting big, so after something in this pot was transplanted in the second bed Wade made, we put this one in the pot and it immediately started to wither. I watered it but apparently too much. Poor thing doesn't look like it's going to make it. We do have five or six other zucchini plants though. The blueberries got a new netting over them today and I think the birds cleaned out what was on the early producing plants since they appeared picked clean! But we have four other plants with not ripe berries on them so we should still get a good crop. We got about a 16 oz. cup full, from those bushes, before the birds got the rest.The blackberries are looking great, and there are now six tomatoes on our plant with at least nine flowers! We are going to have to figure out how to - wow, the word is not there - get rid of some of the flowers so they don't overwhelm the bush.
I haven't been doing much in the way of exercise the last few days. My right inner thigh muscles has gone weak on me again and today my leg buckled a little bit. Time to find my thigh brace!
Hope y'all have a great day. Love you0 -
Got my new glasses today. It's going to take some getting used to. I definitely can see better through the distance part and through the reading part, but I no longer have the progressive, so there isn't a middle distance. I didn't really use it, or so I thought, but when we were walking into the thrift store I was looking down at where I was walking and I had to look through the reading portion and everything was blurry. I would have had to lower my head too much to look through the distance part. I'm going to get used to them.
Not much else going on. Love ya0 -
I used regular bifocals when I first started wearing glasses (instead of one contact). I hated wearing glasses at work and only had them for "emergency" use. It seemed like whatever type of glasses that I had, they would glare from the spotlights. Wearing one contact lense (I can see fine at distance, only need reading) worked much better. Now that I'm not working, I went to progressives (Zenni's). I like them much better and I don't have to worry about spotlight glare at home. I rarely wear the contact anymore, and wear the glasses all of the time, even though the top is basically clear.
Hopefully you will get used to the bifocal!0 -
My distance vision is pretty good and I could go without the glasses for that, but I do stuff on my Kindle while I'm watching TV, so...
I just tried to put my progressives back on to see if I could see the computer better with them - wow, huge difference in the new glasses and the old. There was a lot out of focus with the old ones. I will get used to them since I have gone back and forth between the bifocals and the progressives, neither is just right. The reading section of the progressives works great if you're sitting in a chair, but when I'm lying in the bed I have to turn my head this way and that to find the focused section, and then I have to scan along with the page. The guy at the eye place said the higher line progressives have a larger focused area so that the scanning is limited. My old glasses were from 8 months ago and progressives, so I must not have gotten the high dollar progressives. Wade got progressives this time and it's kind of funny watching him nod his head up and down trying to figure out where the focus is. Heeheehee.
Y'all have a great Wednesday!0 -
Just checking in from West Virginia. This job is almost over, although today will be a long day. AND my flight is out of Roanoke at 6am, so I'll have to leave here around 3 am in order to get there on time. I'm ready for a couple of days off. Have a great Thursday everyone!0
Oh my, I hope you are good at sleeping on a plane, Cindy!
I think we are going to be hit with some storms here in NC this evening or tomorrow sometime. We've been getting rain every two or three days so I haven't had to water the garden. Everything seems to be doing well except the spinach, it's still tiny. I think we can start harvesting the romaine as we need it! Woohoo. I guess it would be called baby romaine right now! Love the baby stuff! We've been harvesting blueberries. We won't get a huge amount this year, but next year should be really good. The fig trees have a ton of figs on them - now to figure out how to make fig jam! They pretty much just ate all of the figs off of the tree last year, so hopefully we will get a bunch to put up. I didn't eat any but I like Fig Newtons - so...The fig trees were here when we bought the house, nice surprise.
Not much else going on with me. I've wrapped my upper thigh and that seems to help with the pain in that muscle. Not going to do much other than taking short walks inside or outside until the pain lessens. Ain't growing old a blast!?! Yes it is - we already went through all the tough years, now we have the wisdom of age and can enjoy these winter years of our lives! A bit rickety, but still filled with joy.
Love y'all.0 -
Well, the storms didn't happen. I need to go out and water the garden since it's been about two days since we've had any kind of rain.
Hope y'all have an awesome weekend. Love ya0 -
I have to get out and fix my strawberry cage today. It needs new netting because I left it out over the winter and a heavy snow tore through the roof. Note to self - put that under the deck in November!0
Heeheehee! We have a more open weave netting on the blueberries, now we just need to find a good way to take down the bottom edges so the wind doesn't blow it free of the bushes!
Still trying to figure out the zucchini. We have lots of flowers, but when a flower falls off there is just an empty stem, no sign of a zucchini. We have a lot of bees in our yard (clover) but not sure if they are making it into the garden - Although we did free one bee from the netting yesterday, so there is hope!
Had a great weekend, Church services were very good.
Hope y'all have a blessed Memorial Day.0 -
We got home from Mom's. We wanted to be there to decorate the cemetery with her. I knew that it would be really hard on her. I was so exhausted when I got home yesterday afternoon, that when I did the laundry from the trip, I left the underwear and socks to fold this morning....just hung up the hanging stuff. I NEVER do that! Oh, well....it is done now. We did have a good visit, though.0
I'm packing for my work trip to London. My flight tomorrow isn't until 6:30pm, but I think I'd like to be at the airport 3 hours ahead of time, which means leaving my house around 2:30 tomorrow.0
That is always so hard. Dad's been asleep (that's what the Bible says believers are when their body is waiting for His return) since 1993, seeing his grave was really hard when we set mom's body beside his. We will see them again if we remain faithful!
Cindy, have a great trip. Getting there during the festivities - phew, gonna be a crowded time! Are you going to be doing something associated with the Queen's Platinum Jubilee?
So hot! I don't usually like a fan blowing on me, but in this heat it is the only thing that makes it bearable. We have AC, but it's still hot. Our AC doesn't always work, sometimes it blows out hot air - ick! So we have to turn it off for awhile and hope when we turn it back on it will blow cool. It usually does.
I took my Emgality yesterday and woke with one of those headaches that covers my head! I've had an upset stomach all morning despite the headache going away. I am going to sit and relax for awhile and hope it goes away.
I'm going to start today on trying to get 1000-1200 calories a day rather than the 1200-1500 calories I have been getting. I need to shock my body into letting go of some of this weight! LOL! I haven't been able to do much in the way of walking or working out with the pain, but that has eased up, so I am going to try again to do laps throughout the day.
Hope y'all have a great day.0 -
Well, I've been able to lose two pounds. I'm trying to be very careful, but sometimes...
My knees have been doing quite a bit better, I am able to go up and down the stairs today without having to do one step at a time - praise the Lord.
It's still very hot here so just taking it easy.
Hope y'all have a good weekend. Love you0 -
Saturday was a long day. I think the flight was 6 or 7 hours... and it was a little after 7am when we landed. I got to the hotel around 9; took a shower, ate a little breakfast and started working at 10:30am. Got done around 8:30 last night. Had to iron a blouse for today (why did I only bring blouses that need to be ironed and not pull over tops on this trip??) Fell into bed around 9:15 and I was back up at 3:45am to be back in the ballroom at 5am this morning. I'm not doing anything related to the Jubilee. I didn't notice traffic being too bad, but then I arrived early Saturday morning. I think we're working a pretty long day today as well. On another note, the food is not great, so I don't think there's any chance I'll overeat on this trip. Have a great day everyone.0
Wow! London isn't a close trip! I hate those long flights, but London is on my bucket list. I just don't want to be working while I am there.
Yesterday was a comedy of errors. I won't go into all of the stuff that happened (part with Bill) but I did throw an entire bowl of stew across the kitchen floor, then almost fall in it while trying to clean it up.
Then, I lost my rings after taking them off to make meatloaf. I always put them in a little bowl and put between the fruit bowl and a little cabinet. I hunted for hours! All over the house! Including cleaning out the entire freezer and going through the trash! My brother-in-law and husband even went through the kitchen again.....and hours later I actually picked up the fruit bowl and there they were behind the bowl. I looked through it (clear painted glass) a dozen time and couldn't find them.
Then to top it off, I went through the entryway and found little ants on the floor. I went to get some spray to take care of the issue, and it was so old that it wouldn't spray. I had to go to two stores before I found ant spray and was about in tears (still hadn't found my rings, either).
At least I got everything lined out before bed, and I fell asleep almost immediately.0 -
Oh, Connie, that is not a day you ever want to repeat. It can only go up from there!
Cindy, I hope that you are able to find a slice of time to do a wee bit of sight seeing - would be a shame to go all that way and not get a selfie with Big Ben!
Went to the dentist today. She was pretty happy at how little needed to be done. I had a bit of tartar, but other than that I was fine! Of course, with my caps and implants, not a lot can go wrong - well, I take that back, Wade's implant needs some work, but his is older than mine, so here's hoping I have a few years before things start catching up to me. I also had blood drawn today to find out what my cholesterol and kidney numbers are. I hadn't had either dental work or blood work done for nearly two years! I had set my alarm last night and when I woke up this morning it was four minutes before I needed to be at the doctor's office for the blood draw - grrr! I had set the alarm for PM, not AM. We were just 20 minutes late, but I had called to let them know. And then we got to the dentist's office at about 9:15 and she told us that she would see if they could get us in early since our appointments were at 10. I thought they were at 9:30. They did get us in early, we each had a full exam and e-rays and then a cleaning. Phew!0 -
Sounds like you had a busy day. This was a nice peaceful stay at home day.0
I had some time off Tuesday evening and overdid the walking a little - 21,000 steps! I think I told you about it in the Chat that.
I did the RICE protocol... found a pharmacy yesterday afternoon and bought a compression tube bandage that I cut a section of to our over my foot while sleeping. Thankfully, it was better yesterday and even more so today.
I saw Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park and Kensington Palace and I was here. It would have been nice to have an extra day or two here, but my husband couldn't join me and I'm actually just ready to go home. Headed to the airport in a shuttle bus now.0