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Hope your trip home is uneventful, Cindy. I'm glad that your foot issue resolved fairly easily - yeah, 21,000 steps is A LOT!
Working a lot today on my Pastor's Blog Posts. I'm moving them from his blog site onto my word processor and then editing them. It's taking quite a bit of time since there are formatting issues and I have to get rid of all of that for it to be easy to read, but it's something I thoroughly enjoy.0 -
So sorry that you overdid, but I am glad that you were able to get out and see London!
I have been doing better with my walking...not necessarily longer, but more consistent.
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Yesterday was a sit down day at the computer. We are needing to go to town today so I should get some more steps in.
Lots of rain last night, so no watering the garden today. Hopefully they will like it and those zucchini will start producing! The okra have pods on them, so that is awesome! THM uses okra in a lot of their recipes, it aids in weight loss. I add frozen okra to my smoothies. I'm not really using their diet, I have so many food allergies that I have to adjust every recipe and it's just too hard to figure out. I do better with protein shakes and veggie chips and my Passion 4 Life vitamin, mineral, amino acid, etc... additive to my smoothie, and then one regular meal a day. I was one pound down this morning! Woohoo.0 -
I gained 2 lbs while I was in London. It was all that bread I ate. They use a softer wheat and not the hard, red wheat we use. It has far less gluten in it (and is probably less genetically modified). Anyway, I discovered years ago, when I was working on another program in Europe, that I can tolerate reading beads they're eating bread there quite easily. But, of course, that's good and bad. Back to moderation and watching my calories and carbs...0
Cindy, what are reading beads?
Quite woozy this morning. I had another headache early this morning and took my migraine meds. I'm not liking Emgality, it isn't working as well as the Aimovig worked. I might have to fill out the extensive paperwork to be able to get the Aimovig for free or for $5.00. It's a $500/month shot, as is the Emgality, which I can get for free until Dec. I might need my doctor to up the dosage like she did for the Aimovig though. Sigh.
The garden is doing well. We got four tomatoes so far! There are several zucchini growing and some okra. I've already gotten one pod and there are at least two others ready to go. The blueberries and the blackberries are done. The berries on the blackberry plant don't look good, so I think it's done. The spinach didn't make it, too late in the season for it. We'll try again in the Fall when it cools down, but the Romaine is doing great, we've gotten several salads off of it! Woohoo. Now just waiting for the peppers to start producing. They've given us flowers, but no peppers!0 -
Kim, I fixed it. (Reading beads = eating bread) You know, usually I look for and catch those typos and stupid auto corrections, but I must've been preoccupied.
I've got 2 tomato plants and my strawberries this year - that's it for gardening. I'm having a bumper crop with the strawberries.0 -
We talked about doing strawberries but weren't sure about which method we wanted to use to grow them. I've seen hills and strawberry bags. Which method do you use? Did you show us a picture once of your strawberries - I seem to remember seeing a strawberry hill but can't remember if that was you. When we went to pick strawberries', it seems to me they were just planted in straight rows.
Wow, the auto correct is driving me crazy. I can't seem to get my commas in the right place, or I put them in when I shouldn't! Sigh. My teachers in school always told me I put in too many - yep!
Having quite a few headaches lately. Two yesterday, one this morning. I think it might be what I add to my water. There isn't anything in it that I shouldn't have, it's all natural, but I have a feeling there is some kind of fruit juice that I shouldn't have mixed in there. I am going to do just Pyure and lemon from now on and see if that helps. Woozy and tired after taking migraine meds, so will just take it easy until this wears off!
Hope y'all have an awesome day.0 -
I hope your headache is better, Kim. Did you click on the 'Spoiler' in my last post to see the pictures? I have my strawberries in a raised bed. I planted about 15 plants a foot apart and now have probably 3 times that many plants (maybe more) because of all the runners last year.
I'm in a pretty rural area and the cage I made keeps my berries safe from the deer, bunnies, chipmunks and birds.
🚫🦌 🐰 🐹 🐦
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I just clicked spoiler - I wondered what that meant! LOL! Gorgeous fruit! I wish I could eat strawberries.
Well, I had headache 7 this morning over the last five days. I called my NP to see if I could up the dosage of the Emgality and she said that I can't, but she will do a Tele-appointment with me on Monday morning.
The PA I went to for my blood work called with the results - he gave me the ones that I was most concerned with. Kidneys are fine - one number was .03 above normal, all the others were within normal range. My cholesterol has gone up as well as my triglycerides. I'm going to up my fish oil to 4000mg a day and I ordered Red Yeast Rice which is a natural statin, and see if I can bring those numbers down. He said everything else looked just fine. Praise the Lord. I was most concerned about the kidney numbers, but they were better than two years ago, the previous two times I did blood work, so I'm very happy about that.
Going to just take it easy today and maybe write down everything that I eat so I can figure out what might be behind these headaches! I thought it might me the Stur that I have added to my water, but I didn't read anything in the ingredients that should be a problem. I just did fresh lemon and Pyure yesterday and still had the headache this morning. I'm changing the veggie chips I eat to another brand, so maybe that will help - who knows! It seems like I tend towards getting migraines from things that I eat every day, but my diet doesn't vary much, so it could be a lot of things - sigh.
Hope your weekend is restful and blessed. Love y'all.0 -
Kim - praying you get the migraine problem figured out. I can't even imagine.
Cindy - wow that is an impressive strawberry patch!0 -
We watched our youngest (8 months old) granddaughter yesterday and today. She's pretty easy going, but I'm ready for a full night's sleep tonight.0
Grammy time! How fun.0
8 month old - how fun! When I just watch the kids in our Church on a Sunday and they have all this energy - I know why you have them when you are young!
Went to Sam's today, an hour away! We place orders and Sam's delivers, but some things they don't deliver so once very couple or three months we go there. We are trying to make sure that we have some thing stocked, just in case things crash or this recession really does hit!
I was supposed to get two of the Emgality shots to "begin" with, but my insurance will only pay for one shot every 25 days. I have a card from them so I get it free until December, so one would have been free and if I chose to pay full price for the second one it would be around $700. Yikes! Without the free card I would pay $450.00 after insurance coverage! I did that the first month and quickly signed up for the card. So far I'm not impressed with it though.
I finished a series this morning - boohoo. It's a fantasy, seven books, each one as good or better than the one before. In my review I noted that I can't remember the last series that I read and each book quickly immersed me in the story and I hated to put it down. It's a Tara Grayce series - isn't this a pseudonym for another author? I tried to look it up, but she only comes up Tara Grayce! Oh, is it Tricia Mingerink? I really liked her Blades of Aktar series, but not really her Beyond the Tales series, I just struggled to get into that one. I don't know, their pictures (the hair especially) look similar, but I couldn't say it's the same person. I don't know what made me think so though!
Well, I need to go help hubby, so I'll talk to you later.0 -
Roe V Wade is overturned! Praise the Lord. A couple of states have already stopped abortions except for rare reasons. We need to pray for those who are helping women make the choice to not murder their babies! If these people who are so rabid against this ruling were truly pro-choice, then they wouldn't rage against the woman's right to choose to keep her baby - no they are just pro-abortion, pro-death. Welcome to the last days!
Oh dear, our air-conditioning is acting up. When we had the guy out a year or so ago he said it was on its last leg. Don't think we are going to go with and HVAC system again but get a portable AC unit that we can move from room to room, but mostly it will be in the living room. Right now I just have a fan on me and it's working great, but it's also only 79 degrees.
Hope y'all have a very good weekend.0 -
I would think that one of the portable air units would probably work. We were at a car dealership a few years ago that used one in their waiting room. It was HOT that day and we about froze. I even we t and turned it down a couple of times. They may not have appreciated it, but we were the only ones there and we were saving them energy.0
I hope you get your AC woes resolved, Kim. I'm not a fan of air conditioning set super low, but I do like the humidity out of the house in the summer.
Two of our kids, one DIL and 4 grandkids are coming over to swim today. We were late getting the pool opened, so it'll be the first time in for anyone this year. I'm honestly tired of the upkeep, but my husband wants to keep it for the grandkids, so I think we'll have it for a few more years.
I've pondered moving to a more conservative state. Now with Roe v Wade being overturned and the new red flag gun laws being signed into law, I'm considering it more and more.
Back to housework... my bathroom won't clean itself.
Have a great weekend!0 -
I was thinking about what pro-abortion states are going to look like and how many of these rabid followers will move to them - an abortion clinic every couple of blocks! Sick! And with the gun laws changing, the dems say they don't want to take away your guns, we just don't want you to be able to get them or to use them when you are able to get one! Hmmm???
The A/C is kinda fixed. The thermostat was telling the gas to turn on the heat for some reason (dual fuel A/C unit). He blocked the terminal that was doing that and will come back Monday with a new thermostat - yippee. I do not like the one we have now. He was done with what he thought was the solution and while he was filling out the paper work he heard it click out of cool and back to heat, so he went back in and did the fix to keep it on just cool until he can return with the thermostat. It's an old but good unit, so we will try to keep it running until it just won't! Praise the Lord, no need for a portable yet!
Y'all have a great weekend! A blessed Lord's Day tomorrow.0 -
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was pretty good, I had one headache that got me up about 4:30 one morning, but none on Sunday at all - so happy for that!
Things are going about the same. The garden is giving us a wee bit of produce, but this was an experimental year so now we have an idea of how many plants we will need this Fall and next year. The Romaine keeps giving and giving. We cut off the leaves we want and more grow back, so one plant just keeps providing. We have four plants, I think we will have 12 next year. That way we can help others as well. We have a friend who has chickens and she provides eggs for us all, so we would love to be able to help her with produce too.
Not much else to share so I'll wish y'all a very happy day. Love you.0 -
So glad the air conditioner can be fixed with just a thermostat. We don't keep our house cool (Bill is really cold natured), but do keep it going to the the horrid humidity out of the house.
Kansas is considered a highly available abortion state. The August ballot has an abortion bill on it, trying to eliminate abortion. We aren't highly involved in mid term primary elections, but will definitely vote on the abortion bill.
We are heading to Mom's for a couple days. I dread it, but we really need to go. It gets harder all of the time to get Bill moving and to travel with him. It is so hard seeing his decline.0 -
Praying for an easy trip for you two, Connie.
I'm working in Camden, NJ through Wednesday. Then I have a couple weeks off and I'm looking forward to it. The break will be nice.
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Connie, my heart goes out to you! It's far harder when it's a spouse rather than a parent. My prayers are with you!
Cindy, so glad you have an easier one this time.
Not much new with me. Just trying to stay out of the heat. I haven't woken with a headache for two days now, but I did get one last evening, not bad, caught it quick - praise the Lord. Trying to figure out what is bothering my tummy. I haven't had it right since I had Covid and I can't figure out how to get it back to normal again. I have a feeling that it's another food sensitivity or allergy that's cropped up on me. I may have to get my own food sensitivity test since most doctors don't mess with that kind of stuff. I might get in touch with the NP of functional med that I saw in Hickory and see what she suggests.
I hope y'all have an awesome day. God bless your time with your Mom, Connie!
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Hope y'all are doing well. I've been quite fatigued the past three days. I got pretty good sleep last night, so not sure why I'm so tired. Maybe a nap this afternoon will help - ahhh!
Love y'all.0 -
Got the A/C thermostat put in today. Nice and cool in the house now. Hopefully the big unit outside will keep on working! He didn't say anything this time about it being ready to conk out, so hopefully they will be able to keep 'er going.
Had a very good time at Bible Study last night. Praise the Lord we can still meet safely!
Hope y'all have a very good day. Hope all is going well at your Mom's, Connie.0 -
Home sweet home! We just got in and I am glad to be here. Bill did great...such a relief.
New Jersey is one of the 4 states that I haven't been to. Another place on my bucket list, along with Delaware, Vermont, and Connecticut. Someday I will get to them.0 -
Of the states in your list, Connie, I also have not been to Vermont.
We're having the family over tomorrow afternoon for swimming and burgers. Also berry picking - the wild black raspberries are just now ripening. I picked a few with one of my granddaughters this past Thursday. We have patches all over the property and all of my kids fondly remember going out and filling large bowls with them every summer.
Then we're heading to fireworks at one of the local communities nearby. It's a 10 minute drive; we park in a church parking lot for a donation and set up on their lawn with blankets and lawn chairs. The kids play for a couple of hours; some of us walk to the ice cream place... fireworks start at 10 and last 30 minutes. The drive home takes maybe 20 minutes with traffic.
Overall, a pretty relaxing 4th of July.
Happy Independence Day to you all! 🇺🇸0 -
Sounds like a fun day, Cindy! We are going to do a cook out for anyone who wants to come. That will be on the fourth. Hopefully the Tropical Storm will have passed through by then.
Connie, so glad you are home safe and sound and things went well with Bill. Praise the Lord.
Getting ready to go into town this afternoon, expecting it to be pretty busy! It has grown A LOT since we lived in this area in the 1980's, there aren't a lot of familiar places. We did go by the apartments that we lived in when we first got married, still there! There's another set of apartment buildings build in front of them now though. My favorite restaurant isn't around any more though, but two that I remember from then are still plugging away - El's is a Car Hop place. You park wherever on the lot and the gals come out and take your order. Then there's the Sanitary Restaurant on the Sound, yummers. Not sure where we're going to eat today though, but I will try to be wise - definitely nothing with wheat or cheese in it though!
Y'all have an awesome and fun weekend. Love ya0 -
Oh my - and Bill has Alzheimers. I don't know what my problem is! We usually had a Senior's luncheon the first week of every month and meet at a restaurant. This week was a restaurant that I'm not crazy about, but Bill wanted to go (first time in a long time). I was excited to get him out the door. When we got to the restaurant, there was none of our group there. We left, went to the bank and came home. I looked it up on the paper calendar (the website calendar for the church was down)...we were 2 days early. They used to have them on Thursday, then went to Tuesdays. Now they are back on Thursday, I guess. I felt rather silly. Now, I don't know about getting him out the door on Thursday. We will see. He has absolutely no sense of time, anymore.0
Sorry to hear about the lunch mishap, Connie. It's good that you can keep your sense of humor when frustrating things like that happen. My prayers go out to you.
My husband and I have been fighting a cold the past few days. Mostly now I'm just dealing with an achy back. Monday I only had some applesauce and toast. Yesterday, I ate a little more: yogurt for breakfast, oatmeal for lunch and some Birdseye veggie pasta with marinara and peas for dinner. I really want some soup - wish I had some in the freezer because I'm really not up to standing at the stove and making any.
I've lost 3 lbs over the last couple of days - but being sick is not really a method of weight-loss I'd recommend.
Have a good rest of the week.0 -
Cindy, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well! Do you have a crock pot? Chicken, rice, a can of broth, and frozen veggies and you have a lovely soup in just a few hours. I like to make potato soup using the potato flakes and chicken broth, cheese, and canned chicken (don't drain). Takes about 10 minutes from start to finish! Hope that this passes quickly.
Connie, maybe Bill will surprise you and tomorrow be raring to go to the restaurant!
Praying for you ladies!
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Thanks, Kim. I'm feeling a little better today, so I just made some chicken soup with a bag of frozen carrots, celery, onion, a couple cartons of chicken bone broth, frozen rice and canned chicken. Added salt, pepper, thyme and chicken base and let it simmer. Didn't have to stand for very long while making it and I'm just about to have some for lunch.