


  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    We're in the mid-40s today and the snow is rapidly melting. It sure was beautiful yesterday, though. This is the kind of snow I like, where you can enjoy it for a day or so without lingering slush or black ice.

    Beth is hoping to leave today for a week's vacation in Germany, visiting the campus ministries she was involved with for 8 years. Cancelled flights, Covid, and a mountain of paperwork have made it a challenge, but it looks like things will work out. She'll fly from Johnson City to Atlanta, then on to Germany over night. I'm eagerly awaiting her text updates.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    We made the decision today to sell our truck. It has been basically just sitting in our drive since the pandemic started, then Bill got to where he rarely drives (and never by himself). My BIL that lives in our basement wanted to buy it, so we gave him a really good price. It is a 2010, but only has 52000 miles on it. He is excited. It is newer and has a lot less miles than his current truck and he found a buyer for his and had saved enough to pay the balance. It is kind of sad to have sold our camper and our truck, but it is also a good thing to get rid of them while they still are in good shape and have value. I would have sold it last year, but Bill wasn't ready. This time it was his idea.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Has anyone tried Scribd? I got a free 60 day trial and it has a lot of books. I don't know that I want to pay $10 a month for it after it goes out, since I have so many books available through the libraries. I do know a lot of people that use it instead of kindle unlimited (but mine is paid until 4/2023). It is an idea, but I would miss the indy authors that I have learned to love.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    I've heard of it but haven't even looked into it. Using KU is cheaper, but I get less and less happy with Amazon and their service. My two day Prime shipping is now five to seven days! It started out at that when we moved here, but then it got to three or four days and I was happy with that, but now it is getting longer and longer. I know that finding people to work as well as the shipping problems this administration has allowed are culprits - but then again Amazon is part of that liberal/socialist system!

    A friend stayed last night and took care of Mom while we got a good night's sleep but I am still heavy lidded today! We have a couple of video appointments with memory care centers scheduled for tomorrow. Her left side is getting weaker and she isn't letting go of her walker when we need to sit her down somewhere, so it is taking two of us to move her safely. I hate this, I don't want her last days to be spent in a nursing home, but it's getting harder for us to care for her here, and there aren't any in home nursing options in our area. I do appreciate your continued prayers for us, these decisions aren't easy!

    We never did get snow here, just the cold weather (and that wasn't as cold as some of you got!) I'm like you, Carole, I like the snow for a day or so, and then it can melt away. It was fun when we had a dog, they loved to play in it and that was always fun to watch - although it took some encouragement to get Jake out in it, but he liked it once he figured out it wasn't going to hurt him! LOL!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    edited January 2022
    My husband would love to find a good truck deal like that. The new ones are super expensivive.

    It's cold here this morning - 18 degrees. I'm meeting my sister at an estate sale (DH broke my 1940s sugar bowl and I'm looking to replace it) and picking up some work equipment from her. Then it's back home to unload equipment and put the books back in the car. I called my library and they're happy to take my donation. Might go to the mall and walk later today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    I donated quite a few of my books to Mom's church library. The seniors do a sale every October to help pay for some of their excursions, so some of them went for that too. I put a bunch at Salvation Army as well. I think I have 10 paper books now, maybe not even that many! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    We were supposed to have a pretty heavy snow this morning until noon, today. It got up to 13 degrees and there was a slight skiff of snow when I got up but didn't snow any more after that. It actually pretty much blew away. So, cold but at least not the snow expected.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Sounds like things worked out well for all parties with the sale of your truck, Connie. Your comment about it being Bill's idea reminds me of our decision to move. I was ready when I first heard that Beth was getting the job in Johnson City, but couldn't say anything because it had to come from Dwight. I never thought he would agree to move from our home of 40 years.

    I'm not familiar with Scribd, so I checked it out and don't think it would be worth it for me. Between Overdrive, Hoopla, and the library itself, there's not much I don't have access to. Not to mention all that's stored in my Kindle account. I'm even thinking about letting KU go, which renews later this month. Funny thing about that, though. I went to the "manage my account" page and it says my account isn't eligible for KU, yet I've had it for over a year. I'll have to make a call about that!

    Cindy, it's cold here too, and I'm loving it! Snow predicted overnight, but probably not enough to stick. Then down to the teens.

    Kim, you're facing one of life's hardest decisions. You just have to weigh her health needs and happiness with what you can physically do, as well as your needs. Several years ago, Dwight's family tried to take care of their mother as long as they could, then realized they really had no choice but to put her in a nursing home. Fortunately, it was a good one and she was actually happier there. Praying for God's wisdom and guidance, Kim.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I listened to a book on Scribd that I couldn't find on any of my library sites yesterday. Today I am "reading/listening" to an ebook. I really do not like the way the text-to-voice works on the site. I couldn't get it to work well at all on my fire, but semi-works on my phone. I am getting through the book (some listening and some reading) but can't see paying for the service. The 2 months free is nice, though. I have heard so many people saying that they like it better than KU, and if you don't have a good library assortment, I can see that it would be better for the bestsellers. Since they are the same price if you do it on a monthly basis, I could see people enjoying it.

    I can definitely say that if I subscribed to Audible that I would cancel it and join Scribd. Although you do not own the books, you can definitely get a good selection and read many more than one a month at a lower monthly price.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    I do use KU quite a bit, often for those series of stories. I get the first one when it is cheap and then read the rest of the series on KU (if it's offered that way, and most are). If I super like a series I'll buy it. I just saw a fantasy series and it turns out I have book one. Not sure why I don't remember it, but I got the KU for book two so the first one will show up - I love how Amazon is now putting series together!

    We are actively looking for a place for mom and using that service as well (A Place for Mom). APfM has two great recommendation's, and we are looking at one of them and they are working to get her in as quickly as possible; last night and this morning were a further dip in her dementia. Thank you so much for your prayers, they are helping immensely!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I definitely get my money's worth out of KU, but I do buy 2 years at a time.

    Kim - you are in our prayers! I know how hard this is for you.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Turns out I missed out on special KU deals and am stuck with the $9.99/mo, at least until Prime day. I looked at Scribd again and it seems to offer lots more of the books I would read than KU, but now my question is... Can you put the Scribd app on a Kindle Fire? It doesn't look like you can, but maybe I missed something.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have downloaded the programs necessary to my kindle fires to where I can download anything from google play. I remembered doing it on my old fire years ago, so I looked it up. I can download anything from google play on the fire, so no problems with scribd.

    Carole - I think this link will give you a 60 day free trial on Scribd instead of 30 days.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks so much, Connie! I thought you might have taken advantage of a Christmas special or something. As of now, I think I would be sold on Scribd if I could get it on my Fire tablet. When I searched for the "Scribd app for Kindle Fire," it didn't show up. Is there a work-around that you used?
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Let me find the directions and I will post the link...and I just got an extra free month when you signed!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited January 2022
    Okay, Carole. Here is the website that I used to download google play on my kindle fire. You will be able to download scribd through google play. It looks kind of complicated, but it isn't. I believe that Kim has done this as well. There are so many more applications available through them that I have used it for years, but my newest tablet is just a couple months old, so I know it works well.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I know it's late and I'm going to bed ... but Connie, you have made my day!! Thank you for taking the time to find that link. It took me a while, but the directions were easy to follow and I finally worked through it successfully. I am thrilled to have the Google Play store on my Kindle Fire! I've gotten addicted to color-by-number games and subscribed to two that I loved last year. I have had to work them on my phone, but now I can use the larger Fire screen. And I'm so glad you got an extra month free on Scribd. I'm not sure I'll keep it when my free time runs out, but two months to experiment is nice.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - if you enjoy, share your link with a friend and they should get 2 months free and you can get an extra 30 days. I think it is to an unlimited amount of "friends", too.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,343 Member
    Carole, the color by number game I like is called Pixel Tap. It colors in square by square rather than a whole area at one time. I have the Google Play app on one of my Kindle Fires!

    We are still working on getting Mom into a Memory Center, and if not able to go to one of those another nursing facility was highly recommended to us by three different people, so we may have to look into that too. It's amazing how quickly things are happening with her health-wise. Keeping up with it physically and mentally isn't easy, but God has been so gracious and has given us the strength and wisdom that we've needed, as well as an awesome Pastor and his wife who have daily been there to help us through both the physical care and giving us the encouragement and help that we need.

    I think we are going to have a few days of winter now, but I'm hoping that won't last long - heehee! I'm so glad all of y'all that like snow got that blessing and we didn't, that's my blessing! Yippee!

    On track with my eating, although I'm just too tired to even think about walking. I do get quite a few steps coming and going to do things for Mom. Wade gave me his Apple Watch, but I can't find a way to get my steps to show up on the face, so if anyone has an Apple watch and has that on the front, could you tell me how to do it?? I really like being able to get my texts on my watch and don't have to be carting my phone around all day long. I can event take a walk outside without having to find a pocket or fold it over my waistband! Yeah!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I know nothing about apple watches - sorry! I wanted one when I was using all apple products, but a friend that knew me well (and was a lot like me in tech) told me that for her it was a waste of money, so I never bought one. Now, I don't use anything apple, except my mac computer, so if I bought a smart watch, it would probably not be an apple watch. I keep looking at them, but go back to my friend's non-recommendation.

    Praying that you find the right place for Mom. I know that this is really difficult for you. You guys are in our prayers.