


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    It's amazing how fast our nation has plummeted! Can you believe the streets are full of people yelling for the death of America as well as the death of Israel? One news person asked two girls what river and what sea they were yelling about and they had no idea! Then another held a sign that said STOP GENOCIDE, while they are yelling for the genocide of Israel! For years we have warned people about what the colleges are trying to do, and it appears have successfully done, to the young people who go there. Sad, a little bit scary, but not unexpected since God told us in His Word what would happen in these last days.

    Carole, here's that recipe:
    This is from SUNDAY LUNCH AT MEME'S
    2 (12.5 oz) cans of chicken breast (or 1.5-2 C cooked chicken)
    1 can cream soup (chicken, mushroom, celery - your favorite)
    Mix these two together.
    In a separate bowl mix together:
    1 pkg Cornbread stuffing mix
    3/4 - 1 stick of melted butter
    2 cans chicken broth (I use 2 C water with two bouillion cubes)
    Place the topping over the chicken mixture.
    We also add frozen veggies (peas and carrots or mixed veggies) to the chicken mixture.

    The recipe has you put this in a 9X13 casserole dish, but we found it to be very thin so we use a 9X9 casserole dish. Preheat over to 350 degrees then back 30-40 minutes uncovered or until the dressing is browned and the sauce is bubbling!

    We've also done this with turkey meat left over from thanksgiving. If you serve it with cranberry sauce you are able to eat Thanksgiving dinner all over again in just one pan!

    Love and prayers!

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you for sharing the recipe, Kim. It sounds like the one my grandmother used to fix that was SO good! She always said she didn't have an exact recipe, but rather made adjustments according to texture, etc. - yet she never showed me how to make it. All I knew for sure was that it had chicken, soup, and Pepperidge Farm stuffing. This casserole just might be my next Tuesday supper.

    My grocery store had fresh, locally-grown strawberries today. They were beautiful, but I didn't get any because I couldn't use a whole basket. Maybe garden tomatoes won't be far behind.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Wade wants to grow tomatoes, but neither of us really likes them! He occasionally likes a slice of tomato on his burger, but other than that - not so much! Me, I even pluck them out of my tacos! Oh, if you could see my face just talking about them - :p:D We don't use the recipe much any more, we've made it so many times. She also has a Chicken Casserole with noodles and one with biscuits - we've just made this one. I add the bouillion water in two phases. You want your cornbread stuffing wet so that will run down into the soup so it won't be so thick, but you don't want it swimming either.

    We made some split pea soup the other day. I didn't add quite as much water because it isn't thick enough that first day, but the next day it's super thick and I have to add water to make it soup again. This is a super cheap meal. Water, split peas and a ham bone! Yummers! I think it would be delicious with bacon bits mixed in as well.

    Praise the Lord, no headache when I woke up this morning. I am praising the Lord that none of my headaches are as bad as they used to be and I haven't reordered my prescription migraine med because I haven't needed it since taking this new med. I think doing one in the AM and one at night will help! I really do not want to up the dosage though, so will work with what I have.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Your recipe sounds good! I'm trying to learn 2 people cooking instead of 3. Bill isn't enjoying his normal foods, either. I am adding a bit more sodium into his diet out of desperation. He isn't retaining water, so I guess it's okay.

    Say a prayer for wisdom for me. Without Kip, I have been leaving Bill for about 90 minutes several days a week and it makes me nervous. I have a camera and watch him when gone and mostly he sleeps. I'm going to try to start taking him, but it is really hard for him. I'm hoping that making it a regular occurrence that it will be easier on both of us. The girls offered once a week, but then haven't really followed through. I need to check on mom, and there is business that needs done. Insurance doesn't pay for Caregivers and locally they are $50 an hour with a 4 hour minimum. That can't happen on a daily basis.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Daily I ask God to give you wisdom, Connie. I also pray for someone to step up and offer to help you!
    I know that you make your own "cream soup" and thought about you when I put the recipe on. That is the saltiest or fattest thing in there. You can also make it without the dressing and put it over rice, noodles, mashed potatoes or a biscuit. The dressing does make it salty too! You'd have to add some of the water to the chicken mixture to thin out the soup though. I guess if you aren't going to do the dressing you could just to the mixture in a pot on top of the stove! I need to try it that way one time.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    I took Bill with me today! It worked fairly well. Mom was so glad to see him. He has been tired since getting home, but that's nothing new. Tomorrow he has an in-home doctor's visit, then we will try getting him out again on Wednesday. I need to do some banking for Mom, so it may be a bit longer, but he can sit in the car at the bank.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Sounds like it was a good day, Connie. Praying for more of those for you.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Continuing to pray, Connie. So glad it went well!

    Well, breaking up my migraine med to 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM isn't working for my morning headaches, so I am going to try and take them both at night this time and that should help for the AM, now to see if I get evening headaches! EEK! If this doesn't work I'm afraid she will want to up my dosage - but if that helps then I won't balk. I really don't want to go very high though, just don't like pills that change my brain!

    Well, I need to work on winter/summer clothes today. Y'all have a wonderful day. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    I got a bit of my summer/winter change over, but didn't take the time to get rid of unworn stuff. I will get it finished sometime. Today I have been trying to list some of Kips furniture that he left, on Marketplace. As long as I was listing his cheap fake wood stuff, I decided to put one of our antiques that I need to move out of the bedroom...but it is WAY too heavy. We are supposedly going to get a hospital bed, and I am going to have to completely rearrange the bedroom and we have a marble topped wash stand and a marble topped dresser. They have huge pieces of very heavy marble. The wash stand isn't an exact match (but close) to the other furniture, so it's not as important to me.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Still healing from this gum surgery. I'm not sure what I expected, but the roof of my mouth is taking a while to feel normal. I'm praying that the graft takes and heals fully and I won't have to undergo anymore surgery for this. My teeth ache a bit.. not awful, just achy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    You stay in my prayers, Cindy. I hope that you will suddenly realize that you aren't in pain anymore!

    Connie, praying the right people see your offers! The furniture sounds beautiful. We are members of the fake wood club - cheaper! I think one of our dressers (used to be Mom's forever) is real wood!

    Got most of my summer clothes out, I think there is still a box under the bed with my t-shirts in it. All of the winter stuff that needs to get put up is in my clothes hamper right now. I have a dirty clothes bag that I keep in my hamper, I pull it out and drag it to the laundry room, it makes getting my stuff there so much easier! :p

    Hope y'all have a great day and are able to join in worship this evening. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I hope you are feeling better, Cindy! I keep praying.
    Connie, I asked the ladies on the other team to keep you in prayer. They are glad to. I wish I lived close, I would come and help you. People helped us when we needed it and it's what the Lord wants us to do when a brother or sister has a need.

    Still having heart issues, even with the extra 1/2 pill. I just looked up side-effects of the med and it says that if you have tachycardia it can worsen the problem, so I think that is what is happening. Headaches on one hand - rapid heart rate on the other. I'd rather not have the headaches!

    I hope y'all have a good afternoon. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Today was a day I didn't plan on going to Mom's so I got a few things done. It was yucky weather, so nothing outside, so I got rid of a ton of Bill's clothes, since basically the only pants he wears are elastic waist sports, pjs, or sweats. I think he had about 70 pairs of dress pants (not exaggerating at all!). Anyway, I got rid of the whole rod, took it out and ordered shelves to go there. I can house his folded pants and his diapers, etc on the shelves. Now, I just need to make a trip to the thrift store and get rid of them. And, I need to go through my closet and get rid of a bunch of stuff, too.

    Tomorrow I expected to get Bill out and to Mom's again, but she has PT, OT, and ST all scheduled an hour apart tomorrow morning when we would go, so I told her that we would come on Saturday instead. I think she is going to give Bill a haircut and I will do her hair. Hopefully that makes her feel useful. She used to be a great hairdresser and cut his hair on about every visit to her.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh, that will be so nice for both of them! I'm sure the thrift store will appreciate Bill's offering! Wow, that's a lot of dress pants!

    No headache this morning - praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited May 3
    How nice for both your mom and Bill. I hope you all enjoy the weekend together.

    Added my praise for no headache this morning, Kim. I, unfortunately, woke up with one. (Not a migraine; I think it's related to pressure from my teeth. Thank goodness having a cup of coffee constricted those blood vessels and I felt better within maybe 30 minutes.)

    I need to go to the grocery store. I'm running out of softer food ideas, so I'm just going to pick up more of the same stuff. I'm actually able to chew a little on the left side of my mouth, but don't want to push it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    So sorry about the headache, but praise the Lord a cup of coffee did the trick. I hope that your food restriction will last just a short time now!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Praise the Lord for no headache, and headache going away with coffee. I am rarely plagued with a headache.

    Mom did a beautiful job on Bill's haircut. It looks a lot better than if I do it. Right now, I'm hoping I can stand my hair until Saturday. It is getting way too long. I think I will have her cut it to go back into a bob. I haven't been straightening it lately, but I'm getting tired of the messy curls.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    edited May 7
    Oh for messy curls! LOL! I have curls in the back and the very front by my ears wants to wave - very unruly. I bought this stuff to help the curls in the back look like curls rather than frizz. I use a mousse in the front to keep it out of my face, but I am having to wear headbands anyway. I just ordered some more that have a wider band - 1/2 price on Amazon and with my CC points they were just $2.50 for four of them.

    Well, we did have a strong headache this morning, but again, went away with Tylenol and caffeine. First one in three months - woohoo! I have a sore throat today so will be taking things easy.

    Our neighbor cuts Wade's hair and my hair. Wade bought a kit and wanted me to learn how to use the shaver - HA! I tried cutting his hair with scissors and I had no idea what I was doing, it looked awful! I told him that cutting hair for me was like getting behind a sewing machine - I am scared of both and would rather not learn to use either! LOL! I was afraid to drive too, but then had to to be able to get to my jobs. No driving for me since 1988!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited May 10
    I haven't decided yet what I will do with this hair mess. I may wait one more week. I like it today....I have until tomorrow to make up my mind.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    I need a trim, but in the meantime I bought some of those headbands the cover the top half of your head - doesn't look nice, but as Wade says, it's more about function than form right now! He's so understanding!