


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Our church doesn't offer Facebook live. Mom's church in MO has it, and we have a couple of pastor friends that offer it, but it really isn't nearly the same. It takes about 30 minutes each way to get to church right now (closest way they have totally removed the roadway during reconstruction), then with an hour service, playing for closing and a bit of fellowship, we are looking at 2.5 - 3 hours away from Bill. That is just too long. My heart hurts, and I am trying to find a way. There is a church a block from the house, but they aren't the people (family) that love and support me!

    I do play regularly! Pretty much every day. I am really missing my piano here. I want to go home!!! I am at a point where I really can't do anything until businesses re-open tomorrow. The city dumpster and the thrift store were both closed Fri - Sun. I have untold numbers of trips needed to both! At least I have gotten a little rest.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh, Connie, what an incredible chore! Praying for strength and peace for you!

    Our service, meal and fellowship time yesterday were awesome. Just had a great day thanking Jesus for what He did for us!

    Now to get busy with trying to lose some weight!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited April 3
    We had a lovely day, too. Our service Sunday morning was awesome, and all the kids came over right after. I made ham (not my favorite, but traditional for some) and a new cast iron chicken dish. My daughter-in-law brought mashed and cheesy potatoes. We had asparagus, corn and rolls too. I also had appetizers (cinnamon rolls, kielbasa, cheese & crackers and red grapes for those who arrived early and hungry). Banana cake with cream cheese frosting (me) and homemade chocolate chip cookies (my youngest daughter) for dessert.

    It does sound like a really big undertaking, Connie. I'm praying it happens smoothly and you get rest while you're doing it.

    And now the diet starts back up! Heading out to hike/walk with friends this afternoon.

    Oh... my neighbor, Marcia, passed away on Good Friday. Her family was there with her. Praying now for Bob. I don't know how long they were married, but it had to be more than 35 years...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Sounds like a yummy time, Cindy! Oh my, we had a ton of food. I actually ate four veggies! There was a corn casserole, green bean casserole, and broccoli salad, oh and sweet potato casserole. We had ham and turkey, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, dressing and four different kinds of desserts. Oh, we also had birthday cake, it was our pastor's birthday! Monday I ate really well, but yesterday we went to town, not very good. Today is a new day and I will be eating well and working on my steps.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    edited April 5
    Headed to the airport soon. Flying to Barcelona tonight for a job. Coming home on the 14th and then it's entirely possible I'll be going to Charlotte, NC from the 15th to the 18th. I should know in the next day or so. Whew! It's a busy time
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh wow. I hope you get a chance to do some picture-taking (hint, hint). You've been to Barcelona, haven't you? I had an aunt-in-law who lived in Charlotte. Her son and his husband - oh yeah - still live there! Eek! I also have an aunt-in-law who lives in Cherryville (Chair-i-vl is how it's pronounced) - :D .

    This morning I had my first real headache, the one that goes across my forehead. I woke up quite congested, so that could be what caused it. It is still mildly hovering in the background, but, praise the Lord, it eased off very quickly, and I didn't need to take any migraine meds. I took my headache med earlier than I normally would and a couple of Tylenol with my coffee and it quickly dissipated.

    Hope y'all have a very good weekend!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member

    A very concise message, saying what has happened the last few days. I had a lady that bought out almost everything that I had left, and I threw in a few things free to get them out of my way! That left me with one chair and a lamp not sold (on purpose). I needed a chair and a lamp while we were there. My cousin had said that he would get rid of anything I hadn't gotten rid of. When the Amish family came and picked up our bedroom set, I told them that they could have the chair if they wanted it. The bedroom set and the living room set that the chair came from were both built by my dad. The chair wasn't made to go with the bedroom set, but was the same style, color and wood, so it matched perfectly. The guy was my cousin had to get rid of a lamp, a small tool box and a couple of really nice step stools. I'm pretty sure the step stools and tools will go home with him, so I'm not worried about the lamp.

    The house was supposed to go on the market this coming Monday and we got an offer last Monday. So that was really easy. Closing is on the 24th.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Woohoo, so glad that things finally resolved so well! Y'all continue to be in my prayers!

    My heart rate wouldn't settle down yesterday, everything I did was an aerobic exercise! LOL! I ended up taking 1 pill in the morning and a couple hours later another half pill, and then in the evening another half pill! Today it's right on track! I woke up around 5 this morning with a pain in my left temple, but just laid down with pressure on that side and slept until nearly 8. A couple of Tylenol and new meds and it's gone! Praise the Lord. I'm having more "breakthrough" pain, but it's dealt with quickly, by the grace of God!

    Hope y'all have a beautiful day. We'll get to see a partial eclipse here on the coast, still fun!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Oh my word! Since the wheat in Europe is easier on my system, I indulge a little when I'm here. On my lunch hour today, I went to pick up a couple of things I'd forgotten at home (cuticle nippers and a razor). On my way back to the hotel I walked past a bakery and went in and bought a "sugar donut" custard croissant. It was divine!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh wow, that looks sooooo good! I love custard and Bavarian cream! Have you noticed that when you want a Bavarian cream donut it comes covered in chocolate!? Boohoo! That's interesting about the wheat being milder there, wonder what the growing difference is.

    Well, we didn't get much out of the eclipse at all. It got just a shade grayer here, but that's about it. We were quite a bit away from the "totality" lane though.

    Well, I'm off to eat some chicken casserole - yummers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    My understanding is... "Gluten is a protein in wheat, and various types of wheat have different amounts of protein (gluten). In the US, the most common wheat grown and used to make products is hard wheat. Hard wheat has a high protein, and therefore high gluten, content. European wheat is soft wheat and has a lower protein and lower gluten content."

    I just take it easy and don't go crazy eating bread, etc. ... but I do have a little every day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Oh, that is interesting! I was watching the Great British Bakeoff and they were talking about using hard or soft wheat for different things, but the gluten thing didn't come into it, they just thought certain breads or cakes or whatever were better with the different wheats. Thanks for explaining that!

    Oh boy, I had the weirdest dream just before I woke up - actually, I woke myself up because it was scaring me. It had to do with spiders and creepy crawlies and one was coming to get me and take over my mind and I couldn't move or scream to get help! So strange because I haven't watched anything or read anything with stuff like that in it! I hadn't even eaten pizza - just some bbq that we'd made! Hmmm???
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Well, a storm front is passing through and just about every joint in my body is aching! Ugh. I'm going to spend the day on the couch and see if that helps!

    I hope y'all are doing well. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    Wandering around Barcelona... waiting for our 1:15 start to tour Casa Batlló.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    How exciting! What a great picture! Hope you have an awesome time.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    It was beautiful today...uanau3erko3e.jpg
    And there's a lot of great architecture here...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,338 Member
    Do you know why the holes are there on the sides of the building? While watching Time Team I learned that they were used to hold the scaffolding when the buildings were built!

    That is so lovely! Were you able to go into that building?

    Still hurting today. I took a couple Tramadol and that helped, but the pain is still getting through from time to time!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member
    No... but I went in this one...
    It's an Antoni Gaudi designed building - just beautiful inside
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,358 Member

    "The ground floor, in particular, has unusual tracery, irregular oval windows and flowing sculpted stone work. There are few straight lines, and much of the façade is decorated with a colorful mosaic made of broken ceramic tiles (trencadís). The roof is arched and was likened to the back of a dragon or dinosaur."

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    So beautiful! Thanks for sharing!