


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's so important to have friends who totally understand - oftentimes it's just being there for them, and sometimes they need the new wisdom you have. I'm glad you were able to be there for her. I hope that her situation ends up with him getting to be around for a little longer - but, God knows our days!

    Oh my, we are surrounded by pine trees. I don't know the "brand" but they are everywhere. We have woods behind us and it goes behind our pastor's property and then beside his property. Our neighbor on the other side is the same way. Behind us is a protected reserve, so it won't ever be built on! I am happy about that. I have had year-round allergies since I first lived in NC back in 1980! When I lived in Ohio, no problems, but as soon as I moved to NC, allergies. I had them in Texas and TN as well! I'm allergic to grass, pollen, mold (all but one kind), and pet dander, too. Oh, and Wade found this funny thing that both of us have - when we are eating something our noses run and sometimes I start sneezing. Here's an explanation: Gustatory rhinitis
    A runny nose when eating is called gustatory rhinitis, and it usually happens right after you eat a trigger food1. Spicy foods are the most common cause of gustatory rhinitis. If you have a history of allergies, your runny nose may be caused by a food allergy or hay fever. The sinus cavity is lined with mucus membranes that help keep the nasal passages moist and clear of debris, and temperature can also be a factor.
    So strange that it happens to both of us! Every time we go out to eat I have this kind of reaction. It lasts about 5 minutes and then it's gone!

    Excited about our fellowship meal tonight. We usually eat together on the first Wednesday, but last week nearly everyone was sick - so we're getting together today! We eat together (and tonight we'll celebrate one of our teens' birthdays) and then we have a "round-table" worship time.

    Hope y'all have a wonderful evening too. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's so important to have friends who totally understand - oftentimes it's just being there for them, and sometimes they need the new wisdom you have. I'm glad you were able to be there for her. I hope that her situation ends up with him getting to be around for a little longer - but, God knows our days!

    Oh my, we are surrounded by pine trees. I don't know the "brand" but they are everywhere. We have woods behind us and it goes behind our pastor's property and then beside his property. Our neighbor on the other side is the same way. Behind us is a protected reserve, so it won't ever be built on! I am happy about that. I have had year-round allergies since I first lived in NC back in 1980! When I lived in Ohio, no problems, but as soon as I moved to NC, allergies. I had them in Texas and TN as well! I'm allergic to grass, pollen, mold (all but one kind), and pet dander, too. Oh, and Wade found this funny thing that both of us have - when we are eating something our noses run and sometimes I start sneezing. Here's an explanation: Gustatory rhinitis
    A runny nose when eating is called gustatory rhinitis, and it usually happens right after you eat a trigger food1. Spicy foods are the most common cause of gustatory rhinitis. If you have a history of allergies, your runny nose may be caused by a food allergy or hay fever. The sinus cavity is lined with mucus membranes that help keep the nasal passages moist and clear of debris, and temperature can also be a factor.
    So strange that it happens to both of us! Every time we go out to eat I have this kind of reaction. It lasts about 5 minutes and then it's gone!

    Excited about our fellowship meal tonight. We usually eat together on the first Wednesday, but last week nearly everyone was sick - so we're getting together today! We eat together (and tonight we'll celebrate one of our teens' birthdays) and then we have a "round-table" worship time.

    Hope y'all have a wonderful evening too. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Good morning, ladies. I hope that y'all are doing alright. You are in my prayers!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    edited March 16
    I've been relaxing this morning. Dave is working 10 - 10, so I'm on my own. I'm thinking about cleaning out our bedroom this afternoon - it's become a catchall for everything lately
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    oh my, that looks yummy!

    I've been working in spurts. My left hand and the right side of my body from the waist down are having quite a bit of pain. I even had to take my pain meds this morning! I think I slept too long on that side - it doesn't like that!

    Have fun with your sorting!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Cindy - Praying for Marcia and Bob! And I have three friends who live in The Villiages. They love all of the activities.

    I am neck high in mess here! I had a big yard sale on Saturday and did well with it, but did not make a dent in the stuff. And I have taken carloads of stuff to the thrift store daily until last week. Now I need to get rid of the antique dishes, glassware and furniture.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    So happy to see you, Connie! I hope you are able to find buyers for your antiques! We had friends, years ago, who collected antique furniture and then refurbished it. Some other friends did that and then sold what they refurbished online. They are the ones who gave me by beautiful desk!

    I'm doing pretty good. Arthritis pain and allergies, but praise the Lord, very little in the way of headaches. I see the NP on Wednesday to see how the meds are working. This med is actually working better than the Aimovig did, which is a high-dollar med.

    Not much else going on. Love y'all.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I love your picture, Cindy! Our house back in Atlanta had a wood stove and I spent a lot of time sitting in front of it.

    Kim, have Wade's test results come back?

    Connie, I'm glad you had a good yard sale, even if there was lots of stuff left. I think there's always a lot left. We're making plans for a church-wide yard sale in May, with the proceeds going toward our building debt. I enjoy working at the sale, but not pricing and organizing everything the day before.

    I enjoyed church yesterday. I played piano with a string group and one of our new pastors brought a great first message. We're trying a co-ministry model and I'm interested in seeing how it works over time. Then I wanted to go on a walk today, but the weather isn't cooperating.

    Love you all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Carol, we go in to see the doctor tomorrow. I have an appointment with my NP at 8:30 and then his doctor at 11:30. I just need to let her know that the new meds are working and I'm not having any trouble with them! I go back in May to have my cholesterol checked again. We are just trusting the Lord that no matter what the results are, He will be praised and we will trust in Him - but, our hope is that it will be like it was last time, negative!

    Phew, did we get cold today! It was 38 degrees when I got up at 7 this morning. It's 50 now and is supposed to go up to 54! The pollen is at extreme levels throughout the East so I am staying inside!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    We got great news, Wade's biopsy was negative! Praise the Lord! He will go in in 6 months and if there isn't a major change he won't need to have another biopsy or see the doc for another year!

    Wow, yesterday was a very painful day in my leg, hip and SI joint. My leg is still aching, but I am getting around much better. I did get over 2,000 steps yesterday, most of them hanging onto Wade's arm!

    Hope y'all are doing well. Love you.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Wade's good news is an answer to prayer, Kim. I'm thankful for that praise.

    We did something special at church yesterday that I loved. Those who wanted to participate gathered outside and were given palm branches. We held them as we walked in singing the opening hymn, All Glory Laud and Honor, then lay them down at the front. We also did a responsive reading from the passage of Christ before Pilate. It was a very moving service. I'm not playing for anything next Sunday, so I can relax and enjoy the morning's events - sunrise service, breakfast, then worship at 11. But I'm playing for our Good Friday service, which I look forward to.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    I agree with Carole. Wade's good report is definitely an answer to prayer
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh, Carole, that sounds so beautiful and moving! I'm hoping I will be able to sing a song this Sunday. I wrote in about 30 years ago! BY JUST ONE MAN from Rom 5.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope y'all are doing well. We are in the midst of a storm. The thunder has quieted down now, just dark and rainy. It is warmer though, in the low 60's today!

    Wow, got my first real headache this morning (the weather front). I haven't had a "breakthrough" headache since I started the new meds. I've had some mild ones, but this was a bigger one. Took the meds and within in hour it was gone. God is so good!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    I'm so glad your headache was resolved so quickly, Kim.

    I'm trying to get everything ready for the kids coming over on Sunday. I have a little bit of dusting to do and I need to clean out my refrigerator. Then I need to run to the grocery store. We have our Good Friday service tomorrow and the girls and I are going out on Saturday, so today is really my only day to finish up.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,369 Member
    We're on our way home from our Good Friday service. Sunday is coming!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have been very quiet!

    Kim- I am so glad to hear about Wade's biopsy! God is good! Also good to hear that your new meds are working.

    Cindy - enjoy the kids and grandkids!

    Carole - enjoy being able to sit back during the services on Sunday! When I first quit playing every Sunday it was hard for me to remember how to worship God in music without playing. It was an integral part of my worship time. Now, I'm not sure exactly how I am going to be able to even go to church.

    Whew, what a wild month. I have gotten a LOT done, but have so much left to do. I have a lot to take to the thrift store, but they are closed until Monday. I also have a lot to take to the city dumpster, but I'm not sure if they will count Monday as a holiday.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited March 29
    Oh...I guess I should add the Kip passed away a little over a week ago. His family is saying he is in heaven...I sincerely hope so! He knew the way, I am praying he followed it!

    I also wanted to add a lighter touch. While we were having out second sale, an Amish couple came by with their horses and buggy and a little trailer behind it. They filled up their trailer with stuff, but also bought a couch my dad had made. They paid for everything and said they would be back for the couch. Pretty soon a guy from mom's church pulled up with a huge trailer and pick-up and the man & wife and an older couple. The older couple bought the bedroom set we are using, another dresser, and then I started telling them that they could have shelves and racks from the garage. They about cleaned us out. Then another Amish woman showed up with a female friend driver. They were going through books - all marked free. The Amish girl started cracking up laughing. Mom had a book "How the Amish Really Live". She took the book and said she was going to see if she was doing everything right. They were all so much fun, and so pleasant.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Our Good Friday service was very meaningful. It was basically Scripture reading leading into 5 meditative thoughts based on verbs - disciples denying, leaders washing hands, soldiers mocking, women standing by, and Jesus surrendering. I played a 10-minute prelude of hymns. And Connie, I can relate to what you said about learning to worship when not playing piano. I don't play every Sunday, which helps. But sometimes it seems our identity gets caught up in something we do, and we can feel lost when that changes.

    Today is beautiful, sunny and around 72. We're going back to the nature preserve in Asheville that we visited on Dwight's birthday a few weeks ago. I suspect a lot of plants that were budding then will be fully bloomed.

    I enjoy artwork and wanted to share this moving painting by a Christian artist, Yongsung Kim.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh wow, praise the Lord, Connie! I'm sorry to hear about Kip. I kept praying that he would remember what he'd been told about Jesus and give his heart to Him - things are different when you are staring eternity in the face! I too hope that he is in heaven. Are you able to play the piano at home much, Connie? I hope that you can watch your worship service if you can't be there in person. Maybe someone could do a Facebook Live for you!

    Getting things ready for service and our meal together tomorrow. Wade and I have gone over our song and having it lowered a step has helped. Amazing how much range I had when I put what the Lord gave me down on paper - now, not so much! LOL!

    Have a very blessed Resurrection Celebration tomorrow. Love y'all.