


  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Cindy, I came back to respond to your earlier post this from this morning and saw that you had deleted some of it. Just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

    Kim, wonderful news about your headaches! I pray that they stay manageable for you.

    Connie, I continue to pray for you and Bill. What you all are going through is hard. After a long stint in rehab, Dwight was home for two weeks before he passed, and required a lot of care. Some days were extremely difficult for me. You probably have a lot of options available, so take time to explore them all and seek advice. I talked with home healthcare workers a lot.

    I subscribe to a streaming program called Frndly TV. It includes the GAC channels, Hallmark, and several others. I have decided to let Cable TV go because I prefer to stream, and doing so will save a little over $100 per month.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Praying for you all.

    Everything is okay, Carole. I felt like I was over-sharing. Our 7th grandchild was born this afternoon. Elena Riley born at 12:10 pm. 6 lbs 5 oz, 19". Dave and I got a call from our daughter just after 3am that we needed to come and watch 2 1/2 year old Miles so they could go to the hospital. I had to drive 90 minutes to work today (and work on 4 hours sleep) but I'm off for the next 3 days, so I'll enjoy that AND my new granddaughter. 😊
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Cindy, don't you EVER worry about over-sharing! I feel like this is a comfortable, caring group where we can speak from our hearts. I was just afraid that something might have happened. Well, something really did happen... and I'm thrilled for you and Dave! Elena Riley is a beautiful name. Lavish as much love as you can on all seven grandchildren. Love you, Cindy!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Connie, we already had a bed that the head or foot would raise (we have two twins. I use mine to keep my head raised at 6 inches, Wade doesn't use his because it's too short for him). We put Mom in that and then bought some rails to keep her in. We put a TV in her room and her porta-potty near her bed so it would be an easy transfer. I keep you in my prayers, you are doing something amazing in taking care of Bill like you do!

    I am working on a cross-stitch project but can't stay at it very long. I have to be careful of the arthritis in my hands as well as my eyes going bonkers trying to see the little stitches. I need a pair of those magnifying glasses! We watch a show on YouTube called REPAIR SHOP. It's a British show where people bring in their heirlooms and different specialists work on repairing them. There are some very poignant stories - two or three of them wear two pairs of glasses, one for their vision and one to magnify their work, sometimes having both on their nose at the same time - I think that's what I need! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited February 13
    Cindy - How exciting to have been blessed with a new grandbaby! I won't get more than my one 27 year old grandson, but hopefully great-grandbabies someday!

    Bill is better since he went off of the new med. We have a video appointment with the doctor tomorrow afternoon and will be talking about another alternate to boost the tylenol and probably a hospital bed. I really hate to take down our 150 year old bed, but it is time, I think. I looked into adjustable beds that could work, but we really need the raising and lowering of the entire bed, as well as raising the head. I'm not sure where I will sleep, but will work something out. I want to be close by and not in another room.

    Here in a couple weeks we will be going and cleaning out moms house in mid-Missouri. I dont know how long we will be gone. We will be using wifi off my cell phone hotspots, so am going to need to make a change to my cell plan before going. They are good about temporary changes. Since we will be streaming TV and trying to sell antiques through faccebook marketplace, I'm going to need more than our usual. I dread this...especially dads tools. I know the antiques, but know nothng about all of that stuff!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Wow, two praise the Lords! Congrats Cindy on the new grandbaby, hold them close while they are little and will let you! Connie, I'm so glad that Bill is responding to being off of the med. I hope it makes things easier for you.

    I agree with Carole, if you need to share, share. It gives us a better idea of what we can be praying for as well.

    Not much going on with me which I guess is very good! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    I'm finishing up my job in Coral Gable, FL. There's one more meeting yet tonight - it's an awards program that won't be done until 10. I was smart and booked my return flight for 1pm tomorrow, so I won't have to get up too early.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I just can't believe the depravity of people. This shooting in KC is awful. On a day the entire city is celebrating. As of now, there are 22 injured - 11 children! One dead and several others with life threatening injuries.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I saw that on the news this morning, your figures are even worse than theirs! I heard the one dead was a mother of two. It feels like the world has gone crazy in the past few years! Praise God we have an island of light where the One we serve is keeping us. We may suffer persecution, but He has a plan, we just have to glorify and honor Him in the midst of it.

    Safe journey home, Cindy.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited February 16
    That is totally depraved. Praying for all those involved.

    I discovered an authentic German bakery/restaurant yesterday and bought 2 almond croissants. The dough comes frozen from Germany - after parbaking. I had to wait 20 min. for them to come out of the oven and it was so worth it. I went back today for breakfast and to bring home a couple of those almond croissants (one for Dave). The place is called Bread Pete. I'm putting the pictures I took in a Spoiler to not take up so much room.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Oh yum!

    Wade got me a slice of Raspberry Cheesecake yesterday for a post-Valentine's gift! Soooo good. I had told him when he came home that I needed him to help me not eat treats during the week. He said, alright, but not for special days! Got out of that one! Now to be extra good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited February 17
    I am still eating cookies and candy from the girls from Valentine's day. Whew, it is fun while it lasts.

    Cindy - those croissants look wonderful.

    I am trying to get everything lined up for our trip to Mom's old house. I don't want to have to order a bunch of Bill's stuff after we get there, so I will be filling the car with his supplies before we go. I have ordered what we don't have a month's supply extra. I also ordered a wheelchair ramp to get into Mom's house. There is one small step, but it is really difficult for him to get out of the wheelchair and make a step up. He got money from the girls, so this was a great gift. It will help at Mom's and it will help him get out of the house and onto the deck at home. I have also been going through my firestick that I rarely use and setting up favorite channels to make it easier to use. I hope that it works with the small TV still there. I think it should. I think my 5g wifi from the phone should be good enough. I get a strong signal there.

    I also got out my old laptop that I use for travel and double checked that I still had a bunch of videos downloaded to it. You can get a LOT of old TV shows and movies from the 1950s and 1960s on Internet Archives. I have several on here, so it should be okay. If I get a few minutes here and there, I will check it again and see if there are more that Bill would enjoy.

    Now, my next project is income taxes. I can do ours, but I'm not really confident in doing the 2 state taxes for mom. She probably won't owe and won't get anything back, but still have to do it. I think I will do her federal and then just see if I can get AARP help for the state taxes.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Cindy - I am showing my ignorance. How did you do the spoiler? I have been looking and not seeing it.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited February 17
    Cindy - I am showing my ignorance. How did you do the spoiler? I have been looking and not seeing it.
    Connie. Click on what I think is the paragraph symbol above ...
    ... and this box will pop up.
    Choose Spoiler...
    ... and this will appear. Then you click on the picture box like usual... making sure the cursor is between the bracketed spoiler words

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Oh wow, that is so cool! I see it just above my comment box!

    Connie, you sure have a chore ahead of you. I hope that you have help coming to the house! Praying all goes well.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    edited February 17
    Connie, praying for you - the trip, Bill's health & comfort, and all the work ahead of you. We've been going slowly with Dwight's things. Beth comes over 2-3 times a week and we do a little cleaning out each time. We went through Dwight's closet yesterday and a friend from church, who works at the Salvation Army, came and picked everything up for us. I kept a couple of his flannel shirts and am wearing one today.

    I wanted to share this picture, taken in spring of 2021 on our first Easter here. I miss Dwight, but am so thankful to have family close by. Beth is in front, taking the picture, with Daniel (her husband) and Drew (my son) in the back. g94pzahcn4gl.jpg
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited February 19
    Great picture, Carole.

    Connie, add my prayers to Carole's and Kim's. You have a big job ahead of you, but you sound very prepared. I can relate to the taxes issue. I do ours, but I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be doing my Dad's.

    Heading to our youngest's house today to keep her and the little ones company. Her husband has a commitment that will keep him away for 6 hours and she asked for help. I'm taking dinner (ravioli, salad, green beans and garlic bread - my son-in-law doesn't like Italian food, so she rarely eats it anymore and never makes it) and looking forward to baby snuggles and toddler giggles.
    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Love the picture, Carole! I enjoy having a face to put to the posts!

    We had a CPA do mom's return for two years in a row - the year she was sick and then the year she passed. We had him do ours when we received our inheritance. This year we will do our own, it should be straight forward. Now to stop procrastinating! LOL!

    Hoping and praying all goes well, Connie!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited February 20
    Thanks Cindy! Now to give it a try!

    Carole, what a beautiful family picture.

    I had intended on contacting AARP tax help in the area, but didn't it get it done today. I need to get it taken care of soon. I want to have it taken care of before we go to Dixon. I could do it while there, but hate the stress of cleaning out the house and doing the taxes
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Good morning, all! I've been enjoying my quiet time and coffee. I love slow, relaxed mornings like this. Didn't even set my alarm, knowing Molly the cat would wake me in a timely manner. Timely to her, that is.

    Have any of you ever used the Streams in the Desert devotional? It's one of my favorites and I use it over and over. Watching the news can be so very discouraging, and then today I came across a quote that is so encouraging: You may not be able to move things on earth with your words, but you may move heaven. Just reminds me that our world and everyone in it are in God's hands, and the best thing to do is pray.

    My laptop computer that I use all the time finally died, so yesterday was spent in buying a new one at Best Buy, then spending the day getting it set up. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the process was. Thanks to the cloud, I guess, everything that I had stored transferred. It was easier than moving to a new phone several months ago, a process I still haven't completed. Now I need to start on taxes, but hope to get some reading time in. Love you all!