


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Happy New Year y'all.

    I was looking at my watch to see when the New Year would begin, and my watch gave me a fireworks display! How fun!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Yesterday I was getting everything lined out with Bill so I could go to church. I was all ready except putting on my dress pants and blazer. Bill asked if I was about ready for church and I told him I would be leaving in about 20 minutes. He told me he wanted to come. This is the first time in months! It was very difficult for him getting in and out of the car and getting on the stair lift to get back up the stairs, but he totally enjoyed church and visiting with friends. Such a blessing to me!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Oh, Connie, that is so awesome! I'm sure your friends were so blessed to have him there.

    We have had to Zoom our services because so almost all of us have whatever it is that is going around. I think I'm on day 18 of coughing and head congestion, but praise the Lord, I am getting better, it's not nearly as severe as it was. Because it all happened over Christmas and New Year (I was even out for Thanksgiving) we will at some point in January have a Church celebration. On the first Wednesday of the month, we have been getting together to eat and fellowship, but I think too many of us are still sick to even be able to do that! Sigh. Satan sure is fighting against us right now - kind of makes you feel like your Church is a threat to him! Can't wait to get back to in-person worship and ministry!

    Have an awesome day, y'all. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited January 3
    I'm glad to hear that Dwight is doing so much better, Carole.

    How wonderful Bill was able to go with you to church, Connie.

    And so glad to hear you're on the mend, Kim.

    I got all my Christmas decorations down yesterday. Today I started to organize the storage closet that everything goes in, but then remembered I have a rug to return and a free loaf of bread to pick up... so I'm jumping in the shower before running out to do those errands.

    Have a blessed day. I hope the sun in shining where you are. (It's very gray here today. )
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Yep, the sun is shining!

    Wade picked me up some decongestants yesterday, so I will take those for a little bit (no more than 7 days) to see if I can get rid of some of this congestion in my head. Still coughing a little bit, but much better than it was.

    Don't things look a little sad and empty when the decorations come down? I need to put my mantle stuff back in place after the Christmas stuff was removed!

    Hope y'all have a great day. Love you
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, I was thrilled to hear that Bill was able to go to church. That had to have meant the world to both of you. And on the other hand, sorry that you had to rely on Zoom, Kim. I had never heard of Zoom before Covid and am thankful for how that technology allowed us to still get together in uncertain times. But there's no substitute for physical presence. We were created to be together - in friendship, love, support and encouragement.

    Cindy, most of my decorations are still up and I'm good with that. Our church draws the Christmas celebration out and we're singing Christmas carols this Sunday. I think the focus will be on the wise men. The other blessing is that Dwight will get to enjoy them when he comes home... THIS FRIDAY!! There was a time when I wasn't sure he would ever get strong enough to come home, but he's a lot better. The therapists are working on leg strength these last few days and I think he will be able to manage with my help. We'll also have home healthcare. We won't know how long that will last until they do an evaluation on Saturday. So much to be thankful for!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    That is a lot to be thankful for, Carole. I'm glad Dwight will get to enjoy them.

    Over the years I've had to get my Christmas decorations down on the 1st because I'm usually starting a new job early in January. One year I didn't get to it and everything was up until March. So I just have to do it when I have the free time.

    Tomorrow I'm packing for my first out of town job of the year. I leave on Friday
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Carole, that is a huge Praise the Lord! So happy he is doing so much better.

    Cindy, where are you off to this time - somewhere warm I hope!

    Still coughing a bit and congested in the head. Day 18 today. I'm off of the cough medicine but taking the decongestant with acetaminophen.

    Wade took down the outside lights over the last two days. Things just look a bit bleak after all the beautiful colors of Christmas decorations. We did get the day to day decorations back on the mantle, it does look pretty! My Moose(s) Barney and Festus went back into my cabinet desk! I put green ribbons on their necks and put them on the mantle for Christmas.

    Cube steak for dinner tonight - yummers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited January 4
    Hey Kim, I'm off to Las Vegas. Unfortunately it's a big convention city because of all the available hotel rooms and scads of convention floor space, so I end up there 5 or 6 times a year.

    Other than an early morning walk (maybe 6am) to get in steps and bring back a latte from Starbucks, I never venture outside when I'm there. It looks like it'll be warmer than it is at home, but not what I'd call 'warm'.
    x9t597byhh8l.jpgI'm off to Costco to buy coffee and refill my gas tank before tomorrow's trip to the airport.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Oh wow, that doesn't seem right; shouldn't the desert be hot??? At least it will be a small reprieve. I don't blame you for not going out if you don't have to, this world has gone crazy.

    I was just reading a Yahoo article about a new tropical disease that is hitting the South, a killer. They want to blame it on warming temperatures, but how about all of those illegals coming here from tropical countries??? Biden is determined to destroy this country!

    Still a wee bit sick. I did take some cough meds last night and still on the decongestants. I have just one left and will have to wait to be able to take more, at least that is what the medical community says - no more than seven days! I do have a natural decongestant that I take often.

    Hoo-wee we are cold here today. I think that there is supposed to be ice and snow in the Western part of the state, but we shouldn't see any of that here on the coast. That would have been us if we were still in Hickory!

    Have an awesome day and weekend, ladies.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited January 6
    Day 1 of this job. My room is quite a hike from the convention center area - the walk is all indoors though. It's not yet 10am and I'm just 281 steps away from my 6,000 steps/day target. I've walked from my room to the convention area, back to the bell stand in the lobby to pick up a case, back to the convention area and back to my room to change into short sleeves. The walk back will put me over 6,000 steps. It's a good start to the day
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    What a great way to exercise while traveling, Cindy! I hope your trip continues to go well.

    Kim, it seems like Biden and the liberals (one in the same) want to blame everything bad on either climate change or conservatives. I don't dare say more for fear I couldn't stop.

    Dwight came home yesterday, a huge praise! He's doing better, but standing up is his main problem. He does good if he has the arms of a chair to push down on. But today, the problem was the bathroom. We have bars at the toilet, but it's difficult for him to pull himself up with them. The side effect of one of his meds, magnesium I think, is diarrhea. That's all I'll say, but you can read between the lines and figure out the situation. Caregiving has some rough moments!

    Beth and I aren't ready to leave him alone for very long, so she's staying with him tomorrow while I play piano at church. I thought about not going, but decided it will do me good to be around my church family. I'll stay home next Sunday because Beth has a retreat. We'll see what happens after that.

    Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I understand where you are coming from! I don't know how your house is equipped, but we have a bedside potty with the bucket taken out of it sitting over the toilet. This adjusts and we raised the seat be a couple inches as well as having firm armrests for Bill. The in home health team told us to do that for my dad when he broke his hip, so I did it when Bill started having issues.

    The weather here has been nasty. We just have a skiff of snow, because the temp has been a degree or two above freezing, but it looks slick this morning. I have a while to make up my mind about driving to church...they closed the road we take to church and the alternate routes are much further. They have completely removed the entire 4 lane highway right before our exit and the exit before is through a railway area with long trains. It's quicker to add the 5 miles to the journey. I hope they get the highway put back together soon.

    Tomorrow and Tuesday we are supposed to have a bad storm. We will just see what happens.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I think that storm is expected to hit us on Tuesday. Of course, that's my return travel day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I loved watching the snow fall on TV but am so glad we got none of it here. We did get some rain, but that's about it!

    Cindy, awesome job getting steps, although it doesn't seem like you had much of a choice, unless they offer you a motorized cart!

    Carole, huge praise the Lord! Caregiving is very hard, and we had three of us doing the work! We had a porta-potty in Mom's room. We ordered the bags for the potty so all we had to do was take those out and toss them in the covered garbage can we had just for that. It made things so much easier!

    Still having some trouble with coughing and head congestion. I'm not sure what is going on. It's been three weeks! Last night I started having trouble catching my breath again, not bad, but more than I had been having in the last three weeks. This morning, no problems, but taking a deep breath does cause me to cough.

    I have a dental appointment tomorrow, my 6-month cleaning. I am hoping that it's the sickness that is causing that tooth to hurt. It hurts when I bend over, but not when I eat! That sounds like sinuses to me - I sure hope so!

    Love you gals.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Well...5-8 inches expected overnight through mid-afternoon. We will see what happens. It may be my 1st missed day visiting Mom. Tomorrow afternoon Bill's doctor (NP) is supposed to be here. The appointmemt is sometime between 2pm-4pm....A long window. We will seem what the weather blows in!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, that's a lot of snow in your forecast! We've had a couple of light dustings, but the ground has been too warm for anything to stick. Occasional snow or rain/snow icons appear on our extended forecast, so we'll have to see what happens.

    Several people have recommended the bedside potty that you and Kim mentioned, and I think it will be a big help. His primary care doctor will probably order one for us when we see him on Thursday. I didn't know you could get bags for them, Kim. While we wouldn't need them at this point, that's helpful information.

    Today was a good day - busy, but good. PT came for an evaluation, and then the sweetest personal care lady helped him with a bath and washed his hair. Dwight ate good, too. But it seemed that no sooner had I finished preparing one meal, it was time to start on the next! Managed to to a little reading along the way.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Carole, these are the liners we used: They have the absorbent pad in the bag all ready to go, much easier.

    Going to the dentist shortly. When I described the pain in my tooth the gal was pretty sure it had to do with my sinuses! Will talk to y'all later.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Back from the dentist! Great visit. I thought it might not be as good since I didn't take care of my teeth like I should while sick! The pain I was having in my teeth was from inflammation in my sinuses. The roots of one of the teeth goes right up to the sinus and the post for the implant is right against my sinus cavity too, so when there is infection or inflammation it puts pressure on the teeth! Interesting! and Praise the Lord it wasn't the tooth itself! The right tooth doesn't hurt any more and the left one isn't hurting like it had been - God is so very good! Doing much better over all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited January 9
    Glad to hear you're doing better, Kim.

    I'm actually online in the air right now. I have just under an hour to go before I'm home, where I'll be until I leave for my next trip out of town on the 14th. I can't remember, Kim, are you in North Carolina? Or Carole? Or Both? 😁