


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    Here's my Christmas contribution. My mom had a ceramics store back in the 80s, right after I graduated from high school. She made this little 12" Christmas tree for me when I moved into my first apartment when I was maybe 20 - so I've had it for more than 40 years. She's been gone four years now and these past few years when I get it out, it reminds me of her.

    Also, Kim. I was taking Mucinex DM for my cough... one every 12 hours. The guaifenesin in it thins out the mucus and the DM (Dextromethorphan) is a cough suppressant. I'm not a doctor... but it helped me get some sleep
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Cindy, that Christmas tree looks just like the one that Mom made in a ceramics class! I am taking Robitussin with both of those meds in it. I do use a Mucinex sore throat lozenge. I take the Robitussin every four hours. I tried to call my PA that is nearby, but their office is closed for Christmas. My regular doctor's office is open until noon, but I had to leave a message with the nurse, so I may not hear back from them until next Tuesday! If I'm not better throughout today, then I may go to the emergency room. I think I am doing better though. I'm able to resolve the cough more easily today and am not coughing as much - but boy, am I noisy, wheezing, whining, and gurgling!

    Can you believe that Christmas day is just three days away!? It just came too fast!

    Have an awesome day, y'all. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    My turn again. My sister made this for me for my 20th birthday. I'm sure I didn't appreciate it at the time (I'm not really into Santa Claus), but I've grown to appreciate the time and effort her 18 year old self put into making this. The "snow" had gotten a little dingy over the years, so last year I mixed up some thick craft glue and glitter and spiffed it up. The music box still works and the grandkids love it!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    Here's a beaded tree I've had for maybe 10-12 years. My mom and sisters all got together and made them from kits one year, but for some reason I wasn't included (early 90s I think). My Mom found this one - apparently she had made an extra. It was just the branches made into the tree... no base, no glass dome, no ornaments. I found a base on ebay, and the dome at a craft store near me. My sisters shared extra ornaments they had - one of them had an extra tree topper, etc. It was definitely a group effort.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Cindy, I love the decorations you shared! My Mom once made a similar ceramic tree when I was growing up and set it out on our dining table. I'm partial to multi-colored lights, so I would always linger when passing through the dining room.

    You did a beautiful job with your creativity on sprucing up the music box - the beaded tree also. Handmade gifts like that evoke so many treasured memories.

    I'm getting ready to play for our Christmas Eve service at 9:00 tonight. Anyone else going out tonight?

    Love to all and may all of you have a blessed Christmas.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I'm a little disappointed we didn't have our Christmas Eve candlelight service tonight. Because today is Sunday, they rolled the Christmas Eve service into the normal Christmas Sunday service. After praise and worship, our pastor preached a beautiful message about four different hearts in the Christmas story: the faithful heart (Mary), the broken heart (Joseph), the humble heart (the shepherds) and the seeking heart (the wise men). Then they passed out battery operated candles and we sang a few more songs - O Holy Night was one of them.

    Our youngest son and his family came over for chili tonight (they left about 40 minutes ago) and brought a new puzzle with them. Everyone will be here tomorrow afternoon and we'll have Christmas dinner in the evening.

    Love to all of you and Merry CHRISTmas! 🌟
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I love the ceramic tree! I had a white one that got broken when Bill's sisters went through the basement stuff after his mom died. I'm sure that the box just got bumped during the process. My mom has a fairly large one that she has used for years and it would have been perfect in her apartment, but I didn't think about Christmas when we were packing for her move.

    The hat is part of a set made by my aunt.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    This bear usually sits in a chair during Christmas, but I didn't decorate as much as usual. He was made for me by a friend of my mother's.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    Cute decorations, Connie!

    Here's an ornament from my 2 year old grandson - just got it this evening. It's three separate glass ornaments put together with ribbon - a strawberry, a blackberry and a blueberry - to remind me of picking berries with my grandkids when they come over in the summer (I have all 3 varieties here for them to pick when they're here visiting.)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Oh my, those are adorable! The Teddy Bear is beautiful. I have crocheted ornaments that came with Mom's stuff that her sister made for her, and some cross-stitch ones that I made for her! I think the one your grandson made for you is so cute, Cindy! So many memories. I have a couple of teddy bears on the mantle in sweaters that were Mom's, and a snowman that friends gave her when she was in the hospital that last Christmas.

    I hope that your Christmases were very happy and filled with blessings. Wade and I just sat around coughing and enjoying whatever treats we could think of to have! We made peanut butter cookies and added some sprinkles to them - very festive! It was a beautiful and blessed day. Love y'all.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    edited December 2023
    Thanks for sharing all these ornaments, both in pictures and in words! I have enjoyed seeing special decorations that are unique to each of us. Connie, if I were to visit your home, that little teddy bear just might disappear.

    One last ornament that I have to share is this little handmade wooden church scene. Beth led a campus ministry in Germany for eight years. On my first of two visits, she took me to a Christmas shop and asked me to pick an ornament to remember her by. There were lots of attractive decorations, but nothing really spoke to me until I saw this one. Treasured memories of a wonderful visit and a dear daughter - who lives 8 minutes from me now!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    How beautiful! I have enjoyed the pictures and stories too, Carole. Thanks for thinking of it for us.

    Wade has boxed everything inside the house back up. I think because he was having a good day and just wanted it done since the stuff we have lasts so long. I am on day 11 but feel like I am getting better. Friends who are sick as well, and went to an Urgent Care place in town, told us they were told that the sickness can last up to two weeks, and I wouldn't be surprised if it will last longer. My head is quite congested as well as my chest. Right now the coughing wouldn't bother me except that my sides and stomach are super sore from coughing, so even blowing my nose is painful across my mid-riff area! Wade's had a bit of a fever but mostly just coughing. I just keep praying for relief and that whatever God has for me while this is going on, that I get it, or do it - that's what's most important.

    Time for lunch and a good rest! Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    Please keep resting and taking care of yourself, Kim. I pray you both get get rid of this cough. I'm not sure I know what you mean by he boxed up everything. Your Christmas decorations? I usually do that on New Year's Day. It's a day I always have off.

    I'm getting things ready for my extended family's Christmas get-together. My Dad, all of my siblings and most of their SOs (4 are married, one brother has a girlfriend, one sister is single) will be there. My sister from New York drove in yesterday and brought one of her four sons with her. Her husband stopped traveling many years ago (20?). I think all together we'll be close to 35 in number. We make an online sign-up sheet and everyone brings at least two things. My oldest son and daughter-in-law actually volunteered their house to host this year and they're making two small turkeys. I'm bringing dressing, corn, lemonade and peanut butter cookies. And so on. Three of my kids will be there with their families; it'll be nice to see them again so soon after Christmas. Have a blessed day everyone!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Oh Cindy, the family time sounds wonderful! I think this is the first Christmas in my life that I did not travel. When I was a kid and young adult, it was to my grandparents 150 miles away. After they were gone it was to my aunt's house, then my parents. It was nice having Mom close. She didn't feel good on Christmas Eve and backed out of coming to our family get together, but I went that evening and took her gifts. She was definitely in pain, so I understood not wanting to get out in the rain and yuck.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Oh, that's too bad that Mom couldn't come! So glad you were able to have a get-together though.

    Cindy sounds like a wonderful time with family. How awesome that so many could come from far off!

    We usually wait until the first of the new year to box up the decorations, but he got the boxes out on the 26th - I was surprised. I think he was getting sick then and wanted to get it done before the worst of it hit him, which is happening over the last couple of days. I'm about 50% better. Taking it easy. Still have some coughing and lots of head congestion. Slept quite a bit yesterday and last night, so feel quite rested today and able to take care of hubby! So glad I am able to do for him like he did for me!

    Stay well y'all. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    🤗 to you both!

    I am being lazy today. My (from New York) sister and her son will be staying here tomorrow night before they head to another sister's house for their last night in town. I really should be changing the sheets in both spare bedrooms, but I'm telling myself that won't take long and I can do it on the morning.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, it's wonderful that your Mom is close, as I'm thankful to be close to Beth and Daniel. With the weather like you described, it was probably better that she didn't get out.

    Cindy, after a family celebration like that, you deserve a lazy day! I'm glad so many were able to come and trust you made some great memories.

    I'm thankful for 50% improvement, Kim! And that you felt good enough to help Wade. Have you been able to read? I usually don't feel like reading when I'm congested like that, so I mainly listen to music when I'm not sleeping. Hope tomorrow brings even more improvement.

    Dwight is so much better, y'all! He's able to do the therapy now and is much more like himself. Still not quite able to stand unassisted, but improving steadily. He's been in either a hospital or rehab since Nov. 15, so this whole holiday season has been different.

    Beth and Daniel thought it would be good for us to get away for a few hours, so last Saturday we drove through the mountains to the village of Blowing Rock in western NC. It might be winter, but the mountain vistas are still breathtaking. Have you ever been there, Kim? We ate one of the best meals I've ever had at a little restaurant called The Speckled Trout. On Sunday, I played for our Christmas Eve service, which was a beautiful experience. Then on Christmas morning, we did something like Connie and her Mom... We got breakfast plates at Waffle House and had Christmas brunch with Dwight at rehab. He's lost a good bit of weight, so Beth got him some new sweatpants and shirt. She helped him get dressed and he came out in a wheelchair to a quiet dining area. So while this season has been very different, we've found ways to make it special. Love to all of you.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I have been to Blowing Rock, Carole. We went when Dad was alive and took some videos. Dad was so funny - he said that Wade kept trying to throw me over, but I just kept coming back! He really did love me! That is such good news about Dwight! Praise the Lord! I'm not sure if we will all be well enough to have a get-together at New Year's Eve, so many of us have this gunk that is going around, and it's lasting forever! I'm on the 12th day (it started on the 18th). I'm coughing in short bursts and still have head congestion, but feeling overall better! So grateful to the Lord!

    Hoping and praying that we will find lots of blessings and growth in Jesus in the new year!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member