


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited November 2023
    Carole - I left for Barcelona Saturday afternoon and arrived here at 8:40am Sunday. I officially start work tomorrow and don't really know what my days will be like, so I went exploring with my sister (she's on this job with me) after checking in at the venue today.
    26,463 steps later...

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    How nice to have your sister with you! Try to enjoy while you work.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I love the pictures, Cindy! Thank you for sharing with us. I tried to look up Bones Festes and think it basically means happy holidays, party, celebration, etc. I hope you and your sister get to experience a little of Barcelona life in the midst of working.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Yes... they speak Catalan in Barcelona. Bones Festes is Happy Holidays. Bon Nadal is Merry Christmas... and the long one is: It's Christmas. Come to the market. I'm hoping to make it back to that Christmas Market later in the week when it's open
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Cindy - My daughter led a campus ministry in Germany for 8 years. I was thrilled to visit her twice during those years, but never around Christmas. Beth loved street markets, especially the Christmas ones. You'll probably find some great food. Is it cold there, or does Barcelona have a milder climate? I didn't notice any heavy coats or wool scarves in your pictures.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited November 2023
    It's definitely a milder climate. The highs are in the 60s this week and the lows are mostly in the 50s (although it does dip into the mid 40s later this week). My walk to and from the convention center is about 15 minutes. On my way back tonight it was 60° - not bad at all.

    This same job last year was a little later in the year and was in Frankfurt. I was able to get to a lovely Christmas market when I was there.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, Carole. I'm so glad that you have an awesome Church family to be there for you! That makes so much difference. At a point in Mom's illness, we asked that people not come because she was getting very confused, and then she was looking so bad we didn't want them to remember her that way. They did send gifts though. I'm sorry I missed Thanksgiving with the Church family this year, but, Lord willing I will be fit as a fiddle by Christmas and spending time with the body then!

    I go to the doctor on Wednesday. Not sure how it will go since she wasn't able to detect any sounds in my lungs the first time. No more expensive tests, I just had them and it's normal for someone my age to have to go through two sets of antibiotics because our bodies just don't heal as quickly. I'm kind of upset though. It will be two weeks since I finished the first round before I'm able to see her again. Praise the Lord He didn't let things get much worse although some days it felt like it was. Today I am doing fairly well, catching my breath is much easier and I'm able to do a bit more. Hardly any coughing at all. I do have a mild sore throat though, I've had that off and on. Lord willing I'll be well by Wednesday and can call and cancel the appointment. My doctor's office didn't handle this very well, but Jesus didn't let it get worse, rather it is getting better, so praise the Lord, He is faithful!

    Our little stretch of road is so happy-looking. We have our lights up and next door as well. The neighbor on our other side put up lights around their porch and their neighbor has a display in their yard. The neighbor across the street always has a beautiful display too. The road is dark until you go around the curve and come into our neck of the woods and poof - lights! The guy on the other side of the road kitty-corner from us usually has some up, but he's not been feeling well lately, so maybe he will get some in a bit.

    We are still waiting for a date for Wade's hernia surgery. Please keep him in your prayers. A simple surgery, but surgery is never simple!

    Thanks y'all. Love you
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    You're right, Kim... surgery is never simple! The unexpected happens more frequently than one would expect. Let us know when Wade's surgery is scheduled.

    Dwight was moved to rehab over the weekend, when not much happens, so progress has been slow so far. We have a care plan meeting this afternoon, then I'll hopefully know more. I just know that he has a long way to go before being strong enough to come home. Right now, I'm sitting with him from late morning to late afternoon. Beth goes by before work and sometimes drops by in the evening. So thankful to have her close by!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Carole, you and your family continue to be in my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing so I know how to pray for him and for y'all. I'm so glad that you are close to Beth, how special is that?

    Wade is going to call them to see what the hold up is, but I will let y'all know as soon as we know.

    I'm going to the doctor in the morning and hopefully get another round of antibiotics! I can't kick this out without medicinal help! I'm still having trouble catching my breath and I'm coughing more today than I did yesterday. I've had the occasional good day through this three week saga, but then I struggle again. I'm just ready for it to be over! I am so glad that Jesus is with me and helps me to stay strong and cheerful through it all. Wade has been so incredible, helping me every single day and doing the things I would normally do so that I can rest. God blessed me good!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    What a blessing our families are, Kim! I was just about to ask if you still needed to see the doctor tomorrow. Praying for you in this healing process of more antibiotics or whatever the doctor recommends.

    Dwight had a much better day today and actually did some OT exercises. Another blessing is discovering how good our insurance is. If I understood correctly, there's no co-pay and the time limit is quite long. It's been ICU, hospital and rehab for two weeks now, so that is an incredible blessing. I've also regained my passion for reading and don't want to stop!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited November 2023
    Carole - I know what you mean about insurance. I started getting mom's bills today from her 35 day stent in hospital, transitional care (skilled nursing), and rehab. So far, we owe nothing. and 19 bills have come into medicare and her supplement. It is great to have good insurance.

    Kim - praying all goes well with the Doctor, and Carole - Dwight remains in our prayers.

    This was taken today after I did Mom's hair and her new Christmas wreath was put up.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Lovely picture, Connie! So glad you posted it. I can see you in your Mom. Is she more content about where she's living?

    Kim, you're in my thoughts and prayers today as you visit the doctor.

    Cindy, I'm thankful you have work to keep you busy after all the covid mess, and hope your trip is going well.

    We're hoping to put our tree up tonight and I'm trying to fix something for Beth and Daniel to eat in the midst of all that. Lots going on today!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited November 2023
    Thank you, Carole. I've been blessed that I didn't take too bad of a hit with all the canceled jobs in early 2020.

    I got my (artificial) tree up the night before I left, but it's sitting in the living room with just lights on it. I was hoping to have it fully decorated before I left on the 25th, but that didn't happen. I arrive home from Miami on the 8th. I guess I'll be hanging ornaments on the 9th...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I'll take a picture of our tree tonight, the backlighting from the front window pretty much hides the tree! LOL!

    Connie, what an awesome picture. How pretty Mom is! I hope that she is feeling better about being in her new place. Y'all are in my prayers.

    Well, my doctor's visit still left questions, but I kind of knew that would happen. My lungs sounded clear to her (but they did last time when I had pneumonia for sure); I have a low-grade fever (I didn't have any last time). The only way to know for sure that it is still pneumonia is to do another CT scan, but it's too soon for that, and I wouldn't anyway. Not knowing for sure she put me on another round of antibiotics and an inhaler, just in case it's inflammation. It's Fluticasone S(something). I do two puffs twice a day for 10 days. If I'm not better after 10 days she will refer me to a pulmonologist. Still having trouble catching my breath today, but my coughs seem to be coming from deeper in my chest, so I think that is a good sign. My leg is still hurting. I got around 4,000 steps yesterday and my body doesn't like it when I get that many, but praise the Lord it's not as bad as it has been in the past. I'm hoping that the meds will work because they were rather expensive and I don't want to have to go through another round of them! I have a friend who is going through similar problems with her breathing, and we were praying for her yesterday when she was going to the emergency room - praise the Lord I haven't had to do that! But as we were praying I was thinking about how God has a purpose for whatever happens to us, either for us to learn something, to grow our faith, to reach someone else, or to draw/drive us to Himself if we don't know Him; and always for us to bring glory and honor to Him no matter what the purpose. He has a purpose for what I am going through too, and I just need to be open to finding out what that is and be faithful to fulfill that purpose. It's been frustrating being sick for so long, but when I remember there is a purpose in it, it brings peace to my soul. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    How are you feeling today, Kim? That inhaler that the doctor put you on... Dwight uses that as a nose spray each day. At least, I think it's the same medicine. And you're so right in that everything happens for a purpose. It might be obvious soon, or in the future, or you may never know for sure. But God is working in and through everything.

    PT had Dwight walking in the hall when I got there this morning. He did good, but was worn out afterward. They were also concerned that his urinary infection might have come back and will check on that. So things are moving slowly, but good. I'm tired, but look forward to playing piano tomorrow.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, I'm so glad that Dwight is making progress! Praise the Lord. We will continue to pray.

    Today isn't as good a day as Friday and Saturday were. I was starting to have more catching-my-breath issues yesterday afternoon and evening, and today it's the same, I'm just having to try and get those deep breaths or yawns to catch. Wade and I were playing *kitten* in the hallway (Wade made the boards and we ordered the bags) which is about half the normal distance, but it's loads of fun and gets a wee bit of exercise out of me, but I was having more trouble catching my breath this time than when we played over the weekend. The inhaler is a steroid. I use fluticasone nasal spray as well, but this is fluticasone propionate and salmeterol HFA. So far the steroid in it hasn't bothered my tummy, but I do think that it is making my voice a bit hoarse! I want this and the antibiotics to work this time, if not I will have to go to a pulmonologist. But I will be very happy to be able to go to Church again. Pneumonia is communicable and we have people who have sensitive lungs and just don't need that, so I've kept myself in isolation until I know for sure the pneumonia is gone.

    Not much else going on with us. Have a blessed week, y'all.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for you, Kim, and for Dwight.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    All of your prayers are very much appreciated. Turns out that Dwight did have an infection, which they are treating with strong antibiotics. The rehab facility will transport him to the urologist's office on Thursday, so we are hoping for good results from that visit - namely, removal of the catheter.

    Kim, I'm praying that this round of antibiotics works for you. You're about halfway through, aren't you? And Connie, are you and Bill doing okay?

    My two kitties are good companions while Dwight is away. One of them has asthma and is using the same fluticasone propionate inhaler as you, Kim. I use a chamber with a small mask at one end and the inhaler fits into the other. She's pretty good about breathing through it, so I've been able to administer it by myself.

    Missing you, Cindy. Praying your trip is going well.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Thanks, Carole. I'm in Miami this week - arrived here Saturday night. The days have been very long and I really can't wait to get back home. This is my last job this year though... after I get home on the 8th, I'm off until January 5th - so very nearly a month. My day today started at 6:30 this morning and we're not quite done for the day (it's 9:15 pm). Back in at 6:30 tomorrow.

    Praying the best for all of you.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Carole, that is so funny! I'm glad that kitty is being cooperative!

    It's amazing how much a UTI can affect someone. Mom had several of those in the last couple of months, and her dementia would worsen whenever she had one. Praise the Lord Dwight doesn't have that to contend with as well. So glad that he is getting better!

    Today is a good day. I am catching my breath more easily and I have more energy. I'm coughing a little bit, but not nearly like I had been. I am a little bit more than halfway through, about three more days with the anti-biotics. I will take the inhaler at least until I see my NP on the 11th.

    Wade is still waiting for a date for his hernia surgery so please continue to pray for him.

    Hugs, thoughts and prayers. Love y'all.