


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    It's amazing how we can see that it doesn't make sense, but the system is blind to the difficulties! I can't imagine how you do it alone, Connie. It took three of us to move Mom, which caused a problem with getting her into a nursing care center - they wanted her to be able to be moved by just one person! Do you have a belt for him? Even with the mobility belt for Mom, it still took three of us because she wouldn't help at all - she just didn't understand what she was supposed to do. I can't imagine trying to do it without the belt! We had it at her waist for a while, but then one of the care nurses told us to put it up under her armpits, it didn't hurt as much there and we had better control. You are in my prayers!

    Well, the vanity is finally in! Now to figure out what to put in the drawers and cabinets! I put the stuff I had on top of the previous vanity into the top drawer which is just three skinny sides since it surrounds the sink. Great for my pills, my eye drops, and my flossers. I put Wade's shaving stuff into the clear plastic box that I had all that stuff in since that stuff doesn't really work in a drawer! It looks really nice. Praise the Lord the kitchen and now the bathroom are done - well, I still need my step in the bathroom, but Wade can make that in an hour or so!

    Woke with a terrible headache this morning and got sick. Oh, I hate that kind! Praise the Lord the headache is gone, but I always feel so puny afterwards. Thank the Lord my back feels better today than it did yesterday, just one thing to have to deal with today! I see these as growing times and praise the Lord for the strength to trust Him through it all.

    Love y'all. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Vanity pictures Kim!!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2023
    God answers prayers! Wednesday evening I got a call from the housecall doctor's office telling us all of the records they need. They told me that they wouldn't be working on Thursday, but would call today if they got everything needed. I got a text yesterday that they set him up for a video visit to access needs, etc. It is set for Tuesday morning. Then they will get him set for a visit.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited October 2023
    Oh, Connie, that is so good! Praise the Lord. My new vanity and my new kitchen. The countertops, sink, the cabinet color and handles, and the butcherblock on the island are all new.kz9krcnn4qug.jpg
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    What a pretty vanity! I'll bet it's nice to have the projects done so you can enjoy the space. Ooh - those cupboards in the kitchen under your window... what a great way to utilize a space for storage!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Also... Happy Belated Birthday, Connie!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thanks, Cindy. We are going to put boards at the sides and bottom of the vanity to hide the messed up walls from the vanity we took out. It was built in, and taking it off wasn't easy. We are going to put up
    ugh - beadboard around the kitchen rather than tile. Taking off the original tile chewed up the drywall underneath, so this will be the cheapest and easiest way to fix it! I do love having it done! Glad we had the laundry room sink while this one was being worked on! LOL!

    I weighed a few minutes ago and was three pounds less than the day before yesterday. I wore my leg wraps and arm wraps yesterday and I think that is where that weight went! Ugh! My right leg wrap slipped off early in the afternoon - they say that they will fall off when there is shrinkage. I had to pull off the other leg that night, so it didn't do as well. Boy, I will be very lop-sided!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited October 2023
    Just left Beth's from walking with her. We did about 2.5 miles today on the trails at the park. It was a little drizzly when we started, but cleared up after about 30 minutes.

    Her eyes aren't doing a whole lot better... she's still seeing two images that aren't combining to one clear image between them. Her husband has encouraged her to drive a little, so she's driven the two of them to the park twice. He's concerned that she'll be housebound if he's away... but she feels like he's pushing a little too hard. I left her house with a dozen eggs from her chickens and 10 or so Jonathon apples from their apple tree. We talked about apple crisp while we were walking and both decided we'd make that today. 😋 I also have plans to make chicken rice soup for dinner - it's a soup kind of day here.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Mom made an easy cobbler, but it isn't low cal! 1 box of white cake mix, two cans of peaches (keeping 1/2 C of juice, 1 stick butter melted. Put the peaches and juice (apples, blueberries, etc) in the bottom of a 9 X 13 pan and spray with oil. Put the cake mix on top of that and then the butter on top of that. Bake in a 350 degree over for 20-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown. You can also do it with biscuit mix over the top, just make it thin enough that it will integrate with the peaches!

    So sorry to hear that Beth's eyes aren't improving. Praying for her!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Good Saturday morning! Hope y'all are doing well. Just checking in. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good morning. I'm packing once again - this time I'm heading out to NY. I fly tomorrow mid-morning into Newark. Back on the 20th. And of course, Dave leaves on the 20th for his next city on a 5-city tour he's working on. I think my arrival and his departure are less than an hour apart. We mayb see each other of our hats aren't too far away from each other.

    Today we're hoping to blow out the sprinkler lines and then he needs help cutting a board.

    Thank goodness I made chicken rice soup the other day. I think that and a salad will have to suffice for dinner.

    Enjoy the weekend. I hope it's nicer where you live. It's drizzly and 48° here
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2023
    Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Life kind of exploded. I couldn't reach my mom on Friday (last week) and wound up calling police for a wellness check. They found her in the floor and she couldn't get up. She was in the hospital until Thursday, then was to be moved to a rehab unit. Unfortunately, the move didn't go as planned because she wound up with covid. She is in transitional care at the hospital for 10 days, then supposed to move to Dixon for 10 days. Now Bill and I are sick (Dr says respiratory) and haven't felt like driving 200+ miles home, or driving to hospital (fully gowned, gloved and 2 types of masks).

    They are telling me that she will need long term nursing...that really hurts! And it will probably need to be in MO....but KCMO is only about 15 miles from where we live. They keep trying to get her on medicaid to cover it, but she makes a little too much, and has assets. We will see what happens. She will have the 20 days rehab, then 80 days skilled nursing covered by insurance. Anyway say a prayer for us. We need it!

    And pray that Mom understands that she can't live in her house, or drive anymore!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    That is the hardest part, Connie, when they realize that life as they've known it is over. It was a big deal for Mom to finally come to realize that she needed to move in with us, let alone go to a nursing facility. I hope that you are able to find a good facility. We had to leave her in one that was very institutional, but they were very nice and took good care of her. One thing that really surprised me - Mom had falling issues but they couldn't do anything to "restrain" her. The first day there she jumped out of her wheelchair and hit her head on her bed and had to go to the hospital. Then she kept trying to get out of bed and falling. They finally lowered her bed as far down as it would go and laid a pad down on the floor! I asked the nicer facilities if they could "restrain" her, put the belt around her that came with the chair, or tuck her blankets in around her so she couldn't get up so easily - none of them could do even those simple things. Mom ended up having to go to the hospital three times, the third time she ended up staying and passed just a week later. That's crazy! Especially for people who can't understand.

    Cindy, we are rainy here as well, although not as chilly. My new plant loves the rain right now! I love the rain because I don't have to worry about watering any of my plants! heeheehee
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2023
    Kim - My cousin just passed away about 2 weeks ago. The family had the same issues with restraining her as with your mom. I told Angie (her daughter) what your facility did to try to keep your mom from getting hurt. I don't know what they finally did....but it wasn't restraint. My mom took a fall the first day she was in the transitional care unit. At least she wasn't hurt.

    The nursing staff says that this "fog" that my mom is in comes partially from being totally isolated in the hospital, due to covid. Also the air machine in the room is REALLY loud and you can't hardly talk. They believe that Dixon will keep her past the 10 days and will go into the 80 days or 80% pay by medicare. They are "guess-timating" 30 days further rehab and she will probably be able to go into an assisted living facility. According to what I am being told now, it won't be an issue to get her into a facility in Kansas because she will be self pay, instead of medicaid. I have a couple of places to visit on tomorrow and Friday and at least one more that I really want to look at. The place I would like to see her go is income based and she won't qualify because of wise investments. I have a friend there that LOVES living there (3 years) and says how great the staff is and that even though it isn't a Christian run facility, that most of the staff are Christians and are always ready to pray.

    I am looking at assisted living facilities that also have memory care on the same campus. That way if it becomes necessary, they can just transfer her. The one that comes very highly recommended will probably be the most expensive, but it is just about 2 miles from me. The other that I already have set up is less that 5 miles and is also almost new. She is really fighting me on moving, but I can't move there, so it is going to have to happen.

    Bill had 2 appointments from his new medical care team. The first was the intake nurse getting him set up for weekly nursing calls and 2x weekly PT and OT. Sounds really busy, but at least it is here.

    I am totally exhausted, so please keep saying a prayer for strength for me through this process, and that mom will like what I pick out for her. Just a studio apartment with her care level will probably run over $6000 a month.... hurts my head! Memory care would be considerably more and the skilled nursing would be more than double.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    You are in my prayers, Connie, as are Bill and your Mom. It's hard to find a good home. We called A Place for Mom (I think that's what it's called) and they gave us two names we should look into. They were the nicest places, but neither one could take her. A lady from one of the homes called me or texted me and asked me how things were going even though they couldn't take her, she stayed interested and prayed for us. I'm so glad you are able to get that home care now! Praise the Lord.

    We were able to get some paint for the kitchen and the paneling in the living room. There is paneling completely on one wall and then the other walls are half-paneled. They had dark trim on them which we painted white, and then decided that the room would look much brighter if all the half-paneling were painted white. We'll leave the window wall with the panel as it is. The drywall part of the wall is a pale teal color. The kitchen walls are going to be a slightly darker white, not ultra-white. The cabinets should "pop"!

    Wade has a hernia, so a couple of the young guys from Church came and moved some of the kitchen furniture out of the way - phew. I've had to do some lifting myself to save him from that hernia strangulating. He has an appointment with the surgeon at the beginning of November.

    Love and prayers.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2023
    Praying for Wade!

    I am using A Place For Mom as well. The place I visited today was beautiful, there were lots of activities, restaurant style ordering in the dining area on your time frame, the apartment is small, but doable, the staff was very friendly. Sounds great, huh? Very little true Christian influence, and it is so big and fancy that it feels like a resort, not a home. Pray that we find her a home, not a resort.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Praying that you'll find the right place for your mom, Connie.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Continuing to pray for you, Connie!

    We are a bit warmer today. Wade and I are going to go for a ride, maybe stop at one of our water places for a bit!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I found out about a place where a friend is living and it sounded so wonderful. A Christian community with a friend already there. When I called them, they only have 11 Assisted Living rooms and they are totally reserved for their Independent Living community when they need further assistance. I think that I was told that the lady from church is in assisted living, but really is in independent living. I don't think mom would do well with independent living.

    Now I am back to the grindstone. That facility gave me the names of two other homes they are associated with, in the area that are supposedly assisted living. I went on the first website and all they show is independent living, as well.

    I have one tour on Monday and am going to contact another place for a tour later in the day. It came recommended to a friend by one of her friends.... we will see.

    I have gotten bad information from A Place For Mom and am trying to avoid them. Several of the places that they have given information do not have Assisted Living. The one closest to me, and the best rated one is only Independent Living. This is wearing thin!

    I keep going back to the one that I toured the other day and it just doesn't sit quite right....I need homier, and hopefully a bit more Christian influenced. That place discontinued their Bible study because it was not non-denominational enough. I took that to mean that they didn't want the Bible really studied, but watered down. The Bible is the Bible and if it is taught, it should not matter what denomination you are. The basics are the basics across all evangelical denomination. Salvation through Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven; sin is sin and is defined in scriptures, all have sinned and unless sin is forgiven, we won't go to heaven. Don't water that down! Now, I am off my high-horse. Hopefully I find something soon.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Amen to that, Connie! It's amazing how people can twist the Word to say whatever they want it to say. I know that my God knew what He was saying when He in-breathed these men with His Word. Wasn't there a song that said, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me."? I heard John MacArthur once say, when he was reading a holiness verse, that it didn't follow their doctrine, that it was a problem - but that was God's problem so he wouldn't worry about it. They pick and choose what they will believe and make verses say what they want them to say - thus you have the problems! Many today are saying that God picks and chooses who are saved and who are damned and you don't have a choice in the matter! There is no "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves..." "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." "God desires all men to be saved..." Amazing! Oh dear, hot point for me!

    I hope that you are able to find something for your Mom soon, Connie. Have you looked into home nursing or those services that have someone come in and help? It would still put your Mom farther away from you though, if she did that in her home. Just a thought which I'm sure you've already had!

    Love y'all.