


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited August 2023
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, KIM! Hope that you have an incredible day.

    Stay safe through this storm. Thank goodness, it didn't flood to your home.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi, everybody! I've missed you all and am trying to make time for this team again. A lot of things have demanded my attention lately and it's been several months since I've read a book. I guess I felt bad about having nothing to report in that area. Dwight has a lot of health issues, but we're doing pretty good overall. We love the east Tennessee area and being close to our daughter, Beth. It's wonderful to be back and hope to actually read a book soon.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    It's so great to hear from you! My life gets busy like that. I can only manage to read one book at a time and sometimes I don't even have time for that!

    Almost forgot... Happy Birthday Kim!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    You seem to be staying busy, Cindy. I hope things are going good for you, both at home and work. Are you having to travel much?

    Beth had planned to take me out to eat for my birthday yesterday until she came down with a cold. But that's one of the great things about living close to her, we can go anytime. She also plans on taking me to a domestic cat museum, which should really be fun. It's a two-hour drive into NC, so not sure when we'll get to do that. As for reading, I've been doing a lot of returning and requesting again lately. Hopefully I'll get to actually read something soon!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 2023
    Carole, so good to see you here! I've finished reading a book called HEARTS OF FIRE. The first book has the stories of 8 women who have suffered persecution for their faith. Hoopla has both book 1 and book 2 in audio (which is how I do most of my books anymore). Book 2 has 12 stories in it! They have been really inspirational. Hoopla also has a series of books by Janet and Geoff Benge, Christian Heroes, Then and Now. I've listened to several of the missionary stories, also very good.

    Several of my fantasy authors had new stories just out so I am working on going through those as well as continuing to re-read a fantasy series. I am on book three in the MAINE JUSTICE series by Susan Page Davis, also very good.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. Happy Birthday to Carole too. We share a birthday! I've always liked that we did. We had lots of rain, but the puddles in our yard and the flooding in the neighbor's yard have already gone down quite a bit. Some branches from dead trees down next door, but we only had some leaves blow off the trees. God was very good, it wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it might be. For us, no more than a bad thunderstorm with lots of rain.

    Hope y'all have a great day!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited September 2023
    Would you believe I have 8 out of town programs with 7 airline tickets already booked? All but one of them before the end of the year?!
    Sept. -Vegas
    Sept. - Dallas
    Oct. - LA
    Oct. - NY
    Nov. - North Carolina (ticket not booked)
    Nov. - Barcelona
    Dec. - Miami
    April - Barcelona
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, Cindy, you are officially a world traveler!

    Please be praying for me, my back is hurting pretty badly, worse than it's ever been. Not sure what I did, but I am going to take things as easy as possible and see if it will quiet down. Thanks!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited September 2023
    I'll be praying, Kim. Please keep my neighbor, Marcia, in prayer. In the last two weeks she's been diagnosed with cancer in her cheek and soft palate (she's waiting for tests before a skin graft), then she had appendicitis, THEN a few days later she went to her regular doctor because she had pain in her ear and she has melanoma there. She is very discouraged right now
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Cindy, your travel schedule makes me dizzy! I'm sure you're used to traveling like that by now, but I would find it difficult. Now when I was younger, I enjoyed traveling to scenic places. Dwight always hated the business travel he was required to do, but I begged him to take me with him whenever he visited the New England area. Actually got to go twice!

    Praying for your neighbor, Cindy. Is Marcia a Christian? And does she have family for support and encouragement?

    Kim, I'm praying that your back pain eases up today. Do you have meds to help?

    I'm enjoying my morning coffee, reading a little, and listening to my country music playlist. Lots of Emmylou Harris on this one!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying for Marcia, Cindy!

    Thank you for your prayers. I do have pain meds. I talked to my NP and asked if she could up my dosage to three a day and she did that. I don't need that extra one every day, so today I could take two. It takes the edge off of the pain but doesn't obliterate it! I take two every night.

    Oh boy, Wade got me some pumpkin spice latte coffee pods for my birthday - yummers! I ordered some more from Sam's so I should be set for awhile. I also ordered some pumpkin spice syrup so I wouldn't have to use the dairy creamers, but I haven't even had a chance to open that up! He got me a pumpkin roll instead of a cake - good choice! I love me some pumpkin spice! LOL!

    I enjoyed my trips out to California with Wade. One was a training trip when he first started at Danaher, then we went back for our 25th anniversary. Hard to believe it was that long ago. Can't say I have any desire to go back there now! Just two weeks before our trip to the Outer Banks. I already have my sea sickness patches since we are going to be taking a four hour ferry ride, and then another 1 hour ferry ride just to get on the island! We could drive it in that same time, but decided that this would be a different way to go. Please, no hurricane that week. We are going from Monday to Friday, cheaper!

    Love y'all.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Carole, it is amazing to see you! I hope you had a great birthday!

    Cindy - Wow! What a schedule! And Barcelona twice.

    I miss fun travel, but don't miss work travel. That was the reason I went to work at Old Navy...just a lower management job with no travel. My BIL asked me the other day if I missed camping and the camper. I told him that I missed being able to travel and pull the camper. I guess I should be thankful for my 46 states, and 9 countries and/or islands in Carribean. Someday I still hope for those last 4 NE states.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Connie, I hope you eventually get to visit the NE states, although you have visited a lot of states and countries already. I'd love to see Alaska and Canada, but am especially drawn to New England and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's a combination of the beauty, small towns, fall color, quaint islands, and historical background. My two visits to Germany while Beth was in campus ministry there were highlights of my life.

    Cindy, I hope you get to do some sightseeing on your trips, especially Barcelona.

    Kim, I hope your back pain is getting better. I want to hear more about your Outer Banks trip. That area is so beautiful in pictures.

    It was good to do a little reading today, but I'm playing piano tomorrow and spent a lot of time deciding what to play for prelude. I love to incorporate hymns when possible, and found the prettiest arrangement that uses I Need Thee Every Hour in a contemporary setting. Goodnight all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I've never actually counted all the states and countries I've visited. I think it would be fewer than 46 states but more than 9 countries and/or islands.

    Carole, Marcia and her husband are Catholic.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - Praying for Marcia and her family. This is going to be a battle for all of them. Also praying that this draws them closer to God.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    That's my prayer as well, Cindy, that they will draw closer to God through this. God is reaching out to them, even in this very hard time! He wants to make something good out of this for their lives.

    I'll be sure to take some good pictures, Carole. We are staying in the Kitty Hawk area. This will be our 39th Anniversary! We don't have a lot planned other than going to one of the four lighthouses in this area - Bodie Lighthouse, and then a drive, I suppose it would be north, up the island to see what is farther down. We are bringing breakfast and snack fixings and will eat out for lunch, which should fill us up! Mostly we are going to sit on our balcony and watch the ocean!

    My back is doing a little bit better. I had too many steps yesterday, almost 4,000, but I laid down for at least two hours in the afternoon and that seemed to really help. I woke up around 6 this morning, my right hip was hurting and my right knee too - ugh! I have my compression wraps on and a knee brace on too! If I could take anti-inflammatory arthritis medicine I would probably do better, but I can't, so we do with what we have! There are a lot of people out there in the world who are hurting a lot more than me, so I praise the Lord for the little bit I have and trust in Him to keep me!

    Love y'all.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Cindy - I'm also praying that Marcia and her family feel God's presence through this medical journey and are drawn closer to Him.

    Kim - Sitting on the balcony and watching the ocean is my kind of vacation! Not to mention visiting an Outer Banks lighthouse or two. On our beach trips over the years, we always fixed a big breakfast mid morning, then ate out in the late afternoon, ahead of the crowds. And we were usually able to make two meals out of it. How I miss those fun times, but have tons of treasured memories.

    I hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day. My holiday did not go as I envisioned. Activating and setting up new smart phones - a project that should have been fairly easy and quick - was anything but. First, in order to change our phone numbers over, we needed a transfer PIN from AT&T. We had log-in information, password and ID, but not the required passcode. In retrospect, I think the customer service rep assisting us just wasn't that knowledgeable and we gave up after two hours. We called back later and got a different rep who walked us right through it. Then the other time-consuming problem was in transferring data over. Everything I read said that backup and restore could be done through the cloud, or by using Smart Switch with the phones laying close to each other. End result, some data transferred, but not all. So I'm still manually adding things. But I love my new phone! It's a Samsung Galaxy 14, a little larger than my old one.

    Took my cat for a follow-up vet appointment this morning. She has asthma, but that's a story for another time!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Carole - I'm still getting by with my Samsung Galaxy 9. Transferring everything is one thing I dread about switching phones.

    Thank you all for your prayers for Marcia. Her surgery is today. I'll have to ask Dave - who talks to her husband quite a bit - how she's doing. She and Bob have 2 kids, but we don't see them over a lot. Bob and Marcia are about 10 years older than we are. He and Dave have coffee in the morning a couple days a week when I'm out of town, so most of my information comes that way.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    edited September 2023
    Glad your back is a little better, Kim. But when one area improves, seems like another area starts acting up. Dwight takes arthritis meds, which I think help some. And he got shots in both knees a few weeks ago, which really seemed to help. Now that he feels better, he's focusing on some ways we can maybe cut costs - which is where our phone situation began that I mentioned earlier.

    Spectrum is big in our east TN area, and we went with them for cable and Internet when we first moved. Cheaper and much improved over the DirectTV that we had in Atlanta. They advertise mobile phone service all the time, at a cheaper rate than our current AT&T plan, so Dwight began looking into it. We don't use much data since we only use our phones as phones, not streaming. So in spite of having to buy 3 new phones with payments spread over 3 years, we save around $40 each month. Dwight's also exploring mail-order prescriptions instead of local pharmacies, and it looks like we can save a good bit there. I suspect car insurance shopping will be next. Dwight is enjoying all this and it's very good for him, although hard for me to keep up with at times. I'm more of "let's look at it in the next few days," while he is "how about now?"
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Carole, I use GoodRx Gold (I do pay a monthly fee) for my prescriptions since I don't have a "drug" plan, it all comes out of our pockets. It's saved quite a bit for me. Let me know if you find a good mail-order site!

    We have Spectrum Internet and would love to find something cheaper, but nothing else is offered here in the "boonies" as Mom liked to call it! We have Verizon for our phones. We've been with them since cell phones came out! LOL! It's just easier to stick with what we know, but there has to be a cheaper plan we can do as well. We have the iPhone 11s and have had them for at least two years, both are still working great. I, like you, use my phone for calls and texting and occasionally looking up something on the net, but Wade is on his very often doing a bunch of different stuff. He looks up stuff on YouTube and he does all his Amazon shopping from his phone! If I ever need a new phone I won't go for one with so many bells and whistles. Getting these two was cheaper than getting two older versions of other phones since buying two of these was a sale. Wade liked his iPhone from work so we went with that, but had Samsung Galaxies before that, which I had trouble with so was happy to change.

    Back is doing much better today, not even noticing it. I'm wearing my knee brace for another day just to make sure it's doing better as well.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I have a Samsung S21 FE and I love it. I had Verizon for years, but it just didn't work at my Mom's house or town, and she had one of the phones on the plan. I knew I had to do ATT for that area, but started shopping plans and we got to move our phones and phone numbers to Consumer Cellular (on
    ATT network) and saved almost half on our plan. I did have to buy my mom a phone, but it was their cheapest and we just paid for it. I knew her old 3g flip phone was about to go obsolete. The best part of Consumer Cellular is that you speak with US tech support when you need it, and you can actually understand them. I usually don't buy my phones from the cell phone company, but either buy on Amazon or through the manufacturer. I found that I can get better prices and trade in's that we just pay up front.

    Last night I was printing music for tonight, and Sunday for the musicians and my printer stopped. It was 10pm, and it looked complicated, so I decided to look at it this morning. Wow, the fix was easy, but there was an ink leak somewhere. There is a waste pad in my ink-tank printer and if it goes out, they printer stops. It looks like it is at the place where the pad is, but the printer is working fine and I don't see where it is leaking, now. I cleaned up the mess and put paper under it to see if it is acting strangely, but all seems fine. I have spent hours trying to find a replacement for it and found that the printers I was looking at do not have double sided printing. I still am finding replacement printers cheaper than I thought. The printer I have was about $300 and I found one for $250. I can't have a cartridge printer because I do so much printing that it is much cheaper to find an ink tank printer and pay I have had this one for at least 4 years....about 4x longer than any other printer I have had.