


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Been there! The thrift store we like to go to the most has a bunch of medical equipment! We kept quite a bit of the stuff we got for Mom knowing we are also getting up in age. So far I've avoided needing to use her transport chair (not a real wheelchair) when we go out - phew! Praise the Lord for that! There are days I'm tempted to get out a cane or a walker though. When we had a problem with our septic system the porta potty came in handy for those couple of days.

    Phew, it is hot! Hope y'all have a very safe and happy fourth of July!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, we had a doozy of a storm last night. It's still quite dark outside and raining! My garden loves this!

    Wade got most of the screening up on the back porch. Looks awesome. We decided to leave the bottom open too, rather than close that part in. We have creatures that like to play in our yard and covering that bottom half would keep us from seeing a big chunk of the yard!

    I'm going to put a link to my pastor's blog posts if you are interested. They are really good and very helpful for study: He has blogs from 2009 to yesterday, just put 2009 where 2023 is to start at the beginning, and on the right-hand side are all the years in between.

    I hope y'all have a happy and blessed day. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2023
    I'm headed to Nashville today... but only for a few days. Dave left earlier for New York and he gets home a few days after me. I was worried about my plants not being watered while I was gone, so I bought some self watering things for each pot. We'll see how they do. I'll post a picture later.. when I get on my computer.

    Have a healthy and blessed day!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Have fun, Cindy! I need those pot waterers for my outside plants, I keep forgetting them. The last two times I watered them, it rained that night! LOL! They are looking alright today, and, praise the Lord, they came back from being very droopy!

    It looks like we have fairly clear skies today, a bit hazy, but I don't think there's any rain.

    Wade is hanging up my mantle for me today. We have a black iron fire place so we got some black iron braces for it. It's a lovely piece of wood that a friend had in his pile of wood, so that at least was free! Woohoo.

    Hope you ladies have an awesome day. Be safe.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2023
    Well ugh! First, I cut it way too close getting to the airport. I made it - but with only minutes to spare.

    Then, I received a text message that one of the hotels (of the 3 our group is staying at) had a power outage issue and I might need to change rooms. (Thankfully, it didn't impact me.)

    BUT... after I checked in and went up the elevator, as I was rolling my suitcase out, one of the wheels broke off. 😑

    So I took a Lyft to TJ Maxx and bought a new suitcase. While I was there, my phone died. So now I'm standing in the lobby of a Petsmart- charging my phone in the only outlet I could find - while I wait for my return Lyft. Sigh. It's been a day
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Here are my self-watering devices... two different kinds. Some terra cotta watering spikes that need a narrow neck bottle and some smaller blown glass mushrooms for my herbs
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - hopefully things calm down a little in Nashville. Whew - what a day!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my, what a day of testing! Hopefully today will go much better!

    The waterers are so cute, especially the mushroom. Our zucchini are pretty much not going to do anything, they have the squash beetles. We'll probably just pull them up and try to sanitize that area and then plant something else there next year. Everything else is doing really well.

    We are getting those afternoon thundershowers so it makes it easier with not having to do any watering in this heat and humidity.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I hate to be a "downer" but I have a couple prayer requests.
    1- Bill had a hard fall today. He was complaining of sciatica pain and I was trying to get him in the living room to his chair. He got about half way through the bedroom and said he couldn't make it. I told him to stand there and lean on his walker and ran to grab the wheelchair. I didn't get it unfolded and he went down backwards..straight back like a board. I called 911, because I couldn't lift him, but he wasn't hurt. They got him up and I wheeled him in living room, called his nurses and decided that it was strange how he fell. I took his blood pressure and it was a low normal, but he hadn't taken any meds. I really think his BP tanked. That's what nurses think, too. Another change in meds...cut two more BP meds a day.
    2- Got a call from a cousin that is in the hospital. She has had a liver issue for years and has been on the transplant list for quite a while. Now her liver is attacking her heart. They had to take her off the transplant list because her heart won't make it through the surgery. They called in her family for a final goodbye. She's in her 50's and a Christian, but is worried about her husband who has a rare leukemia and is totally deaf. Please keep them and the family in your prayers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2023
    Prayed for you this morning, Connie, and will keep you and your family in prayer 🙏🤗

    I'm headed home from Nashville today. I'm off now until August 1st and thinking about getting my house more in order. The basement is still full of things from upstairs - from when we were refinishing the hardwood floors earlier this year. How much do I really need any of that stuff if it's still down there 5 months later?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying for you and your family, Connie! Praise God Bill didn't get hurt when he fell. Every time Mom fell she broke something, so am so glad he was alright. God knows and because He is always good, He has a good purpose in all of this.

    Wade is doing good. He had his cataract surgery on Monday. They will do the other eye this Monday. He's been nearsighted most of his life and after the surgery, he could see far without glasses for the first time since he was a boy. Boy, what fun with just one eye done. The eye doctor removed the lens from his glasses on the eye with the new lens. He had to look at something in just the right spot for both eyes to see it clearly. Praise the Lord! He has been reading without his glasses for a while, but he has to hold the book or his phone up close to his face. Now he will need glasses for reading only.

    Praying for y'all. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - I really need to have a sale, but don't know how to really do it with Bill. One of the girls was talking about having one this year. If she does, I think I will see if she will let us bring some stuff to her. I don't even care if we get anything out of it....just want it gone.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    How is Bill doing, Connie? Hope no residual effects from his fall.

    The garden is producing pretty good. No zucchini, but then again, I don't like it anyway - so... I actually don't eat most of what we are growing, but it's fun to see it produce and be able to give it to my friends. Now, the watermelon, that I can't wait to get a taste of!

    Hope y'all have a great day. God bless.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Funny. I thought I was the only one growing something I don't actually eat. I grow tomatoes for Dave, but I don't like the texture myself. I have recently learned to like cucumbers, so I'm excited to eat some of those from my container garden.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited July 2023
    I used to grow tomatoes that I won't eat raw, but I did can or freeze quite a few and used in spaghetti sauce, chili, etc.

    I've tried container gardening, but I just have a black thumb. I had a pretty good garden when it was planted in the ground, but that is a lot of work.

    Bill is doing fairly well since the fall, but he just doesn't communicate well and I am having a hard time knowing what he needs. And he complains about "it" hurting but he can't tell me where or what hurts. He had been kind of afraid to walk and has been wanting to use the wheelchair... There's hardly enough room to get the wheelchair around all of our corners and narrow doors. And I got one of the smallest chairs they had. We are getting by, though.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    You continue to be in my prayers, Connie. You are doing an awesome job taking care of him!

    Woke with one of those across-the-forehead headaches this morning and my ears were really clogged. Gotta remember to take my allergy meds! I forgot last night and again this morning. I need to refill my pill keepers and they will definitely go in this time!

    Hope y'all are able to stay cool. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    It's raining here now... definitely cooling things off.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Hurray! My husband is flying home right now and should land in another hour or so. It's very different being the one alone at home instead of the one on the road traveling. While I missed him a lot, I will say - I did get a lot done around the house.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Wow, we had some serious storms Friday evening. In the KC area, there were over 130,000 homes without power. They are still trying to get power up and running. There were 85 mile an hour winds. Luckily our immediate neighborhood didn't lose power or have bad damage, but less than a mile from us north and south, they were without power until this morning. I told my Mom that it was because I had everything ready, in case of need.

    Bill is finally walking with his walker again. WooHoo! The nurses wanted him to use one with a seat. I bought him a really good one with a seat and very large wheels to use outside, so I brought it in out of the car. I ordered a smaller rollator walker with a seat on Amazon Prime that I had intended on using inside after it gets here on Wednesday, but I think it will go in the car, because I remembered one of the reasons I bought the other, you can make it narrower to get it through a narrow door. Boy, that makes it easier to get him in the main bathroom. I had a fairly narrow walker in the bathroom, but he had to change walkers. This way the narrow walker goes by his bed and when he gets up in the morning it goes into our bathroom very easily, and the big walker gets adjusted when he goes in the other one. That makes it SO MUCH EASIER for both of us.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm glad you were able to avoid the power outage in your area, Connie. And way to go on solving the wheelchair issue.

    I'm off to meet my sister for coffee, then I'm headed over to work on a project with a woman I work with quite frequently. She's a graphic artist who's very "crafty" and has refinished a lot of furniture. She's going to help me refinish a very girly step stool. Since I have a grandson now, I'd like to make it more neutral. It's a small project that I could probably do on my own, but it'll be more fun this way and I imagine she'll stop me from making any serious mistakes.