


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my! I used be in the 90s/60s regularly, but am in that normal range now. Will continue to pray for y'all.

    Had a "migraine" this morning. Not sure what kind of headache it is, just pain on the left side, especially when I move my head. If I hold still it doesn't hurt. It might be a sinus headache. Took my meds so am hoping that they will help soon.

    Gorgeous day out there today. We had lots of rain yesterday. It's chilly and breezy today, but lots of sunshine. We went out after one rain yesterday and there was a double rainbow! So pretty!

    Hope y'all are doing well. I am praying for you. Love
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Well, we had a really high sodium dinner the other night after those low BPs. The next morning it was 126/xx. This morning it was 140/xx, but he said that he was hurting, so I guess that could have caused it. I took it two hours later (after his meds and he was just sitting) and it was 106/62.

    The last few days Bill has complained kind of under his breath about hurting or pain, but when I ask him what hurts, he can't tell me what is hurting. We have the kidney doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully he can help us get to what is causing pain. If it is his back, that could be kidney related. I know that his ankle that he sometimes gets gout in was hurting a little the other night, but not badly, and he has a finger with a gout knot on it and if it is touched it hurts. So...I gave him some gout meds that the doctor's don't like him to take because of reactions he could have with other meds. I had to drop 2 of his meds to give it to him. It is almost like a baby. I know he is uncomfortable, but he can't tell me what is wrong. He just says, that he is okay.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Sending hugs and prayers your way Connie.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying for you and Bill, Connie! It is so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong, but God knows and He will lead you!

    Woke with another headache on the left side. It went away much faster this morning than yesterday - praise the Lord! I have some quick-acting acetaminophen coming today so am hopeful that it will help more quickly.

    Another beautiful day here on the coast of North Carolina! Woohoo!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2023
    Kim, I pray your headache is all healed up.

    I finished getting my strawberry bed cleaned up. I had to pull a few weeds, get ride of the leaves and add more mulch to keep the ground moist. Then I re-covered with my cage to keep out the critters.

    Today I re-planted the herbs I bought the other day. This year I planted chives, lemon thyme, basil, marjoram, lavender, rosemary and regular thyme (pictured from left to right in that order).
    I wanted oregano, but the nursery where I bought my plants only had 3 or 4 sad looking oregano plants. The marjoram - on the other hand - was plentiful and much healthier looking. Since they looked very similar, I did a quick internet look up and discovered they're both in the mint family and marjoram is basically oregano's milder cousin. I hope it grows as well as my oregano has the past couple of years.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Happy Mother's Day, Cindy!!
    I have never tried growing herbs. I use so many spices in foods that it would probably be a good move for me to try. I just have such a terrible time with plants.

    Bill's Doctor's appointment went very well. The entire office was so compassionate and gentle with Bill. I was very impressed. Anyway, the doctor said that he is a long way from worrying about dialysis, but even with that, he would never recommend Bill for it because of the Alzheimers. #1 - it can sometimes make Alzheimer's worse, #2 - Bill wouldn't be able to get out of the house 3 times a week for the dialysis, #3 - Bill wouldn't understand, #4 - Dying from kidney failure is a much more gentle way of passing than from Alzheimer's. I am just trusting the Lord that the downward kidney trend is stopped and that he continues to be fairly healthy.

    We are on the way to Mom's.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2023
    Thank you, Connie! Warm Mother's Day wishes to you, too. Continuing to keep you in prayer.

    I have the brownest thumb of anyone I know. But I've gotten good at strawberries and container garden herbs. No weeding, full sun and water and I haven't killed any yet (the same cannot be said for my plants in the front yard - I don't stay on top of the weeds and don't have time for that much watering). I love stepping onto the deck and cutting fresh thyme or rosemary for a recipe. And we eat more Caprese salad in the summer because the fresh basil is right outside. My first year (2020 - remember when our lovely governor wouldn't let us buy seeds?), I started out with just 4... I bought a container herb garden at Meijer for $20. I've used that same planter every year since then. This year I'm trying 7 herbs. If I can do it, you can do it too!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wade is pretty much the chef in our house. I often can't stand long enough to make a meal. I help out, but have to go and sit down before it's finished. This way, he can also make things they way he likes them! LOL! Your strawberries look really good, Cindy, look at all those flowers! I'll take some pictures this sunny afternoon and work on getting them on the computer. I have to find the USB thingy that goes between the two. Wade had everything watered before I even got out of bed at 7:30 this morning!

    I had a couple of headaches over the weekend and quite a bit of congestion, but it seems to be doing better, thank you.

    Hope things go well at Mom's! Praise the Lord all went well with Bill's appointment. You are taking such good care of him.

    A friend of ours is taking care of her stepmother-in-law (oh boy!). She had a stroke and mentally she is alright, she just can't communicate or move around to take care of herself. She came home from the hospital faster than expected so the home health nurse wasn't in place and it's a possibility they could move to assisted living. This is another aspect of growing old that is hard - taking care of our elderly parents while we ourselves aren't as strong as we used to be. Praise God He is with her, and you too, Connie! Y'all stay in my prayers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2023
    Thanks, Kim. This will be my 4th year growing them. They are looking pretty good. My kids gave me 2 blueberry bushes and a gift card to Home Depot (for fertilizer, etc) for Mother's Day. That'll be new for me... I'm doing a little research now. They're 2 or 3 year old plants and already have flowers turning into the beginning of berries on them. Haven't decided where to put them yet...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Here are those picture, although they don't seem to do very well when enlarged! LOL! On the left are our blueberry plants:

    I should probably try that one of my front garden in full sun! Actually, I need to go ahead and get out there and water it before it gets too hot!

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2023
    What a nice garden set up you have, Kim! How have you done with the blueberries? Or is this your first year?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited May 2023
    We had blueberries in Hickory and learned a lot then. As soon as your blueberries start to turn purple, get them covered with netting, the birds will pick you clean! We don't have to do a whole lot but keep them well watered and covered with mulch to hold that moisture in! These five plants feed us and our friends. [That one leaning over in the front is a blackberry - our pastor's wife loves those so we keep one just for her!] This will be the fourth or fifth year we've had blueberries. We have tomatoes, peppers, okra, and zucchini in the beds. We did plant some onion slips, but we'd had them for awhile so we're not sure that they will come up. We are going to plant potatoes in grow-bags rather than buckets. Our understanding is that you plant them in just enough dirt to cover them and as they grow you add more dirt until you reach the top of the bag or bucket. When the leaves die back you dump your bag and pick up your potatoes! We'll see how that goes, this will be the first time we are trying that.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Day 3 in Dana Point, CA for work. Quite a bit of walking yesterday - our work room was pretty far from everything. Today will be a lot of sitting in front of my computer so I'd better watch the snacking
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    That sounds familiar. I think we stayed at Dana Point on the Bay when we were their for our 25th Wedding Anniversary! Absolutely beautiful place.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Yes. We're at the Monarch Beach Resort. It used to be a St. Regis but now it's a Hilton.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    We really enjoyed our stay on the Bay. We got a kick out of a one-legged seagull that like to hang around the yard outside our room. We were on the second floor, so he didn't try to get into our room, and one of the other rooms had a young child who kept feeding him (even though they asked us not to). Rather cute! Hope you are able to have some fun!

    Went and had my eye appointment today. My eyes are doing good. I ordered a pair of glasses for the computer - they have three sections, the far is a small section on top, the intermediate or computer is a big section in the middle and then reading is a small section at the bottom. Hope these will work better than the reading glasses I am using at the computer which are a bit better than my regular glasses. We found out Wade will need cataract surgery as well - first we've heard he even has them! I have a minor one in both eyes, but they don't affect my vision.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Currently flying home from my work trip to California. I hope I'm coming home lighter than I left (even a 1 lb loss would be fine with me). I'm off next week and am planning on a full day of rest and then tackling some house projects that need to be done.

    Enjoy your day, ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope you get home safe and sound! House projects never seem to end, do they?

    Going to the doctor this afternoon for this pain in my lower abdomen. Lord willing it will not mean a hospital visit. I don't even want to have to do testing, just push on it and say - oh, that's just... The Lord knows though and He will provide.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Saw the PA yesterday. He was pretty sure it's diverticulitis so we started on meds for that. Without a CAT scan he can't know for sure, but that would be probably at least a thousand dollars for that. The pain has already subsided quite a bit and I'm able to walk around without having to double over! Praise the Lord!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope everyone is doing alright!

    Spring has definitely sprung here, rain, rain, and more rain. My garden is growing like crazy too. This year Wade got all of the additives, fertilizer, bone meal, and fish something or other! LOL! We planted some potatoes that had grown eyes and they are also growing like crazy - woohoo. It's fun!

    I've been trying to rest a lot. The more I rest the less pain I have. My meds are really messing with me though. I called my doctor's office this morning to let them know but still need to hear back from them. I hope that my pain has lessened enough that I can stop taking it!

    Have a great week!