


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Right now I am enjoying being home and trying to not obsess about Mom and her business. Next week's business seems to be growing. Keep this situation in your prayers. I don't want mom living alone, but her geriatric dog wouldn't make the trip here, and I am taking a lot away from her, I can't take her pet, too. Whew! Aging isn't easy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my, I know. When Mom's sister had to move in with her son they wouldn't let her take any of her things with her and it really made her sad. We were determined that Mom could bring whatever she wanted. We even made sure that her furniture rather than much of ours made it here. She just needed to be able to relate to what was around her. You have a lot of hard decisions you are having to make and you are in my prayers!

    My sickness lingers. I took the last pill of my first round of antibiotics and feel about 25% better right now. Ugh! Wade is sick now too, but he has the roof to get done so he isn't as able to rest as I have been. He has a friend who will be helping him, but that won't be until the weekend. Everyone who can help him is working or is sick too! If you could keep him in your prayers I'd appreciate it. The roof he's working on is over a porch and the hall/den in the house. When it rained the other day, he had covered it, but it just poured inside the house, so he really needs to get it done before another rain comes.

    We do have a beautiful day today though, so praising the Lord for that.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Oh WOW, Kim. Praying for you guys and for the rain to hold off long enough to get the roof done.

    I am trying to get an old laptop set back up to use and take to my mom's. Some of the business that I need to do there will be easier to do on a computer than on my tablet. I haven't used this thing in years and never liked it because it was slower than the older one. Anyway, I replaced it with a mac desktop, then bought a newer laptop. This one seems to be working okay, except the battery doesn't work at all. I bought a new one before I quit using it, but it didn't work either, so it evidently has something wrong with the charging mechanism. No problems. I can plug it in.

    I did some research on the some of the business and my aunt told me I had to go to the courthouse (with cash only) to take care of it. I have only been there once and had to walk a long way, I don't think Mom can do it right now. When I researched, I found that it CAN be done online! I would do it here, if I had the paperwork. That will make that easier.

    Well, Bill has slept until 10am, so I need to go get him up. I try to let him sleep until he wakes up, but if he goes past 10, I get him up. I hear him stirring, so maybe he is waking up by himself.....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my, Connie. I hope that it can be done on-line. I do pretty much everything possible on-line. We did have a CPA do our taxes this year, but normally we do that on-line too!

    I think I'm on the mend. Still some coughing and head congestion, but it is slowly ebbing. Thank the Lord for that. The roof Wade is replacing is kind of a flat room, so he has to use roll roofing on it, but it is really weird with lots of odd places that water doesn't run off right from. There is a space where two roofs don't quite meet, so there is a gap there - how do you flash something like that??? Then there is a long area where there is quite a gap between the room above and the roof he is working on. It's wide at one end and gets really skinny at the other end. He walled it in, but that skinny end is going to be a trick. Then there is the chimney! He has done roofing in the past, but nothing like this. And then to be sick on top of it - my poor guy! Thank you for your prayers for him and for me. You remain in mine.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope y'all are doing well today. I'm about 50% out of my sickness, phew, it's been a marathon! Thanks for your prayers.

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bill wouldn't get up and ready for church this morning, so we have been home. I hate missing! I am heading to Mom's tomorrow. That's one reason I didn't force Bill to get up this morning since he will need to be up early tomorrow.

    Glad you are starting to get over your sinus infection. Those are just so miserable. I hope that Wade is better.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thanks, Connie. I think we are both doing a little bit better this morning. My coughing right now is just throat irritation from the drainage from my head. I ordered some Sudafed from CVS to hopefully give my sinuses a punch and hopefully dry them out!

    So sorry about Bill. Do you have a way to watch your services online? We've so much enjoyed being able to be a part of our services through the Zoom meetings while we've been sick. We have folks who live out of town and they are able to join us for services and we can interact with them using Zoom, it's so nice.

    Wade is almost done with closing in the roof. There was some leakage around the chimney with this last heavy rain, but the rest of the roof stayed dry. He is getting ready to put on the last layer, the rolled roofing, and get all of the flashing done as well. Can't wait until he is all done with it.

    Love y'all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I have an eye doctor's appointment at 3:30, my left eye is acting like I am having a vitreous detachment on that side as well. A sudden large floater as well as a flash of light along the left side whenever I move my eye. Please be praying that it is only a vitreous detachment and not a retinal one. Thanks!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited April 2023
    Praying for a good report, Kim. My friend, Beth, isn't having great success with her vision. She's still unable to drive and when she tried to talk about the prognosis with me, she was very emotional. We didn't talk any more about it, but I'm wondering if this means she won't be able to go back to substitute teaching in the fall.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - saying a prayer!

    We have been trying to get things changed over from mom to me. I found over $2300 of late bills...Whew. I knew about 2 large ones, but there were some smaller ones as well. I'm just glad I didn't put this off. She isn't really happy about it, but there just isn't a choice. This will help my stress level! When I went through the mess of stuff that she had laying here and there, I found where she had written a couple of checks, then not sent them in, and one bill for 954.00 she wrote in her checkbook 3 times, but never wrote a check and sent it.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Growing old and relinquishing control over something like finances is not easy. It's a blessing that your mom has you to help her and I pray this will be a light burden on you.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Mom's sister had been helping her with her finances for several months before she came to us and told us. Mom didn't want us to know. When we did find out I let her still have some control by going over her statements with her and getting her accounts set up online so I could see them whenever I wanted to. There were times she wanted to go to the bank to figure something out, but I was able to easily do it online - she didn't like that! I pray for you every day, Connie, that you would have strength and wisdom as you help both Bill and your Mom.

    Good report, another vitreous detachment. He also told me that it can only happen once an eye, so I shouldn't have this problem anymore. It looks like I have a false eyelash in the middle of my left eye! LOL! Hopefully, it will move or my brain will stop noticing it like it did with the right eye. I occasionally see the floater on that side, but if I ignore it it disappears. Amazing how awesome our brains are!

    Ugh, Wade is almost done with the roof and we had rain last night and it leaked into the hallway. Say what?? It had rained the other day and the only place that leaked was by the chimney. He has to take the plywood off of the ceiling in the hallway to see where the leak came from - oh my! It's a very hard roof to figure out because there are at least three very odd areas that he is having a hard time figuring out how to cover so they won't be a problem in the future.

    Not much else going on with me. Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope y'all are doing well. I am finally over whatever it was I had, just allergies now. My PA asked if I was using Flonase and I had been off and on, but it is best if it is used regularly because it takes a little while for it's effects to show. So, I've been using it every day for the last week and I am not blowing my nose nearly as much as I had been! Praise the Lord.

    Got a new desk chair today. My old one had broken and the center post was sitting on the floor so I can't move it around. We found a nice one at Staples today so Wade is going to put it together for me this evening. Yippee!

    Hope y'all have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I got home yesterday afternoon. It was very stressful, but I got all bills but her homeowners insurance figured out. It isn't due until July, so I decided to wait and do it from home. Hopefully just calling her agent will get it taken care of. If not, we will have to go on our next visit.

    Mom is very confused by this. She told me, "I PAY MY BILLS." I told her that I had just paid back taxes with a $200 late fee, her Personal Property taxes with a $20 late fee, her power bill that had a late fee, and her new water heater that she had installed in December but hadn't paid. About $2500 of unpaid bills. She kept asking how that she could pay her bills and I told her that I was taking her checkbook and pay them. She can't use that checkbook anymore. She was really mad about that, but I left her with quite a bit of cash, a checkbook with several hundred dollars in it, and a passbook savings account with several thousand dollars in it. She has plenty with no bills but her lawn guy (I left 4 bundles of cash to cover that for 4 weeks) and her tithe that she likes to take to the church herself. I feel better, but I don't think she is very happy about it.

    Other than that, all is okay.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bill has always been that mild mannered guy. He usually would not work on anything he needed my help good thing about his brother living in the basement. I am a really take charge person, so that's probably good. I would be the one barking orders...

    It feels so good to be home and to be in church this morning.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    So glad that you were able to get things done with your Mom. It is really hard to disappoint them, they just don't understand, but I'm glad that you were able to set down some guidelines. She will see that it will be a load off of her mind!

    It felt good to be able to be in church for me as well, being sick for three weeks. So nice! This sickness that is going around has hit some of our families hard and not everyone gets sick at the same time, so they are in "quarantine" from the body for several weeks because there are those in the body who can't afford to get sick!

    I got a new desk chair this weekend. So nice. Actually cheaper than my previous one. The center post on it cracked and was sitting on the floor so I could move around, I'd end up bent over or leaning on the desk to see the computer and work my mouse. This is nice, I can now scooch my chair up under the desk and be close enough to see but my back is supported! Praise the Lord.

    Please pray that this large floater in the middle of my vision (left eye this time) will move! It is very distracting and at times makes it hard to see! Thanks.

    Love y'all. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I don't know if you guys have heard, but Christian fiction author, Hallee Bridgeman's 14 year old son was killed by a hit and run driver the other day.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited May 2023
    I hadn't heard. My heart and prayers go out to the Bridgemans
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh no! Will keep them in my prayers.

    I found an awesome compression wrap for my upper thigh - too bad they only make it for skinny people! Sigh! It has a wrap that goes around your hip then a piece that joins the wrap that goes around the upper thigh. I have something similar, but they are two separate pieces and the top piece doesn't really keep the bottom piece from slipping - boo hoo.

    Wow, it turned cold on us. I even had to use a heater this morning and pull out a sweat shirt! Praise the Lord it's the first day I had to do that. Lord willing it will warm up again soon!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Had to turn the air conditioner on. I will probably turn it off before bed and open the house up in the morning. We did that yesterday until the outdoor temperature got warmer than inside, today wasn't quite as hot, so we made it until 5pm.

    Bill has an appointment with the kidney Dr on Thursday and they wanted a log of blood pressure readings. His BP has been pretty good since we have been watching sodium. This morning it was too low ... 80/50. I changed cuffs, arms and batteries and got a reading of 88/54. It really scared me, so I borrowed Kips monitor this afternoon and it was 116/60. It kind of scares me with those low morning readings (I checked mine and got my normal reading). I will check again a couple times tomorrow.