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Carole, you are in my prayers throughout the day! I really liked reading about Dwight in the obituary, what a tribute to him, to you, and to his Church family! Beth and Daniel are in my prayers as well. Having a Church family willing to stand with you is so important, and I'm so glad you have that. We found the same thing with Mom. A fall seems to start a series of things that just go wrong. I've seen it in other elderly folks as well. But, when I think of Mom, I think of our happy times and picture her with a huge smile on her face up in heaven, makes me feel better.
Wade's surgery went well and he is doing well. He had two hernias repaired. He is doing well taking ibuprofen/acetaminophen for the pain, and Tramadol at night. He says he feels much better than he thought he would, so we are praising the Lord!
I'm doing well too! Love y'all.0 -
Carole - you and the family are in our prayers.
Kim - let Wade know he is in our prayers as well.0 -
Thank you, Kim and Connie. Your friendship and prayers mean everything. I pray that Wade's recovery is still going well.
I've enjoyed having a few quiet days before the memorial service on Saturday. We've started a little paperwork, but mainly been going through pictures and deciding what to display on the picture table. Talk about memories! I know to focus on the good times and so many ways in which we were blessed, but it's still hard when your constant companion is no longer there. After everything is over on Saturday, I look forward to being in Sunday School and church like normal.
After all the cold weather and snow, it was in the low 60s today and I enjoyed some porch sitting time.0 -
Carole, we did a picture album of Mom's life, and it ended up being where most of the people gathered, looking through it. Those memories are so precious. As I was finishing up the Biography of John Wesley, I came to Suzanna Wesley's death and how they saw it was such a blessing: Her soul was set at liberty. We stood around the bed and fulfilled her last request, uttered a little before she lost her speech, “Children, as soon as I am released, sing a psalm of praise to God.” What an awesome picture that was for me. Liberty and release!
Wade is doing really well. They gave him these numbing shots in his surgery area. It lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours. They do this so they will have to give people fewer opioids to reduce the pain. He has had very little pain, as long as he is careful of how he moves, but he is getting around really well. God has blessed us!
Hope y'all have a very good day. Praying for strength, peace, and joy for you, Carole!0 -
I haven't been here in a few days (still fighting the cold I brought back from NC) but wanted you to know I've been praying for you and your family during this time, Carole. I did post on the condolences board after reading Dwight's touching eulogy. Daniel did a nice job putting that together.0
Cindy, I hope that you didn't get the month-long ordeal that I and others in my Church had. Several of us are still dealing with fatigue and coughing (mine from head congestion). Praying for you!
I hope that y'all have a very good weekend. Our pastor has been ill, so we've been doing Zoom services this past week, but hoping and praying we will be able to be together this Sunday!
Love y'all.0 -
Thank you, Cindy. I did see your post and treasure all our friendships in this group. Today will be busy and bittersweet, so I wanted to check in early. I've been taking it slow, lingering over coffee this morning. I'll start going over some music soon... Did I mention that I'm playing for Dwight's service? Beth is also speaking. It won't be easy, but that's what he wanted. Thinking back over the years, I wish I had played more for Dwight. I'll play as long as anyone wants at church if they're singing, but always had a hard time when someone asked me to just play something. Our pastor and friend from the church back in Atlanta who I worked with for 25 years is coming and will also speak. Love you all so much!0
Carole, I hope that Dwight's service was a blessing to you. We are all here for you and praying for you and your family! When Wade and I got married our pastor suggested that I sing during the ceremony -eek. I don't memorize well so I was a bit nervous about it, but I ended up doing two songs. One we recorded for the beginning of the ceremony and the other one I sang to him - and praise the Lord it turned out really nice. I'm sure you played beautifully.
Well, Wade has a dentist appointment today and then I have my NP appointment tomorrow. Since we did the blood work just a couple of months ago, I am hoping that we will just do my cholesterol tomorrow. It's been a year since we checked it and it was high then. I wanted to try to lower it naturally before going back to a statin. You'd think after dealing with this for at least a decade I would learn that I can't lower it without the statins. My doctor in Hickory said that my chances of having heart trouble were so low that he didn't put me on them (again). I didn't have trouble when I did take them, just had my liver checked every six months, so I wouldn't be averse to going on them again.
Woohoo, got to be in service yesterday and it was so refreshing being with the body! Wade stayed home in the morning, he ended up having a migraine, but was there in the evening - and he did really well. He's having a little bit more pain, but it's manageable with Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
Grammarly doesn't like when I use "really"! As you can see, I left them in! LOL!
You are in my prayers. Love you
0 -
Wow, I had very near 4,000 steps yesterday and I'm feeling it. My right leg and lower back aren't happy with me! I brought the cane out again to safely get around.
My doctor's visit went well. They did the cholesterol check, so I should hear from that in a couple of days. I started a new med to hopefully keep me from having so many headaches. I don't like that it affects the brain (a drug used for depression but migraines as well), I did that in the past and didn't like coming off of it - but, if it works, I shouldn't have to come off of it, at least for a good while. Because of my heart issues as well as being able to afford stuff, there are other things I know will work, but they are so expensive they are feasible. I need to do something, and this seemed like the only other option I had. I can't keep having four to six bad headaches a week. I'm taking more of the migraine med than I am supposed to be taking as well. She told me yesterday I wasn't supposed to take more than four a month - I'm taking at least 12-15 a month. I told her about how I was taking the acetaminophen, but she said I am still within the normal range for that - phew, that made me feel better because I take them frequently. So, we move on from here.
Hope y'all are able to enjoy your prayer meeting or Bible study tonight. Love you0 -
So glad you got to be in service last Sunday, Kim! Zoom is great, but nothing takes the place of in-person worship. I went to church and it felt so very good to be with everyone. My Sunday School class has a great community feel that means so much all the time, but especially now.
Beth went with me to take my 2-year-old cat to a new vet today - Molly, who has asthma. We've been on a cycle since last summer where the vet treats her and she's fine for 3 weeks or so, then the cough comes back - short spells at first, then longer, more frequent, and sometimes with wheezing. With all that was going on with Dwight, I almost waited too long before taking her. The vet did several injections and kept her on oxygen therapy for 6 hours. She's fine right now, but a neighbor who fosters dogs recommended trying a different vet, at least for a second opinion. So today was good. She's trying some meds that are harmless to pets compared to steroids, so we'll see what happens. Molly is more sociable than any cat I've ever seen, but Dwight was her favorite and he adored her. She used to hop up on his walker and he pushed her through the house. So I'm hopeful that her asthma can be better managed.
Glad your doctor's visit went well, Kim, and praying the new medicine works for you. No, you certainly don't need bad headaches 4-6 times a week! Like you, Dwight had so much going on that it was difficult to find meds that would work alongside all his other meds. And even though we had good insurance, some were close to being cost prohibitive.
I'm in a small group that uses Zoom for our Wednesday evening Bible study & prayer time. Looking forward to this special time with friends. Love you all!0 -
We had such a fun time Sunday night service. Our pastor uses a whiteboard at times and planned to this time but had left his markers at his house - so, he "drew" on the board with his finger and asked us what he'd drawn - the first was the Mediterranean Sea. It was surprising that without the picture we pretty much knew exactly where he was on the map. It all led to the Dead Sea which is dead because it has no outlet, it isn't living moving water. We as Christians can become like the Dead Sea if we don't have an outlet for our faith, a sharing it with others, reaching out to the lost. Last night we talked about the lifeboat "game" that schools had kids play, themselves as the ones who had to make the decision of who would live or die. We played, but not as ourselves - what would the world do? Then he put up another lifeboat - we are in that lifeboat and all around us are the lost. Our lifeboat can never get too full and the supplies are always sufficient - what has to happen for us to bring people into our lifeboat? The world is chunking people out and we need to be bringing people in. Our young people are amazing and have a lot of Bible knowledge, it's fun watching them as they participate. We as adults hold back and giving answers so that the young people can answer first and sometimes it's just the young people who are to give answers - stretching them! Just such a blessing being there! I wasn't sure I would be able to go, I was still hurting, but by the afternoon my pain was very manageable and today it's at its normal level again. Praise the Lord for His mercy!0
That sounds fun AND educational, Kim!
I'm finally over this cold. Praise the Lord. I don't think I've ever been more congested. The cough wasn't bad - only lasted a couple of days. But my head was SO congested.
I'm out of town on a job for a few days - back on Sunday. Home for a week and then out to Fort Myers, FL.
Have a blessed week everyone!
0 -
Cindy - So glad you're over your cold! Safe travels, wherever you are. Seems like you're travelling a lot. Is this more, or are you just getting back to normal after Covid?0
So happy you are finally done with that cold, Cindy! Oooo, enjoy the warmth of Florida next week!
I got the results of my cholesterol test, and pretty much everything was high. My HDL was in normal range but on the lower end! Sigh. I sent a note to my NP but didn't hear back from her. I'll have to call on Monday and see what we can do about it. Trying to lower it naturally has never worked - but I keep trying! Crazy, huh??? I hate adding yet another medication to my growing list, but it isn't going to go down without a prescription statin. I'm going to try and stop taking one of my diuretics and see if it affects the swelling in my hands and feet. I'll keep taking the one that protects my potassium. My hands swell even on two diuretics, so it's not really working like it's supposed to anyway!
I hope that y'all have an awesome weekend and a very blessed time of worship tomorrow! Love you
0 -
Kim, it's so hard to balance multiple medicines! I wish cholesterol could be lowered naturally, but that's not often the way things work, unfortunately. Praying that it all works out for what your body needs.
We are blessed to live close to Milligan University, a Christian liberal arts college. Last Thursday, Beth and I went to a free lecture by a hymnologist and contemporary hymn writer that was so interesting. I learned even more about classic hymns, camp meeting hymns, etc. Then tonight, the college choir and orchestra is doing a concert featuring many of my classic favorites, as well as a couple of new. I don't like to be out at night before I play on Sunday, as it's an early morning, but can't resist this concert.0 -
Oh...that sounds right down my alley! I would have loved the lectures and the concert.0
It's been quiet here! How is everyone doing?
I don't know what this new normal will look like quite yet, but probably not a lot different than what I'm doing now. I've got a good group of friends at church, two neighbors who are becoming better friends each day, and Beth and Daniel close by. Last night, Beth came by to help clean out my refrigerator - which I had already done because she tends to throw things out before I'm ready - so we did a little paperwork and ate together. That was so much fun! And this morning, my neighbor across the street invited me over for coffee. I'm also finding a lot of joy in reading. So while there's always times where its hard to think about Dwight, I believe I will be okay.
Do any of you watch movies on GAC? I believe Cindy has mentioned it before. I love that they show more traditional stories, before all this politically correct, inclusive stuff. Most are also faith based, especially since merging with Pure Flix. I'm still enjoying some of their Christmas movies.0 -
Is GAC a cable channel, or is it like Pluto, an app that I can put on my TV? I heard that several of the actors and actresses from Hallmark went over to GAC because they didn't like the direction Hallmark was going in.
Carole, I'm glad you are finding a new normal that brings you joy. You continue in my prayers. We need to do better in getting rid of fridge stuff sooner. When we get to it it involves a lot of sniffing and wondering how long it's been in there! LOL!
My headaches are getting fewer and aren't as long. Last night I started to get one and took two Tylenol, within minutes it was gone. Praise the Lord!
Love y'all.0 -
GAC (Great American Family Channel... it used to be Great American Country) is a cable channel - like Hallmark. GAC was acquired by GAC Media, a group formed by former Hallmark CEO Bill Abbott and his partners. I also appreciate the more traditional storylines they currently are showing. Hallmark has followed the route of most mainstream TV programming and we find ourselves changing the channel because of unexpected content.
0 -
I couldn't even tell you the last time that I actually watched a movie. There are old westerns on our TV most of the time it is on. That will hold Bill's attention better than anything. Sometimes there will be a KU basketball or football game, a Royals baseball game or (of course) a KC Chief's football game. I just don't watch TV....although there is a TV going all night in the bedroom with the volume so low it can't really be heard, but is white noise, and is a nightlight. Usually it is set on Antenna TV with old sitcoms, although I couldn't tell you when I actually watched one.
Carole, I'm so glad that you have a good support system! I have kept you in prayer.
Kim - glad the headaches are becoming more manageable.
I have a day off from going to mom's today because I was supposed to have a new tablet delivered with a signature required. They did deliver it, but just let it set on the porch. I wanted a larger tablet for music. I have really enjoyed using Mobile Sheets for my huge digital music collection. I had already had our hymnal (with most songs in more singable keys), and a huge selection of worship songs and choruses. They transferred easily to the Mobile Sheets application, and it is great to use for song lists, etc, but some were just a bit small for the 10inch tablet I use for church (it has a phone sim card in it, so I have internet). I bought an 11.5 inch Lenovo to take it's place, since I don't need internet to get to the 980 songs that I have on the application. This should make it a lot easier than carrying music. I have used it for the last several weeks, and it works well. Now, today I have to set up this larger tablet and sync the application. The LG tablet that I have will be a replacement for my 10 inch Fire that has started acting up .
I was really glad that I didn't have to leave the house, because Bill had a really rough morning. He just about fell several times, when he was trying to transfer from bed to wheelchair, and then standing when I was trying to get him (and his underwear) changed and cleaned up. I didn't try to get him to the toilet, since that would have just been another full transfer. We finally made it, and it seems that the weakness might be caused by a new pain reliever that he has been taking. And, the weaker he became, the more often I gave him one (he can have 3 a day and I actually gave him 3 one day and 2 yesterday). I talked to the Doctor's office and they wanted him going off of it and seeing how it goes over the weekend and see if his strength returns. If it doesn't, I am going to have to seriously make plans to get some serious mobility equipment and a hospital bed or a nursing facility.0 -
Cindy, I came back to respond to your earlier post this from this morning and saw that you had deleted some of it. Just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Kim, wonderful news about your headaches! I pray that they stay manageable for you.
Connie, I continue to pray for you and Bill. What you all are going through is hard. After a long stint in rehab, Dwight was home for two weeks before he passed, and required a lot of care. Some days were extremely difficult for me. You probably have a lot of options available, so take time to explore them all and seek advice. I talked with home healthcare workers a lot.
I subscribe to a streaming program called Frndly TV. It includes the GAC channels, Hallmark, and several others. I have decided to let Cable TV go because I prefer to stream, and doing so will save a little over $100 per month.0 -
Praying for you all.
Everything is okay, Carole. I felt like I was over-sharing. Our 7th grandchild was born this afternoon. Elena Riley born at 12:10 pm. 6 lbs 5 oz, 19". Dave and I got a call from our daughter just after 3am that we needed to come and watch 2 1/2 year old Miles so they could go to the hospital. I had to drive 90 minutes to work today (and work on 4 hours sleep) but I'm off for the next 3 days, so I'll enjoy that AND my new granddaughter. 😊0 -
Cindy, don't you EVER worry about over-sharing! I feel like this is a comfortable, caring group where we can speak from our hearts. I was just afraid that something might have happened. Well, something really did happen... and I'm thrilled for you and Dave! Elena Riley is a beautiful name. Lavish as much love as you can on all seven grandchildren. Love you, Cindy!0
Connie, we already had a bed that the head or foot would raise (we have two twins. I use mine to keep my head raised at 6 inches, Wade doesn't use his because it's too short for him). We put Mom in that and then bought some rails to keep her in. We put a TV in her room and her porta-potty near her bed so it would be an easy transfer. I keep you in my prayers, you are doing something amazing in taking care of Bill like you do!
I am working on a cross-stitch project but can't stay at it very long. I have to be careful of the arthritis in my hands as well as my eyes going bonkers trying to see the little stitches. I need a pair of those magnifying glasses! We watch a show on YouTube called REPAIR SHOP. It's a British show where people bring in their heirlooms and different specialists work on repairing them. There are some very poignant stories - two or three of them wear two pairs of glasses, one for their vision and one to magnify their work, sometimes having both on their nose at the same time - I think that's what I need! LOL!
Love y'all.0 -
Cindy - How exciting to have been blessed with a new grandbaby! I won't get more than my one 27 year old grandson, but hopefully great-grandbabies someday!
Bill is better since he went off of the new med. We have a video appointment with the doctor tomorrow afternoon and will be talking about another alternate to boost the tylenol and probably a hospital bed. I really hate to take down our 150 year old bed, but it is time, I think. I looked into adjustable beds that could work, but we really need the raising and lowering of the entire bed, as well as raising the head. I'm not sure where I will sleep, but will work something out. I want to be close by and not in another room.
Here in a couple weeks we will be going and cleaning out moms house in mid-Missouri. I dont know how long we will be gone. We will be using wifi off my cell phone hotspots, so am going to need to make a change to my cell plan before going. They are good about temporary changes. Since we will be streaming TV and trying to sell antiques through faccebook marketplace, I'm going to need more than our usual. I dread this...especially dads tools. I know the antiques, but know nothng about all of that stuff!0 -
Wow, two praise the Lords! Congrats Cindy on the new grandbaby, hold them close while they are little and will let you! Connie, I'm so glad that Bill is responding to being off of the med. I hope it makes things easier for you.
I agree with Carole, if you need to share, share. It gives us a better idea of what we can be praying for as well.
Not much going on with me which I guess is very good! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you0 -
I'm finishing up my job in Coral Gable, FL. There's one more meeting yet tonight - it's an awards program that won't be done until 10. I was smart and booked my return flight for 1pm tomorrow, so I won't have to get up too early.0
I just can't believe the depravity of people. This shooting in KC is awful. On a day the entire city is celebrating. As of now, there are 22 injured - 11 children! One dead and several others with life threatening injuries.0
I saw that on the news this morning, your figures are even worse than theirs! I heard the one dead was a mother of two. It feels like the world has gone crazy in the past few years! Praise God we have an island of light where the One we serve is keeping us. We may suffer persecution, but He has a plan, we just have to glorify and honor Him in the midst of it.
Safe journey home, Cindy.0 -
That is totally depraved. Praying for all those involved.
I discovered an authentic German bakery/restaurant yesterday and bought 2 almond croissants. The dough comes frozen from Germany - after parbaking. I had to wait 20 min. for them to come out of the oven and it was so worth it. I went back today for breakfast and to bring home a couple of those almond croissants (one for Dave). The place is called Bread Pete. I'm putting the pictures I took in a Spoiler to not take up so much room.0