


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited February 2023
    Keeping you both (and your husbands) in prayer 🤗
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited March 2023
    The appointment went well today. Although the kidney function keeps dropping, it is just the beginning of stage 4. He does want Bill to go to a specialist (appt in mid-May) to assure that some of his meds aren't causing this. Usually kidney issues go with diabetes, but Bill's sugar levels and A1C have held steady for years with no meds, so doctor is looking for other causes.

    Kim - praying for Wade.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thanks, Connie. You and Bill are on my prayer list, as are all my cyber-friends! My heart goes out to you as you walk through this time with Bill. I wish I were closer and could do more for you, but Jesus is there!

    Gorgeous day yesterday. We have sunshine and around 70 for today. Praise the Lord. Have I ever told you, I don't like to be cold!? LOL! Even today I am wearing long sleeves, although I did put on my sandals rather than my fuzzy slippers!

    Have a blessed day and if you are able to worship this evening, I hope it is an awesome time with the Lord!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Today started out rough. Bill wanted to stay in bed for a while. That alone makes it more stressful for me, because he has no sense of urgency. I usually give us 2 hours to get ready, and I still have to rush him. This morning I had an hour and a half, and when he got out of bed, he had left a huge wet spot on the bed pad, so I grabbed another one to change, then found a wet spot that the pad didn't catch. I had to wash the pad and bottom sheet. Then, went in the bathroom and stepped in a puddle, so had to mop the floor. At that point, I just gave up on church, dressed him in sweats and decided to do my own worship.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    My heart and prayers go out to you, Connie. I pray a ray of sunshine will infiltrate your day today - whatever that is - something that will lift your spirits.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my, Connie, I can so relate. We ended up having to put mom in disposable underwear (which rarely caught all of what she needed to void), but it was better than the alternative. We got some "adult" diapers for her for at night. I would double up with the disposable underwear, but she wouldn't go until we stood her up, and then she would just gush! She somehow remembered that you just don't wet in the bed! Ugh! I can't imagine trying to do this on my own - you are doing awesome! You continue to be in my prayers. Never forget that he doesn't understand, his brain is just not able to process this stuff any more - sure makes it harder for the caretaker! God be with you, my friend.

    Another beautiful and warm day, in the 70's today. Yeah. I sat on the porch this morning while eating my slice of bacon - oh yeah! God is very good!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I have Bill in diapers, but sometimes it just doesn't work. It doesn't seem that they are overfull. I can't seem to figure it out. I wonder if he gets up during the night and doesn't pull them back up correctly. I don't wake up, but maybe???? Anyway....all is well.

    It was a beautiful morning this morning. I had to run to the bank to redo some IRAs and it was sunny and about perfect for early March. An hour after I got home it was cloudy and the temp was headed downward. Now it is rainy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Mom overflowed her disposable stuff all the time, it was quite frustrating, but she couldn't help it! They do some funny stuff though when we aren't looking!

    I bundled up when we went out today thinking it would be in the mid 50's and I wouldn't have to wear a coat - it ended up being in the low 60's. I waited in the car while Wade went to his doctor's appointment and the sun was right on me. Even with the window part way down I was hot!

    Okay, I'm looking for a small pillow that I can tie on to my wooden rocking chair. I looked on line at wal-mart and at Amazon, but they don't have anything like that. They do have these terry cloth pillows that drap over the back of the chair and then you can move the neck pillow wherever you need it, but it's a wooden chair, so it isn't going to cling like it would on fabric. The cushion on the back of the chair doesn't go up high enough so I can't rest my head back. If I raise the back cushion, then my lower back won't have any support! I just checked E-bay and they don't have what I'm looking for. Well, all of them have these neck pillows that go around the chair with an elastic band, but they are anywhere from $13.99 to $27.99, and that just seemed a bit high to me. Maybe I have pre-covid prices on the brain! LOL!

    Hope y'all have a great evening. Love you.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    More snow today. C'mon already... it's mid March.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    It's cool here today, but at least the sun came out late this afternoon.

    We are getting estimates for replacing a window well and extending the downspout from the guttering. WOW! That first estimate about floored me. The labor alone was about $3000 (probably no more than 2 days for one person). I have two more people coming to check it out, one that we have used before. Praying that we can get it done a bit more reasonably.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, everything is costing so much more these days.

    I was looking at the cost of having this large floater lasered because it doesn't seem to want to move from in front of my vision. If I look at just the right angle things are okay, but then I blink and it moves and my vision is cloudy again. It's been there since December. We see the eye doctor again in May, and if it hasn't moved by then I may just have to bite the bullet and have it blown up! :D

    Still cool here. I miss those 70 degree days, but they will be back soon and then we'll be seeing 80's and 90's and bugs! Oh my! Can't wait for the warmth, but the bugs - not so much!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Headed out of town for work this morning. I hope this rain doesn't add extra time to my drive
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Have fun, even if it is work, Cindy!

    Went out to breakfast this morning with friends, then went and found a recliner that will work for me at Big Lots. It will take a couple days to get the coupon from joining the Big Lots Club thingy so it will be next week before I get it. The chair I am in right now is too deep and the headrest pushes my head forward. I sat in the one in the story for about 15 minutes and it was still very comfortable. Can't wait!

    Phew, I got so warm while we were out that I had to take off my sweater! I love it!

    We went to look at plants at Lowe's too. We have a stoned area beside the steps of the front deck that we want to put some things in. Then I found these really bright blue small plants that would look great across the front of the deck. I also need some lilies, they are my favorite. I would love to have a pomegranate bush somewhere in my yard too, but those are hard to find - oh, and I would love, love, love to find a hyacinth azalea like the one I had in Hickory - my absolute favorite bush! I doubt I will find either of those, but things will still be pretty! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I had to laugh at your recliner story. Bill bought a huge recliner about 6 months before I retired. He loved it. When we were going to find new living room furniture when I retired, we had to.find something that was a good contrast color. I kept running from one end of the huge store to the other with pillows from couches to see if they worked. The only thing we really agreed on, and the colors worked was a Lazy Boy recliner and couch. I was so excited about having my own recliner...for about 1 day. Bill took it over and I can't sit in the other one comfortably...back to the couch for me.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh no, Connie! I hope the couch is comfortable at least! I've had several recliners, but because I have short legs, each one had it's own troubles. The one before this one ended up being Mom's because I could control her going up and down with the controller on a cord. It also had a lumbar as well as head controls - but, it was also a rocker, so it was hard for me to get into it (and Mom as well) without having to scooch! The best one I had was part of our sofa which had a recliner at each end. I don't often use the recliner part so that wasn't that important, but having a short seat and it being a rocker are great! What fun having weird body shapes makes life! I laughed when I pictured you running around the store with your pillows - what a great picture!

    Praise the Lord we have sunshine today. It's still in the 40's, but I love the sunshine, makes me feel warmer even if I'm not! LOL!

    Have a great day. Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Oh my! Today was AWFUL! The contractors were here yesterday working outside on replacing a window well and getting rid of some landscaping stuff that was way past it's prime. Anyway, there was a board from an old deck that was still attached to the house close to the downspout for gutters close by. They found termites! I called and made an appointment for an exterminator and told them I would have them work on the siding after the exterminator came. Today they were inside working on some sheet rock breaks that were caused by the foundation issue we had fixed in December. When they moved a large cabinet in the dining room, they found that the termites had gone up and eaten the sheetrock and damaged a 2x4. Now my house is a disaster. The exterminator said that we could go ahead and fix the problems and that there were no live termites, but we definitely have to have treatment done. Our fairly inexpensive projects have become very expensive, now. AARG. It isn't that we can't pay for it, just that we don't want to have to use it there.

    Bill and never even left the bedroom today. He couldn't really understand what was going on in the house and didn't want to walk out of the bedroom to see the mess. Several times he would see one of them men go into the bedroom across the hall or doing work in the hall and ask who those men were. I have a really splotchy house (about 20 sheet rock breaks) and two pieces of sheetrock missing.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Oh Connie - so sorry to hear about termites! We dealt with a huge bee hive built into one of our deck supports. It was a costly fix and a little dangerous because we had to support our sunroom when we took that out to replace it. I hope it gets fixed soon and isn't as expensive as you're thinking it might be.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Processes are in place. The differences in prices are costly, but within reason. At least we already had a contractor here that can do everything except the extermination, and the exterminator will be here next week. There were no live termites, so the exterminator told us to go ahead and fix. The damage was mainly cosmetic, the support structure wasn't effected. We just have a huge mess and can hardly get through the house A lot of the dining room furniture is in the living room, and all of the living room furniture is moved to fix the cracks in the sheet rock, so are basically living in the bedroom. The kitchen has been covered in plastic, but that is now removed....all of my antique dishes are all over the counter from the china cabinet, but I finally made a way to get to the microwave.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my! I'm so sorry, Connie! Praise the Lord the termites weren't active. We have a huge fire ant problem in our yard. One of the young men in our Church family started working for an exterminator so we are going to talk to him about coming out and doing something in our yard. Wade went out to work at putting up the raised bed that he had built and found that the blackberry bush we have (in a planter) is pretty much an ant hill right now. There is some growth on it, so we want to try and save it, but it's not going to be easy! We're looking for a good recipe for the collards that we were able to save out of the garden. I won't eat any, but Wade and our friends (and next-door neighbors) Martha and Pastor David want some too! We share the garden with them! Sure am glad, I'd have okra coming out of my ears if she hadn't taken quite a bit of them! The THM diet uses a lot of okra.

    Hope y'all are doing better, and hope that the house gets back in order quickly, Connie.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Whew! The inside is done and all back in order. They aren't done with the outside stuff at this point. We have had a lot of rain, so they haven't been able to get the window well.