


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I need to get Bill to the lab for blood work before Wednesday. l tried for yesterday, but he didn't want to go and said he would go today. When I got up, there was a light skiff of snow and I hated to get him out it it. Tomorrow is supposed to be better, but Monday is supposed to be nice. We will see. I hate putting things off, but I am really scared of his kidney functions. They were up a little when he was on a gout med, but he had to go off of it because he kept having gout attacts....the opposite of what the med was supposed to do.

    I am not trying for sympathy or complaining, but I really need prayer for strength and patience. Things are getting rougher with Bill. Even with depends and pads on the beds, I am having to change sheets almost every day, he just doesn't do anything for himself anymore, ands argues if I try to get him in the shower (he would never bathe or clean his teeth without being forced). Then, my Mom, 200 miles away, is having memory problems and I know that she cannot continue living alone for much longer, but can I really take care of 2? Just pray that God gives me strength and peace about this situation and the choices I am going to have to make with Mom (I'm an only child).
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm praying for you, Connie.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2023
    Connie did you get Bill in for blood work by Wednesday or did you decide to wait until Monday? I'm praying that things are going well your way.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I have until Tuesday or Wednesday to get him in, and Monday or Tuesday are supposed to be a lot nicer weather, and he promised me he wouldn't argue (but he won't remember that).
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2023
    Oh for some reason I thought it was this past Wednesday you were talking about.

    Finally named our robot vacuum - the Kraken. "Release the Kraken!"
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Love the name, Cindy.

    Connie, I am so with you on caring for someone. Honestly, it took three of us to take care of Mom. She wasn't able to get up or move on her own so it took three of us to get her from one room to another. At night I put disposable underwear on her and an adult diaper. She was fine while she was lying down but just gushed when she stood up. We used bath wipes to clean her (we used Alcala (and I still use it for my baths) We had a potty chair in her room so it was just two or three steps from her bed to the toilet. We also put extra sides on the bed because even though she couldn't walk she kept trying to get up. Funny thing though, one night I heard her calling to me and it sounded too close - I got up and she was standing at the door calling for me. Now, during the day she can't get herself up, but that night she had no problem! The battles to get her to understand just wore me out, I finally had to realize that she wasn't going to understand, she was just incapable anymore and I just ended up not giving her choices. Honestly, I don't think that you should try to take on two at one time - you will just totally wear yourself out and get sick then yourself. I will be praying for you, sister!

    Oh, I just thought, could you have a day nurse come in to help you care for him and when the time comes both of them? We weren't able to have that kind of help because of where we live, but I believe her medicare would have covered it. My pastor's wife lives next door and she was here multiple times during the day to help me with Mom. We would have tried to get her into a home earlier if we didn't have her help. Just having her stay a couple nights a week was a tremendous help. What about Bill's daughters, can either of them help? Even if they could come and help with the cleaning and meal prep so you wouldn't have to do those things - it would give you an hour or two of rest. You definitely need help! Just some ideas.

    I'll tell you this too, if you decide that one or both need to go into memory facilities, they aren't able to restrain them - at all. They wouldn't put the seatbelt on Mom when she was in her wheelchair and the first time they took her to her room she lunged out of the chair and hit her head on the bed and had to go to the emergency room! She fell out of bed a number of times trying to stand up - they finally put a pad on the floor and lowered the bed as low as it would go. They wouldn't even tuck her sheets under the mattress!!!! All of the nursing homes in our area were like that. Ultimately it was the cancer that took her life, but even having her in a nursing home was taxing because we went to see her every day for at least 10 minutes or so, just to let her and the facility know that we cared about her. That was a 40 minute trip both ways.

    Oh boy, it got cold today, 34 degrees this morning! Brr howdy! The fireplace is really nice and warms the room quickly. I like to stand in front of it, hold up my outer shirt and let my inner shirt get toasty warm before going and sitting down. Keeps me warm for awhile.

    Hope y'all have a great day. You are in my prayers!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2023
    It's hardwood floor refinishing time... it's about time - after 30+ years. Today he sanded with the big sander. Tomorrow he's going to fill everywhere to catch cracks and dings. Then it's more sanding before staining and finishing. See my refrigerator in my great room? That was a job - moving it out of the kitchen.
    The first week of February we're painting this whole great room/ dining room area. I like this wheat color, but it's probably 15-20 years old. I'm thinking a warm beige-y taupe
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Our house is a green with blue tones color. I like it, but it is a bit dated. I don't want to do anything to change it until I decide what to do about the flooring. I would like to finish out the house with wood or laminate (we have laminate in the dining/kitchen and entry. It would be a lot cheaper to match what we have, but I really would like rid of what is in the kitchen and go to the flooring like we used in Kip's apartment. It is a lot thinner, but still with the same warrantee, it just doesn't need the padding. It would be better if and when we need to replace the dishwasher. Anyway, the money we spent the end of last year and first of this year on the basement is enough for a while! Other stuff can wait.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Ooo, pretty, Cindy! Ours is in desperate need of refinishing, lots of dings and scrapes and the finish wore off where Mom rolled her rollator! I think we are wanting to go with a LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile) when we finally decide to do that; but there are lots of things that need doing before that. Wade has the front deck done except for the railing on the steps and the little gap in the stoop. He's working on the side deck now where we usually enter and exit the house. That one is in pretty bad shape. There is another deck on the opposite side of that hall/den (our house is laid out quite weird) and it also needs replacing. It came with a hot tub that we want to get rid of and that will take some work. My dishwasher broke but I would love to put a cabinet there instead of replacing the dishwasher. With just Wade and I, I should be able to keep up with the dishes, although there are days I wonder! Sink gets mighty full mighty fast! LOL! We also need to replace the sink. I can hardly move the faucet from one side to the other, the whole thing twists! And the sink is pretty stained up (white porcelain). I would love a stainless single deep sink.
    We already have the faucet, found it on sale at Lowes! Yeah us! Hmmm, you'd think it was Spring with all the things we are wanting to get to. You started it Connie!!!

    Strange day here today. It started out cold. By the time we left the restaurant it was warmer, but the a short hour or so later when we came out of Wal-Mart it was cold again! One tiny pocket of warm must have gone through! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited January 2023
    I may have started the remodeling bug, but it certainly wasn't by choice! We went with Vinyl flooring in Kip's apartment. It is what Bill's daughter had in her old house for years, and liked so well that she did her "new" house when she remodeled before moving in. According to the contractors is was the only thing that would work well in an area like his apartment. The floors are mostly smooth, but may have a place here and there that isn't exact, and it is a basement and we are still trying to assure that all of the leaks are gone. We used Traffic Master 6in Grip Strip Luxury Vinyl. It really looks pretty.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    If we do our livingroom we will probably just lay plywood over the old floor and then cover it with the luxury vinyl tile. The floor is like walking on waves if you are in your bare feet - for some reason with shoes on it's not so bad. That would make the livingroom floor a 1/4 to 1/2" higher than the hall floors, but that isn't that much and a piece of angled board to cover that should keep me from tripping. That is down the road though, we have much more important stuff to do before that - like my kitchen. Right now I can't move the faucet in the sink. If I try to move it the whole base turns with it - ugh! A new sink and countertops is in the planning stages. I think the cabinets have been in there since the house was built in the 1940's!

    Wow, I went into my e-mail and saw that the library had bought four of my recommendations - from a few years ago so I had already read them from other sites or sales! LOL! I ended up putting a couple on hold because I couldn't remember if I had read them or not. One is A CAPTIVE BRIDE by Michelle Griep. There are a couple of Melanie Dickerson ones too, THE WARRIOR MAIDEN is one of them and I think I really liked that one so I won't mind re-reading it. Now for them to get to my newer ones!

    Beautiful day today. I think I will take my lunch out on the deck and enjoy some sunshine!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - I have to read a book out of my comfort zone and this would definitely count. If I try this series for the challenge, should I start with book 1, or just start with what I find through the library sites?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    The books pretty much stand on their own. The Warrior Maiden is a take on Mulan. The area in each is the same, but different characters with old characters cropping up shortly now and again.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Mom is supposed to get between 6-10 inches of snow by noon tomorrow. We are supposed to get 1-3. Of course mom lives south of never know . I rescheduled a Dr Appt for Bill. I don't want to get him out in snow.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    We're supposed to get between 3 and 6" of snow between midnight tonight and 10pm tomorrow. And I'm supposed to fly to Dallas late tomorrow afternoon. Ugh.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    We got a little over 2 inches of snow. It isn't to bad, but I am really glad that I changed Bill's doctor's appointment.

    Safe travels, Cindy!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Love Texas. We lived just south of the Dallas/Forth Worth area (Alvarado) and sometimes made it to the big city! LOL!

    It was chilly yesterday but should be in the 60s today. I'm glad I live here when I see y'all getting snow! We got a lot of rain a couple of days ago and are supposed to get some more today (I think). A front is coming through since I woke up with a bad headache this morning and hadn't eaten any of my triggers! LOL!

    Wade has the steps nearly finished on the deck and a little walkway going up to them. He spends quite a bit of time out there, but I'm waiting for the weather to be a little bit warmer before I spend any real time out there! I'm a wimp!

    Love and prayers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2023
    Okay. I've narrowed it down to these two colors...
    I've 80% decided on Accessible Beige because it's a warmer color. This is probably the last time we paint before selling, so I wanted a neutral color that I like. Now to pick a white for the trim...
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I think I would go with the beige. From what I have read and heard, the gray is being over-used. What do I know?