


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    I only have a few minutes, but I started this yesterday, stepped away from the computer 'for a minute' and never came back...

    We're supposed to get snow between Thursday- Friday. They're calling for up to 6" on Thursday with another possible 3-5" on Friday. My husband is out taking down two trees in the front yard because he thinks our older grandchildren might run into one of them while they're sledding (and he's promised sledding on Christmas day). I reminded him that those trees have been there for years and our four children never ran into them, but once he gets something in his head...

    And this, of course, has turned into, "I'll need your help moving wood from the wood shed to the stack on the porch to make room for what I'm cutting up today." But I have plans... I'm supposed to be making cookie dough this afternoon to be ready for making cutout sugar cookies with my daughters tomorrow. And the house is a wreck and everyone is coming over on Sunday. Enough whining. I'm going to try to get done what I can before he comes in and says he's ready for help. We did treat ourselves to one of those robot vacuum things for our Christmas present to each other. We haven't named it yet - still thinking on that. 😝 Maybe Rosie (Jetson's maid) or Alfred (Batman's butler)... such silliness. But I do think I'll start that sweeping/mopping all the hardwood while I unload the dishwasher.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    My first robot was Cora (it was a Coredy brand). It didn't have a beater brush and since we have a lot of carpet, it was replaced in about a year and given to my BIL. The newer one is Hazel, from the old sit-com of the same name. My SIL named hers Rosie. I also thought about Florence from the Jeffersons, or Benson.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Mom wanted one of those, but it never came about!

    I looked up maids names from TV: Alice from the Brady Bunch;
    Mama Two Shoes from the Tom and Jerry Cartoons;
    Mamie or Prissy from Gone with the Wind.
    Those were from shows I would watch, there were 50 names on the list, and 20 of those names had to do with caring for someone or taking care of a home. Have fun! That's so funny about the trees - somehow it makes a difference that it's the grandkids! LOL! We had a hill in the woods that we sledded on. There was a ravine at the bottom with a giant tree just before the drop-off! You hoped to stop either before the tree or on the tree and miss the ravine! LOL! More times than not we went to a golf course that had a bunch of hills. I think we sledded at my grandparent's just once, they had a very steep hill in their backyard.

    We are in the 60s right now, but it will get much colder. Praise the Lord we won't be in the below zero feels like temps though, but we will be below freezing. :( Wade got our gas fireplace hooked up and we should be toasty warm - that thing puts out quite a bit of heat! Can't wait!

    Y'all have an awesome day! Love you

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Meant to come and post this yesterday, but the day got away from me. I hope you had a joyous CHRISTmas!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hi Wyn, so glad you are here. Can't wait to hear about what you are reading. I review my books through Goodreads or Amazon. I haven't been reading as much as I used to, but still get about an hour or two in at night. Connie is our book devourer!

    I started a couple of fantasies but found cussing in them so quit, bummer. A couple of my favorite authors have new books out so I will be working on them. I started a new book by a missionary, but so far all he's done is tell us about his early life and now he is getting into his teen and young adult years - tell me about your time in Africa!!! I'll keep reading though.

    Wyn, I'd like to share some suggestions for you that I found helpful when I was part of SparkPeople:
    1. Set goals. Long-term (I want to lose 100 lbs); mid-term (I want to lose 50 lbs by the end of the year); short-term goals - the goals that will get you to that mid-term goal. (I will cut out sodas, eat 100 calories less a day, walk so many steps a day, etc...). I really helps when you have something concrete down rather than just determining to eat less. After the New Year I will be working on some new goals.
    2. Stop eating when you are satisfied, not full. It's okay to leave something on your plate. There will come a time when you will know just how much you need to eat to be satisfied and won't add extra to the plate!
    3. Make changes slowly. Start out with two things that you are wanting to change and do them for two weeks, until they start to become a habit for you, then add something else you see that needs to be changed. Diving in head first sometimes is too much and you end up jumping right back out of the pool!

    Hope those help a little bit. If there's anything we can do to be of help, just let us know! God bless, Kim
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, are any of you having trouble accessing a group? Yesterday I had trouble accessing this group and today I can't access my other group. There is a note up saying this has been a problem for some of the members (for me it's been three days) but they are working on it. Connie, if you can get into our other group, could you just let the ladies know I'm having trouble getting to them? Thanks so much.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    I'm having trouble getting to the Group. The only way I was able to get in was to click on Discussions. Then I was able to 'back in' to the group by scrolling back to the top and clicking on Christian Bookworms. It's been happening to me since yesterday. I get the message, "Access Denied".
    ETA And now it's working...
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hope you are all enjoying a great start to the weekend. I've decided to de-Christmas a little today... just some of the smaller things I have out. New Year's Day has always been set aside for putting away the ornaments and taking down the Christmas tree. I might stop in at Michael's or Joann Fabrics to check out their sales. Last year I picked up some beaded ornament kits for my grandkids for 90% off (.69 instead of $6.99!)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    We went into Lowe's yesterday and they had almost nothing Christmasy left! I had walked too much and didn't make it into Walmart. Mom and I used to go to Target a few days after Christmas when things were marked down even more and often found some good stuff. I don't shop at Target anymore though, too woke for me. I try not to use the restroom at Walmart because they do allow guys/gals to use the bathroom they associate themselves with - ick! I did have to go in there one day and sure enough, two whatevers were in there talking about how they appreciate Walmart allowing Trans people to use the restroom they want.

    We usually wait until after the New Year to take stuff down but we did the tree yesterday and will work on the other stuff today.

    I think I am going to have to go back to the eye doctor about this giant floater, it hasn't moved or gotten any smaller and it's been more than 10 days. I've been taking the stuff he suggested for Vitreous health, but it hasn't helped either. Hopefully, it's making that gel in my eyes healthier but just not touching the
    floater. I paid a lot for it! LOL!

    Praise the Lord we had a really warm day yesterday! It was close to 70. We should be in the 50's and 60's for about a week before the temps creep down again.

    Well, going to see if I can get into my other group. Love y'all.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    I'm watching my grandson this afternoon while my daughter and her husband go out to the movies - I think they're seeing Avatar. They're celebrating their 6 year anniversary today.

    Earlier I was dancing to some oldies with him (he's 16 months old and loves to move to music) but he got tired and I picked him up and a bunch of slow songs came on so I just swayed with him and now he's sleeping. So we're just relaxing on a big puffy bean bag chair ... it's been 30 minutes. I imagine he'll wake up pretty soon.

    PS Dancing with a toddler is pretty good exercise!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, Cindy, that sounds like such a wonderful day!

    I'm so glad we have hit this warmer spell, it's been so nice. The fireplace helps to offset the morning chill too - so nice.

    We will be having our Church get-together tomorrow. We weren't able to have it on Christmas Day because of the cold, so we will celebrate Christmas and the New Year tomorrow. Can't wait, it's always a very blessed and fun time.

    Hope you ladies have a great New Year, can't wait to live it with you! Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on for a while. I was just exhausted from the remodel, the water main break driveway repair, moving my BIL back into his apt, and Bill.

    I am working on 3 monthly challenges, a 55 book challenge and reading through the US this year. Of course while I am doing them, if a book works for more than one challenge, good!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Me and challenges never seem to work. I find a book that fits but I don't usually like it and quit reading it. Picky much???

    Okay, I tracked my food for today - 967 calories (probably a wee bit more since dinner is 2 C of turkey/rice soup, but getting my portions was a guess.) I could put in all the ingredients, but I have no idea how much turkey we added and the veggies were a styrofoam bowl full, and about 15 glubs of chicken broth - heehee! I guess if I want exact I better measure everything. I was over in carbs and low in protein so I will have to work on that, but the carbs I did eat were good carbs (well, the chips were veggie chips!) I did measure out my smoothie for lunch though, lots of good things in that. I want to stay around the 1000 calories a day range and see if I can't get rid of some of this weight. I am starting out between 238 and 239. I would love to be down to 215 by my birthday in August.
    Long term goal - 180
    Mid-term goal - 215 by my birthday
    short-term goals: high protein/low carb diet; 1000 or less calories a day; walk every day, starting with 500 steps a day and working up to 1500 steps a day (on just the walk, total steps I want to be around 2500 - 3000 steps a day. (When I get more than that now I can hardly move by the end of the day).

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I need to get some holiday and stress weight off. I am starting my tracking back today. I did my 11:00 brunch and kept it low in calories (carbs will be a bit high, though). I need to look at my recipes and see if my meatloaf recipe is the one I am currently using and then I can track tonight. I need to start working at exercise, too...but need to get Kips furniture out of my exercise room so I can get to the dreaded treadmill. It is too ugly to walk today, but I did get a bit of walking done by doing some Christmas returns, shopping and having to walk to the end of our driveway (too many times since I forgot to grab the return the first time) due to the drive still being blocked due to the new concrete.

    I find so many good books by using the challenges. I think they are fun and I haven't ran into many books that I didn't like. This year the long one is 20 books shorter than last year (LY 75, TY 55) and I got it done in one month last year. I am not going to try to beat that, though. So far everything that I had already checked out from the library has fit into at least one of the challenges, and most into two of them. I don't usually start actively trying to find books to fit until I get close to completing the challenge, or close to the end of the month on monthly ones. My normal reading ticks off a bunch of them without trying.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    My body is sore today after working outside most of the day and then going to my exercise class last night. I am 1 lb down today, but if that's what it takes to lose 1 lb, I am surely in trouble!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I think that you have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound. What you are doing is really good, because muscle burns fat more quickly, so just deleting calories isn't as good as also building muscle (time for me to start building some muscle!). To lose one lb you would need to delete 500 calories a day either by eating fewer calories or burning those calories with exercise, or, best doing both! That's my take on it!

    We turned a little bit chilly again today, but the sun is out, so that makes it nice. Wade is moving right along with our deck and it should be done about the time the weather gets cold again! heeheehee! We will really enjoy it this Spring! I even have a rocking chair to put out there! Woohoo!

    Love y'all
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited January 2023
    I have lost almost 2 pounds, so I am at least going the right direction. it hasn't been the exercise that I haven't been getting! I really need to buckle down.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I haven't lost anymore, still at 236. Hopefully, my lower cals today will help with that.

    The deck is about 3/4 of the way finished and it is so nice. We have a cement stoop there now, so this deck goes about 8' past the stoop and in front of it covering the cement stairs. Wade is going to put wood stairs off the side towards our driveway, so all total it is about 12 feet wide and 7 feet deep. Just right for me and my rocker. We have a magnolia tree out front which will keep half of the deck in shade most of the day! Woohoo! That will be nice in the summer. I'll take a picture when it's all done.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm also kind of at a standstill with my weight. It's very frustrating to not see results. Also, once or twice a week I suffer from insomnia. I woke up at 4am and at this point I'm thinking I might as well just resign myself to being awake and go get coffee.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I slept well last night, but the night before I was waking up every hour. Taking my sleep aid really helps. I use Alpha-Theta PM which is a natural sleep aid without melatonin. I get it from the dispensary that I use through my function med NP. Amazon carries from the company, but not that product. Sure does make a difference.

    Went and had blood drawn for my cholesterol. We wanted to see if using Red Yeast Rice would help bring it down rather than going to a prescription statin. Hope it will be down! I've been faithfully doing my fish oil so hopefully, my triglycerides will be down too.

    Have an awesome day!