


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, happy birthday, Bill! How fun! Thank you KFC. Could y'all eat those cookies??? Hey, no sweat Bill couldn't remember his age, most of the time I can't either! LOL!

    Wade and I went to IHOP last night for dinner - much more expensive than we have been used to paying there, and it wasn't anything great either! He was rather upset!. I have protein pancakes left over. I was going to eat them for lunch, but I had made a loaf of blender rice bread and wanted to have a slice of that, so I will eat the pancakes tomorrow. Ham/potato bake is for dinner tonight.

    We had three losses of family this year. Mom in February, her sister (about two years older) in April or May, and their sister-in-law passed away last night, she was probably 88 years old. I don't think that there has been any other year in our lives where we've lost so many. There is one more left, a BIL over 90! A whole generation, but they sure lived a long time, all of them were over 80 years old. Praise God we had them for so long. God is good.

    Love y'all. Gonna rest a bit before I make supper.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited November 2022
    Kim - so sorry for the deaths in the family. I know that is really hard.

    Whew, when it rains it pours. Our next door neighbor came over on Friday and told us that there was a water leak under our driveway. I called the water company and they said it would be fixed this week. Well, it got worse and worse and more neighbors called about it, so Saturday evening they came and dug out the entire end of our driveway and down probably over 5 feet to get to the lines. They got the lines fixed and put a huge plate over the drive between our concrete and the road. What a mess. I called the pastor and reported off for Sunday, but we were actually able to be there. They put the plate in about 10pm. Now they need to get something better and more permanent done...that plate is a hard on the car tires going over it. At least this was the water company's problem and they are responsible for the cost of fixing our driveway.

    They are in the house now working on the foundation issues. I asked several times if the stool needed removed from the bathroom and was told "no". Then the guy came up here and said it needed to be removed today...I told him that he needed to make it work because I was told that it didn't need to come up. I was about to the end of my rope. Anyway he made a call and they are moving the pier by 6 inches. Whew!

    It is SO noisy here! The jack hammer has been going all day. They said that they probably will have to finish more! And I can't leave the house. AARG!!! I can't wait until all of this is finished.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Well, the piering is finished. They are supposed to send me pictures, so I didn't take any. Last night when they finished for the day, there was dirt, rock, etc more than knee deep in Kips living room. I about had heart failure! When they finished this afternoon, all of the dirt was packed (via compacting tool on the jack hammer) back into the 7 holes drilled to bedrock. The floors were pristine and concrete poured. So...part 2 of basement is finished. Part 3 starts on the 5th.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm glad it's at least moving along now Connie. Take heart- hopefully it will be finished soon.

    I have all the kids and grandkids coming over on Thursday and I'm a little stressed out. (I know this is minor compared to what others are dealing with.) The house is a wreck because I had so much work in October and early November that I wasn't home much. I did get both bathrooms deep cleaned last weekend, so they won't need much. But I need to dust and vacuum the main living areas. And I was really hoping to make a lemon icebox cheesecake tomorrow. My daughter is bringing banana bread and my daughter in law is bringing pumpkin bread. (We're having pumpkin pie courtesy of Costco.) That's enough dessert I think.

    Happy Thanksgiving if I don't make it back here before then.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Beautiful picture, Connie.

    We are having Thanksgiving Dinner with our Church family. It will be the first time we are all together in one place since Spring. Our meeting house is mostly done (walls, flooring, heating and AC) so it will be awesome to be together again! I have several things to make - but the pecan pie is from Sam's Club, so I don't have to worry about more than throwing it into the over. We will bring a turkey too. I need to find a recipe for pumpkin casserole since I don't have any sweet potatoes! Sigh! Hope there is such a thing. Gonna bring some corn as well, someone else is bringing a green bean casserole.

    Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Sounds like it will be a great celebration with your church family. I am just cooking a turkey breast with a few trimmings for the three of us. We have plans to go to Mom's on Monday after my yearly Dr. appointment. I didn't want to travel over the holiday weekend and with the Dr appointment I couldn't spend the holiday with her and get back for it without the holiday traffic mess.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope all goes well at your doctor's appointment. I have an eye appointment at the end of February. I will probably have my blood work done again in January. I'm kind of skipping out on doctor's appointments until I'm able to get Medicare, a year and a half!

    We had a great time yesterday, tons of food. We were supposed to bring what our family would eat, but made enough for everyone, so we could all share. It was such an awesome service that we had too. One of the young girls that sings (10 years old) wrote a song and sang that yesterday - oh wow, it was really good. She is very gifted. Her sister also did a song, so good! Several of the men shared as well, and our pastor and his wife shared a song over Zoom. So far he is on schedule to come home today. Praise the Lord. He still has two or three weeks of recovery, but he is doing much better.

    I hope y'all had a great time as well. Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    So.glad that your pastor is doing well. God is good!

    I'm not worried about the Dr.appt. The blood back and the only thing off is the cholesterol is borderline high again...I have been eating eggs again, so I know I can get that down.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praise the Lord, that's great!

    Got a call from the eye doctor this morning. I already had an appointment in May! She asked if I felt like I needed to see them earlier but I didn't so we will have our eyes checked again in May. I'm not sure what kind of glasses I will get this time. I don't like the progressive or the bifocals! Too small of an up-close area. Maybe I'll just get up-close and just use my eyeballs to see far away since there isn't that much difference from wearing my glasses and not. It would be a whole lot easier than what I am doing now. I keep having to push my glasses up to get the full effect of the reading area - sigh! I do wear readers when I am on the computer, I kept having to move my head all around with my regular glasses on, but with the readers I just have to move my eyes.

    We still have some apples left so we are going to make some apple pie filling and freeze it, then if Wade wants some apple dessert it will be all ready for him!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope you ladies are doing well.

    We got our Christmas tree and decorations up. It was hard going through some of the stuff and coming across Mom's stuff - gulp! We didn't keep a lot of her decorations, they were homemade ones from years ago and not something we would put on our tree, but I did save a couple of things and they are up there. Oh my, the hardest thing I came across was a ceramic set of Carolers and a little ceramic tree that she made in a ceramics class years ago. Oh my, that was hard. But everything looks really nice.

    We have been buying some new pans to cook in. We decided to go with carbon steel and stainless steel rather than the non-stick we've gotten over the years. The Carbon Steel is actually non-stick if you set it up right at the very beginning. We had to sautee a bunch of salt and potato peels twice to get the inside of the pan seasoned, now the house smells like burnt potato peels! LOL!

    I love y'all. Have a great evening.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited November 2022
    Kim, does your ceramic tree look like this one my mom made for me years ago? I didn't really appreciate it when I was younger, but I do now.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Exactly. Mom made a big one, a medium-sized one, and then a small one to go with her carolers. My niece had asked for the one that Mom kept in her bedroom as a night light - that's the medium-sized one. We found the big one among her Christmas stuff, and then, of course, the choral group. I guess that was a common mold for ceramics classes! LOL!

    Okay, here is a grammar question for you: I always understood that when you give a list of things separated by commas, the commas are replacing the word "and", so when, on the last in the list you put "and" you shouldn't need a comma - true or not? My Grammarly keeps telling me I need a comma before the last "and" like in the first sentence above, but that doesn't seem right, especially if the comma replaces the and.

    Well, hope y'all have a wonderful day. We will be doing our service tonight through Zoom - yippee that we are able to have the service. God is good!

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    I actually know the answer to your question. Both are correct. I learned (and prefer) not to add that last comma. When you do include that comma it's called an Oxford comma.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    My Mom has a tree like that, and I had a similar white one that mom got for me, but it got broken sometime several years ago. I went downstairs to get it one year to put it up and it was in pieces. Mom has used hers instead of an actual tree since Dad has been gone.

    I don't know how or if we are going to decorate this year. Right now with all of the tear-out, foundation work, and next week's re-build of Kip's apartment, the Christmas decorations are inaccessible. When I will finally be able to get to the stuff again, it will almost be too late to put them out. We will see. I have to do something, but maybe not the tree.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    We kept a wreath above our fireplace, unfortunately it didn't get taken down and was there for a whole year! LOL! But that's a nice way to get some pine and decorations without having to put up a tree! I found a wreath at Lowe's this year, it was a 4th of July one covered in red berries, but we took off the 4th banner and added an angel bell and some crystal icicles and a couple of small snowflakes and put it on our main entrance door. I have an outdoor flag that I put over the front door window of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus at the manger. The sun through the window makes the star shine! I keep a lighthouse up there the rest of the year instead of a curtain.

    Thanks, Cindy, I didn't know that. It is a wee bit confusing to me to have that last comma in there, I feel like I need to see something else rather than being at the end! LOL! I get confused easily :D

    Going to try and get my wraps on my legs today. Those I keep on for several days at a time so I don't have to think about putting on compression. I may have to do this for about a month, taking them off to care for my legs then putting them back on. That's how it was done when I went to the therapist.

    Well, not much else going on. Will talk to you later. Love ya
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    So I'm in Frankfurt, Germany for work this week. Travelled here Saturday night (5:45pm; 8 hour flight). Arrived just before 8am and was at the hotel by 9. Of course our rooms weren't ready and we were reminded repeatedly that 'check-in is 3pm'. Finally got to my room a little after 1pm where I almost immediately fell into bed and slept until 5pm. Got up and did some work in my room - went back to bed at midnight and I'm pretty much on German time now. The schedule looks pretty full... I think we start at 8am and most days we're done between 8 and 10 at night. The meeting ends on Thursday at 10:30am and I think a few of us are going to try to get to the Christmas Market. I'm excited!

    Have a great week!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    How Exciting, Cindy. My roots are from Germany! Oh yes, you should try to get to the market. We've looked at some on YouTube and they look so pretty and fun! Hope it works out with that grueling schedule!

    I'm trying to find some gift baskets for friends. Wow, expensive for almost nothing. We did things individually last year but I think this year we will get the family a gift. We'll see how that works out.

    Praise the Lord, our Pastor felt up to giving the sermon yesterday. So awesome having him there with us. At least two more weeks of recovery to go through, but, Lord willing, he will healthy at the end of it. The Lord knows! Thank you so much for your prayers.

    Hope y'all have a great day. If there's time for pictures, Cindy, we'd love to see where you are!

    Love y'all

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited December 2022
    Frankfurt Christmas Market pictures below. Going back tomorrow because most of the vendors only took cash and I only had 10 euros with me

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    How beautiful and festive looking! What a crush of people too. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    Not a lot going on with me, just my daily routine. Here's a picture for y'all!
