


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Just landed in Nashville. This will be a quick one - I head home Tuesday afternoon. Hope you're all doing well
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Hope you can enjoy a minute or two in Nashville.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope all went well with your trip, Cindy!

    We've cooled down a lot here. I was able to get in a walk at the end of last week and will try to get one in this afternoon. I've been getting over 2500 steps a day, this weekend - not sure how, but I'll take it!

    Have an awesome Monday, y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I just got a KU deal of all deals... it's only good for 2 months, but it was .99 plus tax - so $1.05 total!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Definitely a!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh wow! I doubt they would let me take advantage of it since I have about a year and a half to go on mine! LOL!

    Woke with a lovely headache this morning, praise the Lord I didn't get sick, although it felt like I wanted to!

    If you have Bible Study or Prayer Meeting tonight, I hope you have a wonderful time worshipping our Lord. Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I'm currently drinking hot cider while making chicken vegetable rice soup. It's that kind of fall day here... it was 46 degrees - sunny, but still chilly.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Ooo, so glad we aren't that temp! I've tried the hot cider and I think that the stuff in the box (powdered mix) has a spice in it that just doesn't agree with me. I guess if I got some apple cider and warmed it I could do well with it! LOL! Touchy taste buds! Mine aren't nearly as touchy as Wade's though - he tastes everything in stuff. I have found that peaches bother my geographic tongue, but not as bad as Red Delicious Apples or regular toothpastes. Ugh, these spell and grammar checkers are ripping me up! I'm going to ignore them now! LOL!

    We have been having quite a bit of Covid (the new one) in our area. We were going to do the service at a meeting house down the road this Sunday but because of Covid we will do our Zoom service again and our Pastor and his wife will hold the service at this meeting house. I call it a meeting house because a building isn't a church, the people in it are! I haven't been feeling well for two days, but it mostly feels like normal stuff that I struggle with. Tiredness, headaches, stomach issues - sigh! All normal to me, but all symptoms of this new strain - shoulder shrug!

    I hope that y'all are doing well. Love you much!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Kim, I've never had powdered cider from a box. I heat up real apple cider and add a cinnamon stick to the cup. So yummy! And a nice change from coffee and hot chocolate on a chilly day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    You've been doing it right then! We got one box of hot cider and it was so spicy we couldn't drink it. Cider with cinnamon sounds yummy!

    Feeling under the weather for a couple of days. I really hope it's allergies gone wild rather than the Covid that is in our community. Coughing some, hard to breathe when I exert myself in any way and very tired. I don't have a fever though, but then again, I don't get fevers, so that isn't a marker. My throat is feeling a wee bit sore, but that could be from the coughing; and mild headaches for three days - ugh, how does one tell when these are all normal symptoms for me when my allergies have gone bonkers!?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Y'all stay in my prayers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Praying that you'll feel better soon Kim.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thanks, Cindy. Doing better today. I've had this pain in my shoulder too, not sure how I did it, but yesterday it was the worst it's been. It too is a bit better this morning. I'm getting ready to go and water my mums and see how the garden is doing, then some lunch! A friend of mine wonders if I ever have anything solid to eat since breakfast is a protein drink and lunch is a smoothie! LOL! Well, lunch is also usually veggie chips or a protein bar as well!

    Beautiful day, hope it's the same for y'all. Much love in Christ.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - hope you are feeling better. This fall has been terrible for asthma, here. There were days that I have worn a mask all day to keep from breathing the allergens. I thought I was pretty much over the constant "Barky the Seal" imitation, but have been back at it today. It seems like the hard freezes helped until the wind picked up and started blowing the stuff around.

    Tomorrow there is a book signing event at Barnes and Noble about 2 miles from me. There are 3 CF authors there from 2-4. Carmen Schober, Janyre Tromp and Sara Brunsvold. I really want to go. I totally loved THE EXTRAORDINARY DEATHS OF MRS KIP, and think I might buy a couple copies as gifts. Carmen Schober wrote book about a woman boxer that was very good and Janyre Tromp just wrote a novella in a collection with Deborah Raney that I enjoyed. She also has an award winning novel. I started it but couldn't finish. It had some difficult topics and I needed a lighter read. I will probably go back to it someday. Anyway if I can control this cough, I am going to try to get there.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh wow, hope you get a chance to go, Connie! I haven't read anything by those authors.

    Other than the pain in my shoulders and arm I'm doing much better, not even bothered by allergies that much right now. So sorry you are having so much trouble with that, Connie.

    It's cooled down quite a bit here. We pulled out the heaters and winter clothes. It's gotten under 70 which is cold for me! LOL!

    I'm going to make this meal we saw on YouTube, tonight: Chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli and maple syrup - bake! Super easy and it looked delicious. It's from DUMP AND GO SHEET PAN MEALS (she does five recipes):

    Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - let us know how your dinner tastes. I am not a huge syrup fan, so other than using it when making baked beans, BBQ sauce, and a bit in sweet potatoes, I rarely use it. I know it would be good on the sweet potatoes, but am curious about the chicken and broccoli.

    I think I will try an old recipe that I used to make, but try modifying for the current dietary needs. It was called Tater Tot casserole, and the first thing to go in the tater tots. Bill can't have them due to sodium, and I have to leach out potassium on potatoes for my BIL. The easiest way to leach is using frozen southern style hash browns, so I have had them in the fridge soaking since last night. Then hamburger (that neither man is supposed to have, so we will use ground turkey), green beans, cheese and cream of something soup. I have a recipe for no salt soup, so that isn't an issue and I will cut the cheese way down. We will see. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I think I will serve it with carrots.

    I have been coughing off and on all morning and the wind is terrible (Kansas, need I say more?). I haven't decided on the book signing yet, but am dressed and ready to go. I will have to wear a mask, but I'm just not wanting to get there and start coughing.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I always hated coughing when I went somewhere and they would ask those Covid Questions. No, I'm not coughing because of covid, I have allergies! LOL!

    We used to have Tater To Casserole, so good. Wow, good substitutions, sounds like it will be good.

    Haven't done the chicken dinner yet. We did meatloaf one night. I've had it twice this month and it was probably a couple of years since I'd made it before then! Ham yesterday. If I feel up to it I may do the chicken tonight. My shoulder and arm are causing me a lot of pain and I can't sleep on my side (which is my preferred position) because the arm pain is too severe, so I am tired! If you think of me, please pray that this will resolve sooner than later.

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim, before I had the shoulder surgery, I found that if I used a body pillow that I could lean back against and sleep kind of on my good side. The best place to sleep was on the couch so I could lean against the back of the couch. That supported the bad shoulder, but still allowed me to sleep on my side. Hopefully you can get some relief.

    The "tater tot" casserole turned out really good. I will definitely do it again. Last night we did a form of orange chicken for the second time. One of my friends, that is a weight loss coach, put the recipe on facebook. I had to modify some, but is so good. Bill doesn't like rice, so I gave him a baked potato and did fried rice for Kip and I. It is made with diet orange soda, so that takes care of the sweet without it spiking blood sugar in Kip. Everytime that we go out or do carry-out for Chinese, it really spikes his sugar, so this works great.

    I did get the cough under control enough that I went to the book signing. They were so cute, friendly and sweet. I was the only one there at the time, so had a little time to chat. They signed books for me for presents. I hated that I only bought from 2 of the 3, but still it was over $50! I bought 2 of the Mrs. Kip books and the one Christmas anthology. I didn't have anyone that I felt like spending $16 for a book about a woman boxer, although the book was great.

    Since our hard freeze, that I thought would help the cough, it got so windy that it just kept blowing stuff everywhere. I have had to wear a mask every time I have left the house. I know it looks weird wearing a mask in the car and outside, then taking it off inside, but that is the key. It starting raining yesterday, so hopefully the dust and allergens will settle.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Nowadays I don't think wearing a mask anywhere seems weird. I've seen people walking outside with no one around wearing a mask - maybe they had allergy troubles too!

    Wade suggested a sling today and totally resting the arm. I have my shoulder brace on too. Did your arm hurt too, Connie? If it doesn't feel better by Thursday, I'll call someone on Friday. Two weeks seems long enough to say it probably isn't from sleeping on it wrong!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - I had sharp stabbing pain in the shoulder before the surgery. If I moved the shoulder at all, it was terrible. There were large arthritis spurs in the rotator cuff. I also had an issue from my neck that caused my other arm to go to sleep when I went to bed. I had to do the same thing then...use a huge body pillow to "lean" against so it wouldn't go to sleep. Surgery on both worked.

    Praying that you get to the bottom of the problems.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Unfortunately, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was probably going to cost quite a bit to find out that I'm sleeping on it wrong. The initial visit with a doctor for him to say, go see an orthopedist, then the orthopedist will want some kind of look inside, then another visit to find out what the pictures say... I actually don't have any pain when I move my arm and holding my arm above my head seems to ease the pain (especially when sitting or lying down). It seems to be in my upper back and shoulder(s) (twinges in the right shoulder). I felt much better after sleeping on the sofa and had very little pain yesterday during the day. I tried sleeping on the sofa last night, but just could not get comfortable, so moved to my bed - pain again this morning, but not quite as bad as it had been. I'll try the sofa again tonight. I didn't take a pile of pain meds before bed last night, so that may make a difference! I'm just going to try and ride it out and keep praying that the Lord will give me grace to go through it or if it be His will He will bring healing. Resting it seems to help too!

    We have a gorgeous day today after a few rainy and cloudy days. Love the sunshine. It didn't rain yesterday so I will check and see if my plants (mums) need watering. Wade will have to help with that! LOL!

    Love y'all.