


  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I appreciate the thoughts about Dwight's cough. He had several different types of tests when we were back in Atlanta, but never got a diagnosis. He can go a long time without coughing, then have a hard coughing spell and even throw up. A few months ago he couldn't keep anything down, which resulted in a hospital stay. Because of all his heart problems, they did some x-rays, one of which showed something on his esophagus - like maybe a valve not functioning properly. He's seeing a gastroenterologist and is on some meds that seem to help a little. Because of the x-ray, he wants to do the scope that I mentioned. Maybe we'll know more after the test on Thursday.

    Do any of you have plans for this weekend? I'm playing piano in the morning and hope for a restful weekend after that.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Church was our only weekend activity. I play the closing hymns and while people are exiting the church on Sunday mornings. That is all that I play right now because I don't like to leave Bill alone for worship team/musician practices. This works well for me. At least I am keeping my foot in the door and there is no huge time commitments.

    Carole - do you use a program on a tablet for music? On the facebook group "The Church Pianist" a lot of people use Mobile Sheets Pro on Android tablets (like kindle fire or LG like my tablet with SIM card) and ForScore for IPad. There are also foot pedal page turners. I have been thinking about the Mobile Sheets one, it offers a free trial, but since I am not playing for worship service, my google documents works well. I have pretty much the entire hymnal on it (in keys that are actually singable) and hundreds of choruses (either words with chords or the music).
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Connie, I print out my music and put it in a notebook. Larger print and easier to see that way. But I have bought music from a website and opened songs on my Kindle. It works real good here at home for practice, but I'd be nervous playing from it at church, for fear I might mess up page turns. I didn't know there was a Facebook group called "The Church Pianist," though. I'm eager to check that out. Thanks for telling me.

    Ya'll, it's a beautiful fall here in east Tennessee, with days in the 78-82 range, nights low to mid 60s. Dogwoods are beginning to turn and leaves are starting to slowly drop. I think we'll have an early fall. Two big sugar maples in our front yard and one in the back were quite pretty last fall. What's fall looking like where you are?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Carole, I don't know if this will help any, but Mom had had her esophagus stretched a couple of times, and when she was in the hospital her last time they did a choke test. She would choke of water or any thin drink. When they thickened her water she had no trouble at all. You can buy the thickener Amazon or at Walmart and you can make it three different thicknesses. I don't know if that is a problem that Dwight is having, but thought I'd throw that out there.

    Wow, I haven't played piano in forever. I had to have two years of piano lessons before I was allowed to choose my own instrument - I chose the guitar! I found I couldn't coordinate my hands. I can't really do anything that my left hand is doing one thing and my right another, my brain can't separate those movements. Now, I can pat my head and rub my belly, but only with my right hand on my head and my left on my belly - I can't switch hands and do it. I am a little bit ambidextrous (I can write legibly with my left hand although I am right-handed), but just can't coordinate between them! LOL! Have you ever heard Kim Collingsworth's testimony about how she received her gift - really awesome.

    We are still having hot and humid weather. We had some thunder and lightning yesterday, but I don't think any of the rain fell in our area. I'm ready for it to cool down. We keep our house pretty warm, around 80, so we won't be overwhelmed when we get an electric bill. I can't see us keeping it that warm when winter comes around though, then it will probably go down to about 68! Thank the Lord we have lots of blankets!

    Well, I hope y'all have a wonderful time in worship this evening. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Phew, went to Sam's Club today. I ended up with nearly 3,000 steps. A lot for me, but a mere drop in the bucket for Cindy. Phew, I don't do as many steps as you do in a whole week!

    Woke before 6 with a headache and have another one this evening. This one is more migraine like, the one this more was more sinus like.

    Hope y'all had a great day!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Went to a "singing" at a church in Harker's Island last night. There were three groups and it was rather strange, but two of the groups were people in their 60's-80's. They were good. The first group had younger folks in it and they were the best. One of them was probably in his 60's, one in her 40's and one around 30. There were mostly elderly folk there too. It is so sad not to see young people in Church. We have eight young people in our Church of 23 people! And they all love the Lord!

    Praise the Lord we've also had a couple of rainy days, we need the moisture. My okra just keeps on giving. I really need to get out there and pick the ones that are ready. It's odd, but the plant keeps growing up and producing fruit at the top. Well, the other day I noticed new leaves coming in at the bottom of the plants and they are producing! Oh dear! I haven't really been eating much of it, but my neighbor uses it all the time. It is supposed to aid in weight loss! She is doing the THM program and these ladies even put okra in their pancakes - gack!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I used to love the singings! I sang in a quartet for quite a while when I was in my 20's and we sang somewhere about ever Saturday night or Sunday afternoon (we refused to miss our church to sing somewhere else). Sounds like fun .
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Connie, are you a soprano or an alto? I have always loved quartets, think I might have sung alto in one for a little while back in Bible college. Sang 2nd soprano in a trio for a time also. But I was a much better pianist than singer, so that's pretty much how things ended.

    Last week was pretty full, but enjoyable. A dear friend from back in Atlanta who I've known since the age of 4 visited me for two days. Her husband's sister lives here in Johnson City, so she spent the days with me while the two of them did stuff. Then Dwight had his scope on Thursday and did fine. The doctor said everything looked normal and just wants him to continue the anti-acid or reflux meds. If he continues to have a severe problem with chronic cough, he said it might be a sliding hiatal hernia and could do an upper GI test.

    Beginning to enjoy reading again! Love you all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I've sung since choir in high school - alto. Right now I'm probably a baritone because of my allergy throat! LOL! I can sing a high falsetto, but it's weak and I can't always count on it not cutting out.

    Praise the Lord it wasn't anything serious, Connie. How fun to meet with a friend you've had for so long! Most of my friends are here, I've known them for over 40 years now! I'm so glad to be a daily part of their lives!

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Back when I was in high school Glee Club, someone said that if you could read music, you would automatically be put in the alto section. Never knew if that was really true, but that's when I became an alto. And I've always loved to harmonize.

    It's funny how you can live in one place all your life, yet not have many local friends. There were only two people that I miss from Atlanta - one, the friend who visited last week, and the other a "second mother" who passed away a few months ago. My closest friends are from Bible college days where bonds were created for a lifetime, and they're scattered throughout the world now. Kim, you can probably relate to that with being separated by distance from your church before you moved. Here in Johnson City, though, it's a different story. The Hopwood church is special and I'm enjoying making new friends.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Carole- when I was younger I always sang alto (maybe it was that reading music thing), but my high school choir director told me that I had too large of a range to waste it in alto and I had to start singing first soprano in school. When I was in college I sang in a well known (at that time) radio choir and sang alto. I have just bounced to where needed since then, but love to sing the harmonies. My range isn't nearly what it used to be, but still sang soprano in the choir in our church here, until disbanded due to Covid.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    There are songs that I've sung my whole adult life, and I couldn't sing the melody to save my life - I just fall into harmony when I sing a hymn or worship song! I often sing the tenor part an octave higher - but right now I can even do it in the right range! LOL! I read music too - hmmm???

    You're right, Carole, it was hard being away from my Church body, especially because we couldn't find a Church that preached and lived like we do. When you read on-line a Church's beliefs, they follow right with what we would believe (Nazarene, Wesleyan) but when we went to visit it wasn't lived out that way. We didn't want to cause conflict and knew that there were things we would have to confront (like Santa at Christmas or the Easter Bunny and egg hunts at Resurrection). Almost every single Church we visited, at the Resurrection celebration time had signs out for Easter Egg Hunts - sigh. Just before we moved our pastor started doing Zoom services for those of us far off. We have another family in Va. and two in Raleigh, NC. They are able to visit several times during the year and they do the Zoom services with us. It was coming home to back with everyone again!

    I've been enjoying editing and getting my pastor's blog posts together to put on memory sticks for everyone. He's been doing them since 2009, so there are a lot to do! It is amazing to me that so many out there are twisting Scripture to say what they want it to say rather than just taking it as God gave it. Welcome to the last days where luke warm is acceptable and encouraged!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I would like to put a little prayer request up here. My uncle passed away this week and we are heading to Mom's for the funeral on Tuesday. My uncle was a Christian man, but his family is not. I would love for the Lord to soften their hearts during the service so that they will be able to see their Dad/Grandpa again. Also for traveling mercies. There are people there now from Texas & New Mexico. One daughter flew home to Alabama and will be on the way back with her family, plus more coming from North Carolina.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Agreeing with you in prayer Connie 💜
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    So sorry to hear about your uncle, Connie. I hope that you were able to share Jesus with the family!

    I have family that had once walked with God, but they have turned their hearts away from the truth, scary and heart breaking. [I do believe that the Bible clearly says we can leave our salvation. We don't "lose" it, but we chose to leave it when we choose to follow satan (by allowing sin in our lives that is unrepented of) rather than following God in obedience to Him. I know that that isn't the "popular view" in the world today, but it is the Biblical one.]

    Well, we had a few cool days, but it's gotten hot again today.

    Wow, the funeral for Queen Elizabeth is an all day thing. We watched the procession and then when her casket was placed in the hearse and driven throughout the area (probably for close to an hour). Crowds lined the streets, cheered, and some threw flowers at the hearse. I didn't see the service though, just the very ending. They will have a private burial ceremony tonight for just the family. I hope she gave her heart to Jesus!

    Oh, if you haven't tried it, Zevia is a non-caloric fizzy drink that is pretty good. The Root Beer one is my favorite so far. It's carbonated water, stevia, natural flavors and citric acid; and 0 everything! Wade can taste the Stevia - ugh! That man has super sonic taste buds! Oh, and it's a product of the USA!

    Hope y'all have a great rest of your day. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 2022
    Wow, we had a lovely cool-down this morning, but I haven't felt well yesterday or today (trouble breathing) so I decided I better wait to start walking.

    Hope y'all are doing alright!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Sorry that I have been MIA. We got back from the trip to the funeral and were totally exhausted. Then Wednesday, I actually left Bill at home and went to church and worship team practice. I haven't left Bill that long in over a year! Anyway, Kip was supposed to come up and check on him once in a while.

    I do appreciate your prayers. The pastor that did the funeral did an amazing job of telling that if you know Jesus, that you will see him again. Also, as great tribute to Quentin (who owned and operated a wrecker for over 40 years and still worked on it) the wrecker association had a parade of wreckers escorting the hearse to the cemetery.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    That sounds like a nice (wrecker) tribute from them, Connie.

    Kim, I don't like the aftertaste I get from Stevia, so I'm with Wade on that. 🤪

    It's been a long month... but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Two of the three meetings in Vegas have come and gone. Working in town this week... back out on 10-2
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - enjoy your week in town!

    I'm with Wade and Cindy. I can't handle the state of Stevia. I have tried a couple of times, and it went in the trash. We do use a bit of splenda, since my BIL is diabetic.

    I left Bill in the care of my BIL last night for church. I don't think he checked on Bill at all, but it was a much shorter service and practice. It scares me to leave him, so this next Wednesday and Sunday night will probably be the last for a while. I can get him up for church in the morning, mainly by bullying, but I hate to bully him to do everything.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I can relate to being nervous leaving him alone. They get to a certain point when you just don't know what they will do - probably because they don't even know! You continue to be in my prayers!

    Cindy, what a schedule. I hope you get some time off soon!

    Woke up yesterday and got out of the bed and my knee was in a lot of pain. I have no idea what I did! It was hard to walk on it. I put on my brace for extra support but I was limping and unsteady throughout the day. Today it is much better, just a wee bit of pain and no swelling. Wonder how active I am in my sleep??? LOL! My thumb is still restricted. When I don't do that the joint starts popping (I can feel it rather than hear it), so I've just put medical tape around that knuckle so I can't bend it very far. The brace is rather restrictive and ends up hurting my wrist and the ball of my thumb because it holds my thumb out rather than into my palm. God knows and He has a plan!

    Y'all have an awesome day. Love ya