


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 2022
    We have the family coming over later today to celebrate our youngest son's birthday. The last time we got together was the 4th of July. I'm excited to see the babies. They change so much in a month.

    It's pretty gloomy out and not very hot, so I doubt we'll go swimming. It'll probably be a board game day. Thank goodness we have the space for everyone to spread out!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Hope you have a great day with your family!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Thanks Connie! We did have a nice day with the kids. Now we're relaxing, content to have our house quiet again.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    So glad you had a good time, Cindy!

    We did a bit of shopping today. They are working on the main road out of our area so we had to take a detour into town making the trip a bit longer. We tried to get everything that we needed before the three days they will be working on it, but my meds were available and I needed two of them!

    Hopefully we'll get a wee bit of rain!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    It has rained here on and off all day. It has been "ugly", but a real blessing. The temperatures have been great and I don't think the air conditioner has kicked on all day. The yard is slurping up that water and starting to green up again. It is supposed to be mild all week and that is such a nice change.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    We keep having gray skies but so far no rain out of them. I'm sure someone got that rain though.

    We have a garden center about a hundred yards down the road from us and they had some peaches, pears, apples, nectarines, plums for sale yesterday. They often have fresh fruits and veggies for sale. Got some peaches, apples and pears. Will cut up the peaches and put them in the freezer. I ate one of them but it slightly burned my tongue! Maybe if I put some in my smoothie it won't do it then.

    We are still getting okra from the garden, but most of the other stuff has stopped. The birds ate most of the figs even though we had netting over the trees - sigh! There are still a few out there though. There is a mocking bird that lives in a tree near the figs and we think he is the culprit.

    Y'all have a wonderful Wednesday.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    It's currently raining here; it's been overcast most of the day. I'm heading to my son and DIL's house to watch my granddaughters. He's out of town this week and she has an after work meeting. I'm excited that I was able to find two nearly identical strawberries in the garden to bring with me.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh yum! I wish that I could eat strawberries, but alas, migraines! I used to put them in my smoothies all the time!

    I am still reading SHOCK WAVE but not really understanding what the book is about. I know that there is a central issue or theme, but I can't quite get it figured out - yet!

    Still reading HUNTED as well.

    I am reading a fantasy story, but it is getting redundant, the same things happening over and over. This is the one with the little sister who is a slave, and her big brother wants to free her and everything he does in his life is toward that end - but he has to lie to those who have been kind to him so that he can accomplish it. I'll keep on reading, because the story has been good, but I wish something different would happen!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Happy Saturday. I am looking at this messy house and knowing I should get moving... but instead, I'm sitting here, finding excuses to stay at the computer while drinking my coffee. Hope you all have a restful day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hmm, sounds like me! LOL! I did get a load of laundry in the washer and it is now in the dryer. I think Wade and I are going to go into town this for lunch and some shopping. We also have some things to bring to our favorite thrift store, Loaves and Fishes. They are so fast at getting things out in their shop - we drop off at the back and by the time we come around front and go in the item(s) are already there! They have a fairly good Christian book section but we mostly get non-fiction from them at about $.10 a book. One day the lady just gave them to us for free so we put money in their donation jar.

    Hot and humid today after rain yesterday. Glad the Lord has provided air conditioning!

    Love y'all. Have a great weekend.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited August 2022
    We are in Branson and hoping to catch some of Gospel Music festival. Tomorrow we are going to try staying on the first level of the park and using Bill's wheelchair. It won't work on all the hills in the park, but there is a lot to see tomorrow right by the entrance level. If everything goes well, we will rent an electric cart for Thursday to see some groups that will be in other theaters...that require HILLS!! The carts are $50 per day, so that sounded like the most reasonable option...and Wednesday there isn't really anyone that we want to see down in those 4 theaters.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, have a great time, Connie!

    Carole, happy birthday if you get on!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I sent Carole a happy birthday wish and received an e-mail back from her. She and Dwight have been sick back and forth. They are both doing better now and she hopes to visit us soon. Please remember them in your prayers.

    Had a nice birthday yesterday, lots of birthday wishes from family and friends. Wade and I went out to dinner and I had a T-bone steak and some fries. Oh mine, the seasoning they used on the fries made my tongue burn! But the steak was soooo good. I ate the filet side first and had about half of the other side to bring home. Wade also had some left over steak so I am going to have a wonderful dinner tonight! I bought some broccoli to make my broccoli salad and will have that with my steak. I did have cheesecake too (I won't share how much, it makes me blush!)

    Hope y'all have a great day. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Happy belated birthday to you, Kim! cci06yjzm752.gif
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Happy belated birthday to you too Carole!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Happy Birthday, Kim. I thought of you, but just didn't get a chance to wish you a great day.

    Carole, hope you guys are feeling better and that you had a great birthday, as well.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    It's so good to connect with you all again! Kim, thanks so much for emailing me. I was actually about to check back in when I received it. It's been a rough few months and I apologize for not keeping you updated. Like I told Kim, we've both been sick at different times, but thankfully not with Covid. Dwight's been in the hospital a couple of times, mainly for tests, and is beginning to feel better. He stays pretty weak and gets dizzy when he walks, but hasn't fallen since we moved - 1 1/2 years now! Chronic cough is a huge problem and he's scheduled for a scope next Thursday.

    Beth and I have birthdays 10 days apart, so we've done a couple of fun things to celebrate. One was the Appalachian Fair last weekend. It was fun, especially the food and exhibits, but not an experience worth repeating. Then she took me out to eat on Wednesday evening at a restaurant on a beautiful mountain lake, only to discover that it was just open Thursday thru Saturday. We're definitely going back, though.

    Would you believe that I haven't read a book since January! I plan to remedy that starting tonight, just not sure where to start.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, y'all!

    So good to see you again, Carole!

    Been working a lot on my computer. I've been putting together the blogs that my pastor has written since 2009, editing out the formatting and if there are any spelling or grammar checks I do those too. It's been fun as well as such a spiritual blessing. Although, he uses the King James version in the passages he quotes and my brain just can't always decipher that anymore, so I have to go to my NASB and read that. I haven't gone through and read each one, I'm just trying to get it ready so I can give each family in the Church a copy on a memory stick. You never know when the government is going to remove everything Christian from the inter-net! After Biden's very strange speech and setting the other night it doesn't seem like it will be long.

    Carole, I've had an allergy cough that I haven't had before. It's a weird cough that comes from my throat and sounds awful, but there isn't anything in my lungs to bring up, it's just from my throat irritating so easily. Not to say that is Dwight's problem, but it seems in these last days or maybe it's my latter days, that I keep hearing of strange physical ailments. How many people do you know who struggle with joint problems? I hear it all the time, yet I don't remember my older family members having that problem when I was young. Maybe they just never said anything about it around us kids or teens, but I knew of other issues they were having! Just weird. Praise the Lord y'all didn't stuggle with Covid. I've been hearing lately that having had the vaccine is actually a detriment, it doesn't keep you from getting sicker, it very well may be making you sicker if you do get the Covid! Thank you, Mr. President Biden for pushing everyone and threatening everyone to get it! This world is crazy, praise the Lord He is never surprised and knows exactly what is happening!

    Well, on that note, I'll wish y'all a very blessed weekend! Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Sorry to hear about those who've been sick. I sure hope you rebound quickly.

    Maybe people just complained less about aches and pains back in our grandparents' day. 🤷‍♀️ The closest my grandma got to complaining was saying, "Growing old ain't for sissies (and she lived to be 97).

    Our world has certainly gotten crazier - that's for sure. 'Nuff said
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Carole - It is so good to see you again, but so sorry for all of the physical issues!

    On to the dry cough - could it be asthma? That is how my asthma presents. The cough is brutal! Luckily I haven't had an issue in quite a while. I don't notice it as much since retirement.