


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Cindy, so sorry to hear about your granddaughter, please let us know how she is doing. Prayers for her.

    Lots of heat still, but I think that that is a problem all over the country! They showed a UPS guy collapsing at someone's doorway on the news this morning. He got up and walked away after he sat there for a minute or so, but, wow! I've had a couple of episodes where I've had to jump into a cold shower and let it just beat down on my head to get cool. The top of my head felt like it was on fire - and I wasn't even outside for that long. I think it had to do with a medication I was taking at the time. I overdid, then went outside in the heat and that did it. Praise the Lord it's been two or three years since it's happened. Stay inside if you can!

    Not much else going on with me. Wade's been having trouble with one of his legs, not sure if it's muscle related or his knee (which has been bad for a long time). He saw the doctor today and he's going to have him on prednisone for a little while to see how that helps.

    I hope that y'all are doing well. God bless,
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2022
    My granddaughter was discharged from the hospital yesterday and is doing much better. If her fever had spiked again they were going to do the spinal tap to check for meningitis. Praise the Lord they didn't have to do that. She seems more like her feisty self. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praise the Lord, Cindy! So glad she is alright.

    I was listening to a doctor on YouTube about Tinnitus. If I don't take the Lipo Flavanoids I can't stand the sound, it's just too loud to shut out. Even with the lipo flavanoids I can still hear it but it's at a level I can tolerate. He said that people who do high protein/low carb diets have less problems with severe tinnitus. My doctor suggested lower carbs as well since my triglycerides are quite a bit above normal. My previous doctor also suggested a high protein/low carb diet. Sigh! LOL! I love me some carbs! I tracked my food today with that in mind and was able to keep my calories just below 1200 calories, I was a little low on the number of proteins I should have, but my carbs were 1 below the 100 I set for myself. I need to find higher protein, lower carb fillers. It's difficult to find stuff when you can't have wheat or dairy or chocolate or strawberry or almonds! Let alone all the other stuff I can't eat in the veggie and fruit realm. I am taking a product called Passion for Life liquid vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidents, amino acids, fruits and veggies. It's got more than the daily doses of many of the vitamins and minerals that we need. I use 1 oz. in my lunch smoothie. This should help me keep my carbs down since I don't have to have that many fruits and veggies (which are carbs). I set up my foods for 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats. I'm going to try this for a bit and see if it helps, but I may have to go lower on the carbs. I know that you were able to do a ridiculously low carb number, Connie, but I don't think I could do with that few - I may just have to live with the ringing in my ears. I wish this diet helped with the swelling in my feet too!!!

    Well, I sure hope you ladies have an awesome weekend. Love ya

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2022
    You didn't say anything about fats. Do you like avocados? They're fairly low in carbs (8.5g in half an avocado), have a little protein (2g) and are pretty high in healthy for you fats (14.7). They also have some fiber (6.7), so might help make you feel full for a longer period of time. Some refer to it as a super food.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Unfortunately, I do not like avocados. I think that it's both a taste and a texture thing, I don't like mushy. I love the flavor of bananas but won't eat them on their own because of the mushy texture. I liked them on peanut butter sandwiches, but can't eat those now, so I rarely get banana either.

    I talked to my NP today about my swollen feet and hands, wondering if I had gotten used to the triamterene. As it turns out, I had forgotten to put it in my pill keepers and hadn't taken it for two weeks - (the swelling has been there for nearly a year any way). As soon as I started taking it again my weight started to go back down, so in some way it is still working, just not on my feet and hands. She suggested that salt may be something I've become very sensitive to, since I tend to be sensitive to a lot of things, this may be a new one. I'm going to work on lower my sodium. She also suggested walking and doing more of an exercise program to get my muscles moving and squeezing out the fluid that way. We're going to try that for a while (probably until I see her in November) and if that doesn't work we can change my diuretic to something stronger. I'll probably have to add more potassium though. Gobs of fun! heeheehee. I don't eat a lot of sodium rich foods and rarely add salt to my food, using only pink salt when I do - so I will have to track for a bit and see my levels.

    Phew, the heat is brutal this year. We stay in as much as we can. I know when I go out to the garden I have trouble breathing from the heat and humidity. I've set my watch to tell me to get up and move every hour and have set out my gym chair so I can do some upper body work. Lord willing this will help to lower the weight and lower the swelling!

    Love and prayers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2022
    Well that's too bad about the avocados. I like them on a sandwich, with eggs or on a salad.

    My husband is out of town this week, which is a switch for us - usually I'm the one working out of town. It feels weird without him here. Also, I discovered a mystery bug with a long stinger building some kind of nest under our deck - which spoiled the time I was enjoying out there this morning. I miss my bug killer... lol.
    Click the spoiler if you dare...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Yikes, that "stinger" looks like it could do some damage! I came out to the living room last night and saw something on the floor - it was a tiny frog (we have tons of them). Oh joy, Wade was working and I don't like to pick up squirmy stuff! I put a kleenex over it, took my meds and then picked him up with the Kleenex - shiver, he started to squirm. I let him go on the deck and he hopped away! Phew! I have a friend who is terribly afraid of frogs. I'm not afraid of them, just don't like to handle them if I don't have to. I talk to our lizards too, greet them when they are sunning on the deck - yep, a bit crazy! We had one in TN that would lie on its back on the bottom step, then flip and run off when we came outside. That happened several times. Nutty things.

    The weight that I gained over the past two weeks is gone - realized that I hadn't been taking my Triamterene! Duh! Feet are still swollen, but we will try the things the NP suggested before taking a stronger diuretic. I had a headache most of yesterday so didn't do much, but have my watch set to tell me to get up and move every hour and will do a workout on the Gym Chair this afternoon. Watching my sodium as well.

    Hope you have a great day!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I feel the same way about picking up jumping bugs - like crickets. The jumping freaks me out!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited July 2022
    It's been quiet in here. My husband and I are both off this week, and it's been nice not doing much together. I did take my car in to get the tires rotated the other day and had them check for a slow leak on one of them. They found a nail and fixed it. Sure glad I got that taken care of before the next time I went out of town.

    It's been feeling more like Fall around here in the mornings (current temperature is 55°). Enjoy your Saturday!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Boy - I almost got lost. I had to go back several posts to catch up.

    We had a great trip to Mom's for the 150th birthday party. My cousin's daughter had the party for her Dad (70 years old) and her mother-in-law (80 years old). There were over 100 people there to celebrate the two of them. They took a "cousins" picture and I was the only woman in it. At one time there were 23 cousins, now there are 12, but not all of them were able to come. The MIL is one of my mom's closest friends and they both go to the same church as Mom. They had the party on the anniversary of the day my Dad passed (3 years ago), and it was hard to get her excited about going, and I told her that I wasn't going to force it. At the last minute, she said, "Well, I guess we need to get over to the party," and was raring to go. She was go glad she went.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    How cute! 150 years between them - wow! Mom passed in February and we learned her sister, three years older than her, passed away about three weeks ago. Of the seven siblings there are two left. Getting old includes losing more and more loved ones - on top of all the other tough stuff about getting old! I wish that more young folks would appreciate the wisdom gleaned from all of those years, but there aren't too many out there who care. We have a good bunch of young people in our Church who treat us older folks with tender love and respect, but I have family who pretty much have written off the older folks in the family! Way sad!

    Still hot here, Cindy. Bad storms were predicted for last night and when I went outside it felt like I was breathing under water, the air was so heavy and thick! We didn't get the storms, just some rain and we heard the thunder and saw the lightening from farther off. Praise the Lord it passed North of us.

    Hope y'all have a good restful week!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 2022
    We're having temps in the mid 80s to low 90s during the day; high 60s to low 70s at night - so pretty reasonable for this time of year. The mornings have actually felt pretty cool.

    I'm drying my hair and finishing my second cup of coffee. Heading off to view in our primary. As you may remember from our lockdown nonsense from 2020 (my favorite - in late spring. we could buy paint, but not seeds), we desperately need a new governor.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    He wants everything to look pretty while you starve! Hope you get a good person in there.

    It's about time for us to start getting ready for our Fall/Winter crops. Have to figure out what those are. Since the spinach didn't do well at all during the early summer, I may try some of it again in the early Fall. We get good weather her until the end of October to mid-November. Often we don't have much of a Fall, it just goes from hot to cold! LOL!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 2022
    Actually - it's a she. She was in the news quite a bit during lockdown.

    We had quite the thunderstorm last night - it lasted for a while. Finally the brown stripes in our lawn are mostly green now. I'm enjoying a fairly quiet August. I have a couple of days booked next week, nothing the week after, and one day the fourth week, before I start getting really busy. (I'm booked the entire last week of August and most of September.)

    Happy Thursday all!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - looks like you need to rest and enjoy some time off while you can!

    We have had a little better weather this week, but yesterday topped 100 again. At least we have had rain without storms. In this heat, that is rare.

    I am just tired. Things with Bill have been very tiring and discouraging. Sunday our worship leader lead the old hymn, Victory in Jesus and stopped and re-read the following verse...then the Pastor spoke to the "broken spirit" before his sermon. I felt like it was for me.
    I heard about His healing,
    Of His cleansing pow'r revealing.
    How He made the lame to walk again
    And caused the blind to see
    And then I cried, "Dear Jesus,
    Come and heal my broken spirit,"
    And somehow Jesus came and bro't
    To me the victory

    All week this week, I have been referencing this song and crying out to Jesus when I feel overwhelmed. Thank God for giving us what we need just when we need it.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 2022
    Oh Connie. My prayers go out to you and Bill... and for your healing spirit. You are not alone. We lift you up in prayer and He holds you in his arms.

    If anyone is interested in knowing what that wasp was, I discovered it's a solitary Grass-Carrying Wasp. Yes, that's a thing. That 'stinger' wasn't a stinger at all, but an individual piece of dried grass. They make their nests in window tracks (or apparently between deck boards - see close up picture of beginner nest below), sting crickets and wrap them in a cocoon, then lay eggs with the cocooned crickets in the dried grass for the baby wasps when they hatch. Except - I'm sorry - you can't make a nest of 'who knows how many wasps' in the middle of the deck that my grandchildren walk on. No sir.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Yes - GET RID OF THE WASP nest!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh wow, that is interesting, Cindy! Definitely get rid of that nest! We have wood boring bees, big ol' lumbering bees that seem to think that wherever I am walking is exactly where they want to be flying! LOL!

    Connie, you and Bill are in my thoughts and prayers. Like Cindy said, you aren't alone. We are standing with you in prayer and Jesus is right there. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

    I can not believe the heat that we are having - phew! I just stay in the house, it's just too hard to breathe when I go outside. I do need to go out to the garden though and pick some okra. There is probably a very big one out there right now since it was ready two days ago and I wasn't up to doing anything about it! LOL! There are also a couple more zucchini, but everything else has quit. We are going to pull everything out as soon as the zucchini are done, clean up the beds and probably just wait 'til Spring to do anything else. Wade just retired and he has a long list of things he wants to do around the house.

    Oh, I was reading about lipedema the other day. The AMA has been saying that it is an obesity problem, but this article said they found a missing stem cell, or an extra stem cell (I can't remember which) and DNA that affects how the body stores fat. With lipedema, this stem cell/DNA keeps our bodies from getting rid of fat. So, it is a medical problem. Maybe doctors will get the message and finally put on my list of problems lipedema rather than fibromyalgia! LOL! It doesn't get treated either way! Sigh.

    Y'all have an awesome day in Jesus. Love you

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 2022
    The wasp is gone (my bug killer came home). Thankfully, the nest never got farther than a few pieces of grass. When he gets a spare minute, he'll push those boards together from either end. Hopefully that will deter any other critters from trying to nest there.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    This is an interesting article. I didn't read it all, but it removes the fearmongering that the media is putting out:

    Getting ready to head to town. Y'all have an awesome day.