


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Cool grays were very popular, but grieges are starting to be the new "it" colors. Agreeable Gray is gray with a beige undertone and is the #4 most popular SW color (out of many). But my bedroom carpeting is a medium gray and my sofa is a dark gray leather. Even though it's a great neutral, I don't want to have too much gray in the house. That's really why I'm leaning towards the beige with a gray undertone instead.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited January 2023
    I like the beige too, easier to match colors with so when you do sell buyers can more easily see their furniture in that room. We had a pale grey in our living room and sometimes it looked blue!

    Wade ended up having to tear off the side deck (the one we use most to go in and out of the house) because it was so water damaged and some of the nails had rusted away. It's a miracle it didn't fall down! He will just rebuild it from the ground up! One small piece of railing and some slats on the railing on the steps will have the front deck done.
    gre2dui8853r.jpg That's me on the deck, it was cold that day! LOL!

    Too tired today (mirgraine meds) to track food. We went out for breakfast and I got bacon, scrambled eggs and home fries. Yum. I ate a protein bar for lunch. Dinner will probably be a salad and a smash burger. Oh my, if you haven't tried to make one of those, they are sooo good. You get your pan HOT then put a ball of hamburger on it, smash it flat with two spatulas and hold it down for about 20 seconds. Leave it alone until you see it browning through, and then scrape it off the pan (getting all of the crispiness with it) and turn it over. Shouldn't take but a minute to 2 minutes to finish off. That crust on it is soooo good! Oh, add your spices when you have the first side down.

    Have an awesome weekend. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - the new deck is looking good!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    What a great size that is - plenty of room!

    Last day in Dallas. Our meeting starts in a minute... the second one starts around 10:30.... My flight is at 4 and I'll be home by 7 or 8 (can't remember).

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hope all goes well for you today, Cindy, and you get home safe and sound!

    Wasn't feeling very good yesterday, my throat hurt off and on - allergies most likely. Hope it's not anything else. We are having a song service tomorrow morning and I would love to be there, even if I can't really sing. Then we will have lunch together, such special times!

    Sunny and slightly warmer today, in the 50's. I can't believe it's January and we are in the '50s. My poor blueberries have budded! The collards and cabbage and broccoli I planted were a bust. The fluctuation between hot and cold just didn't work for me. We got a few collard leaves big enough to pluck (not for me but for my pastor's wife! LOL!) and a tiny head of cabbage which Wade made a small bowl of cole slaw out of. Not a total bust! :)

    Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and a special day of worship tomorrow. Hope Bill will feel like going to services tomorrow, Connie! Always in my prayers!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Our painter is here again today. Yesterday he had his son with him, but he's got classes today (part time college student). He's a part-time pastor (the painter; not his son) 😅 so he and my husband have been having lovely conversations about creation and all sorts of other things. At one point I wished there was more painting and less conversing going on. Then I chastised myself. 🙃 It's getting done, there's Christian music on in the background and it's just a really peaceful atmosphere. (As peaceful as a house completely torn apart can be.)
    Have a great Tuesday!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, that sounds like a good person to get to do the painting! My husband used to be a house painter, outside and inside, so he does all of our painting!

    Wade is working on the side deck now. He had to tear the whole thing down and is starting from scratch. It will be bigger than it was before so we will be able to sit out there as well, but it will have a ramp for me, since steps are quite hard for me to get up and down (my SI joint makes the muscle in my upper thigh weak and I never know when it is going to go out, so I try not to put weight on only one leg for very long. Getting dressed is sometimes rather comical!

    We've had rain for a couple of days, but today looks like it will be nice. Not sure what the temperature will be like though, but I think it is quite mild out there since Wade is working in his short-sleeved shirt.

    Hope you ladies have an awesome day.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - we are looking forward to pictures of the completed project.

    I got a message today that my nephew (Kip's Son-in-law) was life flighted from Belize where the family was on a cruise. He has had heart issues, but now Covid- covid pneumonia and total kidney failure. They say that he doesn't want life support, so we are praying for a miracle.

    Also, my Mom's sister is in the hospital. They are expecting results from tests today and my cousin is supposed to call tonight. From what I have picked up online, I am a bit worried. Please keep her in your prayers as well.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    I pray that your nephew and aunt are doing better, Connie.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh Connie, praying for Kip's nephew and your aunt! How is your Mom doing?

    I had bloodwork done today and then did some shopping. I'm worn out! LOL! My back was a mess by the time we got home, but praise the Lord, my TENS unit seems to be helping with the pain. I wish I could use it on my hands! We went out for breakfast at our new favorite spot and I had eggs, Virginia ham, and home fries. Oh my, they brought me half the pig! It was a huge thick slab of ham. I ate about 1/3 of it, half the potatoes, and all of the two eggs. I'll have the rest for dinner.

    I hope that y'all have an awesome weekend. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited February 2023
    EDITING: David is currently being moved out of ICU. At this point his kidneys are still not working, but the doctors are saying that they will restart. They are thinking about releasing him Sunday. It will be a long trip from Tampa to Houston, but the doctors don't seem to be worried about it.

    My aunt had an severe infection in her gall bladder. They were worried it was more. They pumped her full if antibiotics and she is coming home today. God is good.

    We haven't heard anything about David today, but yesterday they said that he had improved a lot and if they could get his kidneys restarted things would be looking pretty good. Continue prayers for him!

    We are going to see my mom within the next few days. She seems to be doing well.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Praise God for the good report!

    We're still plugging away on home projects here. Yesterday we looked at tile to replace the 4x6 hearth area in front of our woodstove. All the 12x12 tiles are cracked (well it HAS been 30 years). Then my husband wants to replace our (also 30 years old) carpeting. We found out there's a 20 week lead time on the wool Berber we want. We're going to keep looking... that's a LONG time. (He'd rush right into updating the kitchen but I am frankly tired of living in the mess.)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Phew, a lot of stuff changing!

    Wade is almost ready to put the decking on the side porch. What a chore. It's rained a lot and he's had to work in some mud! Ick! But he just plugs along and keeps moving forward.

    We're looking at colder weather here. Brrr. I am having trouble getting my little heater to warm up my computer room and my hands just won't warm up. The heater finally reads 60 degrees, it's been in the 50's for the last hour and a half. Boohoo. I may just keep it on for when I get back on after lunch. OOO, I think we are finally experiencing winter!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited February 2023
    I'll trade you my winter for yours, Kim. Yesterday the high was 1°! At least today the weather has straightened itself out and it's going up to 30.

    Going to see the kids today, to celebrate January birthdays. There are 3 of them (my youngest daughter, her husband and one of our daughters-in-law). Early January was too close to Christmas. Then, my daughter-in-law had to go out of town for 2 weeks of training. (And my husband and I were out of town for work one of those weekends). So, today was the closest-to-January, best day for everyone. Normally they would come here, but.... it's a construction zone. I asked my oldest son if he would host and he took it on - no problem. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. 😊
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Yeah oldest son! Hope y'all had a great day.

    We like to watch this ice skating rink in NH, the music is really good. On YouTube you can find it at Labrie Family Skate. They have three views and there is one that has smooth jazz (the best view of most of the rink, but the music we like the best is the middle view, the one with the courtyard and the firepit end, but we can't see the skaters as well, and watching the little kids (some of whom are surprisingly good for as little as they are) is such fun! One day we were watching and a guy fell on his head and he had to be taken off the ice by an ambulance team. Scary! But we've been watching since before Christmas and that is the only bad thing we've seen. They had temps below zero last week and didn't open for skaters - just too cold; but when it got above zero, back the skaters came!

    Hope y'all have an awesome day.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    We bought tile to replace our fireplace hearth. That's one decision that, thankfully, didn't take me too long.
    We had 12x12 tiles; now we'll have 12x24.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I like the tile!

    We made a fast trip to Dixon to see mom. Whew, now I am wiped out. David (Kip's SIL) is home and is doing okay. The reason his kidneys shut down was his sugar went up over 700! Now his wife, and BIL and SIL that were with them on the cruise have COVID. What a mess. Anyway, all is pretty good on that front.

    Yesterday, here in Kansas, we had a record breaking 70 degrees. At Mom's it was over 60 and we had a beautiful day to come home today. Now, they are calling for a winter mix tomorrow. We were having a hard time finding days that we wouldn't have to travel in driving rain or winter mix, and this was what we came up with.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited February 2023
    Sounds like you had prefect timing (and weather). I'm glad you won't be driving in that wintery mix.

    Tomorrow I'm having coffee with a friend I haven't seen since before Christmas. I called her a few weeks ago to catch up and found out that both her retinas had detached and she had already had surgery on each. I asked her if both were healing and she said not yet. She had a follow-up appointment this afternoon and I'm sure I'll get details in the morning. If you would, add my friend Beth to your prayers for her eyesight.

    UPDATE: She had 2 different kinds of surgeries (one was an emergency). They are slowly healing and all her doctor will say is, "it's progressing - I'll see you next month." Her right eye still sees things very fuzzy (fuzzier than her prescription can correct). Her left eye sees more clearly, but everything looks like a Picasso painting ("your face is over here, but the top of your head is over here"). She's feeling blessed that she has her eyesight at all, I'm praying for a more complete healing of her vision.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Definitely keeping your friend in prayer, Cindy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying for Beth, Cindy! Having a giant floater in my vision from Viscous Detachment is hard enough, I can't imagine having my retina detach.

    Connie, so glad things went well at Mom's and you had such warm days to enjoy your time with her. We have cooled down the past two days, but today is sunny and chilly!

    The little girl who is part of our Church body is having her surgery today. Please keep Angelia and her family in your prayers. Her surgery will be off and on all day as they shave off layers of her cancer to be sure that they get it all. Thank you!