


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I found a very nice place today that I felt much more at ease with, but still not a lot of Christian influence. They do have a Bible Study every week led by one of the residents. I am hoping that one of the ones I look at tomorrow is the one. It is a smaller home with larger rooms. It is on one level, so not as easy to get lost in. I drove by it today just to get a feel from outside and it is a lovely campus.

    I am hoping that the other one I look at tomorrow isn't the's half again as much money as the one today! I had to check it out, though. A lady from our church lived there before she passed and her family loved it. It has been sold since then, though. I have two tomorrow and two on Wednesday. Hopefully between those and the two that I have visited, something will stand out.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying you find just the right place!

    Taking Premarin Mist and that has helped my breathing. Thank You, Jesus for helping it to work well. God is good!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited October 2023
    Also praying you'll find just the right fit for your mom.

    It's pamper me day... getting a pedicure this afternoon. Just a buff and shine - no color. My favorite part is the foot massage. 🥰 Ordered a Starbucks latte for pickup along the way.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I ordered some Starbucks Pumpkin Spice coffee pods. The first two tasted great, but then the next several have tasted like plain old coffee. I add my pumpkin spice syrup to it and my vanilla milk. I ordered some pumpkin spice oat milk to put in it and then just regular coffee when the pods are gone. I get six shelf-stable 32 oz containers so that should last me awhile. Yummers!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2023
    I visited 6 different Assisted Living facilities. The first 2 were good, but so confusing. I was lost the whole time I was there. I knew I needed smaller so Mom would feel more at home. I found one all on one level and really liked the people. I thought it was probably the one, but still didn't feel quite right. The next one was another one that was multi floors, and a different area for everything they do.....and $3000 a month MORE than the others. The apartment was okay, but no better than the one level place. The last day I visited 2. The first one I LOVED the apartment, and I really liked the administrator that I toured with. It was less expensive than some, but it was HUGE and quite a bit older. I told the lady that my mom would be lost! She promised that it would be their job to make sure that she wasn't lost. It had a HUGE indoor swimming pool, hot tub and great activities. I called my step daughter and asked if she would go with me to tour the one level place and that one. Then, I went to the last place. It isn't one level, but it was much easier to get around. Her apartment would be about 50 ft from the elevator and if she went the wrong way, she would come to the end of the hall, so would know to go the other direction. When she would go down the elevator, she would be right in front of the dining room, the TV room and a little alcove. Basically all of the activities are in one of those three locations. The apartment is a good size, just doesn't have as much storage as the other....but maybe a bit more actual floor space. Terry and I are going there and touring it again on Monday. It felt like it would be easy for mom and a nice 1 bedroom apartment. Now, getting Mom acclimated to having to move to Kansas will be a huge issue...and getting her assets figured out for paying the rent. She has a ton of CDs, so we would have to take some penalties on the lower interest ones to start with.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Whew! I can't imagine how you kept them all straight! I'm glad you found one that you think will work out. Prayers for a little rest for you this weekend
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh wow. In one way I'm glad you had so many choices, but it had to be hard to have to go through them all. So glad Terry is going to help you. You continue to be in my prayers!

    I have been having breathing problems for a couple of weeks now. Years ago I was diagnosed with allergy-related asthma and took meds to help with that. The breathing resolved itself, other than the occasional one day when the issue would show itself, and then go away again. I started to take Primatene Mist to see if that would help, but, because it had epinephrine in it I sent a note to my NP's office to see if it was something I could take. They called back yesterday afternoon after having a doctor assess the situation and told me to STOP taking the Primatene. One time wouldn't hurt, but I should do more than that. Well, I'd used it seven or eight times! EEK! It helped a little bit, but not overall. I'm going to go in and see the Doctor on Monday (if it hasn't resolved itself by then) and see what she has to say. I've had all the asthma tests and they came out negative, had doctors listen to my lungs and hear nothing but clear lungs - so I just hesitate to go to the doctor with it because they aren't going to find anything. I think my allergy doctor gave me that diagnosis because he couldn't find anything but needed to put a name to it. Just like with my heart issue. There's a problem, but the tests showed a healthy heart - so they gave a diagnosis of inappropriate sinus tachycardia. No other doctor I tell that to has ever heard of it - I guess it's unique to me. All of these tests were done at least 10 years ago, and some even longer - so who knows, maybe they have answers now. I just can't afford to do all the tests until I turn 65 next August! But - Jesus knows exactly what is going on and He has the power to heal it. If that isn't happening, then He has another plan for why this is going on and I need to be open and ready for whatever He has purposed for this trouble. He is with us in the difficult times and in the good times and His word says we are to be thankful all the time (not for the problem, but that God is with us in the midst of the problem and He has something good planned to come out of it if we are faithful).

    I hope y'all are able to have a restful weekend and a good time of worship on Sunday!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    How did your second tour on Monday go, Connie?
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    The tour on Monday went great and my stepdaughter loved the place. She just shook her head when we walked in and said that it was beautiful.
    When we left I asked her for a one word description and she said, "peaceful". Now, there are a bunch of gears and cogs that need to fit together. If they don't mesh, we will be in a mess. And mom says she won't do it because insurance won't pay...but I told her they would be kicking her out of the nursing/rehab soon because insurance won't pay. I don't want her mad at me, but I think when we move her furniture that she will enjoy a nice apartment with familiar furniture and decor.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Connie, that is so important. Mom had a sister who moved in with her son and he didn't let her bring anything of her own. It was terrible. We determined Mom could have whatever she wanted (which ended up being her whole house of furniture and goods)! She really appreciated it because she felt at home. I'm so glad you found the right place. I will be praying that everything works out if God wants her there. I heard once that we begin with someone taking care of us and telling us what to do; then we get to be in that position where we take care of others; then we end up back where we started, someone taking care of us and directing our lives. Sometimes it feels like it happens way too quickly!

    Saw the NP yesterday for my breathing trouble. My lungs were clear, praise the Lord for that. She thinks it's the GERD/acid reflux. I didn't know breathing problems came with that, but I've had breathing problems in the past and have struggled with acid reflux since my teens. I've been taking milder acid reducers, so she prescribed a full-strength one (one I'd taken in the past) and I need to call her in a week if that hasn't helped. I looked up GERD and breathing problems, and it appears that it's very common and GERD and asthma are closely tied. Some study done at Cleveland Clinic found that the majority of those who had asthma also had GERD, and those who had GERD were found to have asthma as well. Strange. They talked about aspirating stomach acid and not even knowing it. I've aspirated it a couple of times and known it! Wow, terrible burning in my lungs. I've probably had some damage from that, but it seems my lungs are working fine otherwise. They sound clear when she listens to them. So, I'm praying the pantoprozole works for this because not being able to catch my breath is tiring me out! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited November 2023
    I have felt so lazy this week. I did a lot last week to get ready for the kids coming over on Saturday. That always makes for 3 loads of dishes after they leave. And I just haven't recuperated from that very well.

    We're up to 15 now with the 6 grandkids and two of our kids are adding to their families next year. My youngest daughter and her husband are expecting their 2nd in early February and our #2 son and his wife are expecting their 4th. Anyway, it'll be an even more delightful crowd when we all get together for holidays and birthdays next year. Not sure what we'll do for extra seating. Right now I have an extra high chair that my daughter bought to keep here and my dad's old high chair with no tray that we push up to the table. It's a nice problem to have.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - so exciting to see the family grow!

    Keep us in prayer- seems like I say that a lot! Mom isn't happy about moving, but it is now a done deal. She did very well with the facetime interview with Assisted Living. She is being released on the 10th, so we are trying to get everything moved and set up before that. She is a little nervous about learning a new routine, but I can't leave her in Dixon with me 200+ miles away. And the nursing home there is okay, but her room is just a room and shared at some point. She is being released because she no longer needs care, but cannot live alone.

    Our biggest issue right now is trying to get people to help us load and unload the truck. So far, I have no confirmation of help in either place. I may be doing the lifting myself. I'm pretty sure we will be able to get people here, but Dixon is turning out to be very difficult. I don't even know where to hire...

    Right now, my two step-daughters and son-in-law are coming down to Dixon on Wednesday and we are picking up a UHaul after they arrive. We will fill it and they will head back to Kansas. On Thursday they will take it to the assisted living and unload and set up her apartment. Bill and I will stay in Dixon to finish up business and get Mom on Friday. We should be taking her directly to an apartment set up with her furniture, clothes, decor, etc.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - I should have acknowledged the breathing issues. I have the allergy caused asthma. This time of year it is brutal, and then cold weather makes it hard to breathe. I am coughing now, but not what I would call an attack...not bad enough to use inhaler. When they were diagnosing me, and I was trying to find my main triggers, they had me on a med for GERD/Acid reflux. I knew that wasn't the cause, and they were pretty sure it wasn't, but they wanted to assure that it was actually asthma. I took the meds for a month, coughing like Barky the Seal the entire month. I'm so glad that I don't have those severe attacks often!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I think that the GERD med is working for me. I'm not struggling as much, and it's easier to catch my breath when I feel like I need that deep breath. I yawn a lot (which often has me sitting there with my mouth open while trying to get that yawn to catch - :p I had all of the asthma testing but it was all negative - I even had a breathing issue while taking the tests, having to stop so I could catch my breath - but it all came out normal. I never (and neither did my doctors) connected my GERD/reflux with my breathing problems, but they've always been there at the same time, so... I had tried to take the Primatene but a doctor in my PCP's office told me to stop, I shouldn't take that if I'm taking any kind of medication, let along heart medication. But it wasn't my lungs after all, so not a problem!

    I'm so glad you found a place for your mom. I know how much they buck giving up their independence, but it won't be long before she is happy where she is, and finding new friends and activities will, hopefully, keep her too busy to stay mad for long! I'm so glad she will be near to you, so much easier to visit her. Hope all goes well with getting her moved. You continue to be in my prayers!

    Wade's been painting! He finished the walls in the kitchen, they are a lighter color than the cupboards and they look so nice. We painted the living room a pale teal on the top and he is painting the paneling that is on the bottom a white and it looks so fresh! We left the wall that is all paneling alone, and one wall has the half and half, but that is covered with furniture, so we didn't mess with that one (yet)! He still has some outside stuff he wants to get done before winter hits, but we have at least a week of 60s and 70s coming up, so he has time! The posts holding up the little roof over our front door have rusted nearly away, so he is putting up wooden posts there, then getting more gutters put up and some windows caulked and he should be done with that. He has a hernia so he is trying not to do any lifting and taking things easier than he normally would. He goes to see the surgeon soon and will hopefully get that fixed. Getting old is sure not boring!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I just have to give a testimony! When I went yesterday to pay for Mom's new apartment, they told me that there had been a change in the pricing of the units and care. They said that they would honor the price quoted on the apartment (which went up about $330 per month), but they would lower the cost of care to the new rate.

    Let me just explain to you...
    Cost of care that I was afraid she would qualify for - $3040 per month
    Original Cost of Care that I hoped for - $1980 per month
    Cost of care that she actually qualified for - $1220...I almost shouted Hallelujah when she told me that!
    NEW COST OF CARE for same level care - 500 a month!

    This took this beautiful apartment and complex to by far the cheapest one that we looked at. It was actually the second most expensive. If we would have signed a day earlier or a few days later, this would not have meshed like it did. ONLY GOD!!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Oh that is a wonderful testimony of God's provision!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praise the Lord, Connie. Definitely see the hand of God in that!

    Scary the hate going on in our country, and all over lies. It's not surprising, that the Jews have been hated since the days of Jacob when they retook the land promised to them by God. I would love to ask these people why they hate the Jews so much as they try to promote and vicious terror group. I saw on the news today that there is a man who is putting together The Voices Out of Gaza, Palestinians who are saying that the mobs around the world aren't helping them, but making things worse. It's Hamas who is making their lives miserable, not the Jews. Do you think anyone on the outside will believe those voices when they won't believe the pictures they have seen coming out of Israel and the unimaginable evil they did to Israel? I think they have let themselves be consumed by this propaganda. God isn't surprised, He told us that this was going to happen, it's still scary, because Christians will be next, and actually already have felt the hand of persecution. Thank the Lord we will be gone when the worst of it happens.

    Still have breathing problems. Yesterday was very bad, today is a wee bit better. Friday and Saturday were pretty good and I thought we had found the answer, but yesterday was not good at all. I'm exhausted trying to catch my breath. I called my NP this morning and told her that I wasn't feeling any better than I did when I saw her last Monday, so she will have to come up with another idea since my lungs appear to be fine and the oxometer says I am getting enough air. God knows and He will lead me to the answer, heal me, or give me grace to deal with it - He is good and loves me no matter what.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I had some blood tests and a chest x-ray yesterday. The x-ray was fine but one of the blood tests for blood clots was high, so I am going to have a CAT scan this morning. Please keep me in your prayers. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Sending prayers your way, Kim.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited November 2023
    Kim, I am praying for you! I also wanted to let you know, that even when my asthma was its absolute worst, my oxygen levels were good. That's the reason they tried the acid reflux meds on me. When they ran the panel of allergies, they changed their minds....I am allergic to everything.