WaistAways - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    08/20 exercise -
    9649 steps and 9 minutes yoga

    Brad and I had a lovely day off and both agree it felt like a Saturday, which is great for our weekend enjoyment!

    We are back home tomorrow to go out for my brother's birthday dinner. He turns 30 on Monday but heads back home to Montreal Sunday. He chose one of those all you can eat Brazilian steakhouses. Not the kind of thing that appeals to me anymore, but part of life and me figuring this thing out is how I attend these things and make different choices than I would have before.

    Hard to believe there are only two more weekends in August! What's everyone up to?
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 553 Member
    @jugar CW 180.6
    Well, it’s not totally horrible considering the salt laden snacks at Dad & Anne’s! Things will improve when you’re here. I sure hope you have clear sailing across the border, otherwise I’ll need to have my friend Maria on call.
    Surgery time was confirmed for 8:00 a.m. Monday. fingers crossed that the hurricane stays away from Vermont.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @jugar @EvMakesChanges - Congrats that you two get to be together! I didn't realize you were sisters <3 Recovery is always better with a friend and maybe more so with a sister!

    Thanks for everybody's feedback about the Ritz or crackers! I do feel much better.

    CW: 166
    PW: 166

    @jugar - My weight this week has bounced around but averaged right back out... I think my logging early did help me unlock a new pattern in my eating though. If I take the time and effort to plan that morning I stay on track for the day.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    @Kali225 way to go on the grocery store win.. popping in before a meal is tough but you had a good conversation with yourself. Thanks for reporting your running time as you do get additional step credit for runs :)

    @conleywoods sounds like a ton of adjustment coming up for your family fairly quickly here. The packing school lunches is a big thing.. I am starting to think about lunch prep myself for Brad and I's return to office but we don't have kids to think of on top of that.

    @micki48 so frustrating to have gone through all that education and to feel underutilized eh... that's not what people put in the time, effort and money for. I forget what field it is she's in?

    Almost time to go to that big birthday dinner... just got back from my walk and am almost at my 10,000 steps for the day so I'm happy about that!

    Hope travels are going well @jugar ... assuming if Evelyn's surgery is Monday you must be in transit around now.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    PW 88
    CW 89.
    At this point I'm just feeling embarrassed. I can't seem to get my head in the right place and I've run out of excuses. I need to accept that life is stressfull and will likely stay that way for a few more years. And I need to stop using a crisis as an excuse because there is a new crisis every week.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    I hope the birthday party for your brother is a blast! Those single price all you can eat restaurants LOVE people like you - stay on your path and they make some money :mrgreen: My ensemble worked on a project with an amazing videographer who was something like 6'7" and could eat for Canada. We often ate at an all you can eat sushi place for dinner after rehearsing all day and before our evening session. He could put away so much sushi that I am sure they hated it when we ate there. At least there were a couple of us who were small and reasonable!

    There is nothing to be embarrassed about - staying the same for a long period and not being able to get it going happens. You will finally get to the "just do it" point (again!) and remember that talking about it or meaning to do it isnot enough. Life is stressful indeed, and wanting to change your eating habits and emotional patterns around eating is stressful too. I can remember feeling panic every time I decided to get back on track. Every time. But once it starts, it feels good - so keep trying for that first day. It will feel good. Hopefully you'll want to do another one. If it is not yet the time, that's ok too. Stick around and don't give up on the dream even if it is hard to get it going.

    You won! I love those moments where you pick up a trigger food, think about it, re-read the nutrition info, and know that it is not worth it. The best no! WTG :heart:

    Losing again!! Good for you!

    We had a hot hot hot day today, working in the garden was hard. Luckily it got cloudier in the afternoon and did not feel as bad. We had a birthday dinner for our son tonight, and instead of cake he wanted chocolatines (chocolate in puff pastry like a croissant). The nearby little town has a fabulous bakery where the pastry person worked for 25 years at a 5 star hotel nearby, and finally got fed up with the hours, working every holiday, and the general relentlessness of the place. Now she bakes for this little store that sells only local products from beer to meat, cheese, herbal concoctions, you name it. She is also the wife of the farrier who has trimmed our horses feet for years. They are a hilarious couple - he uses every single crazy Québécois swear word in frequent rotation, and she is named Angèle and makes pastry like a goddess. So, for my son, I got Angèle's chocolatines and I think we are all way over calories but in heaven this evening. I don't even like chocolate, but there is just a small amount of really excellent chocolate in the middle, and it is not overwhelming. I only managed about a third of one, but man, was it good.

    So tomorrow morning is tally time, and then I'll hop in the car and see if they'll let me cross the border to Vermont. It is still "essential travel only" so I have to convince them it is essential! I think it will be OK.

    let's get these last weigh-ins done, and we'll be off and running into week 4!!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    @ashleycarole86 steps for Saturday: 11,005

    probably my first time getting steps in ON time in about 7 months :D
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    edited August 2021
    @Kali225 and what great effort towards a week of consistent exercise it was!! 👏 Great work!!!

    @Pearl4686 Showing up consistently as part of a group of like minded people matters.. glad that you're here and nothing to be embarrassed about. Sometimes the only place we need to be is right where we already are. Sounds like you've got a lot going on and that you're figuring out what you need to do to make things work for you.

    Brad and I had a great time at the birthday.. we both definitely ate more than normal but I don't feel bad about how it went. I got my exercise before (08/22 exercise - 11,273 steps), ate lighter going into it, and didn't eat to a sickly level of fullness. BUT, places like that will never be a good idea for me on a frequent basis, and luckily aside from a special occasion or two, I won't be stepping foot in them that often.

    After the dinner, Brad and I went to see Free Guy (joining the Waistaways club of folks who went before us). First of all, I just LOVE the theatre atmosphere.. makes me happy. It was a great date and I thought the movie was very creative.

    I think we'll have something fun up our sleeve tomorrow - a big walk or bike ride of some sort.

    @jugar Hope your border experience is smooth... and those pastries sound amazing!!! Hope your son felt the love for his special celebration <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Tally Day!
    I'm just about to start the tallies - the people who are missing have a short time to get it together! I'll catch it in the next half hour and then it is too late...


    hope to see you quick!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 10,174
    30 min intervals
    Mon 12,367
    10 min Barre
    Tues 11,995
    Wed 13,208
    Thurs 14,143
    30 min intervals
    Fri 13,228
    Sat 14,300

    I did not meet my 4 workout goal, but I hit my steps everyday. I was planning to workout yesterday but I took the baby for a long walk because she woke up at 4:30 🤯
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar and @EvMakesChanges enjoy your time together. I hope the surgery goes well. Did you ladies grow up in Canada or the States?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @jugar and @EvMakesChanges enjoy your time together. I hope the surgery goes well. Did you ladies grow up in Canada or the States?

    We grew up in the States, but I left in 1977 - first to The Netherlands, and then to Canada in 1979. Been here ever since! I'm glad my sister is not far away, though :smiley:
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Your WEEK FOUR CHALLENGE is up and ready for you!

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Thank you all for your encouraging words! I am trying to get one perfect day (@jugar that has worked before :) thanks) and hope once I get going, I can keep up some momentum. I will also try post here more often, that has helped in the past.
    And I agree I need to stop beating myself up over it. Last night was so frustrating because it marked a regain of the 5 kg loss I worked so hard to achieve.
    Onwards and upwards...
    I haven't kept up with everyone's journey here, but I can see some amazing achievements- so inspiring!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    Happy Sunday all! Just went to the week 4 challenge and made my commitment for today... my commitment for today is to have a higher step count day today than my highest last week. I did 12388 steps as my highest last week so looking for 12389 or above :)

    Off to do yoga and get things started! Enjoy the day.
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